Overview of the Eco-Grand septic tank: device, principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages of the system
Autonomous sewage confidently displaces cesspools from summer cottages and private households. One of the optimal solutions to the problem of waste disposal is the Eco-Grand septic tank. A Russian-made device with components HIBLOW (Japan) and Karcher (Germany), which at a relatively reasonable price is quite high quality.
We offer to understand why the installation of the company "Eco-Grand" has gained popularity among consumers. For the objectivity of the assessment, along with the positive aspects of operation, we noted the weaknesses of the treatment plant.
From the presented article you will learn how the unit is arranged and works, what are the features of the installation and maintenance of the septic tank. In addition, following the practical recommendations, you can choose the appropriate model of the treatment tank, taking into account the upcoming operating conditions.
The content of the article:
How is the Eco-Grand septic tank arranged?
Outwardly, septic tanks of this type have a cubic configuration traditional for such devices. The durable plastic tank is closed with a metal lid, in which holes have been made for venting the device, supplying electricity, etc.
Inside, the space is divided into four main compartments through which waste water circulates.
The operation of the Eco-Grand septic tank is ensured by two high-quality Hiblow compressors made in Japan, which differ not only in increased reliability, but also in relatively small sizes compared to domestic counterparts.
The deflector and aerator are devices designed to saturate drains with air received from the surface.
Filters trap and collect garbage that is not recyclable with bacterial cultures. The movement of wastewater between the individual compartments of the septic tank is carried out using airlifts and overflows.
It is worth noting that the casing of the device is made of very durable and environmentally friendly homogeneous propylene.

The high quality of septic tanks for summer cottages with the Eco-Grand logo is ensured not only through the use of high-quality materials and advanced technologies.
Before going on sale, the device is tested on special stands, which allows you to immediately diagnose defects and quickly eliminate them.

The principle of operation of the device
Eco-Grand septic tanks, like other treatment facilities of this type, operate using the principles of biological treatment. It is carried out by introducing into the colony's sewer capacity bacterial culturesspecially selected for this purpose.
Eco-Grand septic tanks use varieties of aerobic bacteria. The functioning of these organisms requires constant access to air, in contrast to anaerobic cultures, which can live and develop even in conditions of complete tightness. Microorganisms working in septic tanks are sensitive to the content of effluents.

The number of bacteria can be affected by aggressive technical fluids, mold, chlorine-containing substances, etc. This point should be taken into account before starting the septic tank.
Vital activity of aerobic bacteria is also accompanied by the release of a certain amount of heat, which additionally protects the device from hypothermia during winter colds.
As already mentioned, the device is divided into four main departments. First, the effluents enter the receiving chamber, where they are intensively saturated with air and come into contact with bacterial cultures.
Active aeration is performed using compressors and allows you to immediately solve several problems:
- creates a favorable environment for the successful life of aerobic bacteria, which increases the quality and speed of waste treatment;
- grinds incoming pollution, making the contents of the working environment more homogeneous;
- allows you to separate from the total mass of effluents and bring to the surface a portion of non-recyclable inclusions.
Under the influence of bacterial cultures, the active separation of sludge begins, which initially remains in the form of suspended particles in water. After that, the airlift moves the prepared effluents to the second compartment - aerotank - to continue processing them. Here, silty contents are formed at a more active pace.

To drain purified water from the Eco-Grand installation, you should create filtration field or filter well. Water can be used to water an area or fill a decorative pond. At the same time, aeration of the working fluid continues.
With the help of another airlift, the wastewater treated with bacteria enters the third compartment, which is called the sump. As the name implies, here the working fluid is located for some time so that the sludge contained in it accumulates below in the form of sediment.
The water remaining after settling passes through additional filtration and through the overflow enters the fourth compartment, from where it is discharged into the ground or into a separate drive.
If for some reason water drainage from the sump is not removed by gravity, for these purposes use drainage pump.
The resulting water can be used for irrigation or to meet the technical needs of the site. Although the degree of wastewater treatment using the Eco-Grand septic tank is quite high, it is still not recommended to use such water for drinking, cooking, washing or taking a shower.
Received neutral sludge using airlift is disposed of in the tank provided for these purposes. To do this, periodically use a special hose and the ability to switch the direction of the air flow.
The neutral sludge tank should be cleaned regularly, as well as the collection point of treated water, otherwise the effluent in the device may reach an overflow level. Neutral sludge is an excellent fertilizer, it can simply be applied to the soil on the site, thus improving the condition of the landscape.
Pros and cons of this septic tank
When comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the Eco-Grand septic tank, you can see that the former are much larger than the latter. Customers who have installed such an autonomous sewer and have been using it for some time, note the reliability of the device, its high quality and stable operation.

The range of septic tanks "Eco-Grand" is quite wide, they vary in performance, which can satisfy the needs of owners of small cottages, the need for large cottages, and even provide a small village with high-quality sewage.
All septic tanks manufactured under this brand are delivered almost ready-made, which greatly simplifies the process. arrangement of autonomous sewage.
It usually takes one business day to install the equipment, in some cases it may take two days.Exceeding the two-day installation period is extremely rare and is usually associated with emergency situations.
Installation work is usually carried out using common construction equipment: an excavator that will dig a pit and a truck crane to carefully lower the capacity into this pit.

With a strong desire and the presence of a team of construction friends, the installation of the Eco-Grand septic tank can even be done manually so as not to be spent on renting special equipment. The use of quality materials and equipment, as well as design features make it practically immune to corrosion.
Colds are also not afraid of such septic tanks, since the body material has reduced heat-conducting properties, and aerobic bacteria actively release thermal energy. All this makes Eco-Grand quite resistant even to severe frosts.
A septic tank works, located mainly underground, completely quiet, the process of processing wastewater is not accompanied by any unpleasant odors.
On the surface there is only a neat laconic design cover, which is almost invisible. If desired, this element is not at all difficult to decorate.
Maintenance of septic tanks Eco-Grand is also not particularly difficult. The owners of the device hardly need to invite a team of scavengers. Moreover, periodically the company offers the first free service as a gift, but this is subject to the purchase of a treatment plant from them.

Of course, sludge must be removed regularly. This is a substance useful for the soil, which can be safely applied to the soil on the site.
When disposing of this biomass, there will be no problem with unpleasant odors, as it happens in the process of pumping out cesspools. Pure water from biological waste treatment is suitable for irrigation or machine washing.
Resourceful owners of summer cottages successfully use this liquid for fountains, ponds or other similar decorative elements on the site. But it is not recommended to pour recycled water into the pool.
The disadvantages of Eco-Grand are the same as other structures of this type. First of all, critics note the dependence of the device on the availability of electrical energy.
But if there is no nutrition for a short time, this does not negatively affect the condition of the septic tank. In this case, the biological treatment process does not stop, although its speed slows down a little.
For long outages, it is recommended to control the amount of effluent so that the tank does not overflow, or use an alternative power source.

The weak point of the Eco-Grand installations is airlifts, which are easily clogged if small particles of non-recyclable waste, for example, plastic film, enter the sewers. As a result, you often have to clean the airlifts.
To prevent this problem is very simple, it is enough to protect all the drains with special protective nets and do not forget to control the composition of the contaminants that merge into the toilet.
Finally, for the safety of bacterial cultures, you will have to abandon household chemicals containing chlorine, as well as aggressive acidic or alkaline components. The death of microorganisms and the problems associated with this phenomenon usually do not immediately become apparent.
As a result, it may be necessary to thoroughly rinse the septic tank from incompletely processed effluents and re-populate a colony of bacteria in it. You can use purchased funds, for example, “Dr. Robik”.
How to choose a suitable model?
The septic tank models “Eco-Grand” differ in performance, which is reflected in the name of the device. For instance,Eco-Grand 5 designed to serve a home in which five people live permanently, Eco-Grand 8 designed for a cottage with eight residents, etc.
These two models, as well as Eco-Grand 10, are considered the most popular in private housing construction.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the smallest device from the family of these septic tanks - Eco-Grand 2. It features low performance and reasonable price. Suitable for small cottages, which are used only in the summer.
Of course, the name of the model is a very conditional indicator, you should focus on the exact technical characteristics of each device:
- Eco-Grand 5 - productivity is 1 cube. m per day, volley discharge no more than 250 l;
- Eco-Grand 8 - productivity is 1,6 cubic m per day, volley discharge no more than 470 l;
- Eco-Grand 10 - productivity is 2 cubic m per day, volley discharge no more than 790 liters.
Other models of these septic tanks are more productive, for example, Eco-Grand 15 can be used for the simultaneous processing of effluents from several small houses.Eco-Grand 150 - A powerful device that will satisfy the needs of a hotel or a small village.
In addition, two special modifications of the Eco-Grand septic tanks are distinguished, designed to improve its operation in particularly difficult conditions:
- Standard - devices with a pipe insert at a depth of 0.8 m;
- Long - models in which the insert of the sewer pipe is carried out at a depth of 0.8-1.4 m due to the increased level of groundwater;
- Long Extra or Superlong - modification with the possibility of low installation of the sewer inlet (from 1.4 m).
The septic tank model should be selected not so much for the number of residents as for a specific amount of waste. If you intend to service not only the house, but also the pool or bath located on the site, it is better to give preference to a more powerful septic tank model.
To take a larger sewer device also makes sense if in the near future the number of permanent residents increases or guests often stay in the house. However, purchasing an excessively large septic tank “just in case” is not worth it. The purchase of the device, its installation and maintenance will cost more, but these costs will not be justified.
Detailed installation instructions for septic tanks
Understanding the step-by-step installation technology of a sewage treatment plant will help to carry out installation independently or to monitor the actions of workers.
Features of the operation of Eco-Grand
The manufacturer claims that the Eco-Grand septic tanks require minimal maintenance efforts, and this is true.
Device owners are required to regularly perform the following simple steps:
- make sure that septic hazardous contaminants do not get into the sewer;
- regularly inspect the device for damage;
- control the liquid level in the tank to prevent overfilling;
- Dispose of accumulated sludge in a timely manner;
- correctly prepare septic tank for winter.
The list of substances that are poorly combined with the biological treatment order is quite wide. In addition to the previously mentioned chlorine-containing substances, as well as acids and alkalis, it is worth paying attention to many technical fluids: gasoline, oils, paints, antifreeze, etc. These substances cannot be poured into such a sewer.
Each cleaning agent will have to be checked for compliance with the requirements of the septic tank, and it is recommended to use aggressive household cleaning products no more than once a week.
To prevent the device from becoming clogged, virtually any non-degradable, non-organic pollution gets into the drains: sawdust, small construction debris, rags, film, etc.

Pet hair should also be included in this list - bacteria do not have time to process it, which leads to clogging of airlifts. Large volumes of plant waste can also be hazardous, especially if they are poorly shredded. Caution should also be exercised when disposing of unnecessary drugs.
If for some reason a small amount of garbage or aggressive substances has got into the sewer, do not panic. But the system should be monitored more closely to immediately identify the problem and eliminate it.
In some cases, it is not necessary to repair yourself, it is better to contact specialists. This recommendation is especially relevant if the warranty period has not yet expired.
Visual inspection of the Eco-Grand septic tank should be carried out at least once a month. Check the status of the drive for sludge, namely the level of its filling. In addition, you need to inspect the drain for purified water, it should not be clogged.
The lid of the septic tank should also be raised, make sure that the structure has no internal damage, and also evaluate the smell of the contents of the septic tank.

A change in the usual smell, especially the appearance of stench, may indicate that the number of bacteria in the septic tank has decreased to dangerously low levels.
In this case, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the death of microorganisms, as well as replenish their number to the required level.

To clean the receiver of sludge, you must first turn off the compressors. Then the mass of neutral sludge is pumped out of the reservoir using a drainage pump.You can immediately apply this fertilizer to the soil or compost it in a special pit.
With proper maintenance and operation, the Eco-Grand sewage treatment plant can last about 50 years. Therefore, immediately after the purchase and installation of a septic tank of this manufacturer, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with detailed manufacturer's instructions on maintenance of the model, and also, do not forget to perform correctly conservationif in winter a long break in operation is planned.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
This video demonstrates the description of the device and the principle of operation of the Eco-Grand septic tank:
Septic tanks "Eco-Grand" is a reliable autonomous sewage system, made to the highest modern standards. Proper operation, regular maintenance and competent installation will ensure this device a long period of uninterrupted operation.
Have experience using the Eco-Grand septic tank? Or have questions about the topic? Please share your opinion, leave comments and participate in the discussion of the material. The feedback block is located below.
Eco-Grand is really one of the most good domestic septic tanks, but you see, our developments here are at least. The technical base is still Japanese. I saw this septic tank in my work - of course, when there are funds for building my own house for good money, it would be foolish to use a cesspool in the absence of communications. Naturally, everyone uses a septic tank. As for electricity - where there is no sewage and it is necessary to install a septic tank, believe me, everyone has generators, so this is not a problem.
I am interested in how long this septic tank can do without electricity? In our village, there are interruptions in the supply, albeit not so often. I’m thinking of putting Eco-Grand-5, but if they cannot live without electricity at all, then I’ll have to buy something else.
Good afternoon, Cyril. This directly depends on the selected volume of the septic tank and the activity of effluent discharge during lack of electricity. If the filling volume is exceeded (in the absence of light, the alarm also does not work), the effluent will enter the compartment with the control unit installed. Also, with a prolonged lack of electricity, aerobic bacteria can die. All stations are more or less dependent on light.
Keep in mind that stations like Eco-Grand (Astra, etc.) are controlled by an electromagnetic valve that is sensitive to power surges. The factory instructions indicate that a stabilizer must be installed to maintain warranty.
I recommend paying attention to the Tver station, most of the processes in which occur naturally. Detailed review on our website here.