An overview of the Sanex product line for cesspools: reviews and instructions for use
The device of autonomous sewage at the summer cottage differs from centralized systems in that it requires constant maintenance throughout - from flush points to the cesspool. Particular attention is required to the final point, which from time to time must be released.
To facilitate the cleaning and disinfection process, Sanex is used for cesspools - an effective biological product. This material will discuss the principle of action of the drug, its varieties and methods of use.
The content of the article:
How to solve the problem of recycling in the country?
In order to choose the right type of sewage system and ensure fast and efficient wastewater treatment, it is necessary to consider several factors, among which:
- number of residents;
- permanent or temporary residence;
- total volume of wastewater;
- nature of drains, etc.
Ideally, the laying of the sewer system and the selection of a septic tank occurs at the design stage, but this is only possible when building a new house.
More often, communications have to be redone from the old ones - due to an increase in the number of permanent residents or a planned increase in the level of comfort.

Everything does not end at the change of pipes or house repairs; installation of a new tank for collecting and processing waste is often required.
There are four solutions to the problem:
- local sewage treatment plant (VOC) - an automatic station that cleans effluents by 95-98% with subsequent secondary use of liquid for household purposes;
- three-chamber or two-chamber septic tankhaving several stages of cleaning (factory or built by yourself);
- accumulative single-chamber septic tank from which effluents are pumped out, is partially processed into feedstock for compost.
- an absorption well with a filter bottom, which performs additional treatment of wastewater treated in a septic tank during their passage through a soil filtering bed;
- cesspool - sealed container requiring regular cleaning.
In fact, the last two options are varieties of a traditional summer cottage, with the difference that the possibility of filtering creates the natural treatment of most of the effluents, therefore, waste collection has to be organized much less frequently.

Each type of treatment plant has its own characteristics. For example, for the smooth operation of VOCs, the presence of electricity is necessary. The installation of a septic tank requires sufficient space for digging a large pit for 2-3 compartments or organizing a volumetric filtration field.
For the processing of waste in cesspools, special biological products are needed - we will talk about them in more detail.
The principle of action of biological preparations
Drain pits are a viable medium packaged in small dosed portions (for ease of use) and in liquid, powder or solid form. This is a complex of microorganisms, bacteria and enzymes living from decaying organic waste.

Before you start using bacteria for septic tanks, you need to get acquainted with the following information:
- in order for the biological product to work, special conditions should be created, for example, to ensure a favorable temperature (from about +4 ° С to +40 ° С);
- bacteria are able to almost completely process sewage, but subject to strict implementation of the instructions (compliance with dosage, laying time, etc.);
- the mass treated with microorganisms becomes safe and in some cases can be reused;
- the correct use of biological agents can almost completely eliminate the unpleasant odor;
- Bacteria “are not friends” with aggressive chemicals that are contained in disinfecting cleaners: chlorine, phenols, alkalis, aldehydes.
Consider how the process of processing plums from start to finish. Microorganisms in a "sleeping" state fall into a favorable (liquid and warm) environment, become active and begin to multiply.
Colonies of bacteria live due to the processing of organic matter, which enters the pit through sewer pipes, less often - directly.

Bioactivators quickly decompose the contents of toilets, paper, food debris, fat. At the same time, plastic or concrete, of which modern cesspools are most often made, remain intact.
As a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, all waste is converted into water, sludge and carbon dioxide. A relatively small formation of a solid precipitate is possible, which is subsequently removed manually.
The remaining waste is an un clarified liquid, but already without a pungent odor. In a septic tank, water is purified in the second chamber and goes to the ground for post-treatment. In a primitive storage tank - pumped out by a pump fecal type. A sludge-like substance is used as compost.
Types of environmental products brand Saneks
Sanex biologics over the past years have proven themselves and have an extensive audience of regular users. This is an American product that is produced in Poland.
The official representative of the trademark in Russia is K&K CJSC, the office is located in Moscow. In other countries, the drug may have a different name.

A line of bioactivators for various purposes is presented on the market:
- Saneks - means for country toilets and cesspools;
- Eco-drain - a prophylactic drug against the occurrence of blockages and to remove deposits in sewer communications;
- EcoSeptic - a means for cleaning waste in septic tanks of a combined type;
- EcoCompost - accelerator for the rapid maturation of compost;
- EcoPond - a means to maintain the purity of water in ponds and aquariums.
As you can see, all the tools are designed for use on a suburban area. Santex, EcoSliv, EcoSeptic can be considered as drugs that effectively help to process sewage. They have a similar principle of operation, but differ in application.

EcoSeptic is designed to accelerate the decomposition of biological waste in any type of septic tank of a mixed type, that is, it can include both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
One of the positive consequences of a change in the biological environment is the complete or partial elimination of the unpleasant odor inherent in sewer structures of a primitive type.

Bacteria are able to multiply and secrete enzymes necessary for the “digestion” of effluents only at positive temperature (the exact parameters are usually indicated on the package).Therefore, to increase efficiency, it is necessary to take care of the heat insulation of the septic tank or install it below the zone of seasonal freezing of the soil. The same requirements apply to the cesspool, which we will talk about in more detail.
Sanex Cleaner for Cesspools
If your cottage does not have an automatic sewage treatment plant, and the usual cesspool plays the role of the only reservoir for sewage, we recommend that you regularly use the Sanex bioactivator.
Advantages and disadvantages of the drug
If you have ever used tools to speed up the process of decomposing biowaste, the principle of Sanex will seem familiar to you.
Bacterial strains and enzymes that make up a powder or liquid substance act the same way - they quickly process cellulose, starch, fats, plant fibers, that is, any products of organic origin.
The main advantage is the increased degree of comfort, which consists in simplified maintenance of the cesspool. Instead of regularly calling the scavengers, an easy procedure for adding the substance is required.
If the processing process is started and adjusted, the result will be obvious quickly enough - in a couple of weeks. The first sign is the disappearance of a specific "flavor."

The list of the main advantages of the bioactivator, noted by regular users-summer residents, is as follows:
- accelerating the processing of wastewater and sewage;
- the possibility of reuse of decomposition products (activated sludge and liquids that have passed the additional stage of clarification);
- maintaining an environmentally balanced microclimate in the summer cottage;
- the optimal ratio of effective cleaning and minimum costs for its organization;
- the absence of chemical components in the composition of the substance used.
When using Sanex, the risk of contamination of the surrounding area, including soil intended for garden planting, will disappear. The sewage entering the soil after biological treatment is absolutely safe.
The manufacturer guarantees that the volume of solid sludge that accumulates over time at the bottom of the tank will not bother the residents of the house for a long period, since it occupies only about 3% of the total volume of sewage.
This means that the services of cesspool workers will still be required, but not every 1-2 months, as usual, but once every 5-7 years.

If you decide to clean the drains already in a practically filled cesspool, you will need at least 3-4 months. It is better to start the biological treatment process when the tank is at least half full.
The disadvantages of the application are usually considered the whims of microorganisms, the reproduction of which requires a favorable environment: a special temperature range, a sufficient amount of liquid, for some species - the access of oxygen. Sometimes you have to completely change the usual range of cleaning products used in the household.
The main disadvantage is the defective wastewater treatment, but it is impossible even with multi-level treatment in VOCs.
Detailed instructions for use
Bioactivator can be purchased in a specialized store or on the website of an intermediary company. It is sold in small, easy-to-use packages weighing 100 grams. and 400 gr. For calculations and dosing, they usually take a dessert spoon, the volume of which is 10 g.
Any product of this type is equipped with detailed instructions that indicate when, how and in what proportions the product should be added to the storage tank.

There is such a thing as a starting dose. This is a certain amount of funds that is necessary to start the waste processing process. It depends on the type of cesspool and its volume.
According to the manufacturer’s conditions, all tanks can be divided into three categories:
- standard type summer toilets located outside the residential building;
- cesspools without drainage;
- drain pits with a filter bottom (drainage).
Thus, in order to activate the bioprocessing of waste in a country toilet with a pit of 2-3 m³, you will have to use a starting filling of 50 gr., I.e. 5 dessert spoons. For a cesspool without drainage with a volume of up to 6 m³, 120 g are required. For a drain pit with filtration of a volume of 12 m³ - 160 g.
The starting dose is more than monthly supplements, since the “work” for bacteria in the first stage is much larger, and some of them may die. In the future, the regular dose is reduced. The exact numbers are indicated in the instructions in the form of a table:

Then the contents are thoroughly mixed, kept for about half an hour and poured directly into the sewer sump. If a toilet is installed at home, then you can use it for pouring.
The recycling process will start faster if the first time after starting backfill you limit the amount of household effluents associated with washing or cleaning the premises. The main principle of high-quality cleaning is more organics, less chemistry.

User reviews
Many summer residents do not trust advertising campaigns and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of a particular drug according to reviews of people who previously used Sanex. Recommendations can also be subjective, so it is better to focus on real facts, for example, the experience of using a bioactivator by a neighbor in the country.
You can see with your own eyes the result of biological processing and decide whether the products of this brand are suitable for your cesspool.
Saneks refers to those funds that have long been popular among summer residents, so finding an environmentally friendly hole is not difficult. Pay attention to the presence of smell and ask how often the sediment is excavated.
If the answers and a visual sample suit you, try an experiment on your site. In about 90% of cases, beginners are completely satisfied with the result.

Cost and calculation for a year
Now the drug can be purchased in packs of 100 grams. or 400 gr., Polish products are most often found. As of January 2017, packages of 100 gr. cost from 230 to 300 rubles, 400 gr. - from 630 to 810 rubles.
Pay attention to small wholesale lots, convenient for purchase and use. As a rule, the seller resets the price for a set of 4, 6, 10, 20 packages, as a result, you can additionally buy a couple more pieces. For example, if the price for 1 package is 630 rubles, then 20 will cost you 530 rubles already. a piece.

Calculate the amount of bioactivator for a particular cesspool can be according to the table. For example, if you have a normal street toilet, a large 400-gram package will be enough for the next year (12-14 months), and in the future you will need even less.
Useful recommendations and tips from summer residents
Even a strict adherence to the instructions does not always give a 100 percent result, sometimes you have to deal with nuances that are not described in the application. Solve small problems will help more experienced fellow summer residents.
Here are some suggestions:
- Do not worry about a change in the liquid level in the sump - it may decrease due to the action of the bioactivator or increase due to a decrease in the permeability of the drainage layer. The groundwater level also has some effect.
- If the quantity of treated effluents seems large, use a drainage or fecal pump to pump out.
- In winter, biological processing may stop due to severe frosts: warm the pit or wait for the thaw.
- It is better to hide drugs safe for health away from children and animals - they are not designed for oral administration.
- Do not be surprised if your “leakproof” pit suddenly began to let fluid into the soil - over time, bacteria cleanse the bottom, more dense layer of waste.
- To soften a hard old sediment, add more liquid.
As you can see, servicing a cesspool with additional biological processing is not difficult.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
With the following videos, you can expand your knowledge of cottage toilet facilities.
Experience in the practical use of biological products:
The use of funds based on nitrate oxidizing agents:
If your summer cottage has a cesspool that requires regular cleaning, be sure to use the bio-activator Sanex. It will not only save you from regular communication with the scavengers, but will also improve the ecological situation in the country, and this is very important for a comfortable stay and for getting a good harvest.
Please write comments in the block below. Perhaps you have experience using the Sanex bioactivator and you can share your impressions or tell the nuances of using the drug to our readers.
We know Saneks well, we have been using it for a long time in a cesspool in a street toilet. At first it was a banal pit, and in the summer everything was fine, but in the spring it became clear that the bacteria did not survive the frosts and died. So I bought a septic tank and insulated it. This solved the problem. Once in three years we pumped out solid sludge, and even for our own comfort, it was not enough. Now I spend the sewer in the house, in the kitchen including, I am thinking about the question - what to do with so much household chemicals that will go into the sewer. Either make a separate septic tank for a “non-toilet” sewage system, or simply bring a ditch to the forest for a summer cottage?
Hello. Bacteria, as you rightly noted, will die from household chemicals.Therefore, the option of withdrawing sewage to another place is advisable if it exists and you are not going to use pumping.
In general, a summer cottage is not for year-round living, or do you live there? It just wouldn’t have time to fill up so quickly ... But in any case, I categorically do not advise you to bring a ditch into the forest. Especially in SNT. If they discover or impose, they will be robbed of fines.
For a beginner summer resident - a storehouse of information. I had experience with EcoPond when I was faced with the problem of constant pollution of the pond. I can say with confidence that the tool is effective. Helped me with a bang. I didn’t test the rest, since everyone’s hands do not reach the task of sewerage in the country. I hope this solves the problem, otherwise constantly call the scavenger - that is still a mess.
Hello. Tell me, is it possible to wash the toilet with a “domestos” or “toilet duck” after using the sanex?
Hello. Biological products are strictly not recommended to be combined with chemical cleaning agents.