Micathermic heaters: device, principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages
The problem of saving resources gradually affects all spheres of human life. If today you do not save heat and energy, tomorrow you will have to face a shortage of natural resources. Modern science aims to develop energy efficient Smart devices, one of which is mycothermal infrared heater.
You will learn all about the device and operating principles of the innovative variety of heating appliances from the article we presented. We will talk about its varieties, their characteristic differences and selection rules. And also we will analyze whether thermal infrared radiation is harmful or useful in everyday life.
The content of the article:
General Information mycothermal heater
Mycothermal a heater is an electrical appliance that propagates infrared heat waves. IR heat is electromagnetic radiation occupying the spectral region between the red edge of the light visible to the human eye (with a wavelength of λ = 0.74 μm) and microwave radiation (wavelength of about 1-2 mm).
The heater has a multilayer design. Each of the layers of non-metals and metals included in it performs a strictly defined function. Some isolate, others concentrate and reflect heat waves. The principle of operation is extremely simple, and the device mycothermal infrared heater is quite understandable.
The device mikatermicheskogo heating device
At the heart of the MK heater development are achievements space technology. However, outwardly he looks like conventional convector.
IR device consists of:
- a heating element — a mica plate, with resistive flat elements immersed in it or nitrochrome wire turns;
- an insulator that prevents excessive heating of the equipment (most often performed using basalt);
- metal case of the device;
- a protective metal grill through which infrared radiation passes;
- supports for supports and rollers for moving.
To control and control the operation of the heating device is equipped with:
- remote control
- touch or button control panel;
- temperature controller;
- indicator board, which helps to understand what condition the unit is in;
- power regulator (most models of heaters that are on sale have a power of 1-2 kW).
The main working bodies of MK heaters are micanite heaters. They are made by technology Micathermik (Mikatermic) This technology consists in layer-by-layer application of mica on metal heating elements.
A micanite heater is placed in a housing made of mica. It transports the thermal energy received from the heater to the treated room. Infrared heat is sent to the surrounding objects, and from them it is already transferred to the served room. In this case, neither water nor oil carriers are used.

Mikanite is a paper pressed from the smallest scales of mica. This scaly mineral in its structure is quite fragile, its layers are thinned to fractions of a millimeter. Mica has good electrical insulating, heat-conducting and heat-resistant properties. It is often used in radio elements and capacitors.
The heating of the mineral occurs in an extremely short time, reaching 200 or more degrees. Due to the synthetic production of mica, the infrared wavelength increases, while the radiation intensity decreases.
When mixing micanite with a heat-resistant binder and pressing them, heat-resistant sheets with good dielectric properties are produced, which can be used in heaters. In addition, mica does not emit toxic components when heated.
Mica layers isolate the heating element from the rest of the structure and transfer heat. The thickness of the mica plates is carefully selected depending on the overall dimensions of the device. Usually it is not more than 0.03-0.025 mm.
The thermal expansion of mica always coincides with the thermal expansion of the core. Thanks to this, maximum noiselessness is achieved during operation, as all sorts of clicks and knocks inside the device are excluded.
Between the heating element and the mica plates there are 2 additional layers: inner and outer. The inner layer reflects heat, due to which there is a complete return of infrared radiation to the space chosen for heating. The outer layer is responsible for enhancing temperature flows.
The heating micanite element is placed in a metal case with mesh inserts. Infrared radiant heat freely passes through the perforated “shell”. The design is thought out so that the thermal energy supplied by the device is distributed throughout the room with maximum uniformity.

In addition to infrared thermal radiation, a noticeable flow of ascending warm air through the upper end of the grating (convection method) is propagated from the MK heater launched into operation, although the device case itself does not heat up.
In the process, the unit emits infrared and electromagnetic waves, which are in a safe range for living things. Thereby mycothermal heaters can be used in kindergartens or hospitals.
The principle of operation of the heater MK
Each action mycothermal the heater is based on heat transfer by infrared radiation (80% of the total productivity) and convection heating method due to the creation of air movement due to the temperature difference (20%). By combining 2 heating methods, the highest possible efficiency is achieved.
Those. it heats the volume of air and objects due to infrared radiation at a distance. Thanks to this, heat transfer is much faster when compared with a water or oil radiator. After all, ordinary water, gas or electric convector heats only the air that comes in contact with its ribs.
MK heater transfers energy to the object with minimal dispersion. Objects can be objects, animals, and people. Moreover, things and walls after exposure to infrared waves themselves become sources of heat and heat the air.
Outside the range of the infrared heater, the room practically does not heat up. In this case, the heat flux density decreases with increasing distance between the heater and the object.
However, an infrared heater is indispensable if you need to quickly heat any one object in the room. The body of the device itself, insulated with a composition with basalt, does not reach high temperatures (above 60 degrees), which eliminates the possibility of burns in case of accidental contact with the unit.

But clothes cannot be dried on the heater, as there is a risk of fire. Some synthetic materials that fall on the device’s case may melt or catch fire. The exception is special advanced models equipped with shelves for shoes or folding dryers for clean linen.
Technically, the principle of operation of the elements mycothermal The heater is quite simple. When the device is plugged in, the plate starts to heat up. It is heated to 200-400 degrees Celsius and transfers heat to the mica layers.
The electricity communicated to the mica plates is converted into infrared radiation directed at objects near the appliance. This whole process takes several minutes, and the room becomes warm almost immediately after turning on the equipment.
A small room (up to 20 sq.m.) may heat up mycothermal device in 10 minutes. When the air in the room reaches the desired temperature, a thermostat is activated in the unit, which turns off the heater. The equipment can be configured to automatically support a comfortable temperature background in the room.
High energy efficiency and profitability are the main features mycothermal heaters. They are notable for their high power, therefore they consume less electricity by about a third compared to conventional convectors. The efficiency of the infrared heater is about 90%.
Useful extras
Standard MK heaters have a minimum number of settings, but some of them have various additional elements depending on the modification.
These items include:
- built-in thermostats that allow you to control multiple air flows;
- liquid crystal displays with special protective functions;
- ionizers and humidifiers;
- timers, etc.
Many mycothermal heaters have the function of protecting the room from freezing.If you activate this option and install the device in an unheated room, it will automatically turn on if the temperature in the room approaches zero.
Also, some heaters are equipped degree of protection IP24, which protects against moisture and prevents the possibility of damage to the device or short circuit if water gets on the equipment.

Classification by direction of radiation
All mycothermal heaters are divided into:
- one-way devices in which infrared rays are directed only in one direction;
- two-sided devices that radiate heat on both sides of the product;
- cylindrical units having a circular zone of infrared radiation.
One-sided heaters can be wall or floor. They have front mesh and back sides. The back side has small ventilation holes in the bottom.
Double-sided heaters are installed on the floor. They have two working plates that produce infrared rays. The heating plates are equipped with metal grids. One-sided and two-sided heaters direct infrared rays horizontally along the floor.
The horizontal supply of infrared rays contributes to the uneven distribution of heat in the room. With infrared radiation, the warmest air is closer to the floor, which allows you to keep your feet warm. Higher to the ceiling it is usually colder.

Non-standard equipment emitters are in cylindrical or oval heaters (semicircular or tubular). They can be attached to the ceiling or to the walls, depending on the features of the structure. Cylindrical heaters are distinguished by a circular directivity zone of infrared radiation.
Common Use Cases
Infrared heaters can be used indoors and outdoors. With their help, you can warm the terrace, balcony, nursery or living room. Also MK devices with the ability to heat convection are appropriate to prevent the appearance of ice on the stairwell.
Because when a room is heated with infrared rays in the air, oxygen does not decrease (and it does not dry), IR devices are recommended to be used in rooms where young children, asthmatics or allergy sufferers live.
But mycothermal systems serve not only private owners, they are in demand in:
- medicine for the treatment of patients with impaired blood flow, cardiovascular pathologies, migraines and frequent acute respiratory infections;
- veterinary medicine for the treatment of animals;
- massage rooms (infrared massage helps to reduce weight);
- offices to destroy viruses and bacteria.
Via mycothermal heaters, it is possible to create thermal curtains over panoramic windows and other translucent glass structures, which are characterized by weak thermal insulation properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of mycothermal heaters
Advantages and disadvantages mycothermal heater due to the principle of operation and device design.
The device has an impressive number of advantages, which include:
- energy efficiency;
- high heating rate;
- compact body;
- stylish appearance;
- light weight (depending on the type of unit varies in the range of 3-4 kg);
- safety;
- maintaining a healthy indoor climate;
- minimal noise during operation, etc.
Also mycothermal the heater prevents the development of microbial and viral microflora, and also kills the fungus in the room. However, this device does not have a bactericidal effect and cannot be used on a par with ultraviolet lamps for quartzization.
During operation of the infrared device, no air mass builds up under the ceiling. Thanks to this, IR equipment is perfect for rooms with high ceilings, as heat will not be dissipated throughout the area. But through the holes in the casing of the unit a lot of dust gets in, which is almost impossible to get from there.
When you turn on the machine, dust and dirt heat up and smell bad. The smell will disappear only when the dust has completely burned out. Remarkably what is the stench mycothermal the heating device will exude whenever it is off for a long time.
How to choose the right model?
At the time of buying mycothermal the heater must be based on the characteristics of the room in which it will be placed. Approximately for every 10 sq.m. housing need to take 1 kW of power excluding heat loss.
If this will be the only heat source, it is necessary to choose a device with more power. If an infrared heater is bought for a small summer house, you can choose a device with a capacity of not more than 70 watts per 1 sq.m.
In reality, only one room is heated mycothermal it is difficult to heater, as you need to think very carefully about the location of the device. The maximum heating of air and objects will be observed only at a distance of a couple of meters from the front panel.
Before purchase of MK heater you need to ask the seller for all the necessary supporting documentation, including hygiene certificate for the insulator. It is better to buy equipment with an insulator of basalt, which can be used even in the food industry (marks about this are usually present in a hygienic certificate).
Any electrical equipment needs timely and proper care. Due to the structural features mycothermal heaters should be regularly vacuumed and wiped with a damp cloth to clean from accumulated dust. Disconnect power before cleaning.
The harm of infrared waves to the body - a myth?
Infrared waves are traditional electromagnetic radiation, similar in structure to the sun's rays. The harm and benefits of infrared radiation determined by the depth of penetration of these waves into the skin.
There are 3 types of heating devices, depending on the wavelength and incandescent temperature of the heating element:
- devices with a maximum heating of up to 300 degrees and a wavelength of 50-200 microns;
- devices heated to 600 degrees, and with a wavelength of 2.5-50 microns;
- heaters with heating up to 800 degrees and a wavelength of 0.7-2.5 microns.
Those. the higher the incandescent temperature of the device, the more short waves will be emitted. For an ordinary healthy person, heat waves of about 9.6 microns in length are safe. Manufacturers in the passport of the technical device indicate the range of infrared radiation.

It usually varies between 2-10 microns. The intensity of infrared radiation depends on the characteristics of the heated surface (especially its emissivity).The most powerful radiation comes from a heated black object.
Any prolonged targeted infrared radiation has a bad effect on the human body, which is expressed in:
- drying of the skin;
- decreased vision (with prolonged exposure, the risk of developing cataracts increases);
- violation of the structure of cell membranes (typical for short infrared waves), etc.
It is especially dangerous to install a powerful ceiling heater in a room with low ceilings. In this case, infrared rays will constantly warm a person’s head and can lead to the development of various diseases.
But the real harm is these infrared heaters can bring only in case of constant directed flow to a person. Ideally, devices should be installed so that the heaters give their heat to walls or pieces of furniture, but are not aimed at people.

However, in Japan and Europe, entire institutes are developing cancer control methods based on the influence of infrared radiation. In the course of scientific research, it was proved that IR waves, reaching 14-20 cm inside the skin, conduct effective detoxification cells.
This occurs due to selective hyperthermia, increased biochemical circulation and the elimination of stagnant phenomena in the tissues. The result of using radiation depends on correctly selected circuits, and mycothermal the heater is absolutely safe for health, if its installation is guided by common sense considerations.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The video provides an overview of the MK-1501 mycothermal heater - innovative equipment, on the example of which you can understand the principle of operation of infrared heaters:
Micathermic heater is an innovative electrical appliance that is used for space heating. Its functioning is based on infrared radiation from micanite elements. The equipment is characterized by high inefficiency, energy efficiency, compactness and multifunctionality.
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