How to choose electric water boilers: an overview of decisive factors + selection recommendations
Outages with hot water supply is one of the “good old traditions” of domestic utilities. Many apartment owners solve the problem dramatically - refuse the service and install their own electric storage water heaters (boilers).
There is a problem: it is not always possible to buy a model that is suitable for a particular family. We will tell you how to choose electric water boilers that meet your needs and operating conditions. Based on our advice, you can easily purchase the necessary unit.
The content of the article:
Why an electric appliance?
Residents of high-rise buildings have to pay for a service whose quality usually leaves much to be desired. In some small towns there is no centralized hot water supply at all, and owners of private houses always need to take care of the hot water supply themselves.
Manufacturers of household appliances produce not only electric, but also gas water heaters. Electricity is an expensive pleasure, and yet, when it comes to a boiler, it is better to choose an electrical appliance.
In private homes, gas flowing water heaters are often found (they are popularly called columns). They were popular in the last century and are still in demand, but gradually give way to electrical appliances. No matter how automated the gas column is, the electric boiler is easier to operate and safer.

As for storage devices, the choice is not so great. If it is assumed that the DHW system should only be turned on during the heating season, you can supply indirect heating boiler. If hot water is needed not only in winter, but also in the warm season, there is simply no alternative to electrical appliances.

Although the cost of electricity is growing steadily, electric boilers all the same, they successfully compete with centralized hot water supply (which is also expensive). Their installation is beneficial, because the owners always know exactly what they are paying for, and if necessary, can find ways to save money without losing the quality of their hot water supply.
Features of choosing the right model
The electric boiler is an autonomous system that provides the preparation of sanitary water. The device can be installed by any owner of a private house or apartment. It is connected to the water supply and power networks. Installation is relatively simple, and you can handle it yourself.

The design of the electric boiler consists of several nodes: housing, heater, thermostat, tank.
Although the design of all electric boilers is approximately the same, they can still vary significantly.We will figure out what features of the models to look for in order to assemble an ideal hot water supply system.
Criterion 1: dimensions and mounting method
First you need to decide where the boiler will be placed. Devices of the same capacity may vary in size and location of the container.
In order not to make a mistake, you need to choose the location of the device, measure the height and width of free space. It is also advisable to determine where the hardware will be and water pipes. Based on these data, a plan is drawn up to scale.

The boiler can be located on the floor or on the wall. Mounted models are much more convenient and more popular with buyers. They do not occupy a useful area, and this is a valuable quality when it comes to a standard bathroom, where you have to save every square centimeter.

Depending on the type of storage tank, these types of boilers are distinguished:
- Vertical. In such tanks, layers of hot and cold water mix naturally, in accordance with physical laws: cold liquid from below, and hot liquid from above. Due to this, it retains its temperature longer. Therefore, most buyers choose vertical electric boilers.
- Horizontal. Models of this type are chosen if there is no place to install a vertical electric boiler. The water in them heats up faster, but its temperature at the draw-off point does not always live up to expectations, because cold and hot layers of liquid are mixed. If the heater is located in the side, problems are also possible due to slow heating.
Some manufacturers produce models that can be mounted horizontally or vertically, depending on the wishes of customers. Such electric boilers are called universal.

It is most convenient to place the boiler near the toilet, but not strictly above it. If the fasteners fail and the device falls, the plumbing has no chance: it will crumble into fragments.
The weight of the boiler itself is 15-20 kg (depending on model). To this should be added the weight of the water filling the tank. This is about 80-120 kg. It is better that the boiler does not touch any fragile devices when it falls.
Criterion 2: required tank volume
The dimensions of the electric boiler largely depend on the volume of the tank. Also, this indicator determines how often the device will turn on and how much energy will be consumed. If the tank is too small, it will quickly become empty, problems with filling the bath will occur.

To determine the desired volume, you need to consider several factors:
- number of people in the family;
- frequency of bathing in the bathroom;
- time intervals between bathing different family members;
- number of hot water outlets.
An analysis of the situation with hot water will reveal the needs of the family and rationally consume electricity. So, for two people, a volume boiler of 100-120 liters is not needed. They simply cannot use so much hot water. But the 50-liter model is what you need.

The 50 liter model will not provide the needs of four people, as water will not have time to warm up to the desired temperature. You will have to buy a larger boiler - from 80 to 120 liters (depending on water flow and the proposed bathing schedule).

Any recommendations for determining the desired tank volume can only be general. Each particular family has its own traditions associated with hygiene procedures, and you should focus only on them.
Criterion 3: power and type of TENA
Power is the most important criterion for choosing any electrical appliance. Theoretically, it should be taken into account in the first place.
In practice, buyers of boilers choose between heaters with power from 1.5 to 2 kW. There is a difference in the rate of heating water. It is noticeable, but not critical: the tank warms up in 1-3 hours.

There are two types of heaters:
- Wet. They work on the same principle as electric kettles, boilers. TENY are in water and heat it directly. This has a positive effect on the heating rate, but due to contact with the liquid, scale (limescale) appears on the surface of the devices, due to which the device quickly fails and requires replacement.
- Dry. Such heating elements are isolated from water by a special flask. This reduces the risk of electric shock, and there is no scale on the heaters. Dry heaters are much more durable than wet ones, but they also stand accordingly.
Due to the high power, a short circuit is possible when the boiler is turned on, therefore, when installing it, a separate copper cable is laid. It is better to choose a wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm. Also required set the RCD (most often, the device is included in the standard model of the boiler).

Criterion 4: model design - options
In some cases, the shape of the model is of fundamental importance. Not only the aesthetics of the interior, but also its functionality depends on the design. It is necessary to choose a boiler that will not clutter up the entire space of the room.

Manufacturers produce models of such forms:
- Cylindrical. The usual "pot-bellied" boilers that most buyers prefer.
- Rectangular. Models convenient for installation in built-in cabinets, niches.
- Narrow. These are designs in which the width and thickness are reduced by increasing the length of the tank. They look very attractive and modern, save space.
When buying flat trendy models pay attention to the brand. Unscrupulous manufacturers of boilers reduce the insulation layer, which does not affect the performance of the devices in the best way.
Criterion 5: Manufacturer's Warranty
Buying and installing a boiler is an expensive, but quite affordable pleasure. You have to spend time and effort on choosing, searching for the right model, laying wiring, connecting to the water supply.
This is troubles, and it will be a shame if selected boiler will flow in a couple of years.To prevent this from happening, you should refuse to buy the device without a manufacturer's warranty.

It is necessary to carefully monitor such moments:
- the manufacturer’s warranty for the tank and the boiler itself (this can be different terms, they should be known);
- installers have a license (incorrect installation will lead to problems);
- terms of preventive maintenance (boilers need to be regularly serviced, cleaned heating elements, otherwise the heater will quickly burn out, and the tank may leak).
You should carefully study the technical documentation for the model you like, ask sellers, find out the location of the service center that deals with warranty service.
The price difference between electric boilers is usually 10-20%. This is not the money for which it is worth risking comfort and creating problems for yourself due to poor-quality equipment.
Some recommendations of experts
Experienced installers who have been installing boilers for a long time recommend paying attention to such nuances:
- Gearbox for boiler. The operation of water heaters largely depends on the water pressure in the system. Even if it is normal, it is worth installing a quality gearbox. If the pressure rises, leaks from under the safety valve may occur. A boiler explosion is not excluded, which will end with a repair in the bathroom and flooding of the neighbors.
- Equipment. Make sure that the cable is included in the kit and that its length is sufficient for the correct connection of the boiler. Sometimes it is better to buy a wire separately. You should also make sure that you have a pressure reducer, safety valve. In case of absence - purchase.
- Insulating bushings. These items are usually included in all installation kits. They must be used to prevent the appearance of "wandering" currents.
- Mounts for mounted models. Boilers are mounted on special brackets. They must be super reliable. If the fasteners in the model kit are in doubt, it is better not to take the risk and buy quality brackets or anchors on your own.
Many of our compatriots out of habit try to do everything on their own. This also applies to the installation of water heaters.
If you have the skills to work with water and electrical networks, you can mount and connect the boiler do it yourself. If not, then you should not experiment, it is better to pay plumbers.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
We offer a selection of useful video instructions, thanks to which you can better understand the features of the choice of electric boilers.
Video # 1. Useful recommendations for choosing a suitable boiler model:
Video # 2. The main guidelines that determine the choice of model of heating equipment:
Video # 3. A detailed explanation of the principles of dry and wet heating elements:
Video # 4. Video review of Atlantic models:
Video # 5. Recommendations for economical operation of the Ariston boiler:
Ideally, an electric boiler should be selected and installed during the bathroom renovation process. If you do this later, extra pipes and cables will appear that will be difficult to mask.
If there are no options and the water heater was bought after the completion of repair work, then it is better to mount it closer to the water points. This will save on materials and less impact on the interior of the bathroom.
Tell us about how you chose a storage water heater for your own apartment / cottage / country house. Share the criteria that influenced your choice. Please write comments in the block below, ask questions, post a photo on the topic of the article.
Most recently, an electric water heater was installed, before buying a lot of questions arose. It’s good that knowledgeable people helped make the right choice. Electricity is now expensive, but it seems to me that an electric boiler is much safer than gas, and gas prices are rather high. The heater was purchased with a dry heater; it is easier to operate. Now there is always hot water at home, which you could only dream of before.
We live outside the city. There is no central water supply. It supplies its own well with water, an automation system supplies water, and a storage electric boiler warms the water. Unfortunately, very unlucky with this technique. We are changing the third one. Each served from one to three years. Although they took expensive, with a guarantee. Manufacturers refuse warranty repairs. They say that the damage is not due to marriage, but due to the fact that aggressive water. It destroys the heating element. Here I saw that some kind of maintenance work should be carried out. Request: pay attention to this issue, maybe there will be a new topic for publication? What types of work, how are carried out, and so on. I learned from the experience of using a boiler - this is a capricious and short-lived machine, and at the same time expensive. But there are no alternatives, we will consider the option of buying very expensive equipment, maybe it will last longer.
If you have even established the reason for the failure of the heating element of the boiler, then the solution to this problem lies on the surface - water filtration. Well, regular preventive cleaning of the heater. Drain the water, remove the heater and begin to clean. First with a knife, but very carefully so as not to damage the copper tubes. Then soak in water with citric acid or vinegar for about a day. If you are afraid of the first method, then use only the second. And the boiler will last you a long time.