Stone sink: advantages and disadvantages of natural stone, comparison with alternative options, installation nuances
Bathroom equipment must be functional, durable and aesthetic. Natural stone products meet these requirements. What is attractive material, what are the advantages and disadvantages?
In our article, a stone sink is presented in a variety of popular options among users. Described in detail products from different breeds used in the manufacture of plumbing for many centuries. Installation instructions are provided and helpful recommendations are given.
The content of the article:
Features of products from natural material
Plumbing fixtures made of natural stone are distinguished by the fact that they are carved from large pieces or combined from several parts. The material is soapstone, marble, onyx, basalt, granite, sandstone, travertine and other ornamental minerals with the necessary strength, amenable to mechanical processing.
Cutting, milling, grinding and polishing are used to shape.

To reduce the porosity of the outer layer, additional processing is applied that does not violate the structure of the material and the unique pattern. This provides protection against penetrating into the thickness through the pores of water and household pollutants dissolved in it.
This sink is functional, easy to use. In addition, it will be an excellent indicator of taste and affluence. The aesthetics of the material is expressed not only in the design form of products, but also in the expressiveness of the picture and the color saturation of natural stone.
Some solutions require its monotony, others require multicolor or pronounced pattern of spots, veins, layers and inclusions. Marble, malachite, onyx, jasper have a rich palette, travertine, jade and sandstone give the most delicate shades.
Onyx shells are highly polished, solid stones perfectly combine with reliefs. For products with a rich texture, a simple shape and a neutral environment are preferable. Consider in more detail the most popular materials.
The relatively low cost makes it the most popular material. Granite is of different colors. It may be dominated by pink shades, pink-red or gray. Durable, resistant to moisture and chemicals, granite sinks are durable and easy to clean.
A product made of material worthy of palace halls will be a decoration of the bathroom. Marble, characterized by beautiful cool shades, is magnificent, brings comfort and harmony to the room.
The material is durable, does not form cracks, does not delaminate, and can withstand severe loads. Its distinctive feature is the complete absence of hygroscopicity, it does not require special care, only the performance of standard sanitary actions.
Striped-fibrous structure of the material looks expensive and luxurious. A variety of shades - from light yellow to dark brown - allows you to create unique patterns. Onyx can be completely opaque or translucent with a gloss like glass. Low porosity leads to high water repellency.
A common rock used in the manufacture of exclusive shells. Products are strong and durable, black, gray and greenish-black shades. Basalt is heavy and at the same time practical, easily processed stone.Resistant to water and chemicals, absorbs sound.
Beautiful, light and dark shades, malleable stone, characterized by patterned texture. Strong, light and durable products of various shapes are made from it. The disadvantage is the porosity of the structure, requiring careful care of the products.
A stone sink will be appropriate in the interior of any style. The combination of a unique drawing, magical energy and design solutions will create a special world in your bathroom.
Stone sink production
Stone products are always exclusive, their production is a complex process, which results in real works of art.

Initially, the part that is processed on the machines is separated from the rock. Subsequent operations are carried out manually, as they require special care and scrupulous finishes.
Advantages and disadvantages of products
The advantages of shells made of natural material include:
- durability;
- greater strength;
- ability to keep original novelty;
- high functionality;
- environmental safety;
- temperature stability;
- wealth of texture;
- presentability.
Natural stone sinks are individual in shape, size, texture and weight. It is impossible to make the same products from it.
The most common form is arbitrary, dictated by the outlines of a stone piece, as well as round, square, oval, rectangular or conical. Complex structures are usually made to order, can be in the form of a monolith or a figured bowl.
The disadvantage is the heavy weight of the products, which complicates installation and transportation. Some types of natural stone do not tolerate direct contact with acids and alkalis, which requires more careful care. The main disadvantage is the high price range of products.

If the minuses prevail over the pros, you should consider an alternative, for example, products made of artificial stone, created on the basis of stone chips with a polymer binder.
Differences between natural stone and artificial
Compared to stone sinks, products from crumbs and polymer components are cheaper, but they have the same properties, and sometimes they are superior. For example, an artificial analogue can withstand heavy objects falling on it, but a natural one is not always.

Externally, washbasins made of artificial stone are difficult to distinguish from natural products, but they are inferior in quality because they contain chemicals. In case of violation of the smoothness of the surface and appearance, the product can be restored, which is an advantage. They are easily polished and re-impregnated to form a protective layer.
Due to the plasticity of the working solution, from the artificial stone, using spill technology, you can create sinks of various shapes. Processing of such products is simpler, cheaper and more technologically advanced. Sinks can be assembled from several parts using special glue, the strength of which is very high, and the adhesive joints are invisible.
Crumb stone plumbing
Artificial stone is called such materials as porcelain stoneware, granite, silgranite, granite and others, which differ in the percentage of the main component, the presence of metal chips, glass and other additives.
The composition of artificial sinks is constantly being improved by manufacturers, which helps to increase strength and increase the operational life of products.
Material properties allow you to diversify the design. More and more buyers prefer plumbing products of unusual shapes and colors. In addition to extraordinary options in the assortment of many classic models, corner sinks, plumbing fixtures-mini format.
The manufacturing technology of artificial stone sinks of medium and low price category involves the following composition:
- stone chips - 80%;
- acrylic resin - about 15%;
- coloring pigment - 5%.
Stone chips or aluminum hydroxide in shells make the material more fragile. If the amount of crumb is below 80%, the products are of poor quality.
Why are artificial products attractive?
In addition to the low price, sinks made of artificial material have many other advantages:
- Attractive appearance.
- A variety of textures and shades that imitate all kinds of materials with a glossy or matte surface.
- For 10 years of active use, products are able to maintain their color unchanged.
- Convenient operation.
- Resistance to damage during mechanical stress.
- Resistance to critical temperatures and thermal expansions.
- Ease and convenience of leaving.
- Durability of a working surface.
- Hygienic safety, lack of mucosal plaque.
- High strength and reliability.
- The ability to eliminate defects. Potholes and scratches are removed with sandpaper, broken pieces are glued with acrylic glue.
Of the minuses, it is worth noting the sensitivity of the surface to very high temperatures, the appearance of cracks and chips when heavy objects fall on the sink. The appearance of products can be ruined by the abrasives used for care.
The relatively high price exceeding the cost of products from other materials also does not suit buyers.
Installation of stone sinks in the bathroom
The methods for installing stone sinks also differ. Products are installed or built into plumbing worktopswhich are made of the same stone as the sink, or of another material. Most often, a tree is used for these purposes.
The most common installation methods
Convenient, practical, requiring minimal care is considered mortise sink. Outside it is covered by a countertop. For the installation and connection of such products, the skills of a novice master are enough. This type of sink is installed in a pre-cut hole in the countertop.

The sides of the product are located on the same level with the work surface or rise above it. Countertop hides eyeliner, pipes and drain deviceTherefore, the design looks neat and aesthetically pleasing. When choosing a cabinet for a sink, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of its surface, which should be comparable.
The semi-recessed bowl partially cuts in, the rest stands for the countertop. Deepens completely or sideways.

Most often among stone sinks are made in the form overhead models. In this case, the product rests on a rigid base.

In addition to mortise, semi-built-in and surface-mounted models, there are monolithic (integrated) sinks that make up a single unit with the countertop. Due to the lack of connecting seams, they are reliable and hygienic. The severity of such structures and the associated difficulties are their only drawback.
For fixing mortise sinks, special fasteners are used, which can be included in the package or are selected individually. Sometimes only a sealant is used for fixing, which complicates the process of dismantling if necessary.
Useful tips for installation and operation
In order for the sink to serve for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of installation and subsequent operation:
- The support should be strong, evenly distributing weight. The best option is a special forged stand or a tabletop reinforced with a metal frame.
- It is necessary to ensure the flow of water and drainage of the sink.
- When installing the drain, you should not create stress in the material, you must be careful when tightening threaded connections.
- It is necessary to choose the location of the sink, excluding the fall of various weights on it.
During operation, it must be borne in mind that excess moisture can harm the product, and coloring natural or artificial substances can change its color.
Instructions for installing the washbasin on the countertop
To install the sink on the countertop you will need:
- jigsaw;
- electric drill;
- cutting machine;
- pliers;
- diamond blade;
- screwdriver;
- clamps;
- screwdriver;
- roulette,
- pencil, ruler;
- fasteners;
- brush or spatula;
- sealants;
- clean rags.
Attach a template to the countertop under the future hole for the sink, make markings. Saw it out with a jigsaw and a drill. Clean the slice, sealant.
For processing, you can use epoxy resin or silicone. For wood or plastic countertops, alcohol sealant is suitable. It is applied with a spatula or brush, the excess is removed.

If additional fixation is indispensable, holes are made in the countertop for future fasteners. Fasteners are installed on the sink, bolts are inserted into the slots of the countertop, which is attached to the base. On the reverse side along the contour of the sink, a gasket is made or silicone is applied.
The plumbing fixture is neatly located in the countertop and pressed against the surface with clamps. Fasteners are fixed in the slots and the sink is fixed. In order not to damage the countertop, do not tighten the bolts too much.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
From time immemorial, natural stone and its substitutes have been used for the improvement of human habitation. Even more interesting information - in useful videos.
Video # 1. What is the difference between artificial stone:
Video # 2. Original models of stone sinks:
Video # 3. Mounting the sink on the countertop:
The market for sanitary products is so diverse that each buyer will be able to purchase products that meet his own taste and capabilities.
The owner of an expensive sink made of natural or crushed stone should take care of a professional installation. This will give additional guarantees of quality installation.
Please write comments in the block below. Tell us about your impressions and attitude to plumbing fixtures made of natural or artificial stone. Share useful and interesting information on the topic of the article, publish photos, ask questions.
The acquaintances in the country house had just an amazing shell made of natural stone, it was fabulously expensive. Well, but superior in strength to many materials. I myself would not dare to spend so much money on the sink, especially since a natural stone needs a certain design, otherwise even the most expensive sink will look inappropriate and even funny.
The only advantage of such a sink is the appearance. But in itself such a design is inconvenient.It takes up a lot of space, unlike sinks mounted in a curbstone - it is placed on the curbstone, there is still a place around it that you can’t use in any way. It also turns out higher than standard sinks.
Such models are appropriate in designer kitchens with a large amount of free space.
Agree. A stone sink is terribly impractical. This solution is either for some thematic place - a museum or a hotel, for example. Or for people who have nowhere to get money at all.