How to choose a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes: tips from professional plumbers
Polypropylene pipes firmly occupied the niche of materials for home water supply and heating. Their installation is simple and easy when compared with the assembly of steel wiring. For welding plastic joints, a special soldering iron for polypropylene pipes is required.
But how to choose it correctly and what you should look at before buying - not every average person knows such nuances. We will consider these issues in detail in the article, paying attention to the device, the principle of operation and existing equipment designs.
We also give a number of important criteria that are important when choosing a soldering iron. After all, before buying it, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the views, but also with the key characteristics, which will allow you to purchase a device that meets the planned work.
The content of the article:
Types of welding polypropylene pipes
You can connect the elements of the plastic wiring from polypropylene pipes using threaded fittings or three welding methods:
- electrofusion;
- butt;
- bell-shaped.
There is a fundamental difference between soldering polypropylene pipes up to 63 mm or more of this size.
Pipes with a small diameter (up to 63 mm) are connected by a bell-shaped method, that is, by inserting the trimmed edge of one pipe into the expanded edge (socket) of the fitting. The bell-shaped connection method provides a high degree of tightness due to the large contact area of the two soldered products and the absolute coincidence of their diameters.
Butt welding of large pressure pipelines with a diameter of 63 mm and more is performed. This method is practically not used for domestic purposes, therefore, butt welding equipment will not be considered in detail. The cost of such a welding machine starts from several thousand dollars, and it is acquired mainly by construction companies.
Electrofusion welding is used when connecting polyethylene pipes. It is made using couplings with integrated heating elements. It does not require machining of soldered ends and is possible in places with limited work space.
The disadvantages of electrofusion welding include the high cost of a solder, the price of which starts at $ 1,500. In electrofusion welding, polymer parts are joined uniformly and without sagging, so this method is the best, but also the most expensive.
In the connection of PP pipes of large diameter, butt welding technology and the corresponding welding machine are used:
Next, we will consider the selection of equipment for socket welding of polypropylene pipes, the cost of which can pay off with a large amount of work performed.
Existing Soldering Iron Designs
In appearance, the equipment for socket welding of plastic pipes is the same and differs only in the shape of the heater.
It can be of two types:
- flat;
- cylindrical.
A flat heater (installers call it also an iron for polypropylene pipes) has the form of a thick conical metal plate. The greater the mass of the heater, the better its ability to maintain a stable temperature during plastic melting.We talked more about the use of an iron for welding polypropylene in this article.
Nozzles for melting the connected parts are fixed to the heater using bolts threaded through holes in the plate.

Soldering irons with a cylindrical heater are more compact and convenient to use in hard-to-reach places. Nozzles are fixed on them with a detachable clamp, fixed with clamping screws.

Due to the simplicity of the design of the heater and the absence of expensive elements in it, the cost of soldering irons ranges from $ 100-200, depending on their manufacturer, power and configuration.
Soldering Equipment
Soldering iron designs for polypropylene pipes may differ in details, but their basic elements are the same.
The equipment includes:
- housing;
- heater;
- temperature regulator;
- nozzles;
- stand.
The body of the device is usually made of metal, because plastic parts can become brittle due to the constant exposure to high temperatures, although there are models with rubberized handles.

The electric heater (TEN) has the form of a cone-shaped metal plate or a thick rod of cylindrical shape. The dimensions of the heating element depend on the power consumption and the number of nozzles put on it at the same time.
An electric heater in the form of a plate has one or more holes for attaching nozzles. With an increase in their number, the power of the soldering iron and its cost increase. The standard temperature of the heater when welding pipes is 260 ° C, but it can be adjusted.
The temperature controller has the form of a round knob, with which you can adjust the required operating temperature. To control the readiness of the soldering iron for work, indicators are used (usually red and green bulbs). When heating, the red indicator lights up, and when the heater reaches the operating temperature, the green light also lights up.
Nozzles on a flat heating element have a cylindrical shape and are called mandrel and sleeve. The mandrel is used to heat the inner polypropylene surface of the socket, and the sleeve is used to soften the outer layer of the connected pipe.

Top nozzles have a non-stick coating so that the softened polypropylene does not stick to them. Each pipe diameter has its own nozzle. Usually they come with a soldering iron in the amount of 3-5 pairs.
For cylindrical heaters, clamp-shaped nozzles are used. Their maximum number on the soldering iron rod depends on the length of the heater.
Stands for the welding machine exist universal and individual.
In shape, they can be:
- cross
- U-shaped;
- rectangular.
Universal coasters can be purchased separately and are suitable for most soldering irons, while individual ones have a special mount designed for a specific model or a series of equipment. All stands are relatively compact, but differ in weight.

Occasionally, soldering irons with heaters and supports of an unusual shape come across, but they have not received wide distribution.
The principle of operation of the appliance
The work of the soldering iron of polypropylene pipes is based on the thermal softening of the surfaces of the soldered parts with their subsequent connection.
The product with the bell is worn on the mandrel, and the cut pipe is inserted into the hole of the heated sleeve. Parts are heated during the standard time specified in the instructions for each soldering iron separately. Then the parts are removed from the nozzles and connected.
If you have never done such work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with self-welding technology polypropylene pipes.

Criteria for selecting socket models
The choice of a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes should begin with a study of the configuration and characteristics of the equipment.
The main factors that ensure the durability and functionality of this device are:
- power of the heating element;
- set of nozzles;
- equipment manufacturer;
- soldering iron cost.
The welding machine almost always comes with auxiliary tools: gloves, a screwdriver, a tape measure and others. Therefore, when choosing a device, especially via the Internet, this nuance must be taken into account.
Criterion # 1 - power consumption of equipment
Most tips on choosing the power of a soldering iron on the Internet are based on the statement that it should be at least ten times the size of the pipe in millimeters. The maximum diameter of the pressure pipelines of home systems rarely exceeds 63 mm, so the recommended power of the soldering iron should theoretically be 500-600 watts. However, this approach does not take into account the real characteristics of the equipment.

The minimum power of most socket soldering irons on the market is 800 W, the maximum is 2 kW, so any of these devices will be enough to install home heating or water supply systems.
More powerful soldering irons quickly gain temperature after heating the next pair of plastic products, but, taking into account the time for their subsequent connection, this advantage does not matter much.
The cost of the equipment is practically independent of the heater power, so you can focus on this characteristic only taking into account electrical safety. Apartment wiring is designed for maximum loads of 3.5-4 kW, so when using two-kiloward soldering irons, the use of other equipment with the same power will be limited.
If you really don’t want to buy a soldering iron with a minimum power, then it is best to purchase a device with a power consumption of 1.2-1.4 kW.
Criterion # 2 - types of heating nozzles
Nozzles for pipes are always supplied with the soldering iron. They are made of two types, depending on the shape of the heating element. For flat heaters, nozzles are made in the form of a cylinder closed on one side. They are fixed to each other by a bolt on both sides of the metal plate of the soldering iron.
The mandrels and sleeves for heating cylindrical rods have a semicircular base. A pair of such nozzles covers the heater in the form of a clamp and is fixed with two bolts.
This design of the soldering iron is considered more effective, because a large contact area of the surface of the heater and nozzles accelerates their heating and stabilizes the temperature during the melting of polypropylene.

The mandrels and sleeves are made of metal and coated with non-stick coating of ordinary or metallized Teflon. It prevents adhesion of molten polypropylene to the surface.
Despite the simplicity of design, nozzles are equipment that can quickly fail. A thin layer of Teflon tends to wear off quickly, after which the nozzles become unusable.
Therefore, it is better to buy products from trusted manufacturers, the quality of which sellers in stores can vouch for. It is visually impossible to check the thickness and quality of Teflon.
The basic set of a soldering iron usually includes nozzles with a diameter of 20.25 and 32 mm. Some models of equipment come with a mandrel and sleeve with diameters of 40, 50 and 63 mm.
Nozzles are not cheap, so their cost affects the total price of a set of equipment. If welding of pipes of large diameters is not supposed, then it is better to buy a soldering iron with a minimum set of nozzles, and then buy them if necessary. And with enough money, you can immediately purchase a model of the welding machine with the maximum configuration.
Criterion # 3 - manufacturing companies
It is almost impossible to evaluate the quality of a soldering iron in a store by its appearance. The only exceptions are low-grade Chinese models, which have a tin case, a thin electric cord and a minimum configuration.
The quality of welding machines is largely dependent on the country of manufacture. Large-scale factories can only enter large-scale export markets, so there are few eminent companies in this area.
In domestic stores soldering irons produced in the following countries are presented:
- Germany: Rothenberger, Kern.
- Czech Republic: Dytron
- Turkey: Candan, Valtec, Cobra.
- Ukraine: Temp, Dnipro.
- Russia: Uralmash, Alloy.
- China: Fora, Sturm, Enkor.
There are dozens of other manufacturers, but the above brands are the most tried in practice, and their quality can be judged by real reviews. The best and most popular models among users we reviewed in the next article.

The most reliable is the German and Czech equipment, which will last without breakdowns for several years. Its cost can be 10-12 times higher than Russian and Ukrainian counterparts with the same configuration.
Such a big difference in price is due not only to the excellent quality of products of European manufacturers, but also to the difference in cost.
The main advantage of reliable models is the accuracy of the temperature regime throughout the entire life cycle. Rothenberger, Dytron and Kern are the best manufacturers of welding equipment in the European market.
Turkish companies are trying to copy welding equipment for polypropylene pipes from their German competitors, but using cheaper components. The quality of their soldering iron is not much inferior to European counterparts, but it costs much less.
Ukrainian and Russian manufacturers of welding equipment under their own brands usually sell models assembled to order in China. Because of this, the quality of domestic and Chinese devices is not much different. When buying soldering irons from these countries, you can only focus on the cost, which is directly proportional to the quality and equipment of the devices.
Criterion # 4 - comsoldering iron
In the box with a bell-shaped soldering apparatus there can be various auxiliary tools, the cost of which can greatly affect the final price of the kit.
To the soldering iron can be additionally attached:
- Fascinator.
- Pipe cutter.
- Gloves.
- Roulette.
- Key for fixing nozzles.
- Screwdriver.
- Level.
The most expensive device in the kit, after the seals and nozzles, is pipe cutter. Without it, a quality pipe soldering process is simply not possible. The presence of this tool is highly desirable when purchasing welding equipment.

It should be noted that pipe cutters in cheap sets go dumb quite quickly, and you have to buy a better tool.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself withterms of use scissors for cutting pipes.
Buying and Operating Tips
Based on the analysis of the quality and durability of welding equipment, you can give such advice on its purchase:
- For one-time homework, you can buy a soldering iron of a well-known domestic manufacturer with a guarantee.
- When welding a small number of plastic pipes, it is more advisable to rent welding equipment.
- Turkish soldering machines can be bought with the independent installation of numerous home wiring pipes and the availability of an appropriate amount of money.
- It is recommended to purchase a high-quality European soldering iron if you want to do installation work professionally.
The purchase of a reliable expensive soldering iron does not guarantee its long service life.
To maintain the characteristics of the equipment, compliance with operational rules is necessary.
- When working with a soldering iron it is necessary to wear gloves that protect against burns.
- Soldering irons usually have a metal case, therefore, to exclude the possibility of electric shock, it is necessary to connect it to a grounded outlet.
- It must be ensured that the heater does not come into contact with a wooden floor or flammable objects. It is advisable to use a special stand when working.
- Test welding of parts is preferably carried out on unnecessary pipe cuts.
- Nozzles should be cleaned after a set of welding works has been completed.
Following these tips will allow you to purchase reliable equipment, as well as operate it for a long time and safely. After all, the welding process has many nuances that must be studied before using it independently. And the parameters of this process depend on the type of polypropylene, the diameter of the pipes, the power of the soldering iron and other factors.
Do you want to learn how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands? In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our other articles, where we examined in detail the welding technology, temperature and analyzed the main mistakes made by beginners:
- Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes: the main stages of self-welding + table of values
- Soldering polypropylene pipes: welding rules and analysis of possible errors
- Polypropylene pipes and fittings: types of PP products for the assembly of pipelines and methods of connection
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Inexpensive soldering iron models can last a long time, but when buying equipment you should not take into account the individual opinions of non-professionals who are lucky in choosing a device. The videos offer expert advice from specialists on the characteristics of soldering irons for PP pipes and the features of their choice.
Overview of the VALTEC pipe welding machine:
Rules for choosing welding machines:
Comparison of cheap and expensive soldering iron:
The choice of welding equipment for polypropylene pipelines largely depends on the financial capabilities of the buyer. But when buying a soldering iron, it is necessary to take into account their technical characteristics in order to purchase exactly the equipment that is necessary to complete the installation tasks.
Do you also choose a machine for welding propylene and want to clarify a couple of controversial points that we touched on in the article? Ask your questions in the comments - our experts will try to help you.
Or have you been the owner of a soldering iron (or maybe not one) for a long time and have good experience in soldering pipes? Please share your recommendations with beginners, talk about the pros and cons of your equipment, show a photo of your soldering iron, add tips for use.
When I was faced with replacing the old heating in a private house with a new one using polypropylene pipes, I began to choose a soldering iron for myself. I chose a soldering iron with a stand in the form of a flat sheet of metal, since this one is the most stable. It is also worth paying attention to the nozzles of the soldering iron that come with the kit, they should be without factory deformations and with a smooth even surface. The soldering iron chose a power of 500 watts with a power regulator. This is enough for home pipe soldering.
Which soldering iron is more convenient to use - xiphoid or rod? I will buy for home, I plan to use it not very often.
Hello. In my personal opinion, it is more convenient than a rod, because they can be soldered on weight and tight spaces, it is more compact.