What is a quartz bath: types, advantages and disadvantages, installation nuances, leading manufacturers

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Oksana Chubukina
Last update: May 2024

The main disadvantage of acrylic products is their instability and instability of the bowl. Without a reliable frame, polymer baths cannot be operated, as there is a high risk of overturning. Attempts to rectify the situation, while preserving the advantages of acrylic, led to the appearance of a modified material - quark.

A novelty in the plumbing market - a qvar bath differs from its predecessor in its optimized density and hardness. This broadened the installation options and ensured hygiene procedures. We will tell you all about the choice of sanitary ware from Quaril, introduce you to the leading models and manufacturers on the market.

Kvaril: characteristics of the composite material

Kvaril is an innovative composite material created for the restoration of acrylic products. In practice, the synthetic composition has proven its strength and versatility, and enterprising Europeans have expanded the scope of its application. Today, sanitary equipment is made from kvaril, in particular, shower trays and bath trays.

The main components of the quaril are quartz sand, acrylic resins and patented additives. The quartz component in the composition of the material provides strength, wear resistance and rigidity of the finished product. Acrylic resins make up about 60% of the total mass. Polymers are responsible for flexibility with plasticity at the processing stage.

Quaril structure
The determining factor in the modernization of acrylic is the inclusion of quartz in the polymer structure. The mineral particles are enclosed in an acrylic microcapsule, the gaps are filled with polymer and additional impurities

Additives give quaril uniform saturated color, anti-slip properties, gloss and smoothness.The composite complies with European safety and environmental standards, the material is tested and approved for the manufacture of sanitary equipment.

Composite bath
Kvarilnaya plumbing differs from acrylic products not only in composition, but also in manufacturing technology. The composite is poured into a matrix form - the output is an absolutely smooth coating without seams

The thickness of the walls of the bowl varies in the range of 0.8-1.8 cm, the bottom of the bath is up to 2.5 cm. The plasticity of the composite melted before polymerization allows the bath to give various shapes: smooth or strict geometric lines.

The advantages of plumbing modified acrylic

The ceramic bathtub not only absorbed the advantages of the acrylic predecessor, but also got rid of some of its disadvantages. Composite baths have many advantages.

Low thermal conductivity. The water in the composite tank cools slowly - an indicator comparable to the properties cast iron bathtubs. The coating quickly heats up and retains heat, maintaining a comfortable temperature for water procedures.

Variety of performance styles. Kvarilnaya plumbing impresses with its possible shapes and colors.

Bowls are often made to order for a particular bathroom interior. Standard forms of bathtubs of white color are presented in a retail network

Wear resistance. The hardness of the quartz is comparable to an artificial stone. Due to the formation of strong structural bonds in all directions, the resistance increases: there are no deep scratches on it, the coating made of it is difficult to break or break.

Due to its excellent characteristics and large thickness, the bath can last a long time, while retaining an attractive initial appearance. Kvaril is not afraid of corrosive processes, the material well tolerates the action of hot water, the standard temperature for receiving hygiene procedures and the processing of household chemicals.

Safety precautions. The inner surface of the bowl is absolutely smooth, without any roughness. However, the walls and bottom of the tank are not slippery.

Lightweight construction. The weight of the standard size model is significantly less than the cast iron counterpart. However, in comparison with an acrylic bowl, quiril specimens are somewhat inferior. Light weight facilitates transportation and installation work.

Good sound insulation. This property, like the previous one, was inherited from the polymer companions by the composite bowls.

Soundproofing polymer kvarilnoy plumbing
The noise of pouring water is absorbed by the acrylic-quartz surface. Even with strong pressure, the "sound" of water outside the bathroom is practically inaudible

Variability of installation. The installation of kvarilny sanitary ware is carried out using support frame or without it. The method depends on the design features and configuration of the bowl, as well as on the design idea.

Ease of care. Due to the lack of joints, smooth lines and smoothness, dirt is practically not kept on the surface of the sanitary container. To prevent the appearance of deposits, the bath should be rinsed with water after bathing and periodically treated with cleaning products.

You can connect hydromassage options to the quartz bowl, install practical coasters, comfortable headrests and other devices for comfortable use.

The negative sides of the quaril capacity

Practically ideal from the point of view of operation, decorativeness and manufacturability, plumbing has some disadvantages.

Some of the disadvantages of a Qavil bath are:

  • high cost;
  • fear of extreme temperatures;
  • exactingness to cleaners;
  • limited products.

Price. A bathtub is a novelty in the market of sanitary equipment. The high cost is due to scarce supply - the number of companies working with kvaril is limited.

The cost of the plumbing fixtures
The reorientation of production capacities to a new direction requires significant financial injections.Therefore, most firms continue to mass produce acrylic bathtubs.

In price gradations, even bowls are superior to cast-iron bowls, but inferior to expensive exclusive models made of natural stone.

Fear of fear. Like acrylic, composite material can become deformed if it is exposed to high temperature for a long time. The minus is rather arbitrary, since the probability of filling the bathtub with boiling water is small. The standard bathing temperature (35-40 ° C) the qvar tolerates without problems.

Careful leaving. Despite the unpretentiousness of maintenance, care must be taken when cleaning the polymer product. Excessive force when removing stains with abrasive cleaners will reduce the initial gloss of the surface and make it rough.

Care Care
For care of the quartz, household chemicals designed for acrylic plumbing are suitable. Effective remedies: Ravak Cleaner, Bagi Acrylan, Sanox “Clean Bath”, Frosch “Green Grapes”, etc.

Limited plumbing products. A unique technology has been launched shower trays and bath bowls. When arranging a combined bathroom, it can be problematic to choose a harmonious trio “bath-toilet-sink”, where all the elements correspond to a single style.

A relative disadvantage can be called the strength of the quark. Compared to cast iron and steel, composite products lose, but against the background of acrylic, the modified polymer is more resistant to mechanical stress.

Damage to the kvarilovy tank is possible maliciously when hit with a heavy object. In everyday life, under typical operating conditions, the risk of deformation and chips is very low.

Variety of model range

Quariel products are classified according to three main characteristics: the installation method, the features of the enamel coating and the shape of the bowl. The choice of a specific model depends on the overall capabilities of the room and the user's personal preferences.

Types of bathtubs by placement method

All types of composite bathtubs, based on the installation technology, are divided into two groups: built-in and freestanding.

Embedded models. Standard mounting option - the bowl is mounted on the frame or on the legs and closes decorative screen.

Built-in bathtubs
The bathtub is built into the podium or moves close to the wall. An alternative embodiment is an angular model with two perpendicular sides

Features of embedded options:

  • compact placement - wall-mounted models occupy a minimum of space, saving usable bathroom space;
  • practicality - place between functional decorative screen and a bowl is used for storing shower accessories and household chemicals;
  • the price of built-in modifications is lower than the cost of “stand-alone” models, but their installation is more time-consuming and requires additional financial injections to equip the podium, frame or underground communications.

Bathroom free installation. Freestanding bowls look elegant and exclusive. However, it is appropriate to place such plumbing in a spacious room. Free bathtubs are an expensive option.

Freestanding bathtubs
The bowls have a decorative finish on the outside and inside, some models are equipped with elite fittings. Sewer communications are carried out according to a special project

Technological solutions for the bath surface

Villeroy & Boch, the leader in the production of sanitary ware, has developed two coating processing technologies:

  1. ActiveCare Ceramic antibacterial enamel with positive silver ions. The synthetic surface prevents the growth of bacteria - the need for bath disinfection is reduced.
  2. Ceramic Plus. Particularly smooth polished coating that minimizes dust settling and the accumulation of dirt on the surface.

The micropores present in traditional plumbing products are smoothed as much as possible - it is difficult for foreign particles to gain a foothold on the coating.Thanks to Ceramic Plus technology, bathroom maintenance is much easier.

Bowl shapes and sizes

The choice of the dimensions of the bath depends on the size of the room and the growth of households. The standard length of the plumbing tank is 170 cm, the depth is 50 cm, which is comparable to sizes of bathtubs made of cast iron and acrylic. If you have to replace the old plumbing, then a similar kvarilny option is quite possible to choose.

Bath dimensions
For the arrangement of a compact bathroom, a sedentary model of the bathroom is suitable. In this case, you must follow the rule: the smaller the length of the bowl, the deeper it should be

The shape of the composite bath largely determines its location.

Kvarilny bowls are made in the following configurations:

  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • round;
  • triangular.

Rectangular bowls. Universal models - available in full-size and seated models. They are installed in the corners of the bathroom or along the wall.

Rectangular bath
Quartz rectangular bathtubs can be mounted in two ways: insert into the prepared frame or niche, as well as separate placement

Oval. The flowing lines of the plumbing tank give the room space peace and harmony. Oval bowls allow you to implement various conceptual interior ideas.

The hemispherical type harmoniously looks in a luxurious oriental, traditional classic, sophisticated Japanese, natural Scandinavian or sustained minimalist style.

Oval bath
Belonging to this or that design direction is dictated by the details: the shape of the stand, the presence of curly legs or the complete absence of any decorative elements

Features of oval composite bathtubs:

  • inflated cost compared to rectangular sanitary ware;
  • models of elongated configuration are quite spacious, but their installation will require more space than for the installation of containers of the "correct" shape;
  • the bowl looks better in a spacious room - where the beauty of the "oval" can be admired from different angles.

Round. Bathtubs require a lot of free space to accommodate. The diameter can vary between 150-210 cm. By individual order, it is possible to make a bowl designed for two.

Round bathtubs are considered the best option for installation and equipment. hydromassage equipment. Such plumbing is usually installed for relaxing procedures in SPA salons and private cottages.

Round bath
Round models are very roomy. From the point of view of comfort of use, this property is regarded as a virtue. However, a lot of water is consumed to fill the bowl; accordingly, water bills are increased

Triangular. It is customary to include angular bathtubs and models of the correct triangular shape in this group.

Kvarilovy types adjacent to two adjacent walls have several advantages:

  • space saving - taking a place in the corner frees up space for the installation of a spacious pencil case, washing machine or wash basin; compact angular bowl - an excellent option for combined bathrooms of small dimensions;
  • the ability to combine a full bath with a shower;
  • variety of design solutions - right- and left-handed models, symmetric and asymmetric bathtubs.

The corner bath is similar in size to a round shape, so they are also often used to equip hydromassage equipment.

Triangular bathtubs
A free-standing triangular bathtub with smooth lines gives “softness” to the interior and takes up less space than a round one. Custom configuration matches the original floor mixer

The technology of installation of kitchen plumbing

The sequence of installation works is almost identical to the installation of bathtubs from other materials. One of the important features of a quaril tank is the absence of an overflow and drain hole. This complicates the installation somewhat, but allows you to independently determine the location of the communications connection.

Mounting a built-in bathtub

The first stage, regardless of the placement method, is the marking and preparation of the holes for the drain. Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to determine the place of installation of the bathtub, the point of access to the sewer system, the placement of the mixer, handrails, nozzles and other equipment.

Wall bath
The holes in the quill are drilled with a diamond core of the appropriate diameter. Painstaking work is best entrusted to a professional - a minor oversight can ruin expensive plumbing

Following actions:

  1. Place the bowl on a cleaned base.
  2. Adjust the horizontal position of the container by twisting and adjusting the height of the support legs.
  3. Install the faucet, mount the taps in the side of the bathtub or adjacent wall. An alternative is to install the floor mixer separately from the bowl.
  4. Connect the siphon, connect the drain system to the sewer pipe.
  5. Assess the quality of sealing joints at the joints. Fill the bowl with water, leave for a couple of hours. In case of leaks, eliminate the gaps.
  6. Install a decorative screen. If necessary, trim the front panel with finishing material.

Finishing stage - sealing joints between the wall and the bathroom. One of the advantages of quiril patterns is their precise geometric shapes. Therefore, the seam between the edge of the plumbing and the tiles will be minimal, provided the walls are even.

Placing a freestanding bowl

A separate bath is the absolute dominant feature of the room. For its installation, it is advisable to choose a place so that the distance from the walls of the container to the surrounding objects is at least 50 cm. It is important to adhere to an asymmetric or axial interior composition.

A feature of the installation of a stand-alone variety is the need to lay water pipes and sewer in the thickness of the floor. Under the bowl there is little room for siphon connection and communication systems, as in the installation of traditional wall-mounted plumbing. Strobes are prepared in the floor screed, pipes are laid in the channels.

Freestanding font
Water supply is carried out through a floor type mixer - pipes are connected to the rack. To discharge water into the sewer, a siphon is connected to the bathroom, which is connected to the sewer pipe using adapter fittings

Work sequence:

  1. Lay plumbing in the thickness of the floor.
  2. Place the bowl on the pedestal, for example, bars. Raising the bath will open access to its base for connection work.
  3. After connecting the bowl to the communications, remove the coasters and install it on the hidden legs.
  4. Align the horizontal position of the bath.
  5. Test the tightness of the joints and mount the front panels.

A rational way to install a quiril bath is to equip a podium, behind which all the plumbing equipment will be hidden. The solution will simplify the repair work and effectively emphasize the zone of adoption of water procedures.

Composite Plumbing Manufacturers Review

The undisputed leader in the manufacture of composite bathtubs is a German manufacturer of sanitary equipment, utensils and household accessories - Villeroy & boch. The company is a pioneer in the production of quartz bathtubs.

Villeroy & Boch Baths
In an affordable sale, more than 50 positions of composite fonts of various configurations, methods for setting sizes and color versions are presented

The decisive advantages of the quille from Villeroy & Boch:

  • high-precision casting technology allows you to implement unique design solutions;
  • the material is perfect for flush-mounted hydromassage systems;
  • resistance to UV radiation;
  • impact resistance of a bowl - wall thickness of 8-18 mm;
  • smoothness of the coating with slip resistance.

Bestsellers: freestanding spherical bathtubs, oval, rectangular and corner options.

In addition to Villeroy & Boch, composite sanitary ware is produced by the following companies:

  • Jacob Delafon (France);
  • PAA (Latvia).

Jacob Delafon. A French company with a rich history and reputation as an upscale manufacturer. The main specialization is the manufacture of exquisite plumbing and furniture for the bath. Jacob Delafon offers a wide range of plumbing equipment made from acrylic, cast iron and artificial stone.

Jacob Delafon Bath
Flight's patented composite material is a layer of composite chips embedded between two layers of pure cast acrylic. Wall thickness - 12 mm

Jacob Delafon composite bathtubs are equipped with BioCote antibacterial coating - the material contains silver ions. For decoration, side and front panels are provided.

PAA A leading manufacturer of sanitary products in the Baltic countries with an export network covering Eastern and Western Europe. Among the diverse assortment, a line of bathtubs from the GRP composite is distinguished.

RAA GRP Material
GRP material is fiberglass reinforced plastic. The symbiosis of two different components gives an overall positive effect. A polymer binder is used to bond materials together.

Plumbing RAA - a successful combination of ergonomics, functionality and artistic value.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the video review, there are several options for placing a quartz bowl and ways to harmoniously combine plumbing with the design of the bathroom:

The cost of innovative sanitary ware is high; it is represented exclusively by European brands that guarantee the reliability and durability of their products. Kvarilny production has already occupied a certain niche in the group of goods, and will soon become more in demand due to a gradual decrease in prices.

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Visitors Comments
  1. How quickly everything changes: I recently chose a new bathtub and did not see the sale of quirils, and now they suddenly appeared everywhere. I myself prefer cast iron, acrylic bathtubs have never attracted, but if the quality is not inferior to cast iron, while being light, and so diverse in design, then you should definitely look at it.

  2. I haven’t yet earned money for a quarry bath) But I had the pleasure of seeing it with friends in a private house. What to say is a cool thing. I don’t even know what else to add. A completely different level of quality of life, a different level of the space surrounding you at home. Friends chose a free-standing floor bowl. There were no problems with laying pipes and water outlets. The secret is that the bathtub changed in parallel with the overhaul of the entire bathroom. When they poured a new draft floor, they laid all the pipes at once and they solidified and fixed simultaneously with the screed. I did not have to gouge and hollow out anything. I made a note for myself that this is the most competent and optimal option. The only caveat - do not save on pipes laid under the tile. Take the best. It will flow - it won't seem a little, especially if the house is connected to a centralized water supply.

  3. pasha ivanov

    In essence, a quartz bath is an improved version of acrylic.On my own I’ll say that it’s not easy at all to take care of it, many cleaning products can damage the surface, and it can be deformed from prolonged exposure to hot water!

    Although it retains the perfect look for really longer. And the most important minus is the price. She is inadequately tall. It’s easier to buy regular acrylic every year, and you’ll also stay in the black.


