Acrylic bath: pros and cons, reviews, selection tips
Beautiful and comfortable bathroom is the pride of many housewives. Creating an ideal symphony from simple sanitary ware is worth a lot - not everyone feels like a born designer.
To update the interior, it is not at all necessary to start a full-scale repair - you can replace part of the plumbing. So, an acrylic bathtub has proven itself well, the pros and cons of which are discussed below.
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What could be a bath?
Products from polymers have gained popularity among a large number of consumers. It is not surprising that this material is used in the manufacture of furniture for bathrooms - lightness, elaborate forms and affordable cost captivate users.
And additional functions allow you to create a real relaxation zone even in the combined bathroom - just add the desired equipment to the basic package. In addition, acrylic bathtubs have an original design that can instantly transform the room.

The bathtub is no longer just a bathing capacity - now it is an exquisite and expensive piece of furniture, a highlight of the room.
Depending on the installation location, manufacturers offer the following products:
- freestanding;
- angular;
- wall.
The first version of the bathtubs compares favorably with their appearance - these are proud and self-sufficient containers that can decorate the bathroom with their presence. Their significant drawback is that not every room is capable of accommodating such beauty.
For a freestanding bowl, you need a large room in which you have previously prepared the floor for its installation. Most often, the weight and dimensions of the structure suggest the presence of reliable floors that can withstand the load. You can read more about installing acrylic bathtubs in this stuff.

Corner and wall products allow you to realize any design plan not only in a large, but also in a very modest room. Moreover, due to their ease of installation, it is possible even in old houses with wooden floors.
As for size and shape, here you can get lost - the variety will amaze the imagination of the most daring consumer. The only thing that stops is the price. But it does not always indicate the quality of the bath. Often unscrupulous traders can recommend a very dubious product.
To buy an excellent bathtub that will meet expectations, you have to deal with the features of acrylic products, their positive and negative sides. As well as the main complaints of dissatisfied users.
Only with a responsible approach will the choice be right and there will be no regrets about wasted money.
Pros and cons of products
Due to the variety of models, each user can choose an acrylic bathtub suitable dimensions. Options for even very tiny bathrooms are on sale. But such products are endowed with both positive and negative qualities.
Advantages of acrylic plumbing
The tendency to change the old bathtub made of cast iron or steel to an acrylic analogue is quite justified by the operational properties of the polymer. A high-quality product is able to compete with its relatives from other materials.
Among the advantages of acrylic bathing tanks are:
- wide range;
- durability of operation;
- material safety;
- comfort when using;
- little weight;
- maintainability.
The richness of choice in all price segments is explained by the attractiveness of the acrylic coating, which beckons with its glossy sheen and snow-white purity. Although the latter can be argued - some buyers like the color options.

As for the life of plumbing made of polymers, there is no single figure.Each company gives a guarantee for its goods based on the quality of raw materials and equipment used in the production.
You may notice that the duration of the warranty depends on the cost of the product - the more expensive the bath, the longer the life of the manufacturer guarantees. So, for Chinese fakes it is 1-3 years, for new firms - 5-10 years, for eminent European and American companies - 15-25 or more years.
Some manufacturers give a lifetime warranty on their products - which once again proves the impeccable quality of acrylic bathtubs. True, the cost is not available to the average buyer.

The safety of the acrylic product for the user is guaranteed by the material characteristics. So, for production use a cast sheet of technical acrylic with the addition of various antibacterial substances.
Even products made from ABS plastic with a 2 mm layer of acrylic are completely safe for swimming.
The disadvantages of polymer baths
Acrylic bathing containers have their drawbacks, which should be taken into account at the stage of selection. The largest is a huge number of fakes that are not related to real acrylic.
This problem caused negative opinions and reviews of deceived users who paid decent money and received disappointment instead of a first-class acrylic bathtub.
The second minus is the ductility of the material. Despite the reinforcing layer, the walls of the bowl may slightly deform during use. This is especially felt when bathing a large person.
The need for careful operation is a significant drawback. But it is inherent in all plumbing items - even steel can not stand it if you drop a dismantled toilet bowl or sink on it.
As for maintenance, it is important to buy products that are designed to care for this material. Preference should be given only to liquid and soft suspensions that do not contain hard particles.
It is better to take a soft sponge or a cotton rag and carry out all cleaning operations with it.

Common customer reviews
Owners of acrylic bathtubs often leave feedback on the network on various resources, share their impressions with their friends and acquaintances. Moreover, among them there are both satisfied and disappointed with the purchase.
The first category of users is interesting to potential buyers precisely by the mention of a model that has proved worthy during operation. It is especially pleasing when several people spoke out positively about the option they liked.
The second category is more interesting - it is the negative reviews that allow you to get to know the problem areas of the bathtub of a particular manufacturer. So, users who are aiming for cheap products are interested in the stability of the front layer. More precisely, the rate of its abrasion.
It is no longer a secret that cheaper versions of acrylic bowls are made of plastic, which is covered with a reinforcing layer at the bottom, and a 2 or 3 mm acrylic layer at the top. Moreover, in some Chinese products, its thickness may be 0.5 mm.

When studying reviews, you need to be careful - often competitors pay a negative to conscientious companies.
Therefore, if at a thematic forum someone violently proves that all acrylic bathtubs are bad, except for products from an unknown company, then you cannot trust such interlocutors.
Some owners say bathing in a plastic container is akin to bathing in a plastic basin. Such a sensation arises with insufficient rigidity of the frame or improper installation.
Product Tips
Thinking about buying an acrylic bathing container, potential buyers are trying to learn about it as much as possible. What is not surprising - the new product is quite an expensive pleasure to frivolously take the first available model.

Often you can come across such advice: you need to choose a bath only from top manufacturers. This statement justifies itself, but not all consumers are willing to pay 5-12 thousand dollars for an acrylic bath. Let simply excellent quality.
Therefore, when choosing, you should first focus on your budget - even among inexpensive offers, you can choose a decent option.
To choose the best model, you need to use these tips:
- smell;
- to feel;
- look.
The sense of smell will help determine the fake - if the product smells sharply and unpleasantly, then it is better to abandon its purchase. It is possible that in the manufacture of hard-working Chinese used toxic substances that will be actively released during operation.
As a result - allergic rashes and a constant stench in the bathroom. In two to three months, the aroma from such a bowl will decrease, but with it the pseudo-acrylic coating may disappear.
When choosing a capacity for swimming, do not be shy to use your fingers - tactile sensations will help determine the quality of the goods offered. So, good acrylic will be smooth on the entire surface of the product.

Another tip is to carefully examine the proposed purchase. If purchased through an online store, then upon delivery you should carefully inspect the goods, paying attention to the number of layers on the cut.
In a situation where a bowl of two-layer material was ordered, and when checking it, 3 layers were found, there is a deception. This option is cheaper than a quality product. One or three layers is ABS plastic with a thin layer of acrylic, which can be wiped off in some places in a couple of years.
It will also be useful to look at the product in the light - it should be uniform and not shine through.

The appearance of the bath is important - its color should be uniform and the same over the entire surface. Stains and stains indicate a fake. It is better to refuse such a purchase, even if the seller offers a good discount - it is unlikely that you can get rid of spots.
Having made a purchase decision, do not forget about the documents - you should ask the seller if he himself has not provided them. Conscientious companies complete their products with instructions for installation, operation and maintenance.
We also recommend that you review the acrylic bath care tips we reviewed in separate article.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The pros and cons of acrylic bathtubs are discussed in the video:
When choosing a quality product should be extremely careful. The video will tell you what points to look for before buying acrylic plumbing:
About the rules for choosing an acrylic bath in the video:
Having studied the main advantages and disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs, you can decide on the feasibility of acquiring such a product for yourself. You should also see the reviews of the owners. To choose the best option, you need to use the basic tips for choosing an acrylic bathing container.
If you have been using an acrylic bathtub for a long time, please share your experience in using this plumbing. Perhaps you know some secrets of caring for her that we did not mention in our article? Or you can give your own recommendations on acrylic plumbing selection. Leave your comments, ask questions in the block below.
Acrylic bathtubs are good. Inexpensive, light, warm - they have a lot of advantages. To this we can add that acrylic bathtubs are easier to repair, have an antibacterial effect. We had a cast-iron bathtub for a long time, but during the repair we decided to replace it and did not regret it at all. When buying, you should pay attention to the quality of acrylic - cast products are considered more practical and wear-resistant. The bath itself can be produced in any of the countries.
Acrylic bathtubs benefit from their low weight and relatively low price. In my experience, cast-iron in terms of performance is better, but worth it, and installing them in a typical apartment is a real headache.
Now I have pig-iron, and I'm happy with it, but if I have to change it, I’ll choose acrylic, because I just won’t pull the new pig-iron, one climb to the floor will cost a pretty penny.
Hello. It is not necessary to change the entire bath, just buy an acrylic liner of suitable sizes and you will thereby update the surface relatively budget.
I’m also now confused about what to choose. Cast iron is three times more expensive, but it will last much longer, in my opinion. I do not want to tinker with the replacement of the bath every five-year period. On the other hand, they say that it is more pleasant to wash in acrylic, and even to wash it easier. Plus a bunch of different shapes, you can buy with hydromassage.
Scary in replacement is the fact that all my life I lived with a cast-iron bathtub. But apparently, the time has come to give a chance to progress.
And where did you get the idea that you have to change the acrylic bath every five years, where does this information come from? Firstly, manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs themselves give an official guarantee for eight to ten years! Secondly, most manufacturers give a ten year warranty on an acrylic bathtub.
As for the strength of such bathtubs with respect to cast-iron, the latter, of course, will be better in this regard. But cast-iron bathtubs have one unpleasant feature - they need to be repainted every three to four years. This property of the material itself (cast iron), no matter what paint you use, the bath will still give yellowness over the years.
Acrylic bathtubs do not have such a problem, if the installation is done correctly, the bottom is strengthened (if you plan to take a shower while standing in the bathroom), then the product will last more than a dozen years. Do not forget to fix the position of the legs of the bathroom.