HEC 09HTC03 R2 split system review: a contender for the crown in the “cheap and cheerful” nomination

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Oksana Chubukina
Last update: August 2024

The budget split-system HEC 09HTC03 R2 is attractive to customers not only for its low cost, but also for its wide range of functions. The manufacturer implemented all significant options in the unit for comfortable use and uninterrupted operation of the unit.

Like any device, an air conditioner has inherent strengths and weaknesses, and features of operation and maintenance. Will the benefits outweigh the weaknesses identified by users? We suggest to sort everything out in order.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Low price
  • Health option - odor control
  • Clear control
  • Laconic design
  • Compact block dimensions
  • Duration of cooling / heating
  • Slight cracking when changing mode
  • The lack of backlight on the remote
  • No display on the indoor unit - only light indication
  • Short power cord

Consider the technical parameters and nuances of the split, as well as conduct a comparative analysis with several closest competitors.

Unit design and specifications

The range of air conditioners of the HEC brand does not differ in a wide variety. In fact, this is a modernized budget line of Haier splits. HEC units with the designation “R2” in their names refer to air conditioners with conventional compressors.

Air conditioner design features

The wall-mounted device has a traditional design. The set of a split system HEC 09HTC03 R2 includes: external and internal module white, remote control and two batteries, mounting accessories, instruction manual and warranty card.

Wall mounted air conditioner
The block is compact, made in a simple style. The module fits various interior styles. Air inlets are located on the top plate of the unit, and air outlets are located below

For convenient adjustment of the air flow direction, horizontal and vertical blinds are provided.The air filter is hidden under the front panel - removable elements for partial filtering of air flows. It requires regular cleaning.

The information display is located at the bottom of the unit on the right side.

The indicator lights are displayed here:

  • power - lights up green when the air conditioner is on;
  • “timer” mode - a bright orange glow when the option is activated;
  • work - the light is on if the compressor is in working condition.

An infrared receiver is located near the display - when triggered, it generates an audio signal. To the right and above the screen there is an emergency shutdown button.

External air conditioning unit
The external module of the split is made of metal, it is quite compact, its weight is 24.5 kg. On the front panel is the outlet grille, and on the side is the air intake

The interconnect cable and the refrigerant circuit piping are connected on the right side.

Technical and operational parameters

The HEC 09HTC03 unit is designed for rooms with an area of ​​24-27 square meters. m, BTU split is 9000. This cooling capacity corresponds to an air conditioning power of 2400 watts.

Despite a loyal pricing policy, climate technology operates in four modes. In addition to standard cooling, the air conditioner is able to warm the air, ventilate the premises and lower the level of humidity.

Technical characteristics of the model:

  • maximum air flow - 8.3 cubic meters. m / min;
  • power consumption for heating - 747 W, cooling - 885 W;
  • type of refrigerant used - R410a;
  • energy consumption class - C;
  • the noise of the outdoor module - 53 dB, indoor unit - 33-35 dB;
  • adjustable fan speed - 3 positions;
  • the maximum length of the highway between the blocks is 15 m.

The operating current for cooling and heating is 3.9 A and 3.3 A, respectively. The diameter of the liquid tube is 6.35 mm, the gas line is 9.52 mm.

HEC air conditioning
The minimum permissible outdoor temperature for operation of the split in heating mode is -7 ° C. The device performs cooling if the window is not more than + 43 ° C

The air conditioner is mounted horizontally on the wall, the connection is 200 V. The manufacturer provides a 12-month warranty on the HEC 09HTC03.

Functionality: options and operating modes

The model provides a full range of the most popular and practical options.

The main modes of operation of the split:

  1. Cooling. The internal module has a temperature sensor that monitors the microclimate in the room and sends a signal to the compressor. You can independently select the cooling level, change the fan speed or charge the air conditioner to work - option
  2. Heating. The unit's heat pump consumes significantly less energy compared to an electric heater. In this mode, the user can also control the heating level himself or select the mode
  3. Ventilation. Air is driven through the internal split module and filtered. The temperature in the room does not change, recirculation occurs without the influx or removal of air flow.
  4. Drainage. Excess moisture is removed from the room. The drying rate is selected by the user.

In Auto mode, the unit automatically changes from cooling to heating, and vice versa. The air conditioner independently supports the specified settings.

Healthy climate option
There is a Health button on the control panel - activation of the Healthy Climate option. The program is designed to eliminate unpleasant odors and enhanced air purification

However, in the instructions for the HEC line of units there is an amendment that the mode is not available on all models. Its relevance should be checked with the seller.

A number of options are designed to increase the comfort of using climate technology:

  1. Timer. Allows you to set the period for turning on and off the device. The time range is 24 hours.
  2. Turbo. Cooling or heating a room in a short period of time. The compressor and fan work with increased performance - noise and energy consumption increase.
  3. Silent mode. Suitable for relaxing, reading a book. The equipment works almost silently. However, if you use Quiet mode for a long time, the actual air temperature may not match the selected value.
  4. Automatic work. The system automatically adjusts the temperature of the air flow, the speed of rotation of the ventilation blades in accordance with the inherent algorithm that promotes healthy sleep.

Sleep mode can only be activated when the air conditioner is draining, heating or cooling. When venting, the option is not available.

HEC split system
The manufacturer has provided protection systems, control functions: self-diagnosis of malfunctions, anti-frost technology, storing settings

The restart function is responsible for saving the entered settings. When an emergency disconnect from the network, the device remembers the necessary parameters. After the current supply is restored, the air conditioner will resume operation in the mode in which it operated before the failure.

Self-diagnosis is necessary to determine the cause of a malfunction - a microcircuit is mounted in the unit. You can find out about the type of breakdown by the indicator light. And how to deal with the most common breakdowns of climate technology can be read here.

The option of automatic defrosting is necessary when operating the split in winter for heating. As the outdoor temperature drops, the outdoor unit runs the risk of icing up, which could result in poor heat transfer or a broken fan. When there is a risk of ice formation, the unit automatically starts defrosting - heating the outdoor module.

Climate control

Temperature adjustment, mode selection, change in air flow direction is carried out using the remote control. It has a small information screen.

The display shows:

  • icon of the current operating mode;
  • fan rotation intensity - three speeds are possible;
  • remote control lock indicator;
  • activity of the “timer” option;
  • value of the current temperature set by the user;
  • indication of additional modes - when activated, the corresponding symbol is displayed.

Under the display there is a button for switching on and off the split, as well as a button for choosing a silent mode.

Air conditioner
Below are three switches that determine the operation of the air conditioner: Cool - cooling, Heat - heating the room and Dry - air drying

The manufacturer provides detailed instructions for controlling the remote control and using the air conditioner.

Key meaning:

  • buttons Temp - setting the desired temperature;
  • Auto - transfer of the air conditioner to automatic mode;
  • Swing - change in the airflow vector;
  • Fan - selection of fan speed;
  • Timer - setting the time to start the unit or stop the work;
  • Health - inclusion of the option “healthy climate”;
  • Extra function - sequential activation of additional functions: sleep mode, increased productivity, redistribution of air flows;
  • Confirm / Cancel - button confirming the user's choice;
  • Lock - remote control lock, the option is convenient when there are small children in the house;
  • Light - illumination of the display panel of the indoor module;
  • Reset - reset entered settings.

Wireless control is carried out if the distance from the remote control to the air conditioner does not exceed 7 m.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

In technical terms, the unit is very well “savvy”. It provides the basic systems for protecting equipment from failures, implements significant functions and options.

Among the main advantages of the HEC 09HTC03 split are: compact modules, quiet operation, despite the absence of an inverter compressor, a complete set of accessories for installation, ease of control

The popularity of the model is primarily due to the affordable price and advanced functionality. Most users are happy with the purchase.

Among the minuses, some consumers distinguish:

  • the duration of cooling, heating to the desired temperature;
  • during poor installation, the external module vibrates;
  • a slight crackle is heard during the change of modes;
  • not economical consumption of electricity;
  • lack of backlight on the remote control.

In general, the device is worth the money. In most cases, the inefficient operation of the split is associated with the unfair implementation of the installation - poor rolling led to the leakage of freon. In order not to encounter such a problem, we recommend that you study the instructions for installation of a split system.

Nuances of using a split system

To ensure uninterrupted operation of the unit, the manufacturer recommends annual maintenance of the system and regular cleaning of the air filter. The first work should be entrusted to the specialists of the service center, and the user can cope with the second task independently.

Preventative maintenance is reduced to the following actions:

  • washing heat exchangers, cleaning drain pallets;
  • broach connection contacts;
  • checking the operating parameters of the refrigeration circuit, the status of the terminals, printed circuit boards and connectors.

To clean the air filter, remove the front panel of the indoor unit by lifting it up.

Filter cleaning
Next, you need to take the grille by the middle part, pull it up until a characteristic click - it should come out of the latches

The filter can be washed with water or vacuumed. It is set back after it has completely dried and the lid of the unit is closed. For more information on how to carry out preventive maintenance of the split, read Further.

Comparison with similar models

To assess the competitive advantages or disadvantages of the unit under consideration, it is advisable to compare its parameters with similar values ​​of air conditioners of the same price category. For comparison, we take three splits of other manufacturers with similar power and cost.

Competitor # 1 - Scoole SC AC SP9 09

Budget offer of a Chinese brand with a good feature set. The air conditioner is designed for room service within 25 square meters. m, the cooling capacity, like the HEC split, is 9000 BTU.


  • operating modes - heating, cooling, drying and ventilation;
  • performance for cooling and heating - 2.7 kW and 2.75 kW, respectively;
  • power consumption - 756-840 W;
  • noise pressure of the internal module - 24-33 dB;
  • minimum street temperature for heating - from -15 ° С.

In terms of functionality, the model is not inferior to the unit from HEC. There is an automatic, night mode of operation, the option of remembering settings, a timer, a system self-diagnosis, adjustment of fan speeds. Air conditioners are similar in size.

Scoole advantages: economical energy consumption, quiet split operation, fan operation at 4 different speeds. Reviews about the air conditioner are mostly positive: good quality plastic, the unit works efficiently, the external unit is treated with a corrosion-resistant coating.

Competitor # 2 - Roda RS-A09F / RU-A09F

Another representative of the series "nine" from a Chinese company. The price of the air conditioner is slightly higher than the cost of HEC 09HTC03. The model is very popular among buyers - this is evidenced by many user reviews.


  • basic modes: cooling, air heating, lowering humidity, ventilation;
  • split performance - 2.65 kW and 2.75 kW for cooling and heating, respectively;
  • power consumption - 825 W;
  • noise from the indoor unit - 33 dB;
  • room heating at street temperature not lower than -5 ° С.

Roda products are in good standing with consumers. Air conditioners are assembled at the AUX factory, and more expensive brands Dax, Midea, Pioneer are also produced here. Roda units are equipped with a Toshiba rotary compressor.

Numerous reviews allow us to conclude that the main advantages of the split are: quick achievement of the desired temperature, quiet operation of the internal module, affordable pricing, good build quality. Users note the simple operation, full functionality, the convenience of indicating the temperature on the front panel. Some even use air conditioning to cool rooms of about 30 square meters. m

Compared to the HEC split, this model loses in two ways.Firstly, heating the room is possible at a temperature of -5 ° C and above, and secondly, the distance between the blocks is reduced to 10 m. Cons are very arbitrary, but these features should be taken into account when choosing a household appliance.

Competitor # 3 - Hyundai H-AR2-07H-UI016

The model is designed for maintenance of compact rooms - not more than 25 square meters. m. Technical parameters are similar to the HEC air conditioner, but externally the Hyundai module looks more bulky. For the price, the compared units are almost the same.


  • 4 main modes: cooling, heating the room, reducing humidity, blowing;
  • unit performance - 2.39 kW and 2.3 kW for cooling and heating;
  • electricity consumption - 800-820 W;
  • noise from the internal module - 31 dB;
  • the minimum temperature for heating a room is -5 ° C.

An anion generator is built into the device, there is a night and automatic mode. Of the features of the split, we can distinguish the presence of the “warm start” option. The technology does not allow the flow of cold air - the fan only turns on after preheating the air flow to a temperature set by the user.

The main advantage of the Hyundai air conditioner is its good price-performance ratio. The cons revealed by users: a noisy external unit, the compressor relay makes clicks when switching modes, plastic looks rather flimsy.

Conclusions and the best deals on the market

Air conditioning HEC 09HTC03 among the "nines" used in an area of ​​25 square meters. m, is one of the most affordable. In addition to cost, buyers are attracted by a variety of modes, module compactness, quiet operation.

However, user reviews are not always positive. Some are unhappy with the cooling time and vibration of the outdoor module. The Roda RS-A09F / RU-A09F split does not have these drawbacks - its performance is enough to quickly reach the set temperature and maintain rooms in 25-30 square meters. m

The remaining Chinese counterparts do not surpass HEC air conditioning in terms of performance, the main difference is in the design of the indoor unit, the presence of secondary options.

Looking for cheap air conditioning for your apartment? Or have experience using this model of a split system? Please leave feedback on the operation of the equipment, comment on our material, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located under the article.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Pavel

    HEC set a split system last summer, I can say that it’s quite a normal thing, despite the fact that the manufacturer is practically unknown to us. In any case, it copes with its direct task of cooling. Of the minuses - the energy class C, that is, it eats electricity decently. Well, and the cooling of the room I would like a little faster. Otherwise, everything is fine.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Good afternoon!
      Energy class "C" - this is certainly a lot for a modern household appliance. Let me give you some tips on how to reduce the power consumption of the HEC split system:

      1) When turning on the air conditioner, do not immediately set the minimum temperature +16 C for quick cooling. The room will really cool 10 minutes faster, but the device will consume maximum power. Set a comfortable temperature immediately.

      2) When a comfortable temperature is reached, do not disconnect the split system. The air in the room heats up and you have to turn on the appliance again.The air conditioner consumes the most electricity when it "picks up speed" and much less when it runs in linear mode.

      3) Change the modes. Not very hot? To create a comfortable temperature, an ECO mode is enough. If you leave the air conditioner on all night, then use the special night mode.

      4) Change freon in a timely manner and refuel the air conditioner in accordance with the instructions. The lack of freon is the main reason for high energy consumption: the refrigerant is not enough to effectively cool the air, so the compressor builds up power.


