Do I need a dishwasher or who needs a dishwasher in the household?
The question “Do you need a dishwasher in the kitchen or can you do without it” arose not by chance. It is difficult to determine if, on the one hand, fatigue from the endless washing of pots from under the soup, greasy pans and plates, and on the other - the arguments of friends about the extra expenses and inconveniences when using a dishwasher.
We will talk about the positive and negative aspects of acquiring dishwashing equipment. We will weigh all the pros and cons to help you make the right decision. Having estimated the information presented by us, it will be easier to decide.
The content of the article:
Arguments for and against the purchase
Considering the feasibility of acquiring a smart dishwashing machine, potential owners, as a rule, begin to study the reviews of real users and only then the proposals of manufacturers of this kind of equipment.
Arguments Against Dishwashers
And here opinions were divided into 2 opposite camps - “for” and “against”. Moreover, happy owners of cars are advised not to think and buy right away.
And opponents give a number of arguments against the dishwasher, noting its complete uselessness in the household. Moreover, they are sure that they will have to spend extra time washing over after it.

Having studied the complaints of opponents of the dishwasher (PM), it was possible to highlight the main arguments, which are the following statements:
- it is bought by lazy housewives who find it difficult to wash 2 plates and a cup per day;
- the car washes dishes for 2-3 hours, and water has been flowing all this time and electricity has been consumed;
- all kinds of consumables need to be bought (tablets, salt, etc.), and this is an extra waste;
- detergents in PM - continuous chemistry that is not washed out;
- the machine itself is expensive and you need to allocate space for it;
- You can’t wash half of the dishes in it, you still have to work with your hands;
- PM spoils the dishes, beats glasses.
In this series of negative opinions, the majority are misconceptions that are not related to the real experience of using the unit.
Consider the real disadvantages highlighted by the owners of dishwashers:
The saddest disadvantage is choosing the right place. It is optimal if it is provided at the stage of repair. Otherwise, you have to maximize your imagination by changing the placement of furniture / household appliances.
After all, you won’t put the dishwasher anywhere - it’s still to connect water supply and sewerage. Yes, and a free outlet is required.
The option with a compact model may not be suitable when the number of households exceeds 3-4 people. Here, the rational solution is to choose a more capacious unit - for 10 or more sets. Well, if the dimensions of the kitchen allow you to select a convenient place.

There is no need to talk about excess consumption of water and electricity - this statement is crushed to dust on the real indicators of meters. The cost of 9-15 liters of cold water used in one cycle will result in a negligible amount per month.
And the electricity bill will increase insignificantly - in fact, modern PM requires power supply from the network on average 0.75-1.05 kW * h. Moreover, this indicator depends on the model and the selected mode. There are even more economical ones.
As for the difficulties in operation, then all that is required from the owner is correct put kitchen utensils, considering their specificity. And also promptly fill the unit with detergents and wash sprayers (rocker arms) and filters 1-2 times a month.

Benefits of Using PMM
The main argument of opponents dishwashers, claiming that it is necessary to wash 2 plates and a cup / glass on the day, corresponds to reality only in the apartment of a bachelor eating at his mother / in a cafe / dining room.
Only a lonely person who comes home to spend the night will not stain dishes. And families of 3 or more people, especially with a child / children, note the active cycle of kitchen utensils in their kitchen.
Therefore, there is no need to talk about real time savings - this fact is obvious. After all, the volume of dishes is not limited to the notorious plates.
Especially when there are 2 young children in the family who still need to be looked after and taken care of - the children need to be fed more than 1 time per day and the sink is filled with dishes catastrophically quickly.In addition to the time that the dishwasher frees up for more pleasant things, other advantages stand out.
The best part is that owners who have already managed to register a dishwasher in the kitchen do not regret buying it at all. Moreover, they note that there is no need to save, choosing the cheapest. It is better to add 3-5 thousand and get the optimal model, in which there will be all the necessary functions.
Therefore the process dishwasher selection special attention should be paid, carefully analyzing the need for certain functions. And the size should be selected correctly, given the real volume of daily utensils.
Who needs a dishwasher?
The desire not to see piles of dirty dishes and not to stand, bending over the sink for a couple of hours a day, is justified. Especially when there is plenty of housework, and not only enough, and the availability of only 24 hours in a day seems a little.

After analyzing a number of reviews of real users of this kind of kitchen appliances, we can distinguish categories of people and situations when buying a PM is simply necessary:
- young family - so that no small things, like an unwashed cup on the table, spoil the relationship of the newlyweds;
- little child in the family - he needs to devote a lot of time, which will have to be shared with greasy pans and pans;
- 4-5 or more family members are an unconditional argument in favor of the dishwasher. A woman should not devote numerous hours of her life to standing at the sink with a washcloth in her hands;
- sustainable aversion to seeing dirty dishes and unwillingness to do it, so as not to force yourself and not suffer because of the disorder, it is easier to install a dishwasher;
- constant scandals over a pile of unwashed plates/ cups / pots.
In addition to the listed features and situations, there is another phenomenon that serves as an indicator for the purchase of dishwashing equipment - regular shutdown of hot water or even its absence. Washing dishes in such conditions is an unpleasant thing.

Another car will be a real salvation for those who like to have parties or home holidays - it’s nice to gather 10-15 relatives / friends at the table.
However, at the end of the feast, you will have to put in order a lot of glasses / cups / glasses, plates, salad bowls, forks, spoons, knives and other utensils. All this will wash the dishwasher, but you need to know how to use dishwasherso that the expensive unit in the first days does not fail.
Consider the most popular and useful features noted by dishwasher owners as benefits.
Who does not need a purchase?
But dishwasher installation not everyone needs it. Sometimes a technique may be a burden or will remain a part of the interior that does not fulfill its direct duties. Firstly, a dishwasher is not needed if it is a private house in which there are no communications - water is brought from the well, and the toilet is on the street.
In such a situation, the decision to simplify the life of a beloved grandmother living in the village by giving her a dishwasher will not lead to anything good. And only entail a number of additional costs - bringing home water, sewer systemthat can be quite expensive.

Secondly, dishwashing equipment will become an expensive interior item for single men / women who prefer to eat in public places. They do not need it, because there will be nothing to wash in it. Thirdly, a family of two adults can do without PM and spend the lion's share of their time at work.
Most often, they are saved by a visit to cooking before returning home. It remains only to arrange dinner on plates and reheat in the microwave. To cope with such a volume of dishes for a short time and with your hands - that eliminates the need for a dishwasher. Though compact desktop model for two persons it doesn’t bother them at all.

Fourth, the machine will be superfluous in the kitchen of people who get real pleasure and comfort in the process of washing pots and rubbing glasses to a shine. True, such unique women are very rare, and men even more so.
Difficulties with the location, installation, connection can arise if the kitchen is equipped and all the free spaces are already filled. Note that in this case there are still solutions for embedding machines into existing cabinets and cabinets. The options recommended by us will familiarize you with the options.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video # 1. Demonstration of the performance of the dishwasher by the real owner:
Video # 2. Opinion on the possibilities of dishwashing equipment, the appropriateness of its purchase:
Video # 3. Pros and cons of using a dishwasher:
Having familiarized yourself with the specifics of using the dishwasher and the appropriateness of its purchase, it will be easy to decide whether you need it in your kitchen or not. After all, only a person several times a day standing at the sink in front of a pile of dishes can correctly answer this question.
If the decision is positive, then you should carefully approach the choice of the optimal model with the appropriate set of functions / modes.
And what do you think: do I need a dishwasher in the household? For a family of what size is it worth buying and is it necessary to spend money on a dishwasher in general? Please write comments in the block below, share your opinion, useful information, photos.
It seems to me that a dishwasher is not a necessity in the kitchen. Our mothers and grandmothers did without her and felt normal. I also think so that it is quite possible to do without it. And I won’t buy myself. My guests are rare, and washing 2 - 3 plates is not a very stressful business. And by the way, I have 2 small children. On the other hand, if you can afford to buy such equipment, then why not use the benefits of modern civilization. There is no single answer to this question, each case is individual.
Most likely, you simply did not have a dishwasher. Yes, while she is not there, it may seem that she can simply do without her. However, it is very difficult to try and refuse a dishwasher. To make the analogy understandable, it’s like having the experience of using a microwave, start heating the food on the stove again.
The dishwasher makes life easier. Before the purchase, I also thought that you can do without it: not the first need, and so on. However, when free money appeared and it was acquired, I was able to appreciate all the advantages of this technique. Ok dishes, but the constant washing of pots and pans was very tiring and took a lot of time. Now I just turn on the dishwasher and go watch the series / do something else for myself. Now it would be difficult for me to do without her.
Personally, I belong to that cohort of people who consider a dishwasher an almost useless acquisition. And although I have a family and have a small child, neither I nor my wife are straining. when it comes to washing the same 10 plates, forks and spoons at the end of the day. Well, that’s not at all burdensome for us. In addition, having worked in the field of repair of household appliances, I can safely say that a good dishwasher is not cheap.
Buying a cheap one, over time, you doom yourself to expensive repairs. But the funny thing is when a woman calls you and plaintively asks to come right today, preferably in an hour, because there is a pile of dishes in the sink and your favorite dishwasher has broken. It would seem that you take and wash your hands. But it doesn’t even occur to her. Alo, women, don’t.
Judging by your logic, then, for example, a microwave is not needed. Well, what, you can heat the food on the stove. Yes, you can do without a dishwasher, but this is a matter of comfort.
Friends, what about: can you do without a washing machine? Moms did it. Few people are doing laundry now, even though the machine doesn’t wash everything.
Well, why so immediately to the extreme? At the expense of a washing machine - it's just an axiom for a modern person! Only particularly fierce Old Believers are now washing their hands.The machine even erases my panties with socks, you quickly get used to the good. Yes, to stick something with your hands is not a problem, but not on an ongoing basis. Okay, now about the dishwasher.
So, I’ll say right away that it is relevant for a large family. I’ll explain why: dishwashing tablets also cost money, you know. And chasing a dishwasher to wash 3-4 plates is not profitable! Gathering a little dishes into the compartment and waiting a couple of days is also an option, as it will suffocate there.
What can be the “against” of a dishwasher? In my experience of acquaintance with a dishwasher, I will say that it launders much more efficiently. Odor eliminates everything and saves water significantly.
Hello. To each his own) I have a big family, but it’s easier, faster and cheaper to wash the dishes with my own hands without a machine)
It may seem so cheaper. We took a PMM and I’ll tell you that saving water on the eyes, which ultimately will result in the cost of a dishwasher. And plus, something, but you need to take care of your hands, otherwise this constant interaction with detergents will definitely not benefit.
Hello! Thanks for your reply. We have autonomous water and I do not wash with detergents, since my son is allergic. On the one hand, it is better to rinse and rinse, but still I do not believe that you can completely and completely rinse even in the PMM 🙂
In general, my old-fashioned mustard for my hands is not bad, and even if it remains on dishes, it’s not scary. The fact that the station works on electric is also a dishwasher. So I say - to each here his own, individually.
He made an experiment at home: one began to manually wash the dishes for himself. Bottom line: I always have clean dishes at hand at any time. Is always!!! At any moment, even during the day, even at night !!!
Time has gone by: it takes about 4 seconds to wash one dish! To do everything at once, without delay, I think it is logical.
And the unpleasant moment for me is that when there is a dishwasher in the house there is always (!!!) dirty dishes. Where do not put it there ... It's one thing if the guests have come. But it seems that there are always guests in the house ... If someone in the kitchen drank tea 17 times during the day, then there will be 17 dirty mugs in the sink, and possibly not a single clean one on the shelf ... Everyone is out of habit to wash for themselves, they are waiting when the mistress will do everything ...
I forgot to add: we have a very high-quality car, but in the family there are only 4 people, 3 adults and one child 11 years old. There is always hot water and everything is at hand.