How to set the air conditioner to cold air? Switch-on Guide for Switching to Cooling
How many times on hot days did you regret the lack of air conditioning? And after the summer heat, they wanted to get into the cool, and not into the stuffy room. And finally, the selected product at home is already installed. A new acquisition will change your life, make it more comfortable.
However, air conditioning is not the easiest climatic equipment, you still need to figure it out. We will try to explain simply and easily how it works, how to set the air conditioner to cold air and much more.
Here you will find detailed step-by-step instructions for transferring the climate system from one operating mode to another. Our tips will help to create the perfect microclimate in the treated room. Adhering to our recommendations, you will prevent breakdowns and premature wear of equipment.
The content of the article:
Functionality of air conditioners
Air conditioners have long been included in our daily lives and have become just as common attributes as an iron, refrigerator or washing machine.
Being one of the most popular and sought-after types of HVAC equipment, which is designed to create more comfortable and favorable living conditions, the device is widely used in private houses and city apartments, in offices and cars.
Depending on the functionality, professionals distinguish split systems performing:
- only cooling;
- lowering the temperature and heating;
- service at low and high temperatures;
- special abilities.
The last paragraph combines aromatization and hydration, ionization, additional air purification and other functions. In addition to the coarse filter, which is located in all units without exception, additional filters are also available that provide fine cleaning.
On bio and carbon filters, ultraviolet and electrostatic, depending on the filter element, not only microscopic dirt particles and pollen are destroyed, but also viruses, bacteria and fungal spores.

However, in addition to medical recommendations for using ionized air mass for allergies or asthma, there are categorical prohibitions for patients prone to oncology, pneumonia, or heart attack. Therefore, this function should be used carefully, especially in dirty rooms.
Also, additional ionization filtration can be considered as an additional fine filtration. The ionizer is placed in the housing of the indoor unit, where negative ions are formed after the decay of water vapor.
Spreading around the room, they have an antibacterial effect, eliminate tobacco smoke and other unpleasant odors (cleaning from tobacco smoke will take 5-10 minutes, from bacteria - about three hours).
The process of humidification of air in the room can occur either by simple use of a steam generator or by placing a moisturizing component in the outdoor unit, or using ultrasound.
The principle of the cooling system
All air conditioners and split systems differ in power, design and installation principle, price and factory manufacturer. However, each operates according to one scheme and consists of two radiators of the evaporator and condenser, compressor and valve.
Between them, moving along copper tubes, freon with compressor oil circulates in a circle. The principle by which all existing air conditioners operate is based on the property of liquids: during evaporation - absorption of heat, during condensation - its generation.
Freon is used as a liquid with a low boiling point.

The main signs of leakage are: reduced efficiency, freezing of the outdoor unit valves and oily leaks.
From the evaporator indoor unit gaseous freon through copper pipes enters an external compressor, which raises pressure and temperature (from 15 to 80 degrees). Then it enters the condenser, where it is cooled. Then, generating heat absorbed in the room, it goes into a liquid state.
Freon moves to the evaporator through a thermostatic capillary and, returning to the gaseous stage, removes heat. Thus, the air passing through the evaporator cools down, and the room receives the long-awaited coolness.
In air conditioners “cold-heat”, the reverse process occurs, freon (due to the presence of a special valve) moves in the opposite direction. In such a situation, the indoor unit heats the airand the outside cools.
Remote Control Keys and Functions
The mode of cooling the air in the room is a key task, usually because of it, an air conditioner is purchased. The split-system is controlled by commands given from the microchip unit in the remote control. Different manufacturers produce a large number of all kinds of remote controls, but despite the design, the buttons and functions remain unchanged.
As practice shows, the bulk of consumers use only a few necessary keys to change:
- operating mode (Mode);
- temperature (Temp);
- fan speed (Fan);
- position of the blinds (Swing).
Nevertheless, well-known manufacturers are trying to get around competitors and add new features, some of them have already won their audience.For example, in the event of a malfunction, the air conditioner signals with an inscription (“self-diagnosis” function), in the event of an empty room, the device switches to sleep mode (“motion sensor”), as well as ionization, anti-allergenic air purification and the Wi-fi function.

Remotes are wired and infrared, the first are used to control semi-industrial and industrial units, the second - conventional household air conditioners
One wired remote control via micro cable can configure from 4 to 8 settings. A simple DPU is made according to product samples, but if necessary, you can purchase a universal remote control, using the code to activate and control any model.
The developers strive to simplify the notation on the buttons so that any user can understand the functions of the air conditioner: a snowflake indicates a decrease in temperature, the sun indicates a heating, an asterisk indicates sleep mode, a clock a timer, etc.
The remote control controls the parameters and modes of the air conditioner, adjusts the direction of the air masses. If the brightness and response rate are diminished, both batteries should be replaced. The distance between the remote control and the indoor unit of the device should not exceed 8 meters.
The process of turning on cold air
All household devices, including climatic ones, are continuously being finalized and modernized. Even the most ordinary averaged air conditioner has a considerable set of various modes, but the main one is cooling.
Almost every consumer after purchasing the device faced problems with setting the air conditioner and questions about how to switch from heat to cold and vice versa. Only the right setting and the right temperature will ensure the most efficient functioning of the system.
To turn on the air conditioner for cooling, you must perform several steps:
- connect the device to the network, turn on the plug in the socket;
- click on “on / off”, the blinds open;
- switch the “mode” key several times until a snowflake or “cool“;
- select the desired temperature value using the up and down arrows “temp”;
- if necessary, adjust the position of the blinds and the fan speed with the “far” and “swing” keys.
In a conventional air conditioner, after reaching the desired temperature value, the outdoor unit stops functioning until the air warms up again.

AT inverter devices the compressor does not turn off, but slows down, thanks to small subtle temperature fluctuations, comfort is created and more accurate temperature parameters are provided.
Temperature range tips
When fleeing from the heat in summer, you turn on the split system for cooling.
In this case, one must not forget about the elementary rules, so as not to make it a source of colds:
- the temperature difference between the room and the street should not exceed 3-5 degrees;
- it is advisable not to set a low temperature of 16-17 degrees;
- lowering the temperature should be carried out gradually;
- avoid a long stay in three-meter risk zones.
It is recommended to cool the room step by step, avoiding contrasting differences and lowering the temperature by 2-3 degrees once every half hour. The maximum difference with external indicators in extreme heat is 7-10 degrees. If possible, set the values in a comfortable range of 20-24 degrees.

It will be appropriate to use different shaft speeds or “pumping” for even distribution of chilled air (in any modern model there are at least three options). It is worth considering that when the Fan and Turbo modes are turned on, the temperature on the air conditioner is automatically set and not regulated.
Recommendations for the operation of the split system
Climatic equipment helps us out during the hot summer months, cools our apartments and houses, and to keep the split systems in good condition and for a long time, it is reasonable to listen to the following recommendations.
Tip # 1. When choosing an air conditioner, take seriously the calculation of the power of the necessary equipment.
When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the area of the room, the number of people living, the presence of fuel devices and other parameters, but the base value should be taken as a number equal to the area divided by ten.
In practice, the power consumption is three times less than the cooling power, in fact, the air conditioner is a refrigeration device that moves the cold. For this reason, it is more economical to heat a room with air conditioning, rather than electric heaters.
In any case, for the effective use of the split system, it is necessary to purchase an air conditioner with a capacity corresponding to the specified area of the room.

Tip # 2. Do not place the air conditioning units on the sunny side. Under sunlight, the temperature sensor on the case will heat up and show values that are not true. In addition, the air conditioner loses additional energy to neutralize excess heat.
The best solution is to use blackout curtains or blinds in the apartment, and install visor for protection from the sun (in winter from snow) over the outdoor unit of the system.
Tip # 3. Do not turn the air conditioner on for heating below zero.
All modern models have a limited temperature range, for cooling it is from -5 and +18 degrees (for various systems) to the upper limit of +43. The restriction of use is associated with a change in the physical characteristics of compressor oil and freon at minus indicators, and compressor wear for 2-3 years.
Tip # 4. Be sure to ventilate the room, but with the air conditioner turned off. It is a mistake to assume that a conventional air conditioner cools the fresh air coming from the street, and the one used from the room pushes it out. Only window and duct units have the ability to add fresh air to the total volume (up to 30%).

A split system can only cool and heat, move around the same air masses located indoors. Usually, air conditioning is used with windows and doors closed so as not to waste energy, which, on the other hand, entails the accumulation of carbon dioxide.
Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the room every 15 hours (with the air conditioner turned off) for 15 minutes.
Tip # 5. Clean and change filters regularly. The accumulation of dust on the filters leads to the growth of bacteria and an additional load for the air conditioner. Modern device models are equipped with several filters for coarse and fine cleaning.
The main filter is designed to protect parts of the indoor unit from dirt and prevent clogging of the system; the wear of the air conditioner as a whole depends on its quality. It is a metal or plastic mesh that is easy to clean with soapy water.
Fine filters are available in a wide range and are changed by maintenance masters.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
In summer, freshness and chill are important to us, but in winter you will want heat. The split system can help us:
If the air conditioner suddenly stops cooling the air, you may find this video useful:
As we can see, in order to enjoy the chilled air, it is not enough to press a few buttons. In order to get home coolness and comfort, rather than the common cold and malfunctions of the device, you need to perform a whole range of tasks for installing, setting up and maintaining the air conditioner.
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