Air vents for a kitchen with a vent in the ventilation: working principle, diagrams and installation rules

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Grigory Skok
Last update: March 2024

In the process of cooking, the kitchen is filled with steam and food odors. All this is absorbed into the walls, headsets and negatively affects the well-being of people in the room. Installing a kitchen hood with a vent in the ventilation will ensure complete collection and discharge of exhaust air with negative volatile components.

In the article we presented, the device of hoods in communication with ventilation systems is described in detail. The principle of action is thoroughly analyzed, the negative and positive sides are given. To help home masters, recommendations on the selection and installation of exhaust equipment are attached.

Types and features of exhaust devices

The variety of hoods offered by manufacturers is sometimes amazing. On the market you can easily find the optimal model in terms of cost and quality.

But for an unprepared buyer, the selection and installation of such kitchen appliances will become a difficult, and sometimes overwhelming task. Therefore, before going to the store or installing the hood, it is imperative to understand all the subtleties and nuances.

Sanitary norms and requirements

Any type of hood, whether it is a recirculation hood or a device with a vent for ventilation, must in one hour drive out a volume of air equal to 10-12 volumes of the cooking room.

This is a strict sanitary requirement that must be followed. After all, open fire sources and heating devices are actively used in the kitchen. And the humidity in the room is much higher than in other rooms.

As a result, the concentration of carbon dioxide, harmful impurities and fumes is constantly increasing, which will negatively affect the well-being of a person.

Exhaust air exhaust
In the case of using a device connected to ventilation, it is necessary to ensure the flow of oxygen from the street. If this factor is not taken into account, a rollover effect will appear.Its essence is that the air will be drawn from the duct back to the kitchen

Another requirement is that the hood should be installed as close to the hob as possible. This is a minimum of 65 cm for electric stoves and 75 cm for gas.

A prerequisite is the presence on the device of a special grill, where dirt and grease will settle. Due to this, the waste will not get into the ventilation duct.

Ventilation exhaust hood

Hoods that exhaust exhaust air through the ventilation shaft are classic and most familiar to most people models. Thanks to the constant flow of fresh air, a person rises mood, improves well-being, and his stay in the kitchen will become more comfortable.

Usually exhaust devices provide forced ventilation, for which a fan is used. This approach allows you to quickly remove excess moisture from the room, which can harm the furniture set, unpleasant odors, a variety of fumes, soot, excess carbon dioxide, etc.

In order not to pollute the atmosphere around the house, a special filter is used in the hoods, which collects most of all the dirt.

The principle of operation of the exhaust hood
An extractor hood draws in exhaust air and takes it out of the room, for which the ventilation shaft of a house or apartment is used.

Only flaw embedded exhaust hoods with ventilation lies in the complexity of their installation. After all, the device must be connected to the duct. If the house does not have a ventilation duct, you will have to drill a hole in the wall.

Varieties of exhaust hoods

There are several types of such kitchen appliances. Hoods with exhaust for ventilation are divided into categories depending on the design of the device, the method of installation and cleaning.

By the type of installation, these devices are distinguished:

  1. Mounted. They are divided into domed or flat. And also on the market are inclined products, which, if necessary, can be decomposed. The hinged hood will harmoniously fit into the large kitchen, and into the small room.
  2. Recessed. Devices of this type are the ideal solution for small apartments. Their feature is that they are built into the cabinet and act as its bottom. Some devices can slide apart, allowing you to increase the amount of trapped air.

Large kitchen owners prefer the island design of a fume hood. It is used in situations where the stove is not located near one of the walls of the kitchen, but in the center of the room. Island hoods are mounted directly to the ceiling and allow you to create an original design of the room.

In addition, the device for removing exhaust air is an important element of the kitchen. It not only absorbs harmful fumes, but also acts as a decorative element. Therefore, choosing this or that type, you need to evaluate whether the desired model will be harmoniously combined with the design of the kitchen.

Types of air exhaust hoods
It is necessary to choose one or another type of hood depending on the location of the stove and the dimensions of the kitchen

Exhaust device selection criteria

Cooker hoods are one of the main elements of any modern kitchen. Therefore, her choice must be approached with all responsibility. In order not to miscalculate and buy the optimal device, you need to pay attention to the whole characteristics inherent in these devices.

Among the criteria that influence the choice are the following:

  • the size;
  • operating modes;
  • type of filter used;
  • availability of additional functions;
  • case material;
  • performance;
  • noisiness
  • way to control the device.

Of course, the optimal size is extremely important when choosing a device. It directly depends on the dimensions of the hob. Therefore, before going to the household appliance store, you must definitely recognize him.

In order for the hood with exhaust air to the ventilation to cope with its main task, its dimensions must necessarily correspond to or be slightly larger than the area of ​​the gas stove. Thanks to this, the device will take the maximum amount of fumes from the kitchen, which will significantly increase its efficiency.

As for the choice of the operating mode, here you need to decide which device is needed. The fact is that hoods can work in recirculation and air exhaust modes through the ventilation shaft, or combine 2 options.

The optimal solution would be to purchase a combined model. If the choice fell on the latter variety, then you need to ask the seller about the cost and availability of filters.

The scheme of operation of two types of hoods
Air vents are a more economical and practical solution. After all, recirculation devices need regular filter replacement

Before buying, you need to see which filters are used in the hood you like. They are designed to collect most of the fat and dirt. There are several types of filters. The best solution is metal mesh. They are universal and easy to care for - they can be easily washed.

With device and varieties carbon filters for a cooker hood an article will be introduced, the contents of which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

As for plates made of synthetic material, this is not the best choice - they can not be washed. Such products will have to be changed regularly, and this is an additional cost. After they have served their time, you have to go to the store and buy new ones.

Metal grilles for hoods
Metal grilles are easily removable and put back into the hood. Therefore, problems with cleaning the device where such filtering is used will definitely not occur

Among the additional functions of the hoods, the most useful and practical is the interval mode of its operation. It must be in any range hood. This means that the device will turn on from time to time, purify the air and then turn off.

The vast majority of mid-range models use an electronic timer to implement this function. As for more expensive products, their interval mode is based on the use of sensors that analyze the composition of the air. But such a highlight will significantly increase the cost of the hood. Therefore, before buying you have to think carefully: is this function worth it?

All exhaust devices are significantly different material housing. Manufacturers offer kitchen appliances with ventilation through ventilation made of enamel, tempered glass or stainless steel.

Before choosing this or that material, you need to remember that durability, appearance and, of course, the cost of the device depend on it. Therefore, it is important to consider all the positive and negative aspects of each of them.

The main advantage of enameled and metal surfaces is their low cost. In addition, they wash and brush without problems. In the list of features of models whose case is made of stainless steel, you should add their presentable appearance - such devices can not be built into the cabinet.

As for toughened glass hoods, these models look simply chic and stand accordingly. At the same time, to keep them clean, you will have to regularly and carefully care for them. And it’s worth being careful with such equipment.

Example of a glass hood
The glass hood is a great design solution. Such a device will fit perfectly into any design, whether it is a luxurious classic or a strict modern

The appearance does not always correspond to the internal content. This statement applies to cooker hoods. After all, today you can easily purchase huge dome appliance, whose power is not enough to clean the air, even in a small kitchen.

In order not to miscalculate the choice, you must first calculate the optimal performance of the device. To do this, you should find out the volume of the kitchen - multiply the floor area by the height of the ceilings.

For comfortable work in the room you need to buy a hood, which in 5-6 minutes can completely update the air in the room. That is, in an hour the device should have time to do 10-12 such cycles. To find out the performance of the hood required for your kitchen, you should multiply the volume of the room by the rate of air exchange (10-12).

For example, if you take a small room with an area of ​​15 m2, where the ceiling height is 3 meters, then multiplying these values, we get a volume equal to 45. Multiply this number by the multiplicity of air exchange and add 20% as a reserve, we find out the optimal hood power for such a kitchen. In this example, the productivity of the device should be equal to 450-540 cubic meters per hour.

Power / Area Ratio Table
In order not to burden yourself with calculations, you can use the table above. It has all the information about the optimal hood power for a particular kitchen.

The noise of the device plays an important role - the hostess often spends several hours and sometimes half a day cooking. Some even install TVs in the kitchen so they don’t miss out on their favorite movie, series, or program.

It is hardly necessary to say that a noisy hood will not allow you to concentrate and will not let you hear what the heroes of the melodrama are talking about. Therefore, to determine the optimal model for yourself, you need to deal with decibels.

The volume of normal human speech is 50-60 dB, while for quiet music this figure does not exceed 40 dB. As for the hood, you should look at the noise level in her technical passport. It should be in the range of 40-80 dB.

Hood noise
The volume of the hood is directly related to its performance. Accordingly, the more powerful the device, the more noise it will create

Choosing exhaust device, it is important to pay attention to how to control it. There are three types of buttons - touch, mechanical and combination. The cheapest, most simple and reliable are mechanical models. In this case, the power is regulated using a number of special buttons or a slider (moving slider).

The touch screen requires only a touch. These hoods look modern. The advantage of touch models is that they are easy to care for. Due to the absence of protruding elements, dirt from the display is easily removed with a damp cloth.

Hybrid models, unlike sensory and mechanical ones, are not so popular. Here the buttons are completely recessed inside the case, so they can only be felt. But it’s as easy to look after hybrid devices as touch sensors.

Hood display
Manufacturers offer hoods with multi-function displays. On a small screen displays all the information about the operation of the device

When choosing a particular model, you must pay attention to the lighting option. In inexpensive hoods, ordinary incandescent bulbs are used for this. Although they are cheap, they burn out much more often. Moreover, such lighting consumes a large amount of electricity.

It is better to give preference to models that use halogen lamps. They are a more economical alternative, and they shine much brighter. But keep in mind that with such lighting, the food will take on an unnatural appearance.

The ideal option is LED lamps. They need a minimum amount of electricity and last for years.

A distinctive feature of hoods with air venting to luxury ventilation is the presence of motion sensors. Thanks to this constructive solution, the light is turned on if activity has been noticed in the hob area.

Hood lighting
Some models also allow you to mute or, conversely, enhance lighting. This makes cooking comfortable at any time of the day or night.

In addition to the technical characteristics, it will be useful to get acquainted with the reviews of other customers about a particular model. Numerous users who have already ordered this or that hood and managed to use it, will indicate the advantages and disadvantages of a particular product. This approach will allow you to weigh the pros and cons and get the hood that is optimal for your kitchen.

Hood reviews
When searching for reviews, trust only trusted sites whose pages contain both positive and negative opinions about the product

Rules for connecting the hood

To choose and buy a hood suitable for your kitchen with air exhaust to the ventilation shaft is only half the battle. It is important to correctly install the device. In order not to make mistakes, you must adhere to a certain sequence of actions.

First, immediately after the purchase, you need to check the equipment. The box must have a technical passport, where there is installation instructions, an exhaust device and a set of fasteners (screws and anchors for mounting to a brick wall).

Then it’s important to prepare everything for work - the construction level, a punch or drill, tape measure and a screwdriver. Then identify and mark hood height, which depends on the type of plate and its size.

Further, the work procedure will be as follows:

  • Using a tape measure, measure about 70-80 cm above the hob and use a level to draw a horizontal line;
  • in the center of the line drawn earlier, draw another one perpendicular to it;
  • using masking tape, fix the template to the wall so that it does not move during drilling;
  • then with a drill and a drill corresponding to the self-tapping screws included in the kit, four holes are made in the wall;
  • screws should be screwed into the wall so that their head protrudes 0.5 cm;
  • then remove the grill and cover from the hood and hang it on the fasteners;
  • Now it remains to tighten the screws to the end to securely fix the device on the wall.

Installation ends with the installation of the cover and grille. Then follows the most important and time-consuming stage - the organization of ventilation. But subject to all the rules and recommendations, the process hood installation It will not cause absolutely any difficulties.

Hood connection diagram
It is better to entrust the installation of an expensive hood to a professional. The specialist will do everything as quickly and accurately as possible.

Selection and installation of ventilation ducts

There are two types of ventilation pipes for hoods - this plastic products and corrugated pipes. The latter variety is in great demand, as it has many advantages.

The advantages of corrugated pipes include:

  1. Ease of installation. The product is made of thin aluminum, so that the corrugation can be bent and rotated as required.
  2. The ability to quickly change the length. If the pipe is too long, then the excess can be cut off using ordinary scissors. And when the calculations were carried out incorrectly, the corrugation can be increased without any problems - the elements quickly and well connect with each other.
  3. Light weight. The material is very light, so you can save on additional fasteners and reduce the time required for installation of ventilation.
  4. Cheapness. A buyer with any income level can afford to buy corrugation.

But when installing this material you need to be extremely careful. After all, the corrugation is very malleable and a strong pressure can leave an ugly dent on the product.

It is generally recommended to use plastic ventilation pipes. This kind of product has a smooth inner surface, so that the flow will not slow down on the walls and lose its speed.In addition, the material is notable for its low cost, the absence of elements subject to oxidation, as well as safety for human life and health.

Exhaust duct
In order to connect the air duct to ventilation with your own hands, you need to connect the plastic hood of the hood with a corrugation or plastic pipe, insert the same element into the ventilation grill and fasten the whole structure with building clamps

Where is it better to place the outlet?

The hood in the process of its operation consumes a considerable amount of electricity. Therefore, experts recommend a separate line for the device, as otherwise the entire network may not withstand such a voltage.

The outlet should be located directly next to the device itself. Please note that if a gas stove is used for cooking, the outlet must be at a safe distance from it.

Cooker hood care rules

For the device to last for a long time, it must be cleaned regularly. Before washing, the hood must be de-energized. Next, you need to remove the grill or filter and wash all the parts of the device on which dirt could accumulate. For cleaning, you can use a dishwashing detergent or a special composition designed for stainless steel products.

A distinctive feature of modern materials is the ease of washing. But sometimes, in case of severe contamination, you need to use a detergent. Please note that it is forbidden to use powder, a metal sponge or a washcloth with a rigid fiber structure for cleaning - they will scratch the surface of the hood.

To wash the buttons, use a soft cloth dampened in a washing solution. After all the hood elements are perfectly cleaned and the surface of the appliance is wiped dry, the device can be plugged into a power outlet and continue to operate.

Hood Care
From the quality and regularity of washing the hood directly depends on the period of its use. If you pay due attention to this, then the device will serve by faith and truth for more than one year and even, after 5 years, it will look like new

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video # 1: Tips for choosing a kitchen hood:

Video # 2: A detailed analysis of the installation of the hood with air exhaust into the ventilation shaft:

Video # 3: Installing a kitchen hood duct:

A kitchen hood with air venting into the ventilation is an indispensable technique, the purchase of which you need to think about first. After all, once having spent time and thoroughly sorting out the types of exhaust devices, it is possible to ensure that the brand new wallpaper and stretch ceiling do not absorb various unpleasant odors, and the cooking process itself brings only pleasure.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Grisha

    First of all, you need to decide on the choice of hoods. We must remember the design of the kitchen, its dimensions and the size of the hob. I was lucky in the apartment were already provided mines for air exhaust from the kitchen. The matter remained small: to acquire the necessary hood, assemble and put it. I bought a combined model (recirculation and exhaust mode), almost silent.Hanged at a height of 70 cm above the hob.

  2. Marina

    In our kitchen, we constantly smell food from our neighbors. Normal ventilation, natural type with grille without fan. I talked with experts - they say that this is due to improper installation of hoods in adjacent apartments, which should not be so. And in general, they do not recommend putting the box in the ventilation. But where then should he be led out? Maybe the neighbors just mounted something wrong? Is there any way to solve the problem? Kitchen smells from neighbors are sometimes so specific ...

    • Alexei

      Apparently you have a problem with reverse ventilation draft. Bring a candle or a match to it and look in which direction the light is tilted. If it’s yours, call the management company, let them send a person and look what’s the matter.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Do not listen to people who offer to bring matches to ventilation in the kitchen! Do you know how easily a mixture of fat and dust can break out, given that fat from the hood has been accumulating in the ventilation duct for years? To check the normal draft of ventilation, it is enough to tear off the flap from the toilet paper (everyone has it) and lean it against the ventilation hole. Any other piece of paper will do.

      If there is a return draft, then call the Criminal Code and let it fix this problem, there may be several reasons, including improper installation of ventilation equipment by neighbors.

      It’s just that I personally know one case when a neighbor set fire to the ventilation duct so, checking the draft with a cigarette lighter, it blazed very effectively, a mixture of grease and dust is not a joke!

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  3. Marina

    I have a question on exhaust hoods. In the above, it is not indicated that for the exhaust, an inflow is needed in the same volume as the contaminated air leaves the ventilation duct, and the inflow is either to open a window or install an additional supply fan.

    In either case, it’s cold at the time the hood is used, while the recirculation hoods need constant filter replacement, and passing through the filter up to 40% of the hood’s volume productivity is lost.

    And here you do not know what to choose - or freeze in winter, or change these filters forever. Maybe there is some optimal option with a small budget?

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Marina, I don’t think you need to install additional ventilation. This is the kitchen in the apartment, not the production room, where the equipment is used all day.

      Hoods with exhaust to the ventilation work perfectly and without additional air flow. If you still need to provide additional airflow in the kitchen, then an open window for ventilation is the best option.

      No need to spend money on installing additional ventilation equipment. When you cook something in the kitchen, the temperature in the room rises. A window open for ventilation will not affect a strong drop in temperature, 2-3 degrees is the maximum. If this is critical for you, you can open a window in another room where you are not currently located.

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