How to clean the ventilation in the apartment with your own hands: suitable tools and work procedures

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: penelopa_lady
Last update: December 2024

Hearing the aromas of dishes throughout the apartment is not very pleasant, is it? And if at the same time the windows in the kitchen begin to fog up, and in the bathroom the air becomes stale and stale, the cause is most likely a malfunction of the ventilation system.

It is necessary to fix the problems as soon as possible, so as not to risk the health of all residents, as well as the condition of furniture and other interior items. In addition, the well-being and tone of not only households, but also neighbors, directly depends on the quality of ventilation. But how to clean the ventilation in the apartment with your own hands and what is needed for this?

We will analyze these issues in detail in our publication - we will talk about how to establish the cause of adverse microclimatic conditions in the room. We also consider the main methods of self-cleaning ventilation, supplementing the information with a selection of thematic photos, videos and diagrams.

When is the time to clean the ventilation system?

Dust in the duct, both dry and greasy, quickly ignites. In the conditions of apartment buildings, this is also fraught with the spread of toxic fumes and asphyxiating smoke.

You can determine the need for cleaning the ventilation in a particular apartment building according to several signs:

  1. A large amount of cobwebs and fine dust forms on the ventilation grill and around it.
  2. In summer, there is stuffiness in the room, which was not there before.
  3. Dust accumulates on the floor and surface of objects after 12-24 hours after wet cleaning.
  4. The room feels characteristic dampness, condensation forms on the glass.

As a rule, the reason is commonplace - a critical blockage of ventilation ducts. But the matter may be in the failure of ventilation equipment.It is undesirable to wait for obvious signs of malfunction. Regular maintenance will prevent damage to repairs, the active spread of fungal spores and the deterioration of microclimatic conditions.

Roof ventilation duct
To clean the ventilation duct, plastic round panicles should be used. Their twigs do not break off. Suitable for this purpose is the usual pomelo, preferably from the spruce conifer

Ventilation systems should be cleaned twice a year. Specialists can set other dates after analyzing the condition of the ducts, but, as a rule, manipulations in the summer and winter are enough. Routine inspection - at least once a quarter.

Causes of disruptions to the ventilation system

Ventilation stops working in the following cases:

  1. After improper installation of plastic windows.
  2. As a result of the imbalance caused by outside interference in the system.
  3. Due to mistakes made by architects.

Similar problems are observed not only in winter, but also in summer. If the violation of air exchange is provoked by the replacement of windows, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often. In wooden windows there are small gaps through which ventilation is carried out, and plastic ones are closed tightly, so the air circulation stops.

Some modern double-glazed windows have a micro-ventilation function. You can also install window vent.

The ventilation shafts in multi-storey buildings of the old construction are usually lined with bricks. Dust and moisture cause the material to decay, resulting in collapse. Stuck large parts block the flow of fresh air. Insects, birds and fragments of construction debris can enter the air ducts during repairs on the upper floors.

But do it yourself clearing all ventilation channels in an apartment building is prohibited. This should be done by special services. On your own, you can clean up only in the branch adjacent to the common channel.

Removing the ventilation grill
Before you remove the grate, you need to remove all unnecessary from under it. Otherwise, a large amount of accumulated dirt and dust may sprinkle on furniture and interior items.
The work of specialized services
With regular channel cleaning, close space can be purged with a vacuum cleaner. It is advisable to use a device with the ability to switch the air discharge direction and equipped with a compressor

A disturbance in the balance of air exchange can also occur through the fault of neighbors if they connect a powerful exhaust system. This problem can only be solved by installing such equipment.

Heat can affect the natural ventilation in an apartment building. The air circulation stops if the air temperature in the street and indoors is equalized. In summer, most likely, additional ventilation methods will be needed.

You cannot do without the help of a master if mistakes were made in the design and construction of the building. In this case, install additional exhaust equipment.

Ventilation Check Procedure

The performance of the ventilation ducts can be checked using improvised tools.

The easiest way to use a lit match:

  1. You must open the window in any room.
  2. Bring the flame to the ventilation grill. You can take not only a match, but also a candle or a lighter.
  3. The serviceability of the system is determined by the deviation of the fire towards the ventilation duct.

Employees of public utilities, in particular a gas office, do not recommend using this method to check ventilation in an apartment building if the building is connected to the main gas supply. Even the smallestleak of gas May cause fire or explosion.

Using cleaning equipment
Some nylon grilles have nylon mosquito nets. They should be changed with every cleaning. Instead of torn off, you can stick a new one, using second glue

A safer way to examine the channel is with a sheet of A4 paper. Plain toilet paper is also suitable. The sequence of actions described above remains unchanged. Only instead of a flame should a sheet be attached to the grate. It should stick to the surface of the ventilation duct.

If the paper is weakly attracted or does not react at all, you will have to look for a reason. Repeat the procedure with each ventilation grill. In most apartments they are located in the bathroom, in the kitchen and bathroom.

When should I contact the special services?

Current legislation regulates the inspection and cleaning of ventilation systems by licensed companies. In residential premises, activities should be carried out without fail when a deficit or a complete lack of traction is detected. A check will also be required after the completion of the repair, internal redevelopment of the room.

Specialist hood installation
Installation of an additional duct with a check valve clapperboard in the kitchen will eliminate the back draft and preserve natural ventilation when the hood is turned off

And if cleaning is necessary twice a year, as mentioned above, the frequency of scheduled inspections is more stringent - three times a year. As a rule, they choose the time before, in the middle and at the end of the heating season. Specialists use professional equipment to analyze the performance of the ventilation duct.

After ventilation duct checks public utilities must write a certificate with a hologram, certified by a seal. The document is executed in duplicate.

The act must contain the following required information:

  • channel length, size and location;
  • chimney material;
  • places in which heaters are connected;
  • design features, including transitions and narrowing, causing disturbances in the normal operation of the system;
  • assessment of tightness and density of the structure;
  • the presence of blockages and blockages;
  • condition of internal partitions;
  • the presence of traction;
  • the condition of the joints, in the event that brick channels are evaluated;
  • the presence of protective grilles;
  • condition of caps and other devices.

Specialized cleaning companies use various equipment for cleaning ventilation ducts. Their services also include the diagnosis of pollution.

Duct Cleaning Devices

Utilities use several units to clean the ventilation system:

  • powerful industrial vacuum cleaners;
  • electromechanical equipment;
  • reagents and chemical compounds;
  • purification devices with several filters;
  • vacuum installations;
  • brush pneumatic drive units.

Flexible shafts can be used for self-cleaning air ducts. They should be attached to a drill or screwdriver.

Using a brush to clean the ventilation duct
Ruff can be done independently. It will take 5-6 plastic bottles of the same size, from which you need to cut the bottom. Then, with scissors, cut strips from the bottom to the neck. The width of each should be from 4 to 5 mm. All obtained blanks should be fixed with nuts, washers, bolts with caps. The weighting agent can be made of lead, an iron can and a steel bar. It remains to string steel pipes 90 cm long on the plumbing cable and screw to the head

A vacuum cleaner or a broom on a long handle, a wire with a metal hedgehog on a handle, rubber gloves, and a respirator are also useful in cleaning the apartment.

Step-by-step ventilation cleaning

Now let's talk about how to properly clean the ventilation in the apartment. A set of chimney sweeps with a flexible shaft will greatly facilitate this task. You can find it in almost any hardware store or on the market. The brush-brush should fit the size of the ventilation duct. It must be screwed onto a flexible shaft, and the second end should be secured in the chuck of a screwdriver or electric drill.

The device can be used in apartment buildings. Ventshahts have the following structure in such objects: the individual channel of the apartment rises only to the height of the upper floor, after which it moves to a wide common channel. And to score it is not possible, since the parameters are about 25x80 cm. Therefore, it is necessary to clean it only to the height of the upper floor.

Air duct obstruction
Violation of the operating standards, as well as mistakes made during the design, are the main causes of poor-quality indoor air. The dirt accumulated in the ventilation duct, as well as on the heating and moisturizing elements, serves as fertile soil for microbes
Clogging the ventilation duct
Cleaning the ventilation system includes the mandatory disinfection of the unit parts, fan blades, silencers and valve surfaces. All work is carried out, including by specialized companies, manually

It is more convenient to eliminate the blockage together:

  • it is necessary to work with gloves and goggles;
  • measure the length on a flexible shaft, which should be equal to the height of the floor plus the thickness of the floor;
  • for marking, you can use electrical tape or other adhesive tape;
  • remove the ventilation grill;
  • insert a brush attached to the flexible shaft into the ventilation duct;
  • while one partner turns on the drill at low speed, the other should push the brush up, directing it with a flexible shaft;
  • the location of the mark on the shaft opposite the entrance to the ventilation duct means cleaning the duct to its full height;
  • without stopping the rotation it is necessary to get the shaft with the brush back.

The same method can be used in private homes and multi-unit, but only on the top floor. The mine in this case is made of brick without a common channel. And each individual canal on the roof ends. To determine the length of the flexible shaft, the height of the floor, attic and ventilation duct located above the roof of the building must be taken into account.

Air flow pattern
Ventilation problems can also be caused by disturbances during the construction phase. Wooden ventilation ducts must be galvanized. The inner base is treated with felt and then plastered.

Brick ducts can be cleaned with a special ruff on the rope, which is attached to the weight. Cleaning is carried out from the roof. Ruff must be lowered into the channel.

But not so simple. It is almost impossible to independently determine which of the channels of a brick mine leads to an apartment. There are two options: to act blindly or to find drawings of the ventilation shaft.

Ways to improve the efficiency of the ventilation system

Checking the condition of the ventilation system will help determine which channels are clogged. If the ventilation does not work in the rooms, the bathroom and the kitchen, the problem is caused by the common channel and it will not be possible to fix the problem on its own.

One vertical shaft of common house property falls on each entrance. And eliminate the blockage yourself is prohibited. Cleaning of ventilation should be carried out by the management company at the place of residence. The application must be made in writing. The organization will determine the condition of the mine, clean the channels and, if necessary, repair the ventilation system in the apartment building.

Ventilation shaft inspection
Air must pass through the ventilation duct at least two meters vertically to ensure normal air exchange in the apartment. On the upper floors, this is rather problematic due to the attic space. Ventilation is brought out into the street in several ways: with direct access to the roof, using sealed horizontal ducts and an intermediate ventilation chamber

If the problem is found only in one place, the cause is a local blockage, which can be eliminated as follows:

  • remove the decorative grille;
  • clean it from deposits - you can hit dirt, dust and soot with the help of gentle detergents.
  • the walls of the ventilation duct should be treated with a scraper, the remaining dirt can be pulled out with a vacuum cleaner.

Aggressive reagents are not recommended. They can corrode and ruin the walls of the ventilation shaft. When cleaning, beware of hornets and wasps. Debris should also not enter the ventilation duct into the common duct.

A detailed analysis of the causes of failure of ventilation in the house and apartment we gave in our other article.

After checking the traction, it is necessary to install the grille back. Then check the traction by opening the window.

If cleaning the ventilation did not help, there are several ways to improve air circulation:

  • by installing a hood;
  • with the help of supply valves;
  • improving air circulation between individual rooms.

In modern houses, supply and exhaust ventilation is installed at the construction stage.

In the objects of the old model will have to conduct a major redevelopment of the apartment to equip such a system. Natural ventilation in this case is more preferable if, of course, it copes with its task. You can improve its performance using the methods listed below.

Natural ventilation scheme
With a natural type of ventilation, the exhaust air exits through ventilation ducts built into the wall. Fresh air masses enter the apartment through the gaps in the doors and windows. The quality of air exchange largely depends on the wind speed, outdoor temperature and the condition of the general house ventilation

Method # 1 - installing the hood

It happens that natural ventilation does not cope with its function. In particular, in multi-storey buildings of an old building. The channels in such objects are so tightly clogged that it is almost impossible to clean them yourself.

In this situation, the installation of additional devices for the forced evacuation of exhaust air - hoods will help. They are mounted in bathrooms, bathrooms and in the kitchen, which will avoid the spread of odors and water vapor throughout the apartment.

Such ventilation equipment is not intended for uninterrupted operation, it is enough to turn it on if necessary.

Installing a hood in the kitchen
The bathroom, kitchen and bathroom use a local ventilation system. Household exhaust fans are suitable for this purpose. They have high performance and minimal noise.

The fan can be fixed inside the duct or at the outlet of the ventilation duct instead of the grill. In bathrooms, this device is often connected to a light switch. But you can connect separately. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with fan connection circuits.

In the kitchen, the hood and the duct leading to it are placed directly above the stove. The main task of the device is to remove the smells of cooked dishes. Installation hoods in the kitchen easy enough to do on your own.

Method # 2 - installation of supply valves

If the hood does not improve the situation, you can install the supply air valves. Additional openings in the wall will provide fresh air. As a rule, the distance between the window opening and heating radiators is chosen for placement. This arrangement makes them less visible.

The pipe from the outside of the building is located at an angle to the wall. This arrangement helps prevent debris and water from entering the apartment. The valve is also equipped with sound insulation from the side of the room. To adjust the degree of opening, special flaps are used.

Wall ventilation valve
Supply valves are suitable for apartment buildings with a general forced ventilation system. The device does not affect the temperature drop in heated buildings. Install them near radiators of the central heating system

For supply valve installation No special skills required. Ventilation holes must be equipped with sensitive sensors. The part helps to recognize the level of humidity and automatically works by opening the plug for supplying fresh air to the apartment.

Method # 3 - improving air exchange between rooms

Problems with air circulation can also be caused by tightly closed doors. The same method with a sheet of paper, discussed above, will help to identify this problem. Only in this case it is necessary to open all the interior doors. Pulling paper indicates a violation of air circulation between the rooms of the apartment.

It can be improved with a gap of a few centimeters formed between the floor and the bottom edge of the door or leave the doors ajar. You can also make special holes for better air permeability.

Clearance between door and floor
In rooms with a high level of humidity, in addition to increasing the clearance under the door, a small fan can also be used. You can do it yourself

In the bathroom or the bathroom, where there is a doorway and there is no question of any gap, you can make several holes in a row. The tilt should be done inward.

As a decor, a mesh with a small mesh can be used. The design will not affect privacy in the room and provide proper ventilation.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to independently check the operation of the ventilation system is discussed in the plot:

Useful information about ventilation in apartment buildings:

Available on how natural ventilation works:

Cleaning the ventilation in the apartment yourself is not the best solution. If there is no other way, follow all the recommendations listed above. In no case do you need to climb into a vertical riser. And now you know how to clean the horizontal ventilation duct in an apartment building.

Often, apartment owners themselves are to blame for the reduction or complete absence of internal air exchange. Especially when ventilation openings are covered with finishing materials during repairs.

If you know other ways how to clean the ventilation in the apartment, tell other users about them - leave your comments under the article. You can also ask questions on the topic or publish unique photos.

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