Connecting a motion sensor for lighting with a switch: diagram and step-by-step instructions
Intelligent home electronics are characterized by devices called “motion sensors”. A new type of switching device designed for light sources is able to show greater functionality compared to traditional designs.
For example, the connection of a motion sensor for lighting with or without a switch increases the comfort of using a lighting device and helps to save energy. What kind of devices are these motion sensors? We suggest to sort everything out in order.
In the article, we examined the principle of operation of various motion sensors, outlined the features of their application, and also gave practical advice on choosing a wiring diagram, installing and commissioning the device.
The content of the article:
Technical Definition of Motion Intelligence
Automation steadily and consistently covers the domestic sphere. Manual control of almost any type of household appliances is confidently minimized. The appearance of motion sensors is another confirmation of this.
These devices (usually in miniature design) are designed and manufactured by different companies in various designs. However, the principle of operation of all existing modifications has a common basis - the effect of radiation of waves of various types.

Currently, the following technologies are widely used:
- acoustic;
- optical;
- radio wave.
Based on the practice of applying this or that technology for the production of a specific type of system, the result of production are structures of various types.

In particular, motion controllers are widely used in various fields of activity:
- ultrasound
- microwave;
- photovoltaic;
- infrared;
- tomographic.
In addition, it should be noted another noteworthy detail of the structural sense.
Division of motion sensors into groups
All existing motion control devices are conditionally divided into three groups:
- active devices;
- passive devices;
- combined devices.
They differ from one another in technological features.
Active devices - designs are usually made according to the scheme of transceivers, by which the working signal is emitted and perceived as reflected from objects.

Passive Type Constructions usually work according to the scheme of receiving signal waves from the outside world. That is, only the reception technique works here.
Combined sensors, respectively, are made taking into account two marked options.
The lion's share of the entire range is infrared sensors, which from the point of view of design features belong to the category of passive devices. This is the most affordable and economically viable equipment for domestic use.
The principle of operation of infrared devices
Analysis of thermal radiation - this is the basis for the operation of this type of instrument designed to control the movement of people. For this, a highly sensitive sensor is introduced into the device design.

The element responds to thermal background radiation (from a person), sends a signal to the electronic comparison circuit, where the response time is determined. The sensitivity of the sensor is enhanced by a special lens mounted on the path of thermal waves.
The designs of modern motion sensors are endowed with multi-element lens systems. This solution makes it possible to cover large areas under the control of sensors. For example, one infrared sensor installed at a height of 4 m from the floor level is able to control movement over an area of 20-25 m2.

Each individual device is equipped with a tuning electronic module. Using special regulators (variable resistors or similar elements), the sensitivity level and the duration of the action are set. Setting the sensitivity level determines the operability of the device in certain lighting conditions.
And the time-based configuration system sets the time limits for resetting the active action (returning the device to tracking mode). This limit can be from 1 second to 60 minutes.

There are also motion sensors with a design, where the function of regulating the brightness of the light of the lamps is supported. These devices can be adjusted to smoothly change the brightness immediately after the circuit is closed, turn on the lighting with some delay.
How to connect the device to the lighting circuit
For motion sensors with an automatic lighting control function, a ceiling installation is characteristic. Devices are designed for fastening according to the surface-mounted mounting scheme. However, no less often, motion control devices are mounted on the walls.

Traditional places of installation are premises of a small area: residential apartments, offices, auxiliary premises.
It should be emphasized that the connection of motion sensors is possible not only for the purpose of switching light devices. These same devices are convenient to switch from one mode to another ventilation system, heating, and others.
Connecting devices is allowed in a normal environment. Devices can only be used inside locked rooms. Meanwhile, the protection class of these devices complies with EN 60669-2-1.
Recommendations for choosing a wiring diagram
The optimal installation height of traffic control devices is considered to be 2.5 m. If this condition is met, the radius of the sensitivity zone will be at least 3.5 m. Most urban and private residential buildings have rooms with this height.

Installation work must be performed by persons with professional skills in working with electrical (electronic) equipment. All installation operations are permissible only with a de-energized power line at the installation site.
Wiring diagrams for installation can be different depending on user needs. Often, a connection scheme for lighting devices through a motion sensor, used in conjunction with a conventional switch, is used.

Consider this option with a step-by-step installation.
Installing a motion sensor with a switch
First step the user is usually choosing a method of connection power cable to the body of the motion sensor. The sensor housing must first be opened. It’s easy to take apart the case. It is necessary to use a slotted screwdriver to pry off the edge of the base at the location of the latch.
Two cable entry options are acceptable:
- rear input - as a rule, it is used for concealed wiring, the end of which is brought out through an opening in the ceiling;
- side let down - is used for external cable routing.
In any case, it is necessary to remove the temporary plug of the existing inlet.

Second step - connecting the cable conductors to the destination. Destination - terminal points marked on the device body with the corresponding symbols (L, N, L1). Depending on the manufacturer of the device, as well as the configuration of the device, the notation may vary.
Step three involves the installation of a motion sensor - directly attaching the device to the ceiling. There are holes for fasteners on the base housing of the device. Through these holes is mounted.
If the ceiling is concrete, first fixation points should be marked, drilled, provided with dowels. Having completed the fastening to the ceiling, fasten the lid to the base of the device and wipe the entire structure with a soft rag.

Fourth step - instrument setup, the essence of which is to set the required values on the service potentiometers.
The classic version of devices is usually accompanied by three service potentiometers:
- delay time (Time);
- brightness (Lux);
- sensitivity (Meter).
The first potentiometer can be set to the required parameters of the delay for switching off (that is, after the lamp lights up, it will go out only after a specified time).
The second set the lighting mode (the minimum value to turn on in complete darkness). Potentiometer three sets the degree of sensitivity to movement. Usually, sensitivity is initially set to a minimum.

Fifth step installation - testing the motion sensor. To perform this action, you should use the corresponding function (Test), which is activated by setting the potentiometer (Time) in the test position (Test). By setting the potentiometer at this point, the system is connected to the mains voltage.
After applying current to the line, wait at least 1 minute. This time is necessary to initialize the device, its entry into the operating mode. Testing the device can be performed without connecting light devices. The on / off control is indicated by the LED displayed on the front panel.

In the test mode of the sensor, you need to activate the movement within the boundaries of the sensitivity zone. If movement is detected by the sensor, the control LED on the front panel should light up for a short time (2-3 seconds). Rotating the sensitivity potentiometer (Meter), adjust the desired level.
In the same way or with minor correction, installation and adjustment of any other devices of a similar class (infrared) is carried out. Some differences can usually be observed with devices designed to connect multiple load channels.
As part of such structures, additional regulators can be installed and the number of terminals for connection can be increased.
Our site has a selection of articles on the selection, installation and use of motion sensors for lighting. We advise you to familiarize yourself with:
- Lamps with a motion sensor: how they work, how to connect + TOP of the best manufacturers
- How to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb: step by step instructions
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
This small video guide demonstrates how connection operations are performed for some instrument modifications. It makes sense to look to improve practice.
Overview video on the use of microwave sensors. These modern modifications are marked by a high level of “intuition” and reliable operation as part of intelligent home systems.
Concluding the review, you should add information on the technical requirements for devices such as motion sensors.
So, the load capacity of devices does not usually exceed 1 kW, and the maximum switching current is no more than 10A. The devices are designed to operate in AC networks with a frequency of 50-60 Hz at a nominal voltage value of 230 V.
These basic parameters must be remembered before connecting sensors to solve specific problems.
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For the first time I came across motion sensors for lighting, even when I lived with my mother. They were installed on each floor on a common staircase. True, the light was dim, but the sensor was very sensitive to range, and the light turned on pretty quickly. The management company solved two problems at once - twisting the bulbs and saving common house electricity. After such innovations, we put a similar sensor in the kitchen and in the corridor in the apartment.
Our apartment is small, but the light in each room of the apartment practically did not turn off. It was not possible to agree with relatives about the need to save electricity and turn off the lights. We in some places in the apartment (a corridor and a bathroom with a kitchen) installed motion sensors for lighting. Now there are no quarrels on this subject, kilowatts per month “burn out” less than before.