How to connect a turbocharged boiler to atmospheric pipes?
Hello. Can a turbocharged boiler be used as atmospheric? The pipes remained from the old boiler (did not change). Are there any adapters? Thank.
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Hello. Can a turbocharged boiler be used as atmospheric? The pipes remained from the old boiler (did not change). Are there any adapters? Thank.
Hello, Valery. If you explained what kind of turbo boiler you had, it would be easier to answer your question. I can only guess and guess that you have a turbocharged boiler with a horizontal coaxial flue gas outlet, and you want to connect it to a vertical atmospheric outlet? If I'm wrong, please explain in the comments, it will be much easier to understand the situation and help solve it.
Let's say my option is correct. I don’t quite understand why you need such difficulties, it is not so problematic to bring out a horizontal coaxial, if technical conditions allow and in your case such a final constructive solution will not make the project cheaper.
If you just take it and plug it in, the balance of combustion products will really fail - they will go back to the nozzle.
Craftsmen say that it is possible to connect an internal coaxial system designed to remove flue gases, but at the same time it will be necessary to install a throttle retainer on the flue gas pipe for air intake from the room. But here we do not deal with harmful advice. The use of a certain type of chimney, nevertheless, a priori provides for its competent engineering arrangement in accordance with the installation and operation conditions specified by the manufacturer. Do not do homemade gas equipment - it is dangerous for your life.
In addition, most likely, your equipment, converted, will not be allowed to operate by the gas service. Why, because such a boiler and its chimney system, separate or complex, will not by default correspond to the instrument passport, and this is a gross violation of the technical specifications.
True, sometimes gas companies are very loyal to consumers. In this case, just look for a good master, a professional who, in accordance with your conditions, will be able to design such a system. But I would not risk it.