Household gas usage rules: gas equipment operating standards in private houses and city apartments

Vasily Borutsky
Checked by a specialist: Vasily Borutsky
Author: Olga Kiseleva
Last update: September 2024

Anyone who does not know the basic rules for using gas in everyday life is like a monkey with a grenade. One careless movement - and an explosion can happen. But these rules are insanely simple, logical and completely justified. Everyone who plans to use gas appliances (stoves, boilers, water heaters, etc.) should get acquainted with them.

We will talk about what standards should be observed when performing installation, connection and subsequent operation of the equipment. The article we have presented sets out in detail the procedure for detecting a threatening situation associated with a leak of blue fuel. Our recommendations will help extend the use of technical devices and protect personal space.

Rules for using a gas stove

On the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549, the population that uses gas must sign maintenance contract domestic gas equipment and emergency dispatching with a specialized service.

The room in which the gas stove is located should be well ventilated. Those. it should not be installed in a windowless room.

Gas boiler and boiler in a private house
Installation of any gas equipment in a room without window openings and a ventilation system contradicts basic safety requirements

Before using the gas stove, it is recommended to ventilate the room and make sure that all taps of the burner burners and oven are closed. After that, you can turn the tap on the gas pipeline to the stove. If the valve flag is parallel to the gas pipe, this indicates that the gas supply is open.

Repair in the apartment with a gas stove
The gas pipes that are in the apartment must not be covered with panels during repair, as they are necessary for a complete gas shutdown

Then you need to ignite the gas.If we are talking about a regular stove, you need to take a lit match and bring it to the burner, and then open the tap of this burner. When operating stoves with electric ignition, the function of the match is precisely this ignition.

Before turning on the oven, ventilate it for 3-5 minutes by opening the door. Leave the burner and oven taps open for more than 5 seconds without flame.

Open window in case of gas leak
If the burner valve has been open for a long time, urgently need to close it and immediately open the windows in the room

Fire should appear in all burner holes. If this does not happen, turn off the gas and check the condition of the burner. Gas burning is normal if the flame is calm and has a bluish or purple hue. If the color of the flame differs from the specified, you must immediately turn off the tile.

Gas flame color
After turning on the gas, you need to observe the flame, because its burning pattern may indicate equipment malfunction

By gas regulations in private homes and apartments flames should not be forced out from under pots, pans or cauldrons. If the fire is knocked out from under the dishes, it must be reduced. At the end of the gas stove, all gas taps should be shut off.

Gas stove cleaning
For cleaning the gas stove, use only special substances and wipes with a special pile, so as not to damage the surface of the device

The gas stove must be cleaned regularly, carefully removing some parts (burners, handles, baking sheets in the oven). The use of additional products to dismantle parts of equipment is prohibited.

This can lead to serious breakdowns and the inability to use the stove in the future for its intended purpose. When a person leaves the apartment for a long time, it is recommended to call a public service employee to shut off the gas pipeline.

Rules for using a boiler or stove

When installing the boiler and furnace, care should be taken to insulate the chimneys. In the future, this will protect the chimneys from freezing. Before setting fire to these devices, it is recommended to ventilate the furnace and chimney.

Homeowners are required to check the draft before turning on and during operation of the equipment with the removal of combustion products into the chimney, as well as to periodically clean the chimney pockets.

Boiler service
Maintenance of gas boilers and gasified stoves is considered the responsibility of homeowners, regardless of the size and capacity of the equipment

If there is draft in the chimney, and the device itself is in good condition, then you can light the ignitor. The main burner valve can only be opened with the igniter on. If the burner suddenly goes out, turn off the tap and re-ventilate the furnace or combustion chamber, and then light the equipment again.

Homeowners should monitor the condition of the chimney. Unfavorable weather conditions can become a chimney draft in the chimney: ice rain (it can lead to freezing), wind and even fog. Also, any malfunctions and blockages of the chimney can cause a violation of draft, due to which the combustion products will fall into the room, which will lead to poisoning of people with carbon monoxide.

The presence of ordinary gas in the air can be easily determined by smell, but carbon monoxide is almost impossible to notice. It has neither color nor smell. It is impossible to feel.

Carbon monoxide poisoning
Even a few breaths of carbon monoxide can be enough for an adult to get fatal poisoning, so when using heating equipment, special attention should be paid to ventilation

In this case, carbon monoxide in small quantities is formed during the operation of any gas equipment. If the device has a malfunction, more carbon monoxide may form. If the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air is about 0.1%, all people in the room should immediately leave the building.

Rules for using a gas column

According to the new gas use rules, the owners of premises or their responsible employers (in case of non-privatized housing) are responsible for the operation of any in-house gas equipment (including columns).

The geyser used as a water heater can only be installed in a room that has a ventilation duct near the ceiling and free access of fresh air from the outside. It can be an ordinary window window and a gap between the door and the floor, in a pair they create natural draft and remove the exhaust air into the ventilation hole.

Clean gas water heater
All gas appliances must be in a clean condition, and these devices must not be cluttered with foreign objects, as there is a risk of overheating and ignition

In the event of a malfunction of any gas supply devices, it is necessary to call an employee of the gas economy organization by calling emergency service 04 or 104. This also needs to be done if the gas supply suddenly stops.

When operating gas appliances, people should monitor their normal operation, check the condition of chimneys and ventilation. Violation of these rules can lead to filling the room with carbon monoxide and other harmful substances. Any gas equipment requires careful operation and timely performance checks.

Private house gasification standards

You can bring gas to the cottage, connecting to the gas main or installing gas holders. In both cases, the procedure begins with the collection of technical documentation, and ends with the installation of equipment.

During the connection of the main gas, the basic norms and rules of gasification should be observed:

  • the optimal depth of the gas pipeline in the area is from 1.25 to 1.75 meters from the soil surface;
  • the introduction of the gas pipeline into the house is possible only through a wall or foundation;
  • ceiling height in a room with gas equipment (boiler up to 60 kW) cannot be less than 2.2 meters;
  • a room with gas appliances should be equipped with a ventilation system;
  • the glazing area of ​​the room with gas devices is 0.03 m2 on one m3but not less than 0.8 m2;
  • one boiler can be installed in a room larger than 7.5 m2, and two boilers - in a room with an area of ​​15 m2;
  • when installing boilers with a capacity of 60 kW or more in the basement, a gas detector should be installed;
  • when installing two-burner gas stoves in a private house, the kitchen volume should be more than 8 m3and four burners - 15 m3.

When using imported gas, 50-liter propane-butane cylinders are brought into the house. They are not suitable for full heating of the house, but allow you to use gas for cooking in the kitchen.

Cylinders should be stored in an iron cabinet in a separate room. Attach to cylinder pressure regulator, bringing the indicator to normal.

Gas reducer
The gas pressure regulator (in another way a reducer) is a special device that is necessary to reduce the pressure of the gas or gas mixture to the working level

A steel pipe should be pulled directly from the pressure regulator to the working equipment. The height of the gas pipeline should be more than 2.5 meters from the ground. The gas pipeline itself should be well fixed on the walls of the building.

Gasification building standards and rules for technological connection of capital construction projects to gas networks are regulated by SP 42-101-2003, SNiP 2.07.01-89. And Government Decision No. 1314 regulates the relationship between the customer connecting to the main pipeline and the executing organization.

What to do if it smells of gas?

No matter where the smell of gas appears, ordinary people (non-specialists) cannot independently seek its source. The rules for using domestic gas do not allow the use of open flames to detect leakage. It is life threatening.

Matching gas
Checking the presence of gas in the air with a lit match or lighter is not only stupid, but also dangerous, because gas mixture can ignite instantly

If a person smelled gas in an apartment, in the entrance or on the street, he should immediately notify others around him so that none of them turn on (or turn off) the light and light a fire. Old wiring can spark, which can cause an explosion or fire in a gassed environment.

Also, when there is a gas smell, you can not:

  • to smoke;
  • use the elevator;
  • use electric bells, etc.

If the smell appeared in the room, then you need to try to get out of it, after shutting off the tap. It should be calm. Panic and confusion will only prevent people from leaving the building in an organized manner.

Gas evacuation due to gas leak
Any panic can lead to human casualties, so you need to maintain composure and calmly go outside, going down the usual stairs (you can not use the elevator!)

After going out, you should call the gas service at 04 or 104 (if the call is made from a cell phone). The gas service works around the clock, so you can call it immediately after detecting a problem. If there is a smell of gas in the yard, you need to move away from this place to a safe distance. Calling from the epicenter is dangerous.

Call 04
Calls to emergency phones are free in all regions, regardless of the amount of money in the account and the tariff

After the call, measures should be taken to remove people from the polluted place, if they are still there. Many people may feel dizzy or sick from the smell of gas, so help bring them to fresh air. Before the emergency brigade arrives, try to ventilate the room.

Gas service
Even if the apartment has a doorphone, then by the arrival of the emergency service you should go to the entrance door of the entrance to open the door for them (the doorphone also refers to equipment that is not recommended for use in the event of a gas leak)

In the event of an accident involving a leak of domestic gas, the person responsible for the damaged equipment will be considered guilty. The landlord is responsible for the in-house appliances, and the Management Company is responsible for the in-house gas equipment located outside the apartment.

But a lot depends on the frequency of health checks of devices inside the apartment. If the owner did not let gas service specialists go home for periodic inspections, then his guilt is obvious. If the performance gas pipes and the stoves were checked recently, it is the testing organization that is responsible for their serviceability.

Prohibited gas use

The owner of a house or apartment cannot independently gasify his own housing. To bring gas into the room, he must contact the appropriate gas service.

Also, the homeowner is prohibited from reinstalling or replacing gas equipment. In the room where gas appliances are located, it is impossible to do redevelopment without obtaining prior permission from the organization with which an agreement was signed for servicing gas equipment.

Remodeling kitchen with gas
Utilities may judicially oblige the owner of the home with the gas stove in which the redevelopment was made to restore the previous layout (regardless of the cost of the repair)

If the stoves or water heaters are broken, they do not need to be repaired or used on broken devices. For repair of gas appliances (as well as cylinders and valves), contact the municipal service with a description of the problem. Using gas in case of malfunctions of gas devices, automation, valves and cylinders is especially dangerous in the event of a gas leak.

In addition, private individuals are prohibited from:

  1. Make any changes to the design of gas equipment, chimneys and ventilation systems (it is especially dangerous to seal gas ventilation ducts).
  2. Disable automatic devices for safety and regulation.
  3. Use gas equipment in case of violation of the integrity of the masonry and in the event of cracks in the plaster of stoves and chimneys.
  4. Install and commission gasified stoves in apartments of ordinary houses.
  5. Use a forced exhaust hood or fan with running gas columns and boilers.
  6. Leave running gas devices unattended (the exception is only units designed for continuous operation and equipped with safety automation).
  7. Use gas appliances and the gas itself to heat the room, if they are not intended for this.
  8. Dry laundry over or near the stove.
  9. Keep filled and empty cylinders with liquefied gas in the apartment. It is also forbidden to keep more than one cylinder of gas with a capacity of more than 50 liters in a gasified private house.
  10. Break gas equipment or facilitate theft of gas.

Persons who do not know anything about them, do not know how to turn off and do not control their actions should not be allowed to use gas appliances. Such people include preschoolers, pensioners with dementia, and people with all kinds of mental disorders (both capable and incompetent).

It is not recommended to include gas while intoxicated.

Violation of the rules for the operation of gas equipment
If a person is poorly aware of his actions, he can open the gas valve, but forget to light the burner, which will lead to a gas leak

It is also forbidden to twist, pinch, squeeze, break off or stretch gas hosesthat connect the stoves or columns to the gas pipeline. Do not move the gas stove off the wall. This can lead to a gas leak and further accident.

Monitoring gas equipment

In accordance with the provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, technical services conduct regular inspections of gas equipment in residential premises. Government Decision No. 307 spells out the responsibilities of organizations supplying the population with gas and their subscribers.

In accordance with government regulations and standards of the Housing Estate, the owner or responsible tenant of real estate is obliged to provide them with free access to the apartment at any time of the day. These measures are necessary for timely prevention of emergency situations.

Gas Service Announcement
Usually on the door of the porches they hang an announcement about a round-trip of gas workers, as the landlord must be at home at this time

Gas stoves are checked every 3 years, and water heaters and boilers - annually. Verification standards are set for any gas equipment installed in residential buildings. If during the test a malfunction is detected, the device should be repaired or completely replaced.

Sale of gas stove
It is not recommended to replace broken equipment with used gas appliances, as they may also be faulty and may not have a guarantee

Also, during the operation test of the equipment, the gas service officer must instruct the homeowner on safety measures when working with a stove or column.

After testing and control measures, you need to sign in the briefing journal. The list in the briefing magazine means that the homeowner is familiar with the basic rules for the safe use of gas.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If a person has not used gas before (for example, lived in a house with electric stoves), then he must undergo initial training before operating the product. There are many detailed instructions on the Internet for using gas devices in text and video format. One of these video instructions is posted below:

Everything related to the gas industry requires careful observance of building standards and safety regulations. Before turning on any gas equipment, you should familiarize yourself with the operating rules of the device. In the future, this will help to avoid serious accidents.

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