Verification rules for gas cylinder reducers: terms, requirements and verification procedure
Owners of housing not connected to the natural gas highway often use gas tanks or propane-butane cylinders as a fuel source. Alignment of performance indicators is carried out using special fittings - gas propane reducers, which, if necessary, reduce the pressure in the cylinder and maintain it at a given level.
In order for the equipment to be serviceable, you should know the rules of calibration of gas cylinder reducers, as well as comply with the requirements for installation and operation of devices. Consider issues regarding the use of propane devices, as well as their control.
The content of the article:
The need for gas reducers
Without installing a special device - gearbox - the pressure in the autonomous gas network loses stability and varies depending on the filling of the cylinder and the composition of the fuel. To prevent this from happening, they install a device with a flowmeter-manometer, according to the testimony of which it is possible to judge the working pressure.

Regulating equipment requires maintenance and from time to time passes verification, which is carried out by representatives of the service organization - the service of Gorgaz or Oblgaz.
Homeowners are not allowed to calibrate gas reducers, but can control the actions of workers, so we will analyze in order all the important points - from the design of the device to the frequency of calling gas workers.
Device, principle of operation and types
The design of the gearbox is simple, but its production is based on the high precision of manufacturing of all elements.

Devices from different manufacturers may vary, but the main parts of the design remain the same.
Propane device details:
- metal or polymer housing;
- connecting pipe with union nut;
- threaded working pipe;
- filter unit;
- two chambers between which the membrane is located;
- valve with a seat on the stem;
- two springs - master and return;
- pressure gauge.
There are two types of propane gearboxes: 1-stage and 2-stage. The difference is in the method of reducing the pressure: in a single-stage process occurs in one stage, in a two-stage process - in two. The structural difference of the second is the presence of a high-pressure chamber and an additional valve.
It is advisable to use the two-stage device for cylinders that have high pressure at the inlet, but in the home they use more often single-stage models.

To distinguish a propane device from an oxygen device or others, it is marked in red, but metallic devices are also found.
The principle of operation is to adjust the pressure. Entering through the pipe into the high-pressure chamber, the gas presses on the membrane. The valve opens by means of a spring and passes fuel to the next compartment - the low-pressure chamber.
There, gas acts on the membrane on the other hand, as a result of which the pressure acquires operating parameters. As soon as this happens, the valve closes. The process repeats as the parameters change.

The connection to the gas pipeline leading to the gas stove is through the inlet pipe. For household cylinders, devices with a nipple outlet with a typical diameter of 6.3 mm are produced. They are cheaper than gearboxes for welding equipment.
Rules for safe use
According to the instructions for the safe operation of gearboxes for gas cylinders, a number of rules must be observed. Before using the device, you need to make sure that it is working and be sure to check the date of verification. If more than a year has passed since the day of the last verification, the equipment cannot be used - you must contact the technical service and call a specialist.

Entering the adapter is allowed only with a working pressure gauge (or pressure gauges). To check open cylinder valve and follow the arrows on the instruments. The operating pressure is set based on the readings of the low pressure gauge. To adjust, turn the screw slowly.
When the valve is closed, it is not possible to set operating parameters. High pressure gauge readings will come in handy when you want to know about the presence of propane in cylinders.
Sometimes troubles happen in which an emergency gas service should be urgently called, but some measures can be carried out independently. If the gearbox freezes, it is heated with steam or hot water, having previously closed and insulated the cylinder.
If you leave home for a long time, gas must be shut off - turn off the cutter installed inside the house and be sure to tighten the cylinder valve.
The following actions cannot be performed:
- perform welding work near existing gas equipment;
- check for leaks with open flame - a lighter or a match;
- warm frozen reinforcement with an open fire;
- install reducers for other purposes - for example, for oxygen or acetylene cylinders;
- use pressure gauges with inappropriate specifications;
- apply failed verification, defective manometers.
If the devices or connections have visible mechanical damage, we do not recommend using an autonomous network - you should call a specialist who will check the suitability of the equipment and give a positive conclusion.

The rules for the safe operation of gas appliances can be found in PB 03-576-03.
Checking pressure gauges on gas cylinders
When talking about checking gears, they actually mean checking the pressure gauges on household gas cylinders. Let's open a secret: gearboxes are not indicated in the State Register of the Russian Federation SI, but pressure gauges are present. And when specialists come, they check the flowmeters - just like they produce calibration of gas meters.
But it is also necessary to monitor the functioning of the gearbox, since these two devices work in one bundle. Failure of one of the elements will immediately affect the operation of the entire system.
The device and purpose of the flow meter
Pressure gauges are installed on household gearboxes. GOST 2405-88. The main purpose of the devices is to control the pressure in the gas system. To accurately set the operating parameters, two devices are used - at the input and at the output.
The flowmeter design consists of the following elements:
- strong metal case, covered with glass on one side;
- scale with units - Pa, MPa, kgf / cm²;
- arrow painted in bright color;
- a sensitive element inside the case and driving the arrow.
The element responsible for the rotation of the arrow may vary. Membrane devices are used for low-pressure environments, but spring models are more commonly used for gas networks — the arrow moves by shortening or straightening the spring.
To make it easier for the user to navigate and adjust the parameters as necessary, a red line is applied to the scale - just opposite the working pressure marks.
Some installation and operation rules:
By color coding, household pressure gauges for gas reducers differ from similar equipment for other types of gas. If oxygen fittings are painted in blue, ammonia - in yellow, acetylene - in white, then devices for propane-butane cylinders - only in red.
Frequency and order of verification
Any gas equipment is subject to regular verification, even if it is not used or is used seasonally, in the summer.

Only organizations with accreditation or license can verify.In our country, these are most often companies connected in one way or another with Gazprom, the main gas supplier. The duty of the owner of the home in which the gas cylinders are installed is to place the call on time and monitor the visit to the specialist.
Based on the results of verification, a sign is placed or a certificate is issued, which must be stored until the next procedure. A special sign is usually applied to the body of the device, and if not possible, it is put directly on the certificate.
The requirements for the mark or documentation, as well as the procedure for verification, are determined by the federal executive body.
It is very important not to violate the deadlines: the calibration of pressure gauges and the installation of seals (hallmarks) are done every 12 months.
If there is no stamp or seal on the manometer, they forgot to call the representative of the service organization in time, the “behavior” of the arrow does not correspond to the real situation or obvious mechanical damage is visible - the gas stove cannot be operated!

The requirements for equipment used for firing are much stricter. For example, gas reducers for propane cylinders are checked once a quarter, and hoses every 3 months.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
What to fear when buying cylinders:
Recommendations for self-repair:
Only working gas equipment can ensure the comfort and safety of home owners. Regular verification is another way to protect citizens from accidental accidents, so the requirements of the gas service must be treated with care and responsibility.
In the case of gas reducers - once a year to invite a specialist to check gauges, and if necessary - replace or repair equipment.
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