Requirements for installing a gas boiler in a private house: installation tips and rules for safe operation

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Oleg Zubarev
Last update: November 2024

Agree that making your home safe by ignoring the requirements for installing a gas boiler in a private house will fail. Is that right? Only the problem is that it is difficult to understand the profile documents, since the scope is regulated by dozens of SNiP, GOST.

But this problem can and will be helped by this article. In which it is told how to correctly install the boiler, which will become the basis for its further safe operation.

Regulatory framework

Improper use of gas equipment often leads to negative consequences. Therefore, the state has regulated this area to the smallest detail.

And, in view of this feature, one, even a voluminous document, will not be able to contain all the necessary information.

Boiler installation
All the necessary rules for installing gas boilers are set out in the relevant guidelines. But the problem is that there are many of them and it will take a lot of time to get to know them. Therefore, in most cases, you have to rely on specialists

As a result of all kinds of instructions, there are really many. For example, certain related issues govern:

  • SP-401.1325800.2018, which sets out the rules for designing all kinds of gas consumption systems in residential buildings;
  • SP 62.13330.2011, where it is indicated what the gas pressure should be, how to lay pipes to the boiler, etc.
  • GOST with numbers P 52318-2005; P 58121.2-2018; 3262-75. Where it is indicated which pipes and connecting elements can and should be used when installing a gas boiler. In addition, steel and other types of gas pipelines are described. And also their characteristics are indicated;
  • GOST 27751-2014; SP 20.13330. These documents set out the requirements for the load on the external and internal gas pipelines used to install boilers;
  • SP 402.1325800.2018, which sets out the rules for connecting boilers to power grids;
  • SP 28.13330, and in some cases GOST 9.602-2016, which describes methods of combating corrosion;
  • SNiP 21-01-97. This document sets out the safety measures that should be observed during the operation of buildings, including those heated by gas boilers. And also made the division of building materials into combustible, non-combustible. And such information is important when equipping the room in which the boiler will be placed.

In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the rules set out in SP 60.13330.2016 (This document is an updated version of the well-known Construction Norms and Regulations 41-01-2003). After all, it is in this by-law that it is indicated that for heating housing, you can use individual sources of heating and what they should be.

And this is not all that you need to know for guaranteed proper placement of the boiler and further safe operation.

Rules for installing boilers
Observe the applicable requirements when installing boilers should be mandatory. Since otherwise the specified unit simply will not be approved for use. And for unauthorized connection severe penalties are provided in the form of large fines (from 10 thousand rubles). This is stated in Art. 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, as well as in Art. 215.3 of the Criminal Code

And, if, for example, the question arose of why you need to know the safety measures or the load on the pipes during construction. Then it should be remembered that the installed boiler will be allowed to operate. And, when the established rules set forth in the relevant document are not complied with, the identified deficiencies will have to be addressed.

In the case when the purchased gas boiler is installed in its own wooden house and the requirements for the size of the foundation are not met, which at any point must exceed the dimensions of the boiler by at least 30 cm. Then, instead of enjoying the comfort, you will have to dismantle the structure and perform work on a new one.

How to install the boiler?

It’s not worth starting the installation of a gas boiler boiler room equipment. And not even from determining the model of the boiler, but from figuring out whether it is possible to do this at all.

Why should you contact Gorgaz (Raigaz) in order to obtain technical specifications, and at the same time, permission to carry out the design of the boiler room.

Contact gorgaz in writing. It is necessary to submit an application to which, without fail, are attached:

  • copies of documents confirming that the applicant is the owner of the building and the adjacent land;
  • situation plan put on. This item is relevant only if the boiler room will be located in a separate building, which does not yet exist.

The applicant will also have to prove his identity.

How to install a boiler
The procedure for installing a gas boiler should be initiated by submitting an application - and this is also an established rule. Like all other stages of this procedure

The submitted document should state the request for technical conditions and indicate the planned gas flow. If its exact value is not known, and the owner of the real estate does not have the necessary knowledge to perform the calculation, then this service can be agreed with representatives of gorgaz. But for this you will have to submit a separate application.

Gas workers are required to issue technical conditions within the established 10 days. But the reality is that the timing depends on the workload of specialists of a given gas supplier.

Equipment Installation Steps

Having received technical specifications, you can transgress to the task of installing the boiler. The whole procedure consists of 4 stages.

These include: creating a project, coordinating a project, installing a boiler, checking equipment. Ignore the above stages, you can not change their places.

Stage number 1 - installation design

Actually, this stage of the gas boiler installation is intended to determine the exact list of rules and norms that will have to be followed.

Gas boiler equipment
Design is an inspection of the premises and the preparation of documentation. And only after performing such procedures, the property owner learns all the rules relevant to his case.

There are many of them, but it all boils down to ensuring that the heating system, of which the boiler will be a part, can:

  • ensure the heating of all rooms of the building to normalized temperatures (for residential premises this figure is 18-24 ° C), and throughout the heating period;
  • evenly warm all rooms;
  • provide hydraulic and thermal stability. In simple words, this means that the heating system as a whole, like the boiler itself, must be reliable and stable throughout the entire life cycle, regardless of operating conditions.

These requirements are not general - they are specific and strict standards set forth in SP 60.13330.2016, and they are fundamental.

To understand: if the boiler does not provide air heating to comfortable temperatures, will the rule that says what should be the minimum size of an existing gas boiler in a particular private house be important?

Therefore, the performance of a gas boiler must be determined taking into account:

  • areas of premises that the unit will heat;
  • heat loss of the building;
  • climatic conditions of the region.

Initially, you should pay attention to what is forbidden to do when installing the boiler.

Dimensions of a gas boiler room
The diagram shows the requirements for minimum sizes and distances relevant for all cases for the safe use of gas boilers

Namely, it is impossible to place gas equipment on surfaces made of combustible materials. For example, on a wooden base. It is dangerous and therefore prohibited to install boilers on balconies, loggias, basements and other places where the ventilation procedure is difficult.

If it is planned to use liquefied carbon gas, then it is also prohibited to place the boiler on the ground floor. Premises that are used for recreation are the most inappropriate premises for placing heating equipment. In addition, the doors from the boiler room should not go into the rest rooms - this should also be taken into account when designing.

The room in which the boiler is installed must meet a number of requirements, namely:

  • the area should not be less than 4 m²;
  • the minimum volume of the room is 7.5 m³. Moreover, such a norm is relevant only for boilers whose power is not more than 30 kW. If the indicated characteristic of the units is higher, then the minimum boiler room volume should be 13.5 m³. And with a power of 60 kW - 15 m³;
  • the room height should be at least 2.2 m with a boiler power of up to 30 kW. If the performance exceeds the specified value, then the minimum height will be 2.5 m;
  • the room must be equipped with a door with an opening of 0.8 m.

Particular attention when equipping a boiler room should be given to windows. Which should provide the room with a sufficient level of lighting to perform the necessary operations for controlling the boiler, and also serve for ventilation of the premises. The last point is critical.

Therefore, the main requirement is that boiler windows are equipped without fail. At the same time, the glazing area should be 0.03 m² for every 1 m³ of room space.

Placement requirements
The diagram shows the minimum distances between the installed gas boiler and the nearest surfaces. Such standards should be considered in all cases.

Only hinged windows are suitable for installation, which, moreover, necessarily open outwards. This design feature in critical situations will allow quick ventilation, for example, with a gas leak. And in a number of situations the consequences of the explosion will be reduced or leveled.

In the boiler room let down:

  • water - to provide a heating system with a coolant;
  • Sewerage, which is necessary for draining the coolant.

The room where the boiler will be installed later must be equipped ventilation systems and smoke removal.

Moreover, the pipe for the removal of combustion products should be above the roof level. In some cases, such a rule may not be followed, but the expediency of such a decision will have to be proved.

Polyethylene pipe
When installing boilers it is allowed to use copper, steel and polyethylene pipes. But in the specialized joint venture, indicated by number 28.13330, it is recommended to use the last type of product

All the above requirements are also relevant for wooden houses. The only difference is that with a boiler power exceeding 60 kW, the minimum permitted volume of a room should be 27 m³. At the same time, installation should be made on a foundation of non-combustible materials, which should also protect wooden walls from the effects of high temperatures.

You should know that there are a lot of requirements for the room, its equipment and gas supply. Therefore, the design should be done by specialists. We also offer to get acquainted with boiler house schemes for a private house. More details - go to the link.

Stage 2 - project approval

If at the stage of creation the requirements and norms are determined that will make the operation of the heating system efficient and safe, then upon coordination, the control of the correctness of their choice is carried out.

The specified procedure is performed by responsible persons of gorgazs (ryegaz). Moreover, their task is not to identify deficiencies and reject the project. Therefore, most of the listed rules in the previous paragraph can be adjusted.

Project approval
If the boiler installation project does not meet the requirements of the relevant legislation, then it will be returned without approval. But gas workers are required to indicate the cause, as well as ways to eliminate it.

For example, if the area of ​​the room is slightly less than the required 4 m² and there is no possibility to increase it, the installation of the boiler will be allowed. But to compensate for the deficiency, the window glazing area will have to be made larger. Similar adjustments are used in many other cases.

And the optimal solution will be that which is provided even at the stage of creating the project. Since this reduces the time required to install the boiler, it also reduces costs. But for making an optimal decision, not only knowledge is needed, but also experience that only specialists have, which should be considered.

Nevertheless, the described feature of the coordination is relevant only for cases when the house has already been commissioned.

If housing is still under construction, then the rules must be strictly observed. And, if there are no such opportunities, then the design standards state that a gas boiler house in a private house cannot be placed, that is, an extension or a separate building should be used for these purposes.

Stage 3 - installation of a gas boiler

The peculiarity of this procedure is that it is necessary to strictly observe the norms and requirements used to create the project. Since you can pay for their free interpretation later, at the verification stage.

Pipe gates
With the right approach, guidance documents do a lot. For example, if the owner of the building cares about the aesthetic properties of the boiler room, then most of the communications can be hidden in the gates. But, when it is decided to do this with the pipes of the gas pipeline, then it will be necessary to take a number of measures to increase their corrosion resistance

Any person can install the boiler, that is, it does not have to be specialists of specialized organizations. But it should be remembered that this does not exempt from compliance with technology, safety measures and all other requirements.

Stage 4 - Health Check

Checking the operability of the equipment and the correctness of its installation is a mandatory step before starting the equipment.The audit is designed to identify all violations and non-compliance with the requirements in order to prevent possible negative consequences.

Gorgaz employees carry out the necessary checks, which, based on the results of the checks and the first launch, draw up an act confirming that the installation requirements are met.

And in order to start full-fledged operation of the heating system, you will need to follow the last rule - take the permission received to gorgaz.

Tips for safe operation of boilers

When using heating equipment, it should be remembered that the regular implementation of just a few simple and universal rules will help to avoid troubles.

Equipment selection
It should be remembered that the selection of the boiler, all related equipment, including pipelines, boiler, meters, is also carried out in accordance with the rules and requirements, since their characteristics and capabilities should allow you to create an effective and safe system

Before first launch make sure there is no gas leak, which is determined by the specific and unpleasant odor. Then you need to ventilate the room and check the presence of traction. Also, ensure unhindered air supply to the boiler, which will reduce the likelihood of flame attenuation.

Do not lean objects against the heater. In the boiler room, it is forbidden to save explosive and fire hazardous objects, substances, liquids. For example, firewood, containers with gasoline, paper, and the like. It is also forbidden to store spare cylinders for liquefied gas in the boiler room.

The operation of the gas boiler must be monitored on a regular basis. When shutting down the unit for a long period, for example, in the off-season, it is necessary to shut off the gas valve and the water supply. It is also necessary to disconnect the unit from the mains.

The boiler can only be cleaned in the off and de-energized state. Commissioning and other responsible work should be avoided by persons who do not have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and special tools.

Unprepared people - children and elderly people should not be allowed to operate the boiler. It is also mandatory to remember that if a gas leak is detected, the use of the boiler should be stopped immediately and a gas service should be notified of a malfunction.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The first video material makes it possible to familiarize yourself with the rules for installing wall-mounted boilers:

The following material provides information on the requirements for installing floor boilers:

Numerous bylaws set out hundreds of requirements that must be considered when installing a boiler in your home. But most of them are not dogmas. And, if it is not possible to precisely comply with any rule, then it can be circumvented, moreover, legally. But such issues, to maintain the proper level of security, should be addressed by specialists.

And what difficulties did you encounter when installing a gas boiler and how did you manage to cope with them? Please share your experience with other visitors to our site. Leave your comments, ask questions in the block below.

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