DIY gas stove: the best options for homemade tiles from improvised materials
A gas stove can be found in almost every kitchen. It's hard to imagine cooking without this device. In addition, there are even camping gas stoves that you can take with you on any trip and not worry about preparing food will be problematic.
And, if you make a gas stove with your own hands, then its cost will be much lower than that of factory devices. At the same time, such devices work no worse.
Next, we will tell you how to make a miniature gas stove with your own hands. We will understand what materials and tools will be required to work.
The content of the article:
What is a miniature tile for?
Many of us love to travel, and every trip to nature involves not only setting up a tent or friendly gatherings. Hiking in nature is rarely possible without making a bonfire for making kulesha or fish soup.
But, it is not always possible to make a fire. Sometimes, rain or other factors can interfere with this. For such situations, you can build a camp gas stove from improvised materials. Make a simple homemade job is not difficult.
But do not forget that gas is a flammable substance, therefore, maximum care must be taken when using it.

It should also be noted that the do-it-yourself gas stove made by yourself should be small in weight and size. Next, we will consider some of the most popular home-made gas stoves.
Option No. 1 - a plate for a summer residence
Few can boast of having a centralized gas supply in a country house, which at times complicates the ability to cook food or boil water for tea.
But, if you have the skills to work with gas welding equipment, then to make a home-made gas stove for a country house is not difficult.
To build a homemade product you will need to prepare:
- thick metal corners;
- flexible gas supply;
- shutoff valve;
- gas burner from the column;
- welding machine.
First of all, you need to build the body of the future stove. To do this, you need to cut a metal corner into 8 parts, their dimensions will depend on the desired height of the stove. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with welding rules.
Further, using gas welding, the building of the future stove is built and a gas burner is welded to it from the old column.

Next is necessary install hose and shutoff valve. To do this, using the adapter we connect the gas burner with a shut-off valve, and then, using a flexible gas supply, we connect stove with gas bottle. At this stage, it is very important to take care of the tightness of all connections.
Now the plate is assembled, and you can begin to test it, after checking the tightness of the joints. The easiest way is to lubricate all joints with soap foam, if bubbles appear, the connection is not tight and you can not use the equipment. If everything is in order, then you can start using the stove.
If no corners were found in the farm, then round metal pipes of small diameter can be used to build the base of the tile. For resistance to them from below, you can weld an old car disk.
Be sure to remember that at the end of the use of equipment, it is necessary to shut off the gas, both on the device itself and in the cylinder.
Option No. 2 - a tile from a can
Many travel enthusiasts have probably heard and used such a device as a camping gas stove.
They are a lightweight portable burner with legs, and work from a gas spray. You can buy them at any store selling travel accessories.

The only drawback of camping tiles is their cost. Therefore, we propose to assemble a gas stove from improvised materials with your own hands, especially since any home craftsman can do it.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of a marching gas stove. The main thing to observe safety measures when working with gas equipment.
Option number 3 - camping gas stove
If you are used to traveling by car, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following version of a homemade gas stove.
This is a more bulky design than the previous version, but with the help of such a tile it is possible to cook food or boil water much faster in camp conditions.
Before you start using a home-made device, you must definitely check the joints for gas leakage. How to do this was written a little higher.
Option number 4 - camping tile from the pipe
It’s not difficult to build the next version of a marching gas stove with your own hands.
It will take quite a bit: a piece of metal pipe and skills work with grinder and welding machine.
When working with a welding machine and a grinder, it is imperative to adhere to safety regulations. If there are no skills to work with such equipment, then you can order the manufacture of blanks in the workshop.
Option number 5 - gas infrared stove
Fans of traveling in the cold season will definitely appreciate the option of a gas stove, with which you can heat the tent.
To work, you need to take the following tools and materials:
- gas bottle (200 g or 5 l);
- oxygen hose at least 2 m long;
- infrared gas burner;
- clamp;
- a screwdriver;
- gas nozzle;
- snap ring.
Choosing a ceramic burner in the store, it is worth giving preference to small models. They consume gas much more economically than overall devices.

Having prepared all the necessary tools and materials, you can proceed to assemble the device. First, connect the nozzle to the inlet of the gas burner and fix it with the snap ring. Next, we connect the oxygen hose to the nozzle and tighten the clamp tightly with a screwdriver.
Then we connect the second end of the oxygen hose with a gas cylinder and also fix the connection with a clamp.
Homemade gas stove is ready. In order to ignite it, you need to open the gas and bring the match to the gas burner.

When using such a device, be sure to follow the rules of safe operation. It is forbidden to leave a working device unattended. You also need to remove flammable things away from a makeshift gas stove and do not forget to periodically ventilate the tent.
Rules for safe use
When working with gas equipment, do not forget about the rules of safe operation. Wrong balloon operation may cause an explosion or fire.
In addition, home-made gas stoves are devices that are fraught with a latent threat, so you need to be very careful when working with them. Even at the stage of designing a homemade product, you need to take care to do everything clearly according to the instructions.
Do not neglect the connection test, since even the slightest leak can lead to sad consequences.

If you are not sure that you can make a really high-quality device, then it is better to purchase a gas stove in the store. Factory devices are subject to mandatory certification and control, therefore it is much safer to use.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
How to make a powerful gas stove from pipes and a burner from a geyser will be discussed in the following video:
Another way to build a gas stove yourself:
As you can see, building a gas stove will not be difficult even for a novice home master, and such a device will cost much cheaper than the purchased option. This will require a minimum set of tools and materials, as well as some free time.
But, do not forget that homemade gas equipment is fraught with a latent threat, so it is important to handle it very carefully and do not forget to cut off the gas supply at the end of using the device.
If you had to assemble a gas stove yourself, please tell our readers about this. You can attach photos of the assembled device to the article and share the secrets of the assembly.