How and how to wash the gas stove grill from grease and carbon deposits: a review of effective home remedies
To wash the gas stove less in the kitchen, some people try to carefully cook and cover the hob with foil or special fiberglass linings. Agree that these methods are ineffective, because the grill remains unprotected and it still accumulates fat, as well as soot.
You can get rid of pollution with the help of purchased detergents, but not all of them are safe for health and the environment. We will tell you how to wash a gas stove grill without expensive chemicals. In the article, we will consider the most effective options for home remedies that will help to cope with various types of pollution. We will select the best ways to combat carbon deposits and grease on stainless, cast iron, as well as enameled gratings.
The content of the article:
Preparation for general cleaning of the grill
The grill should be cleaned separately from the gas stove. The structure must be carefully disconnected from the hob. If there are rubber or plastic stands, they must also be removed. Sectional lattice products conveniently dishwasher safe or in a prepared bowl with a special detergent.
On some plate models, the grill cannot be removed, in such a situation it is more difficult to wash off the grease. Cleaning will have to be done on the stove. To remove dirt in hard to reach places use additional brushes of small sizes.
Wash the gas stove only with durable rubber gloves. They protect the skin of the hands from the negative effects of detergents, protect your fingers from sharp protrusions on the grill and prevent smudging.

Before you clean the grate of your gas stove with purchased powders or improvised tools at home, you need to look at what material the structure is made of (cast iron, enamel or steel). Since some potent agents can “corrode” not only carbon deposits, but also the top layer of the coating.
Cast iron grate cleaning methods
Many people buy gas stoves with cast iron grates. They are strong, not able to deform from high temperatures and are durable.
Despite the massive appearance, cast iron is still finicky metal and should be cleaned carefully.

It is impossible to scrape off fat with a knife from a cast-iron grate, since metal particles can be scraped off with dirt. It is not recommended to use metal brushes.
Poor material also reacts to potent abrasive substances. Next, consider the best and safest cleaning methods.
Method # 1 - ignition by fire
This is the best method for cleaning cast-iron grates; it will allow you to get rid of a layer of fat even in hard-to-reach places. You can calcine the grill directly above the gas burners or use for these purposes gas burner.
It is best to calcine a cast iron grate outdoors. You can light a fire or use a gas burner for this purpose. During the burning process, fat emits an unpleasant odor. If the procedure will be performed indoors, it is necessary to open the windows, as well as turn on the hood. By the way, a cooker hood is also necessary from time to time. clean from fat.
Algorithm of actions:
- Place the grill over a lit burner or open fire.
- Periodically turn over the cast-iron structure, it should warm up on all sides.
- Wait until fat is completely burned out.
- Allow the rods to cool.
- Wipe the grate with a damp cloth from soot and dirt. Dry the product immediately.
Calcination can also be carried out in sand. To do this, place the wire rack on a sheet of metal or a baking sheet. They fill it with sand and put a container on the fire. Contamination from the structure should burn out in a couple of hours.
Method # 2 - cleaning with household soap
For this procedure, you will need a piece of laundry soap 72% and 100-150 grams of stationery glue. Water is poured into a container of a suitable size and heated to a boil. After adding grated soap and glue, mix everything thoroughly. The lattice is lowered into the finished substance and “boiled” for about two hours.
From high temperature, the fat will melt, after the procedure it must be washed off with a hot metal structure. If the dirt has partially receded, then the residue can be wiped off with the hard side of the dishwashing sponge. Be sure to immediately dry the grate, you can’t leave it wet.
Method # 3 - washing the grill with 9% vinegar
3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar are added to a container of water. The grid of the plate is soaked in a solution and put in a preheated oven to 60-80 degrees.

The steaming procedure will take at least 30-40 minutes. After greasy contamination can be wiped off with a sponge. Once again, it’s better not to wet the cast-iron rods. This method is best suited for oversized gas stoves where the grill is not too large or sectional.
Enamelled grill cleaning
Such grilles look more attractive than cast-iron counterparts. They are lightweight, not afraid of water and have a smooth, shiny surface.
Enamel coating does not have increased resistance to mechanical damage. To protect the structure from scratches, aggressive cleaning agents should not be used. The product can be washed in a dishwasher, if the dimensions allow.

Not everyone has a dishwasher, so we will figure out how to clean the enameled grill of a gas stove from deposits of fat and soot with improvised means.
No. 1 - a mixture of dry mustard and vinegar
Mustard has disinfecting properties and is capable of breaking down fat. It is completely safe for health, so it can be used as a home cleaning product.
Steps for cleaning the grill:
- The ingredients are mixed: 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar, 3 tablespoons of mustard powder, 1 spoon of dishwashing detergent.
- Using hot water, the substance is brought to a mushy state.
- Apply the resulting product to the bars of the lattice.
- Leave for 2-3 hours, depending on the degree of contamination of the product.
- Rub the construction with a washcloth and wash away the dirt.
Washing the grate in this way does not require large investments and is quite easy.
No. 2 - vinegar and water
Vinegar corrodes grease well, it is often the main component of many cleaning products. To wash the grate of the gas stove from soot, it is soaked in vinegar with water (1: 1) and left overnight. Before morning, the dirt will dissolve, you only need to rinse and dry the enameled structure.
No. 3 - melamine sponge
Mustard and vinegar cope well, but in both cases it takes at least 3 hours to complete the procedure.
And if guests are “on the doorstep” and you need to get rid of fat urgently, then how can you quickly clean the gas stove grill? In this situation, a melamine sponge will help.

Using a sponge is very simple: moisten with water, wipe the bars of the racks and rinse with clean water. With the help of the product, it is possible to get rid of soot not only from enameled surfaces, but also from cast iron and even steel structures.
Grease removal from steel grill
Steel products are the most unpretentious of all lattice options. Therefore, you can clean them using any of the methods described above. We also picked up a few more tools that can be used to efficiently wash a steel grill on a gas stove from fat.
If the fat layer is impressive, then ammonia is used. One can of the product is poured into a bag with a wire rack and tightly screwed.

The package is better to take out on the balcony or the street. It is ideal to wait 5-6 hours and then rinse the wire rack with water. Fat and carbon deposits are easily removed. Be sure to carry out the procedure with gloves, because you can damage the skin of the hands.
In addition, steel grids can be easily cleaned with abrasive products, rubbed with metal brushes and scraped with a knife. Some people rub the construction with sand until all the fat comes off, and then just rinse with water.
Grid Care Tips
Besides Maintenance gas stove needs care. In order not to wash the grate for hours, you need to constantly maintain the cleanliness of the stove and its components.
Splashes of fat are easier to rub off if they are fresh, so always wipe the stove after cooking.

How to keep:
- Fresh stains of fat are easily removed with lemon. The contaminated surface of the grate is simply rubbed with a slice of lemon and after 30 minutes it is wiped with a regular sponge.
- Do not leave the grate wet - grease and dust adhere faster to wet surfaces.
- If the lattice smells unpleasant, you need to sprinkle it with vinegar and sprinkle salt on it. After 15 minutes, rinse and wipe dry.
- After stains are removed, stains may remain on the metal structure. You can get rid of them with a steam cleaner, it will destroy the remaining fat in hard to reach places and eliminate smudges.
To avoid contamination of the gas stove as a whole, some housewives recommend that the surface be covered with foil before starting cooking. After cooking, the foil is removed. Then on the hob there are no traces of splashes of fat.
Also, during preventive cleanings, do not forget to clean the stove handles. Why you can use pulp made from soda and water. It is convenient to apply with a toothbrush, treating not only the handles, but the contaminated areas nearby. The composition is suitable for cleaning removable and non-removable handles.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The video below allows you to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of the most popular home cleaning methods for gas stove grids:
There are many options for easy cleaning of gas stove grids from fat. Mustard powder, soda and other homemade “cleaning” products cost a penny. However, they cope with soot and various impurities no worse than expensive purchased gels. The main thing is to choose the right cleaning method for cast-iron and enameled structures and do not forget to wear gloves. Steel lattices in maintenance are unpretentious, you can wash them in any way listed in the article.
And what tools do you use to clean the grill? Or do you think it’s easier to buy a bottle of cleaning “chemistry” than to experiment and bother with calcining and preparing various home remedies? Express your opinion, take part in the discussion, ask questions of interest to you on the topic of the article - the comment form is located below.