How to remove handles from a gas stove: how the handle is arranged and what to do when it does not come off
A gas stove is a popular kitchen equipment used daily for cooking. She, like any device, needs periodic inspection. Maintenance is necessary to maintain optimal performance of the slab during heavy use. The regularity of these works ensures its smooth operation.
The cleaning of the stove consists not only in surface cleaning from contamination, but also in the cleaning of inaccessible places. One of these are handles that, over time, accumulate dirt, dust, splashes of grease, soot, and become clogged, disrupting the normal operation of the gas stove. But often with their cleaning most often there are problems right? Indeed, often users are faced with the fact that the pens are simply not removable. What to do in this situation and how to clean hard-to-reach areas?
This is what we will talk about in our article - we will examine in detail how to remove the handles from the gas stove independently, without violating the possibility of its further operation. Let's talk about how to clean the dismantled handles and what to do if they are not removed. We will also analyze the design features of the handle, and give a list of the most common breakdowns.
The content of the article:
Gas stove handle design
The standard surface of a kitchen gas stove consists of several burners of various sizes (usually two, three, or four). They have different diameters and different capacities. This is necessary so that dishes of various sizes can be installed, while maintaining a balance in gas consumption. Each burner is regulated by a separate knob.
Despite the many different types and configurations of gas stoves, the handle device for supplying and adjusting the gas power is typical for everyone.

This universal form of gas handle was invented at the beginning of the 20th century and has not undergone any special changes since then.
This shape and arrangement of the handles of a household gas stove is considered optimal and there are no developments to change it.

The operation of the gas handle is based on the principle of injection. During combustion, the gas passes at high speed, creating a vacuum in the housing. The intake primary air is mixed with gas. At the outlet, this gas mixture is additionally connected to the surrounding secondary air, thereby ensuring complete combustion of the gas. We talked about the principle of operation of a gas stove in this material.
To adjust the power of the supplied gas, a plastic handle is mounted on the rod, designed to rotate the valve. A spring is necessary to ensure the translational movement of the sleeve when turning to open. It is she who protects against accidental involuntary opening of the crane.
Handle Removal Instructions
Since most modern cookers have removable power controls, so when cleaning they can be easily removed. But, if this was not done before, then crude oiling can create certain difficulties. Despite this, the cleaning operation is still worth carrying out.
It is important not to forget that the stove is a gas-using equipment, the operation and maintenance of which is important to observe fire safety regulations. Therefore, before starting work with the stove, it is necessary to turn off the gas supply, since any manipulations are considered flammable.
Stage # 1 - selection of necessary tools
To carry out the work, you need to prepare the following:
- gloves
- gas key;
- pliers;
- a screwdriver;
- knife;
- rags;
- water and detergent.
At the request of safety precautions, work must be carried out with rubber gloves.

A gas wrench, pliers and a screwdriver will be needed to remove the handle of the gas stove, and a toothbrush and detergent will be needed to clean the clogged areas. It is worth remembering that different models of gas stoves have different methods for removing handles.
Stage # 2 - dismantling the handle of the gas stove
Start work after the gas supply valve is shut off.
The gas stove knobs should be set to the off position. In order to remove one handle, it is necessary to pull it towards you and slowly pull it out of the groove. This operation must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the rotary mechanism.

In some types of plates, the handles are screwed, to unscrew them you need to use a screwdriver. There are also options when you can remove the handle by prying off the mounting protective cap. Using a screwdriver or knife to pry off the handle, be extremely careful not to damage the surface of the plate.
There are models where the protective ring has grooves, and in order to get it, you just need to slightly rotate the ring to the side.
Stage # 3 - Cleaning Removable Items
To clean the disassembled handles, you need to prepare a container with warm water and detergent, where to put all the removable mechanisms that need to be cleaned.Keep in a washing solution for at least 10 minutes, and in case of severe contamination, additionally change the water.
To clean the surface of the handles, do not use substances containing chlorine, as this can damage the enamel coating and erase the inscriptions on the handle.
Using a brush, you should carefully remove dirt from areas of the stove where the handles were installed. Pay special attention to notches, gaps and reliefs.

Also, in the process of cleaning the surface of the stove and inaccessible places under the handles, do not forget about the grill. It also requires timely service.
For effective grating cleaning from different materials use different methods and available tools.
Stage # 4 - Reinstall Handles
Handles are installed after all parts have completely dried. It is necessary to correctly put all the swivel mechanisms in their original places. If the handle shaft is not fully inserted into the groove, then it will not work.

Features of cleaning stationary handles
There are models in which the handle of a household gas stove cannot be removed. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to leave them unattended, since such handles are contaminated in the same way as removable ones.
To clean non-removable handles, two more elements must be added:
- cotton buds;
- Toothbrush.
Using tools on a plastic or wooden base will not scratch the working surface of the plate.

The following methods can be used for cleaning:
- Household chemicals. Depending on the type of selected cleaning productsand it is necessary to act strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package.
- Laundry soap. You should rub the head of the toothbrush with a damp piece of laundry soap, and then clean the handles until a soap foam is created. This method allows you to remove dirt and give the surface of thermostats an excellent look.
- A solution of vinegar with water. Using this method, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions: mix one part of vinegar with four parts of water. To clean the pens with such a solution, be sure to wear gloves with cotton buds. This solution removes not only dirt, but also old fat.
- Lemon Juice or Citric Acid. Apply the concentrated solution to the surface and after 5 minutes, remove with a clean cloth.
Unfortunately, on models of stoves with permanently attached handles to the panel, complete cleaning will not work.
But regularly using the above methods, you can avoid global contamination of the pens.
Overview of Common Faults
If you do not systematically clean the device, then the probability of the following problems is high:
- The difficulty of turning the handle. In such a situation, one rule is worth remembering: the use of force will only damage the pen. This problem occurs when objects enter the slot between the body and cork or when a significant amount of dirt accumulates. You can fix the problem by disassembling and cleaning the handle of the gas stove.
- Gas enters the burner poorly. Even if the handle is turned to the maximum, a slight fire is observed at the exit. The likely cause is that the nozzle holes are clogged with food waste or combustion products. You can fix this problem yourself. Use a toothpick to clean. It is also necessary to unscrew the nozzle and wash it with soapy water.In no case do not use metal objects, since even a small scratch can cause a gas leak. But for jet replacement better to invite a specialist.
- The crane is tightly turned. This problem occurs when erasing graphite grease on the valve plug, contamination of the rotary rod. For elimination, it is necessary to perform a complete flushing of the plate crane. To perform this operation, it is better to call the master, since it will be necessary to disassemble the front part of the gas stove and untwist the valve body, removing the spring and the plug from it.
- 360 degree scroll. This problem often occurs with prolonged use of a gas stove. The reason may be a breakdown of the handle seat. For repair, you need to purchase and put another pen.
These problems can be fixed on their own, but if there is no confidence in achieving the result on your own, it is worth calling a specialist.

All these difficulties in work, as well as breakdowns occur in the absence of care of the gas stove. In order not to call a wizard to troubleshoot, you should be more careful about your equipment, timely performing its maintenance.
If you find a gas leak or a gas stove breakdown, you should immediately call the craftsman from the gas company with which you contract signed.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Here are videos that demonstrate the procedure for removing pens from gas stoves of various models.
This video shows how to remove the handles using the Hephaestus gas stove as an example:
The procedure and methods for cleaning pens are shown in this video:
Another way to clean the gas stove handles can be seen in this video:
Summing up, it can be noted that all elements of the gas stove should be cleaned regularly. The main movable element is handles. They are also contaminated and may work poorly over time. It is necessary to remove them yourself and carry out thorough cleaning.
Be sure to adhere to safety precautions when performing work, as well as carefully follow the algorithm of actions so as not to damage these elements.
Want to talk about how you removed pens from your gas stove? Share difficulties you’ve encountered with other users. Or maybe you want to recommend an effective tool for cleaning pens and the surface of the stove, which we have not mentioned here? Write your advice and comments in the comment box below this post.