Do-it-yourself gas hose replacement: installation rules

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Alena Slepakova
Last update: March 2024

There are a number of good reasons for replacing a gas hose, including banal sleeve wear. According to technical standards, to perform this work it is necessary to call an employee of the gas service. But what if the need arose in a country house, for example, where you can not hope for the prompt arrival of gas workers? Act on your own!

However, you should first understand the technological nuances according to which this work is performed. We will tell you how to replace a gas hose with your own hands. Using the information, you can correctly remove the old sleeve and install a new one, without fear for the safety of the family and neighbors.

We have described in detail all types of hoses approved for use in the gas industry. As an example, the installation process of a new gas stove with a full set of equipment is given. The information presented for consideration will be useful to both those who decided to independently perform the replacement, and to customers of gas services.

Types and features of gas hoses

After acquiring a new gas stove or when replacing old equipment, a change in flexible hose will be required. On sale you can find only five types of these communication devices, but they are not popular.

The reasons for the low level of demand for certain types of gas hoses lie in the complexity of the installation work. And in some cases, you can’t do without calling a specialist.

The most popular flexible models include such eyeliners:

  • rubber;
  • rubber fabric;
  • rubber reinforced with metal threads;
  • bellows metal.

In addition to flexible models, you can meet steel and copper pipes. The requirements for connecting this type of sleeve are very different in comparison with flexible models.

Methods differ soldering copper pipes. If the installation is carried out by brazing, it is necessary to use exclusively copper-phosphorus contacts PMFS6-0.15 and PMFOtsr6-4-0.03. Soft soldering in this case is not allowed.

Solder method
When installing by brazing, one of the important conditions is to maintain the temperature regime not exceeding the 600 ° C mark. For soft soldering this range is reduced - no more than 400 ° C

Another way to contact gas pipes is to install copper fittings by extrusion. Compression fittings for hoses are selected based on the pressure coefficient of the pipe. If the diameter of the pipe is not more than 54 mm, a fitting-free connection method is allowed.

Gas hose crimp
On fittings for crimping a gas hose, most often, you can see a yellow marking. In some cases, only the seal ring is yellow. It is worth considering that the use of shortened fittings is strictly prohibited

Despite the reliability of connecting such hoses to gas appliancesThey have several disadvantages:

  • install without special equipment will fail, so you will need to call a specialist;
  • the placement of the plate will be stationary, without the ability to move;
  • laborious installation process.

Such methods are used infrequently and are unreasonably costly. Financial investments will be many times higher than when using popular flexible hoses. And it is also worth considering the duration of the work - at this time there will be no access to gas supply.

Features of rubber sleeves

A rubber hose designed primarily for transporting oxygen is considered a rare option, although you can easily find it on the market. He has many advantages: pressure retention of 20 atmospheres, affordable price, ease of installation and good electrical insulation.

However, despite all the positive qualities, the device requires special vigilance during operation. The contact of a portion of the surface of the sleeve in contact with air and the smallest drop of oil can lead to overheating of the hose, and, accordingly, to a quick failure.

Oxygen hose
Using a rubber hose as an associated gas equipment is an inappropriate use of this type of hose. Despite its positive characteristics, it needs to be carefully and constantly inspected during operation.

It is worth abandoning the use of an oxygen hose - it is considered a relic of the past when there were no more advanced and safe products. Its installation in the kitchen of an apartment of a multi-storey building is especially dangerous - the owner risks not only his life, but also a hundred unsuspecting people about anything.

If in the country, i.e. the place of temporary residence, such a product is used, you need to be especially careful and pay attention to its marking, where the following parameters should be indicated: product class, internal diameter, maximum allowable pressure.

A visual inspection of the presence of defects in the form of blisters, cracks and punctures of the fiber frame will also be required - the presence of exposed areas is not allowed.

Rubber product specifications

Good recommendations deserved rubber hose. It is ease of use, inexpensive price, high flexibility coefficient, rich size range (almost any length and diameter), excellent electrical insulation.

The disadvantages include weak stiffness of the material - the product is made from rubber reinforced with fabric threads. Despite this, modern technologies used to make the model will help to last up to 10 years.

Rubber fabric gas hose
Rubber-fabric gas hose is the cheapest of all options for accessories. Due to the extensive size range, it is possible to choose the required sleeve sizes

Another negative quality is that after a short period of time cracks appear in the rubber, which are conductors of gas leakage. Despite the good strength indicators, experts do not recommend using such a hose for more than two years. This type of eyeliner is in demand for gas cylinders in a private house.

The specifics of reinforced eyeliner

The appearance of the product reinforced with a metal mesh has much in common with water pipes - a thin-wire braid of steel gives structural strength. Two fittings and threaded rivets located at the ends of the sleeve, act as fasteners for the hose and gas stove.

A clear advantage of this type of connection is reliability. And to ensure its safety, it is necessary to put dielectric inserts between the hose and the stove. In addition, when installing necessarily use gaskets made of copper, aluminum or other soft metals.

Reinforced gas hose
Today, manufacturers produce reinforced hoses with fittings made of an alloy of iron and carbon or brass. It is worth giving preference to these materials, excluding stainless steel.

Reinforced sleeves are inexpensive and easy to use. The flexibility of rubber and the strength of the metal were successfully combined in this product, which served to increase its popularity for use in domestic conditions. Experts in our country recommend gradually abandoning their operation in favor of a more advanced option.

Reliable bellows metal joint

The most reliable and durable option is a bellows metal hose. It is used to connect the stove to the gas main, has a high coefficient of flexibility, which is achieved due to the corrugation made of stainless steel.

Moreover, at the time of bending, there is no deformation of the inner section of the sleeve. The hose can be extended up to four times. All this is reflected in its price category - the cost of the product is quite high.

Bellows metal hose
The service life of the bellows metal liner reaches 25 years. When mounting on a stove with electric ignition, electric grill and backlight, a dielectric insulating gasket is required between the sleeve and the gas tap

The standard length for this type of hose is 1.5–2 m, the thread diameter is ½ or ¾ inch. Due to the method of fixation, hoses with fastening “nut-nut” and “nut-fitting” are distinguished. In addition to a well-bending surface, they are able to withstand pressure of 6 atmospheres, and can also come in contact with temperatures from - 50 to +200 ° C.

The only drawback is the price category, which exceeds five times its competitors.

Using a flexible gas hose
Flexible bellows gas hoses are equipped with a protective polymer shell on the outside, which protects the sleeve from corrosion and prevents damage

Flexible bellows hoses are divided into ordinary and with a metal base made of stainless steel. The latter are protected by a two-layer polymer coating, which provides high-quality electrical protection. It protects the material from corrosion and acid exposure, as well as from the high temperature regime of the furnace device.

The manufacturing material for this type of gas liner is stainless steel, which meets all the technical requirements of GOST. Due to the polymer coating, the product is protected from various forces.

The sleeve provides a guarantee of the integrity of the gas supply system for a long period - up to 25 years. The electrical resistance of the material reaches 1500 V, which is important, because modern stoves are equipped with rich electrical functionality.

Corrugation bellows hose
The bellows hose has a polymer coating to ensure electrical insulation of the gas stove, equipped with electrical functions: ignition, backlight, grill

Gas hose selection rules

Any equipment, including the connection for blue fuel appliances, must have a quality certificate guaranteeing the specified service life.

To purchase this kind of product is necessary only in specialized stores. Do not forget about the differences between a water hose and a gas hose: a yellow mark on the braid indicates that you have a sleeve in front of you for gas, blue-red for water.

In detail about hose selection for connecting gas equipment, it is written here. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article we have proposed.

Connection Security Basics

Any gas equipment, including related equipment, must be connected in compliance with safety rules. Gas is an explosive substance, with which you should be as careful as possible.

This requirement also applies to devices for its supply, which must be of high quality and provide an appropriate level of protection:

  1. It is not recommended to hide the gas hose; it is important to ensure access to it.
  2. The product cannot be painted.
  3. When installing, pay attention to the sleeve tension - it should sag a little.
  4. During installation, do not bend much and give in to twisting of the eyeliner.
  5. The metal parts of the product must be protected against condensation.

For installation of a flexible hose, only tools, materials and accessories designed for working with gas equipment are used. Particular attention should be paid to this, because many details are almost identical to materials for water supply.

Gas stove connection diagram

Schematically gas stove connection looks like this: a gas riser passes through the kitchen room, from which a branch pipe with a tap at the end, connected to the furnace, leaves. This piece is also called a lowering or retraction.

Gas tap replacement
In old houses, a petal-type crane is installed on the edges. When reconnecting, it is recommended to replace it with a ball. It takes up less space and is more convenient to use.

A rubber-fabric hose is screwed into the tap through which gas is supplied. For old houses, a plate is planted on a metal pipe. This method is not practical to use, because in this case the location of the device will be stationary.

In remote areas of the private sector, where there is no access to the laid main gas pipeline, gas is used in cylinders. Only a gas service specialist is allowed to connect to such equipment.

Self-service instructions

Payment for gas services for installation works is not too high, but many home masters prefer to do everything on their own. This is a feasible occupation that requires the purchase of components and theoretical knowledge.

And to connect, you will need to prepare the following tools and buy materials:

  • keys: gas No. 1, adjustable 22-24;
  • screwdriver to tighten the clamp, if required;
  • seals (thread loktayt 55, flax, FUM - tape);
  • gasket ½;
  • gas hose;
  • ball valve 1/2 ′;
  • a brush and soap solution, which will be required to control the execution of work.

A rag and a plastic cork are also useful. The rag will be used as a temporary cover against gas leakage. The narrowed edge of the plug must be fitted to the opening of the feed pipe. If during the extraction process, a home-made part gets stuck, it can be easily removed with a corkscrew.

Step # 1: Removing the old plate

Overlapping the crane at the lowering is a priority for ensuring the safety of the work performed. Next, it is necessary to unscrew the lock nut located on the branch and remove the coupling. If at the old plate the coupling and locknut were previously painted - this will greatly complicate the process of dismantling them.

Sometimes this procedure fails, then you need to cut off the eyeliner with a grinder.

Gas stove dismantle
Dismantling the gas stove is done after disconnecting from the conductor pipe of the gas main.Any difficulties with unscrewing the lock nuts on a metal pipe are solved by cutting the eyeliner

In the process of unscrewing the drive located in the lowering valve, the crane itself must be held with a key. It will not have to be removed if it is not planned crane replacement. When they plan to wait a while with the installation of the slab, an additional plug is installed on the lowering.

Step # 2: Perform a tap replacement

There are situations when the wall is located in extreme proximity to the crane and there is no way to dismantle it. In this case, it is necessary to bend the mount and install a wedge between the wall and the pipeline. However, this is done so that there is an opportunity to continue to do the work.

It is necessary to prepare a piece of rags sufficient to completely block the pipe after dismantling the old crane. The next will be its tearing off without full unwinding. And you also need to prepare the selected type of seal. Do not forget to carefully ventilate the room during operation to eliminate gas vapors.

After unscrewing the faucet, the exit from the pipe is tightly fixed with a finger, and then with a wet rag. The main actions are aimed at the maximum elimination of gas exit from the pipe. In this case, the thread on the branch should not be closed, since it will be covered by the selected sealant.

Before winding the seal, the thread on the lowering must be thoroughly cleaned. Further, its winding is carried out directly. This process provides a reliable and tight fixation of the new faucet, which then tightly twists. The last step is to install the previously removed handle on the tap.

Checking the connection with soapy foam
Using soapy foam, the tightness of the faucet and gas pipe connections is monitored. If the work was done correctly, the installation of the gas hose can continue

If for the first time gas equipment is connected to a gas main, it is necessary to call a gas master. In his presence, a check is carried out of the equipment for gas leaks with the valve open. In the event that the employee of the gas service has not found any violations, he must enter in the register the established brand of the stove.

Step # 3: Connect the flexible hose to the plate

An outer thread of the hose fitting is wrapped with a sealant. After that, it must be screwed into the tap on the branch pipe. The flexible hose is connected to the collector at the finish stage.

Further, the test opening of the tap at the lowering stage for a gas leak is mandatory. Using soap suds, the joining points are processed with a brush. If foaming occurs when the gas valve is opened, the work must be redone.

Dielectric adapter
It is necessary to verify the threads located on the plate header. Quite often it is 3/8 ′. In this case, you need to install the adapter on 1/2 ', with a sealant

If work on replacing a gas hose is carried out in a private house where balloon gas is used, an additional nozzle replacement with a smaller diameter will be required. If this is not done, the burners will release too much soot, which likes to settle on furniture and utensils in the kitchen.

Need to Know: Valuable Tips

Before acquiring a flexible hose, it is necessary to verify the dimension of the thread at the exit of the plate, its classification and whether it is a straight or angled type. If the outlet is of direct type (directed towards the wall), it is necessary to purchase a sleeve with a square at the end.

The gas hose must not be painted - this will accelerate its cracking. A more attractive look can be created by pasting with special paper or oilcloth.

It is also strictly forbidden to tightly sew up gas lines with false panels made of drywall and other structures - this will make it difficult to carry out service work with individual elements.

For camouflage gas supply systems use collapsible boxwhich, if necessary, is easily dismantled.In this case, all structural elements of the gas system will have constant access.

Gas hose connection
It is forbidden to use extra connections. Independent complication of the gas structure, according to the technical regulations, may result in a fine or disconnection from gas supply

If to connect gas water heater or the master was called, it is necessary to verify the correctness of the work: the excess overflow from the tap at the lowering must be unscrewed, the flexible wiring is directly connected exclusively to the tap located on the branch pipe, and its other end only with the exit of the gas stove.

And also the use of an adapter is allowed. Any additional installation is prohibited.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video recommendations on the choice and rules of operation of gas hoses:

About connecting a gas stove in a video:

Video with recommendations for installing purchased hoses:

The correct connection of the gas stove, in accordance with the necessary technical standards, is subject to mandatory verification by the gas control service, especially if the stove is new and this is done for the first time.

If a person has never encountered such kind of work, and his knowledge is extremely superficial, the best option would be to consult a specialist.

Do you have useful information on the topic of the article? Want to talk about how you changed the gas hose in your home? Please write comments, ask questions, share your opinion and photos in the block below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Vladislav

    We often offer a rubber sleeve for a gas hose in accordance with GOST 9356-75, class III. I do not recommend it to anyone for these purposes. Yes, it does withstand a pressure of 20 atmospheres, but it is designed to supply oxygen! I stood there, cracked all and began to miss. If you decide to choose such a sleeve, then take class I, the price will be more expensive by a penny, and the quality is already different. During installation, it is also better to use FUM tape of yellow color, it is specially designed for gas work.

  2. Sergei

    Particularly pleased with the paragraph on replacing the gas valve. But someone, after reading, may try. For gas workers, the article is not of any interest. For everyone else, the most correct statement is in the last sentence - "The best will be to consult a specialist." I believe that in an apartment building complex and dangerous work, and even more so actions with gas, should be carried out by a specialist. Better proven, sorry, it's hard to find.

    • Alexander

      Sergey, it’s like in a joke: “Dad can, but the bull is better.” Specialists often use our technical illiteracy and determine the cost of repairs, depending not on complexity, but on their arrogance and greed. Now specifically for the replacement of a gas tap. In private houses there is another one, on the street! Close it and do what you need. The risers in the apartment buildings also overlap, for this you will have to call the gas workers and it is advisable to notify the neighbors.

      • Denis

        Yes, experts come at different levels, and sometimes they act no better than a simple layman, but for this there are recommendations from friends.Do you understand that gas equipment is not a sphere of our life where we should climb on our own, simply by reading material on the Internet?

        Only recently, due to some kind of grief, gas workers exploded and collapsed the apartment building, many people died. I read the material just to know how the replacement is, in principle, carried out, to control the work of a specialist with this knowledge and if you need to ask questions. I’ll never get to change it myself.

    • Maria

      Hello. I agree, but only partially. Hoses and valves for gas-powered equipment can be replaced on their own, even a woman or a person with no experience can handle this. However, if there is no certainty, it is better, of course, to invite a specialist. But the gas men laughed at me personally when I called them for a replacement of a hose for 300 rubles. My mother has already changed independently and successfully. There is nothing complicated. But taking into account the risks, yes. Is it dangerous.


