Review of the septic tank “Bioxy”: device, advantages and disadvantages + what to look at before buying

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Antonina Turyeva
Last update: April 2024

Clean forest air, clear river water and bewitching nature attract urban residents to their summer cottages. For a comfortable stay in cottages and small houses far from megacities, it is required to ensure the benefits of civilization - plumbing, heating and sewage.

Moreover, one of the solutions for arranging a treatment system for autonomous sewage can be a Bioxy septic tank. He is able to meet the needs of both a small family and a cottage village. We will tell you how to choose the most suitable model of the specified brand and how to correctly install it.

The principle of operation and device

Among the many options for collecting and treating wastewater, Bioxy equipment stands out favorably.

These are sewer plants that process liquid waste from human life processes before their disposal. Dirty wastewater from sewer pipe, undergo purification and turn into odorless, purified, disinfected and clarified water.

Sewer installation

Bioxy treatment equipment can solve the problem with effluents for 50 years or more. Moreover, for this it is enough to purchase it once and install it on your site. You will also need to periodically inspect and carry out maintenance activities.

This sewer is volatile. For its operation, electricity is required in the amount of 20 watts per day per user. If the equipment is designed to serve a family of 7 people, the daily need is 7 * 20 = 140 watts.

Variants of septic tank models
Variants of models depend on the number of permanently residing family members. Also, Bioxy is able to withstand the periodic visits of guests

The septic tank case is made of the highest quality polypropylene, some individual units can be stainless steel. The lid is insulated and equipped with a hole for installing a mushroom-shaped air intake.

Mushroom-shaped air intake
The mushroom-shaped air intake is mounted on the nozzle provided in the lid. It provides the constant flow of air necessary for aerobic life

There are several departments inside the equipment:

  • Control block;
  • receiving tank;
  • silt stabilization compartment;
  • aerotank reactor;
  • Department of secondary sedimentation.

In the control unit, the main equipment is concentrated, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the treatment plant. It is afraid of water, so the manufacturer has provided optimal protection for each of the elements of this department. The only thing that is important for the user to provide is to provide protection against flooding from the outside.

Bioxy lid is additionally insulated
Bioxy lid is additionally insulated - this allows you to use the equipment in the cold season

To ensure efficient wastewater treatment in the sewer installation, there are airlifts, compressor, pumps, aerators, air distributors, filters and nozzles for fluid inlet and outlet.

Internal hardware compartment
The internal compartment for hosting the septic tank hardware is isolated from liquid from the inside. But with multiple excess volumes of discharged effluents, flooding is possible

How does Bioxy equipment work?

The basis for the effective treatment of sewage waste from Bioxy septic tanks is the biological processing processes in which aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, and oxidation. The effluents entering the tank go through several stages of treatment.

They are pumped from one tank to another, where they simultaneously undergo several mechanical and biochemical processes, due to which 98% purified and disinfected water flows from the outlet pipeline.

Water discharged from a septic tank is safe
The water discharged from the septic tank is safe for use in the local area for watering plantings and harvesting.

The operation of the installation consists of two phases:

  • cleaning;
  • recycling.

The first phase is intended directly for the treatment of incoming wastewater. The second - to remove excess activated sludge.

This phase starts if the volume of liquid in the receiving tank reaches the minimum mark. In the second phase, airlifts pump liquid from the aeration tank back into the receiving chamber. To remove excess activated sludge into a collection tank.

The principle of operation of the septic tank Bioxy
Activated sludge in a Bioxy plant oxidizes solid waste and turns it into water and carbon dioxide

With optimal equipment loading, the phases alternate 5 times a day. This provides a good concentration of activated sludge, which qualitatively performs its functions of splitting all organic waste.

Due to the fact that aerobic bacteria are actively working in Bioxy equipment, the septic tank does not emit any unpleasant odor. It is important to connect it correctly, ensuring the supply of fresh air and the conclusion of aerobic waste products.

Water saturation with oxygen
A constant supply of fresh air ensures a normal flow of aeration processes.

As for the discharge of purified water, it can be diverted to the terrain, disposed of through a filtration field, drained into a collection well or choose another convenient option. Water is harmless, it does not harm the environment.

If you plan to discharge into an open reservoir, then you can buy a station with the index "p". It provides an increased level of purification from nitrogen, phosphorus and other mineral substances that are useful for irrigation. But for a pond - not very, since a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus causes the flowering of water and increased formation of algae.

Outlet water is 98% purified
Disposal of treated effluents to a nearby pond will not be illegal. After all, the water at the outlet is 98% purified

Installation Maintenance Rules

Bioxy is not only convenient in operation, but also does not cause unnecessary problems with maintenance. The only thing you need to do regularly is to conduct visual examinations. During such checks, you need to look to see if the installation is functioning normally. Regular weekly monitoring of purified water will allow you to notice in time if there is a malfunction, if something happens.

At the exit, during normal operation of the station, there should be clear water without unpleasant odors. If the opposite is true, then the cause should be identified and eliminated on its own or to attract specialists.

Moreover, the first time after putting the equipment into operation, he will have to enter the operating mode. At this time, there will be an increase in the volume of activated sludge.

While the desired amount is accumulating, and this is about 2-4 weeks, the station is not able to fully perform its functions. Therefore, it is important from the first days to optimally load it so that the formation of a sufficient amount of activated sludge occurs sooner.

Adding activated sludge from a similar installation
To reduce commissioning time, activated sludge from a similar installation can be added. Sometimes it may not take root and will have to wait about a month until its bottom is formed

In addition to visual inspection, once in 6 months the following manipulations are to be performed:

  • clean the filter of large sewage;
  • catch non-degradable debris from the surface - polyethylene, gaskets, etc .;
  • flush airlift;
  • remove sludge from the stabilizer;
  • clean the blower filter and the walls of the secondary sump.

It is important that before starting all procedures, you should turn off the station with two switches and wait 20 minutes for the sludge to settle on the bottom. Then using the drain pump, completely remove all sludge from the stabilizer and fill it with clean water to the overflow level.

It is convenient to flush and clean the airlifts with a high-pressure apparatus. Water with a strong pressure flushes all contaminants from the parts of the septic tank. In the absence of such an apparatus, soft brushes can be used to clean surfaces of sludge residues.

Winter use of bioxy
As for the winter use of Bioxy, no additional manipulations are required from the user to preserve it

It is also necessary to periodically conduct the following work:

  • once every 2 years to change the membrane blower;
  • once every 5 years to clear the aeration tank and the receiving tank of mineralized sludge;
  • once every 10 years, replace the perforated stocking of aeration elements.

An electric pump is used to remove mineralized sludge.All these procedures can be carried out independently or with the assistance of specialists.

Pumping activated sludge
Activated sludge can be pumped out under fruit trees or in a compost pit. It is harmless and is an excellent organic fertilizer.

Model line of VOC “Bioxy”

Local sewage stations Bioxy have a very extensive lineup. Moreover, in free sale you can find solutions designed for the disposal of effluents from 0.6 to 3 m3.

This corresponds to the daily service of 15 people. It is this volume that is in greatest demand. You can also buy models with a daily volume of drains of 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 m3.

If necessary, establish a facility capable of cleaning the effluents of a small cottage village with a population of 500-70 people, you can order an individual project from the manufacturer. The most convenient and economical solution will be developed to solve this issue.

The size of the septic tank depends on the volume
The size of the septic tank depends on the volume. The more residents in the cottage, the larger the equipment will be.

All positions of the model range contain a figure in the name that corresponds to the volume of received effluents or the number of consumers served. For example, Bioxy-0.6 - for 0.6 m3 liquids, Bioxy-3 - for 3 m3 , Bioxy-5 long is an elongated model for the collection of effluents from a family of 5 people.

Moreover, the installation is able to cope with a volume exceeding twice this norm - 1 m3. The main thing is that this be a temporary phenomenon. If the guests arrived at a family event and did not stay long.

In the name of the models, you can also find the letter designation:

  • s / t - gravity drainage;
  • “L” or “Long” are models with an elongated body;
  • “SL” or “SL” - options for the maximum overall format.

In addition to the appearance of the modification, they differ in the ability to cope with volley runoff, for example, from the draining of the bathtub, washing machine and dishwasher simultaneously. The s / t model cannot handle such a load.

Bioxy for the cottage village
The local sewer station Bioxy can be installed to treat the effluents of an entire street or an entire small settlement

Matching the pros and cons

Sewerage plants, manufactured under the brand name "Bioxy", have established themselves in the local treatment equipment market in the best way. They are reliable and efficiently perform their duties. Thanks to the improvement of the septic tank and the flexible policy of the company's management, an increasing number of summer residents stop at it.

Good points

According to consumer reviews, everyone is happy with their septic tank. The main thing is that the correct model is selected and the installation process is carried out correctly. Otherwise, no one is safe from troubles.

Installation can be done on their own
Installation can be done on their own, involving for this neighbor or friend as an assistant. No special equipment needed

The main advantages of the station:

  • full cleaning;
  • simple maintenance;
  • easy waste disposal;
  • minimum weight;
  • quick installation;
  • long term of use;
  • minimum power consumption;
  • does not require additional water purification systems;
  • minimum noise;
  • high-quality and lightweight plastic;
  • robust construction;
  • safety of use.
  • wide range.

Full cleaning of sewage occurs inside the septic tank itself. External intervention in the work and control from the owner is not required. Moreover, the installation provides 98% purity of water. Also, this liquid does not contain any harmful impurities.

To simplify the maintenance procedure, manufacturers have provided the simplest design that does not require increased attention to their work. All maintenance procedures can be performed by the user. For this, you will not need any special knowledge, instruments and tools.

Installation of a septic tank
You don’t need a lot of pipeline when installing a septic tank - it gives out industrial water at the outlet

The service process itself and the frequency of carrying out certain works - all this is described in detail in the instruction manual. If there is no desire or time to mess around with cleaning, rinsing or pumping out sludge, you can call specialists. The disposal of sludge itself is simple - merge into a compost pit or fertilize trees and shrubs.

The weight of the septic tank is minimal - it all depends on its volume. Since there are no metal or other elements in the structure, there is nothing to weight the structure. In some models, you can find individual units made of stainless steel. But they are so small that they are not able to significantly affect the weight of the equipment.

Small dimensions and light weight allow you to complete the installation on your own. The main difficulty is to dig a pit of the right size. Further, all the work of placing the tank in the pit, backfilling with sand, leveling and filling with water to prevent excessive pressure on the walls.

Installation Compliance
It is important to follow all the rules for self-installation in order to avoid negative consequences

Also, due to the characteristics of the material, the container is not subject to corrosion. Polypropylene is durable, lightweight. It will last more than half a century without any problems. The body is made with high quality - all seams are made at the highest level and do not let water from outside. Fluid can only be delivered through a sewer pipe.

The electricity consumption of the installation is minimal - about 20 watts per day per person. In the model, designed for 5 users, there are 2 compressors with a capacity of 60 W each. As for noise, it is minimal. At a distance of 1 m, the noise level of the blower, which is located under the insulated cover, is 37 dB.

The septic tank, performing cleaning, removes contaminants and utilizes harmful substances by 98%. Water has neither color nor smell - it is absolutely safe. You don’t have to arrange filtration fields or equip additional treatment facilities - you can immediately water lawns, flowers, seedlings.

A large number of solutions for any number of users. At the same time, it is possible to create an individual project on order. All issues are discussed, and the customer receives exactly the option as he needs. It is convenient that you can immediately pick up the complete set, indicating the types of filters for disinfection.

Arrangement of a storage well
Depending on the location of the septic tank and the type of soil, it may be necessary to equip the storage well from which water will be pumped further (+)

Reasonable weaknesses and shortcomings

In the Bioxy sewer installation, some negative aspects can be distinguished, which became noticeable after using it in cottages. Firstly, improper installation is possible. If the owner has never had experience in installation of similar septic tanks and did not read the recommendations of professionals, errors are possible.

In this case, an unpleasant odor may appear or the effluent treatment will not occur at all. After all, the home master does not always know how to connect the pipeline and carry out sealing, which will lead to incorrect operation.

Secondly, the dependence on electricity. For many summer residents, this parameter is decisive. But the problem can be solved using batteries or power generators. In addition, Bioxy can withstand 8 hours without an electrician, which does not interfere with its normal operation. Aerobes for this time will continue.

Hiblow Compressors
Compressors used in bioxy, japanese. Hiblow are highly reliable

Thirdly, the need to dose the effluent containing chemicals. This washing machine, dishwasher and abrasives used to clean the bathrooms. It is advisable to divide such operations into several days of the week. If everything is dumped into the sewers in one day, then aerobes can die. We'll have to wait for the emergence of new ones, and this is 3-4 weeks.

Fourth, the need to carry out maintenance. If we compare it with a centralized sewage system, where residents have no relation to cleaning, then here they have to, albeit occasionally, deal with maintenance.

Fifthly, it is important to observe the optimal volume of effluents in order to ensure normal operation. Thus, insufficient or excessive intake of an insufficient amount of fluid disrupts the entire cycle. Frequent overflow is more dangerous. It can damage the system.

Septic tank replacement
If the number of residents suddenly increased, it is better to replace the septic tank with a larger model or connect another

If you plan to seasonal use the septic tank, read the rules treatment plant preservationgiven in our recommended article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video # 1: Detailed and understandable video about the maintenance of a septic tank:

Video # 2: Overview of the work resources of Bioxy equipment parts:

Video # 3: A video about the treatment plant for autonomous sewage Bioxy:

Video # 4: A detailed analysis of the technical features of the local Bioxy treatment equipment:

Video # 5: Presentation of a new sewage treatment plant model:

Having considered the positive and negative sides of a septic tank, you can decide whether this option is suitable for a particular summer house or cottage. Moreover, this option is very profitable, given the capabilities of the treatment plant and its price.

It is also very convenient that this equipment does not require frequent maintenance and the purchase of expensive bacteria. All aerobes in the bioreactor reproduce themselves and work thanks to the intake of clean air.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Arseny

    I would like to know in addition whether it is necessary to coordinate the installation of “Bioxy” in the country or in the cottage with any supervisory authorities? After all, they have such a practice: after analyzing your runoff to the nearest pond, they will say that yes, it is 98% purified water. Maybe some environmental inspectorate can make a claim that they say they need 99% purification and will write a millionth fine.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko


      “Disposal of treated and disinfected domestic wastewater to the relief is permissible only on the territory of individual households and at a distance of at least 50 meters from the nearest underground water source."

      Including “Bioxy”, be there even spring water.

  2. Sergei

    We have had this for three years now, very satisfied. There is no smell, but we are there only on weekends, well, and when we are going to relax with the company. Repair is not quite completed and have not moved yet. And water, which then, after cleaning, accumulates in the tank and is used to water the garden. We plan to make another small pond with stones and put that water in there, but so far these are plans. Since we do not use it often, I clean it once a year, this is enough.

  3. Eugene

    Can you explain why the foam forms in the final sump, so dense that the drainage clogs up every two years? I scoop it out every 1-3 days, it is very annoying, taking into account the manufacturer’s statement that you can water the garden from this section. I pump out the settled sludge every 6-8 months. What else is wrong? Attaching photo.

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Hello. Please tell me, what do you have connected to the fecal fever? It just seems that you are producing sewage therein, it is possible, but in a minimal amount, since the activity of silt formations decreases.


