Sewer polymer hatches: types and characteristics + features of use

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Oleg Zubarev
Last update: May 2024

Practical sewer polymer hatches, despite the fact that they were introduced to consumers relatively recently, have already gained popularity, as they are able to effectively cope with all the necessary tasks. In addition, they have a fairly attractive appearance and affordable cost.

But in many respects the final result depends on the correct choice, therefore, it is necessary to know the basic performance characteristics of polymer products. In this article, we consider in more detail the features of plastic covers, the main types, marking features and recommendations for their use.

Purpose and types of hatches

Hatches made of polymer materials are in demand no less than their cast-iron counterparts. Moreover, in some cases, it is polymer products that are most suitable. For example, for arrangement of a sewer well in the country.

Regardless of the appearance, weight, shape, color and other characteristics, all of the specified equipment is designed to solve the same problems, which include:

  • ensuring the safety of the movement of pedestrians and any vehicles - that is, with the help of hatches, injuries and accidents should be excluded;
  • protection of engineering communications elements, wells, in which they are located from clogging, damage by objects that have got inside;
  • prevention of theft of parts of utilities, hatches themselves.

The appearance of the product also plays an important role - most buyers select polymer covers with high aesthetic properties.

As for the manufacturing material used in the production of plastic sewer manholes, it is represented by several types of polyethylene:

  • secondary high pressure;
  • low pressure containing modifying additives.

Hatches are made by pressing the components heated to 300 ° С.

Features of polymer hatches
Modern polymer hatches are lightweight, easy to use and durable, as their service life is an impressive 20 years

In addition to plastic, to the category of polymer hatches can be attributed products, which include other additives. It is polymer sand, rubber and composite.

The composition of polymer-sand products includes 70% of clean and dry sand, and the remaining 30 - plastic LDPE and HDPE. This composition provides the finished lid with good strength, resistance to aggressive substances and temperature extremes.

They are also made by hot pressing at temperatures above 100 degrees.

The rubber is reinforced with nylon thread and wear-resistant sewer covers are made from these materials.

A composite or premix is ​​a mixture of polyester resin, fiberglass, calcite and other additives used according to the manufacturer’s recipe.

We wrote more about materials for manufacturing hatches and their features. here.

Features of plastic hatches

Hatches are made to solve the same global problems, but there are many of their subspecies, which affects their design features, strength, cost and a number of other characteristics.

As a result, polymer products begin to be divided into varieties, which are affected by: functional purpose and dimensions.

Functional Application and Dimensions

So according to the relevant GOST there are the following varieties of polymer products:

  1. Lightweight compact hatch, abbreviated as it is called LM;
  2. Light hatch or just L.

Most often, the first category of products has to be dealt to the owners of private houses, plots on which communications are laid, they are met by visitors to parks. The reason is that lightweight, compact small-sized hatches are designed for pedestrian and green areas.

Categories of polymer hatches
Domestic guidance documents divide all hatches into many categories according to their ability to withstand loads. But varieties made from polymeric materials meet the requirements of only the two lightest of them.

They meet the requirements of the load class A15, and this indicates that they are able to withstand the weight of even a truck. But nevertheless, if it will be one-time assaults, and not system ones, and for a long time.

According to GOST, any such hatch must:

  • withstand at least 1,500 kg of load or 15 kN;
  • have a diameter of 450 mm.

The landing depth in the shell should not be less than 20 mm, this is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of the hatch spontaneously leaving its seat under some unusual circumstances, for example, from a gust of strong wind.

The light hatch is designed to solve the same problems as its light compact analogue. But it has a larger diameter - from 550 mm.

From various sources, information can be drawn that polymer hatches can withstand much greater loads than indicated above.

Perhaps this is so, but the profile GOST in the section on the materials of covers and hatch cases contains requirements stating that plastic can be used for the manufacture of only the above products.

The list of materials from which hatches can be made includes cast iron, the same metal, but with concrete inserts and polymers. That is the test about the sand fastened by plastic in state standard specification nothing is said.

As a result, the use of any plastic hatches will not be entirely legal and may result in sanctions, especially in the event that some kind of accident occurs because of them.

Varieties of polymer hatches
All plastic products are divided into 2 main varieties, which are lightweight small-sized and simply lightweight hatches. Therefore, any polymer hatches can be used exclusively in park areas, the private sector and other places where there is no active traffic

The above is also true for polymer-sand products. As for composite covers, they, according to sellers and manufacturers, can withstand an impressive 25 tons of load.

And this statement is true. True, their cost is higher than plastic analogues.

Regardless of the variety, each cover should have a relief with an area of ​​10-70% of the entire surface. In addition, all of them must freely enter the enclosures. In this case, the gap between both parts of the structure should not exceed 3 mm.

And hatches should fit snugly against the supporting parts of their hulls. So the tolerance should not exceed 2 mm.

Nuances of marking polymer hatches

Each polymer product can belong not only to the category of hatches, but also to other products. For example, to be a rain-sink, a repair insert.

And so that the lining fraught with negative consequences does not come out, each similar product should be marked by the manufacturer.

Marking polymer hatches
Polymer hatches are intended for different purposes and in order to avoid confusion GOST requires labeling. So a product made for industrial or domestic sewage should be marked with the letter “K”

That is, according to the current GOST, the word is indicated on the cases, covers:

  • "Luke";
  • "Storm water inlet";
  • "insert".

Confirm such information should be the brand of the manufacturer. It is also important that you cannot mix parts for various purposes.

In addition, the date of manufacture should be on each hatch. Since the polymer has an expiration date (usually 20 years), after which it begins to noticeably lose its qualities, and the accompanying documents are unlikely to be preserved during this time, the requirements of GOST at this point are quite stringent.

Therefore, without the stigma with the month and year of manufacture, the hatch will be non-standard.

Shape and dimensions of covers

In addition, the division of plastic products can be carried out according to a number of signs.

Which include:

  • the form;
  • sizes
  • the availability of additional equipment;
  • decorative qualities.

So on sale you can find plastic equipment having different shapes - round, square, rectangular.

Although the industry is ready to supply anything, it should be remembered that according to the rules set out in GOST, only round hatches are considered standard.

The reason is that they are the safest. So the specified form will not allow the product to fall down, and not in one position, better withstand some types of load.

Round plastic hatch
At points of sale you can find polymer products of various shapes and sizes. But GOST recognizes only a round variety of hatches because of the greatest security. And so that specialists can perform all the installation operations provided, the diameter of the cover should be at least 45 cm, and even better if 55 cm, as in the case of a light hatch

All other subspecies are not prohibited, but it is advisable to use them exclusively in places where they cannot lead to injuries or other troubles.

Dimensions of round plastic hatches for sewer and other wells are listed in GOST (they are indicated above). In all other cases, manufacturers act at their discretion, since the dimensions of square and other products are not regulated.

But there is a practice when the length of the sides is from 30 cm to a meter, while the pitch is usually equal to 50 mm.

Availability of additional equipment

Polymer products can be standard or equipped with various devices for solving some problems.

So for additional equipment may include:

  • constipation, which prevent the demolition of hatches by the wind, the displacement of the wheels of a car;
  • locksexcluding vandal, illegal actions, for example, theft.

In addition, hatches are often equipped with dismantling holes to prevent the accumulation of gases and other equipment.

Polymer Hatches Functionality
Modern polymer hatches are often equipped with additional equipment, which are constipation, designed to protect property from theft or unfortunate coincidence in the form of a strong gust of wind,able to tear the lid out of the seat

Decorative qualities of products

Manufacturers, taking into account the tastes of different categories of consumers, supply products with high aesthetic qualities to the market.

The advantages of polymer hatches
Polymer hatches are distinguished by a variety of colors, which allows you to choose the right product in almost any case. And all this at a very reasonable cost, especially in comparison with their cast-iron counterparts

Which provide:

  1. Color selection. Today, the plastic cover of any sewer or other type of hatch can shine with almost all the colors of the rainbow. That allows you to present such a product in a favorable light or to disguise it.
  2. Corrugation Pattern, Font Type. GOST allows manufacturers to choose the design of the manhole cover, which together with the color gives a positive effect and variety.

Modern polymers are not affected by temperatures, their differences, do not fade, and also do not exfoliate. Which significantly increases the decorative qualities of the covers and maintains their appearance in its original condition for several decades.

So, a practical lid made of a polymer material will fulfill its purpose for decades, closing manhole or plastic sewer well, or another well in the country house, in which utilities are located, and after 20 years you can buy a new one and, thanks to its light weight, it is easy to replace it with your own hands.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The roller below will allow you to better understand the capabilities of polymer hatches. By the way, it is worth paying attention to checking the product under pressure, since according to the relevant GOST the procedure must be carried out before sale.

Polymer hatches are modern and quite practical products that can make the life of users more comfortable. In addition, they have high performance, durability and affordable cost..

But their capabilities, in comparison with cast-iron counterparts, are still limited. Therefore, when choosing, you should be vigilant and not overestimate their capabilities so as not to incur financial losses.

Choose a plastic hatch for arranging a sewer well in the country and want to clarify a couple of points of your choice? Ask your questions under this publication - our experts and other site visitors will try to help you.

Or maybe you recently purchased polymer roofs, installed them yourself and now want to share experience with newcomers in this matter? Tell us about the models you have chosen for your needs, add photos of installed hatches below under our article.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Darina

    As for me, the only advantage of plastic hatches is their light weight. I don’t even consider the variety of colors to be a special advantage, because the cast-iron hatch can be painted in the end. I always liked cast-iron hatches, they are so authentic, there is something in them that attracts more. But lately, more and more often I come across precisely plastic options. And all because pig-iron to this day mercilessly drag everyone who is not lazy. Apparently, plastic everywhere and everywhere - our future, alas (((

    • Timur

      If we talk about the use of such hatches for private areas, then a small weight is not a minus, but a very plus. I bought a polymer sewer hatch for a drain hole in my country house. So far, only the first year is worth it, so I won’t make any plans, but now I haven’t noticed any minuses at all. Well, the fact that plastic is used everywhere - so what's the difference if the quality matches?

  2. Yulia

    We have 2 large pits behind the house, they are very deep, like wells. They were closed all the time with iron hatches, but recently these hatches began to steal. The street is poorly lit and now the pits are open. Zheku does not care. I wrote a statement, no use. And the children walk, no matter what happens. So I think on my own initiative to buy a polymer hatch and close the hole. Do you think it will be reliable enough? If the car passes, it will not crack?

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Perfect solution. The polymer sunroof is not only inexpensive (600-800 rubles) in comparison with cast iron (from 3,500 rubles), but also quite reliable. Even the simplest polymer sunroof can withstand loads of at least 1.5 tons. There are models that can withstand up to 30 tons. I recommend that you purchase a reinforced hatch that can withstand a load of at least 3 tons. Such a product will contain the marking LMU or L. The recommended size of the hatch is 750 * 110.


