Hydrogen heating boiler: device + principle of operation + selection criteria
The principles of alternative energy are increasingly gaining the attention of consumers. In many respects, this is facilitated by the increase in tariffs for traditional energy carriers, as well as periodic disruptions in the services market.
In these circumstances, a hydrogen heating boiler is considered as one of the most promising types of devices operating on renewable fuels, which is gas H2.
Before deciding to purchase such a unit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation, to assess the advantages and disadvantages of using hydrogen as a fuel. These questions have been studied by us and are described in detail in the article.
In addition, we identified the parameters that should be considered when choosing a boiler, gave tips on operation and prepared an overview of the best factory hydrogen generators. Fans of homemade handy instructions for assembling the unit with your own hands.
The content of the article:
- Properties of hydrogen as fuel
- Advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen boilers
- The principle of operation of the heating unit
- Components of a hydrogen unit
- Generator Selection Criteria
- Boiler operation tips
- Top 5 Factory Hydrogen Generators
- How to make a boiler yourself
- Which water is better - ordinary or distilled
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Properties of hydrogen as fuel
As mentioned above, the fuel for such units is hydrogen, the lightest gas in nature, lacking color and odor. Among its advantages can be called a large amount of heat that is released during the combustion of H2 (121 MJ / kg, while only 40 MJ / kg is released during propane combustion).
Under normal conditions, hydrogen burns at a temperature of + 2000 ° C, but with the help of a catalyst it can be reduced to + 300 ° C. This allows you to make boilers from budget steel, and not from expensive rare earth metals.
Hydrogen is non-toxic, which ensures the safety of its use in everyday life. When this substance is burned, water vapor is obtained that improves the indoor microclimate and does not need chimneys.

Among the disadvantages are the increased explosiveness of hydrogen, especially when it is mixed with air or oxygen, which leads to the formation of detonating gas.
Advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen boilers
The strengths of such devices are:
- Full environmental friendliness. The decomposition products of water do not harm the atmosphere, they are completely safe for the health of people and pets.
- High level of efficiencywhich can reach 96%. This is significantly higher than the efficiency of diesel, natural gas or coal.
- Saving natural resources through application alternative energy sources.
- Low price received calories. There is enough water and some electricity for such devices.
At the same time, such devices have weaknesses.
Among the minuses include the following nuances:
- Demanding maintenance. For the highest possible degree of production of H2, it is necessary to replace metal plates every year. In addition to replacing the electrodes, a catalyst must be added regularly to produce the planned amount of energy. The frequency of this procedure depends on the power, as well as on the features of a particular model.
- High cost - The factory installation will cost no less than 35-40 thousand rubles.
- Explosion hazard with an increase in the normalized pressure in the boiler.
- Hydrogen cylinder deficiency - they are quite rarely seen on sale.
- Limited choice. Since such heating devices are not too common on the Russian market, it is not always possible to quickly find the right model, as well as to find competent specialists for installation and repair of equipment.
- The need for communications. For the device to work, a constant connection to the power supply for the electrolysis reaction, as well as to a water source, the flow rate of which depends on the power of the device, is necessary.
It should be noted that manufacturers pay great attention to new technologies, strive to improve hydrogen boilers, eliminating or minimizing disadvantages.
The principle of operation of the heating unit
Due to its activity, H2 in its pure form it does not occur in nature, however, it is quite simple to isolate it from ordinary water by electrolysis, while gaseous oxygen is also released.

For the heater to function, first you need to get H2. This takes place in a special compartment reserved for a similar reaction to occur. Liquid is poured into the container where the metal plates are immersed.
An electric current of specially selected purity is fed to them, under the influence of which H is released2 and about2, and also as a by-product - water vapor.
The resulting mixture is passed through a special device - a chemical separator, with which it is possible to isolate hydrogen, separating it from other impurities. The purified gas is supplied to the burner on which the valve is mounted.
It obstructs the movement of H2 to the other side, which prevents an explosion. In this case, oxygen and water vapor through another system will fall off into a special container.
Further, gaseous hydrogen passes through the protection unit and enters the combustion chamber. Here, it reacts with gas in the presence of a catalyst, as a result of which heat is generated, which enters the home heating system through a heat exchanger.
Water vapor released in the chamber through a specially allocated channel is returned to the electrolyte tank, thus using the recirculation process.
Power adjustment is carried out using specially equipped channels, the number of which can reach six.A catalyst is contained inside each of these devices, so that when you turn it on, the heat generation process starts.
The gas stream, heated to a temperature of 40 ° C, begins to move to a heat exchanger located in the combustion chamber.
Thanks to the separate structures, the channels can act independently of each other, which allows you to include only part of them.

Modern models are also equipped with various devices, for example, water level indicators and pressure sensors, which allows them to work in automatic mode and respond urgently in unforeseen situations.
Components of a hydrogen unit
The design of a hydrogen-based heating system is quite simple.
Boilerplaying the role of a heat exchanger is the main element where hydrogen is produced.

Electrolyzer - the main active part of the boiler, where an electrolytic reaction occurs, leading to the decomposition of water into H2 and about2. The element is a reservoir filled with water, in which metal electrodes are placed that have maximum current conductivity.
Wires are connected to the plates, through which electricity is supplied.
Burner - a device that contributes to the heating of the coolant in the heating system. Located in the combustion chamber, a spark is supplied to ignite it.
Burner valve - a special part located at the top of the device. Thanks to this detail H2, rising up, easily overcomes a barrier inaccessible to other released substances, and enters directly into the burner.

Pipeline - communications that depart from the unit and are used to supply heat to all rooms of the house. For tying use heating pipes with a diameter of 25-32 mm. When laying, observe the fundamental rule: the diameter of each subsequent branch should be less than the previous one.
Generator Selection Criteria
When deciding to purchase such a technique, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria.
Power. For modern appliances, the value of this indicator can vary significantly, which allows you to choose the best option for both a small house and a two-, three-story building.

Number of circuits. On hydrogen-powered appliances, a heating circuit is usually installed. In some models, an additional installation of the second (heating) circuit is also provided.
Electricity consumption. Today's technology makes it possible to achieve excellent heat output using a minimum of electricity. The energy consumption of various types of generators varies from 1.2 to 3 kW in 1 hour.
Low power consumption is achieved due to the fact that the hydrogen boiler does not work continuously, but only to maintain a certain temperature in the room.
Power supply. All varieties of hydrogen generators can be divided into two large categories: one works from gas, the other from electricity.
Manufacturer. It is better to prefer trusted manufacturers (Italy, USA).You should be wary of poor-quality products offered by dubious enterprises at extremely low prices.
Boiler operation tips
To improve the functionality of the unit, it is important to adhere to the attached instructions. You can improve the operation of the device by adding additional details (in this case, you must strictly follow the safety rules).

It is possible to mount special sensors in the heat exchanger's internal part, which allow tracking the increase in water heating indicators, as well as supplementing the burner design with shutoff valves.
Just connect it directly to temperature sensorso that the boiler switches off automatically as soon as the heating reaches the set value.
It is also useful to install a standardized boiler cooling device.

In case of observance of the operating standards, a hydrogen-powered unit will serve for more than a dozen years. Although the warranty period for such devices is 15 years, in practice they can work efficiently for 20-30 years.
The repair of such devices will not be difficult for an experienced craftsman, since the circuit diagram of a hydrogen boiler is not too different from analogues operating on other types of fuel.
Top 5 Factory Hydrogen Generators
The first company to manufacture and patent a hydrogen fuel boiler technology was an Italian company Giacomini. She specializes in devices based on environmental methods of generating energy: geothermal pumps, solar panels and others.

Currently, such models are manufactured by American, Chinese, European companies, but their range is not too wide compared to boilers operating on other types of fuel.
The best factory models of hydrogen systems
Among the most popular models, we note:
- MegaTank100 - generator powered by electricity from the network. It has a reliable multi-level system of protection against overheating and short circuit, which guarantees safe and productive work. The cost of the model depends on its configuration.
- STAR-2000 - an expensive unit (> 200,000 rubles) has excellent technical characteristics. Despite the fact that this generator consumes a minimum of energy, it is able to heat a room with an area of 251-300 square meters.
- Kingkar - a network-operated device having excellent working properties. The cost of the model is quite high - about 100 thousand rubles, but it is reimbursed by economical energy consumption.
- H2-2 - Italian equipment of the "extra" class at a high price (about 250,000 rubles). allowing to heat air in vast spaces (from 300 m3 and above) with a minimum consumption of electricity.
- Free energy - high-quality devices at an affordable cost in the range of 15-35 thousand rubles (the price depends on power and other characteristics). Equipped with a control unit that automates many processes, a multi-level sensor for voltage and pressure regulation.
There are also other models in different price categories.
How to make a boiler yourself
Heating generators have a fairly light construction. With a certain level of skill, you can assemble the device yourself. At the same time, due to the explosiveness of the hydrogen mixture, such work requires extreme responsibility, knowledge of safety procedures and experience in installing such devices.

The process of making a hydrogen boiler with your own hands can be divided into several stages.
Step # 1 – execution of the drawing and preparation of materials. First of all, similar projects should be found on the Internet in order to think of a fixture based on them that would meet all conditions and possibilities.
It is necessary to accurately calculate all the indicators, and first of all, the required power, and also to decide on the materials that will be used for the manufacture of the boiler. Ferromagnetic alloys are considered the best option, but a container made of stainless steel is quite suitable.
Although heating a hydrogen generator may have different designs, the following details remain unchanged:
- 12-volt power source;
- reservoir where the structure will be located;
- PWM controller with a power of at least 30 A;
- several tubes of different diameters made of stainless steel;
- steel sheet;
- hacksaw for metal;
- gas-burner - Better finished, purchased at the store.
Step 2 – making electrolytes. For the manufacture of plates, which will be equipped with an electrolyzer, you need to take a sheet of steel of medium thickness. Using scissors for metal, a hacksaw or other tool, it is cut into equal strips in an amount of 18 or more pieces (the number must be even).
From the return country, in each of them it is necessary to drill holes for the bolts that are needed to hold these elements in the electrolyte completely motionless.
We divide all the plates into anodes and cathodes, depending on this division wires are connected to them, respectively, transmitting positive and negative charges.
The use of direct current is more effective than the use of alternating current. It is best to use a PWM type generator as its source.
Step number 3 – cell assembly. The best material for making this element is stainless steel. A robust rectangular or square construction is welded from metal, after which water or a mixture of H is poured into it2O with a catalyst, as well as prepared plates with connected wiring.
Step 4 – burner connection. A burner is mounted in the upper part of the device - it is better to use a purchased model, which you can purchase at a specialized store.
Step number 5 – installation and connection of a separator, which is necessary for the release of hydrogen from a mixture of gases.
In conclusion, a pipe is laid along which H2 will rise to the burner, and also elements that remove heat and distribute it throughout the house are connected.
Which water is better - ordinary or distilled
One of the questions that owners of hydrogen boilers often ask is about the water used to operate the devices.

According to experts, factory or home-made devices show the best performance when working on distilled water, to which very little sodium hydroxide is added (for 10 liters of H2O - one tablespoon).
However, a hydrogen boiler can also function successfully with tap water, the main thing is that it does not contain salts of heavy metals.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
In the video below you will see an overview of the model of a gas boiler powered by hydrogen fuel, produced by the famous Korean company DAEWOO.
Hydrogen is not without reason called the fuel of the future: this gas can become an almost unlimited resource of cheap environmentally friendly fuel, which can be used in different plants.
A hydrogen fuel boiler, manufactured in the factory or on its own, will create an autonomous heating system. This will help to significantly reduce payments in the housing and communal services, and will decide on maintaining a comfortable temperature in living rooms and utility rooms.
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