How to make a spark arrestor on a chimney with your own hands: a step-by-step guide
Individual heating in addition to the advantages has a significant drawback - the risk of fire. The risk of fire increases significantly when a high temperature is reached during the fire process, and fiery sparks fly out of the chimney with great force.
It is with this problem that the spark arrestor on the chimney will help to cope - the device prevents the spread of dangerous sparks. The device has a simple design, so make it and install it quite realistically independently.
We will tell you how the spark arrester is arranged, describe the features of different models, and give step-by-step instruction on the manufacture and fastening of the element. The information provided will help you do all the work yourself, saving money on the purchase of the finished product and calling the wizard.
The content of the article:
A few words about the structure and operation of the device
A spark extinguisher placed in the chimney will become a real find, especially if the house or bathhouse is located next to the forest. After all, hot sparks in windy weather can easily overcome the 300-meter distance to a nearby pine.
And this is a direct fire threat, from which you should insure yourself and your property by putting a protective device in the chimney.
Why do we need a spark extinguisher
A device for extinguishing sparks is necessary if materials were used for the roof that could easily catch fire if sparks hit them. Of course, such a decorative coating is not the best choice. But, in practice, safety is often neglected to realize the original design idea.
A spark arrester is needed if a building of a bathhouse, a sauna or other structure is located on a site adjacent to the building, where it is planned to heat up to high temperature. The tree from which the walls of the bath are made can easily catch fire from an accidental spark.

And of course, when the house is equipped with a private heating system and hot water supply. Here, the boiler will be heated to a high temperature to meet the needs for heat and hot water. Without spark suppressor chimney arrangement here is not enough.

The structure and principle of operation of the spark arrester
The device for extinguishing sparks has a simple structure and an understandable principle of operation. Depending on the model of the spark arrester, its structure and appearance will differ.
But, in all cases, the presence of a metal element made of mesh or a solid sheet will be common. There is also a base on which all other parts are mounted and a cover that prevents sparks from flying out.

The principle of operation of the spark arrester is to prevent the free movement of sparks flying along chimney pipe. This is facilitated by its structure, providing a multiple change in the direction of motion of the spark bumping into various obstacles.
So, hitting a metal mesh with small cells, the spark breaks, its speed decreases, and the direction of movement changes. In the event of a repeated collision with another obstacle with the metal surface of the structure, the spark can go out altogether without ever flying outside the chimney.

A mesh of stainless steel with small cells can prevent sparks, but it does not affect the free movement of gases outside the chimney.
Types of spark extinguishing devices
Spark suppressors come in various shapes and sizes. And the element itself, which is responsible for extinguishing sparks, is different. Moreover, you can buy a ready-made spark arrester for a chimney in a store or make it yourself. It all depends on dexterity and personal desire.

You can buy a ready-made spark arrester for installation in a chimney, choosing the most attractive model. Fortunately, manufacturers offer a variety of options that differ not only in appearance, but also in price.
Moreover, the better the performance of the material used in the manufacture of the device, the more expensive its cost.

The most commonly used spark arresters are:
- a cap of metal mesh on the head of the pipe;
- deflector with metal mesh;
- deflector with skirt for extinguishing sparks.
These are the most popular spark arrestor options that are easy to build with your own hands if you wish. Yes, and a simple structure will be on hand with the independent manufacture of the product. It is only necessary to properly prepare and make preliminary measurements.
A variety of solutions for extinguishing sparks allows you to choose the most successful option for your chimney. Moreover, not only in appearance, but also in price, which is an important factor when choosing a model.

Step-by-step spark arrester construction
For self-assembly of a device for suppressing sparks, simple materials, tools and a couple of hours of free time will be needed. Moreover, you can choose the optimal model, shape and size. And the choice of material is unlimited - the quality of the final device will be an order of magnitude higher than that of the purchased one.
Choice of model and materials
First you need to decide which model will serve as the spark arrester. The consumption of materials, the necessary tools and the time spent on the manufacture of the device will depend on this.

When you have to make a spark arrester with deflector functions, you need to:
- take measurements from the inner surface of the chimney - diameter;
- prepare stainless steel metal sheets, pipes;
- if necessary, buy a metal mesh with the necessary cells;
- prepare tools - metal scissors, grinder, drill, pliers, hammer, pencil, pair of compasses, riveter, ruler, paper;
- to get a metal collar of the required diameter, rivets.
If there is a rolling machine, then the product will turn out almost like a factory one. Otherwise, do not get upset - all the work can be done with a hammer.
Also, if there is no rivet, you can use the welding machine. The main thing is not to burn extra holes in the process of joining joints.
When choosing a material, stainless steel sheets should be preferred. Moreover, it can be solid and perforated, which can be used instead of a metal mesh. Sheet thickness should not exceed 5 mm - it will be difficult to work with thicker material.
It is also better to take a metal mesh from a stainless steel, preferring one with a mesh size of 4-5 mm. Larger hole sizes are less effective in controlling sparks, and too small cells can interfere with the free movement of gases and smoke.

Production of a spark arrester prototype
When the model of the spark arrestor is selected, you can begin to draw it on paper by previously taken measurements. To do this, a sheet of paper, a pair of compasses, a pencil, a ruler will come in handy. It is important to do everything in full size and accurately - this will be further used as a prototype of the finished product.
When all the parts are drawn on paper, add 1-2 cm along the edges - these are allowances for connecting parts of the parts together.

After scissors, you need to cut out a paper prototype and collect everything - this will evaluate the appearance of the future product. It is at this stage that you can make adjustments. If everything suits you, the pipe diameter is suitable, then you can start sketching these parts on a metal material.
DIY assembly
The necessary details, from which the spark arrester will be assembled, should be carefully cut with metal scissors after the outline. This will most likely be an umbrella, stainless steel umbrella holder strips, a cylinder made of mesh, a piece of metal pipe of the desired diameter.
If you forgot to buy a pipe, you can cut the necessary part from a solid sheet of stainless steel and assemble it using a rivet mechanism with rivets.

Then it is necessary to collect all the parts in turn and fasten them together using a riveter. If there is no such tool, a welding machine can be used for connection. In this case, the allowances for the seams will need less than 2 cm, and so that the seam has an attractive appearance, it will have to be additionally treated with a grinder.
When assembling a spark arrester, it is important to consider the specifics of a particular model. If this is just a spark arrester without a deflector function, then there should be no gaps between the parts - all sparks flying out of the chimney must meet an obstacle in their path.

When a spark extinguisher with deflector function is assembled, first you need to build a deflector. After - in the lower part of the base, at a distance of 6 cm from the lower edge of the upper glass, drill holes to connect with the skirt with a drill.
The item is made of stainless steel sheet in the form of a plate with raised external edges.

Sometimes home masters, instead of constructing a spark extinguisher, improve the chimney.
The types of manipulations depend on the type and shape of the pipe:
- holes are made in the metal in the upper part, and the cap is completely closed with a solid stainless steel lid;
- if the chimney is square in shape, then a metal mesh is simply fixed on top;
- reduce traction a bit by covering the valve to reduce sparking.
The first option is the most time-consuming. Yes, and the holes will still clog with soot over time and will require cleaning. Therefore, it is better to choose an option in which the spark arrester will be easily removable.
Installation and fixing
When the assembly of the spark arrester is completed, the final step is to install it in the chimney. To do this, you need to climb onto the roof, and if the height of the pipe is quite large, then you have to invite an assistant.

To install, you need a rivet mechanism with rivets or a metal clamp. Sometimes you can meet the advice of masters offering not to fool your head and just weld a spark arrestor to the chimney pipe. This is bad advice - according to the rules of fire safety, this structural element must be removable.
Therefore, it is best to use a clamp of the desired diameter, which will help to securely fix the spark arrestor on the chimney pipe.

If rivets are used during installation, then holes are made in advance at the required distance on the pipe and on the spark arrester itself. Then the product itself is put on a chimney and rivets are placed with a rivet. It’s good that they are stainless steel. This will extend the service life.
Features of spark arrester care
The difficulty in maintaining a spark extinguisher installed in the chimney depends on the model chosen by the building owner.
First option - a hat made of metal mesh. In this case, it is necessary to periodically check its condition - it can become clogged with combustion products, other garbage brought by the wind.
Such a grid, especially when fuel with a high resin content was used for the furnace, needs to be cleaned of soot and burning quite often. Also, if the material for the manufacture was chosen cheaper, it will soon be necessary to replace the spark arrester with a new one.

Frequent walks to the roof to clean the net can hardly be called a pleasant experience. Moreover, when from time to time you need to change the metal mesh in the chimney. Therefore, it is better to immediately select a better material for the manufacture of a spark arrester.
Second option - deflector with mesh inside. Here you will also need to periodically clean the metal mesh cells clogged with combustion products. Indeed, the more garbage the net element of the device collects on itself, the more difficult the process of removing smoke will become. And this is fraught with major trouble.
Third option - deflector with a skirt. Here it is necessary to periodically check that leaves, butterflies and birds do not block small holes designed to remove water from rain and melted snow. You will not have to remove the device from its workplace and clean it. This is the easiest model to maintain.
Fourth option - spark arresters made of metal alloys susceptible to corrosion. Such products will become unusable very quickly. This must be taken into account at the stage of material selection.
To protect yourself from the need to build a spark arrester annually, it is best to immediately choose high-quality stainless steel 5 mm thick. The same applies to the metal mesh - it must be wear-resistant, preferably made of stainless steel.

The spark arrester check is carried out without fail when chimney cleaning.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
As a spark arrester, you can use a deflector, in which a protective plate is additionally installed - a skirt with raised edges, a belt around the device. About this model in the video:
About the features of the spark arrester and its structure in the video clip:
Step-by-step improvement of the deflector, from which an excellent spark arrester is obtained. What you need to tell the video:
An overview of the finished model of a mesh spark arrestor, which is completely ready for installation in a chimney, in a video clip:
The extinguisher of sparks to the chimney is a vital device that can protect property and people's lives. And the price does not bite - especially since you can make a spark arrester with your own hands using improvised materials.
This precaution will help protect your home from accidental fire. After all, the sparks flying out of the chimney go out, overcoming the path through this metal device.
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