Russian stove with stove: masonry technology of the Russian stove with diagrams and detailed procedures

Author: Tatyana Zakharova
Last update: May 2024

Despite the huge number of modern heating appliances, stoves in the house do not lose their positions. However, brick structures of the 21st century are much different from their predecessors - bulky classic Russian stoves with a large stove bench and very limited heat transfer.

One of the most effective solutions is the Russian stove with a stove - more compact and suitable for heating both a country house and a building for permanent residence. We suggest that you consider the schemes and orders of the model with a plate, which may be needed if you decide to do the construction yourself.

Stove oven - multi-purpose facility

The stove is so useful, convenient and ergonomic that the construction of a structure without it simply loses its meaning. Perhaps that is why all modern modifications of the Russian stove have cast-iron stoves - with one, two and even three rings.

In fact, models with a stove do not contradict one of the main features of the Russian stove - they have two fireboxes. Just a small firebox and is responsible for heating the stove. At the same time, in simple stoves, it has a separate chimney, connected to the chimney above the furnace.

Russian stove with stove
One of the popular options for the location of the plate is right in front of the mouth of the furnace. Warming up is carried out independently of the large firebox, through the lower flooding

For more complex designs, there is the possibility of a “summer” and a “winter” furnace: in the first case, the small furnace (underfloor) works autonomously, and in the second, it is used to heat the walls and the large furnace.

There is a third option for the location of the underfloor - in the main structure, but from the side or from the opposite side. This solution is not always acceptable - for example, if the furnace must be placed in a corner. In this case, it is more convenient if both fireboxes are located on one side and are located one above the other.

Side-mounted stove
A successful engineering solution, in which a small furnace with a cast-iron stove is made separately, but has a common wall with the main structure. Less - takes up more area

The advantages of the hob design are obvious:

  • autonomous heating with a lower degree of heat transfer;
  • fast heating process of cast iron and walls;
  • cooking on the stove all kinds of dishes;
  • the possibility of heating or storing food in a warm form;
  • economical fuel consumption - firewood;
  • easy care - cleaning the ash pan.

On the stove, when it is no longer hot, but slightly cooled, you can dry household items. For the same purpose, use small stoves - small grooves in the walls of the furnace, as well as a brick perimeter around the cast-iron surface.

For summer residents, a model with a flood is much more convenient, since it is used more often. A large firebox is usually used either in early spring or late autumn, when the cold season begins and the entire furnace is required to be heated.

Popular ordering options

Having the order of the Russian stove with hob on hand, you can lay out the structure with your own hands. Of course, you will need the help of an experienced craftsman, since everything is important in the masonry: from the proportions of the components in the solution to the choice of building and insulation materials.

We offer two options, most often requested by the owners of private houses.

Option # 1 - with a stove and a stove bench

One of the most beloved solutions, combining all the advantages of a real Russian oven: a large crucible for baking bread, a convenient cooker and a wide stove bench, which can be used as an extra bed on cold winter nights.

Russian stove with a stove bench
One of the options for a stove with a stove bench and a stove, which is located in front of the fuel and cooking chamber. The lounger is located behind the annulus, in the rear of the furnace. In the same place there is a fire, a small ladder for lifting

The construction begins, as is customary, with the arrangement of the foundation. We remind you that it is not connected with the foundation of the house and is being built separately. To do this, usually dig a hole, make the formwork and, using reinforcement, fill it with cement mortar.

After its maturation, the base is isolated with basalt cardboard, steel or other material, leveled and proceed with the construction of the furnace masonry.

Masonry technique
It is better to learn the basics of the masonry technique in advance. Usually it is made in half a brick, for a solution, with fitting and pounding. Excess solution should be removed immediately.

Tools: trowel, level, square, plumb, rule - it is better to prepare in advance so that everything is at hand. You also need to buy all the necessary materials: a cast-iron 2-burner stove, furnace and cleaning doors, a grate, latches, a view.

Drawing of a stove with a stove bench
In addition to ordering for the construction of the furnace, drawings and diagrams are also used, showing the construction in section from different angles, with the designation of the main parts and sizes

The model of the stove with a stove bench and tile has one feature - a stove bench is fenced on both sides by walls. This is clearly seen in the order below.

Arrangement of stove with stove bench and stove

Ordering rows 1-16
Rows from 1st to 16th. When installing pod brick solution is not used. Instead, the gaps between the bricks are clogged with sand or a dry mixture with broken glass.

When installing a cast iron plate, it is necessary to take into account the expansion of the metal during heating.

For this, 2-3 mm gaps are left from the sides, and the plate itself is not placed on the solution, but left to lie loose so that it can be easily removed if necessary.

Row order 17-36
Rows from the 17th to the 36th. In the manufacture of arched vaults usually use wooden blanks assembled from narrow planks. After the solution has dried and the arches are checked for strength, the templates are removed

If it seems to you that the construction of the final element - the chimney - is easiest, then you are mistaken.

Chimney layout
Drawing of a chimney brick pipe. The laying of cutting - insulation of 1.5-2 bricks, the otter - crossing the roof and the head responsible for traction requires special art.

Experienced stove makers, laying out the pipe, carefully approach the selection of bricks: they take the most even ones and put them with the smoothest side inward. This is necessary to reduce the degree of contamination of the inner surface - less soot settles on smooth walls, so they have to be cleaned less often.

Option # 2 - with a stove under a cauldron

Despite the fact that the presented sample has almost all the elements of a traditional Russian stove, it takes up little space, very convenient and functional.

The stove is large in size, it is easy to place on it not only pots, but also a large cauldron for preparing oriental dishes.

Volodin stove with stove
The author of an engineering miracle is Alexander Volodin. Most of the models he invented are called “underflood”, but not all are equipped with cast iron stoves

When using both fireboxes, it is possible to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 40-50 m², but if the structure is intended for a country house, then just a small underfloor stove with a stove will be more actively used.

Stove oven order

You can make changes to the order, but with the condition that they do not contradict security, logic and masonry rules.

In the 7th row, instead of simply overlapping, you can also build an arch, but this is only possible for an experienced stove-maker, since building an arch requires additional time and knowledge of the special technique of processing and laying bricks.

At this stage, the masonry becomes quite high, so often there is a need for special scaffolds.

An ordinary stool is not enough, because in addition to the stove at a certain height, it is necessary to place a container with a solution and bricks.

In the future, fireclay bricks can also be used, but only for aesthetic purposes. Characteristics do not play a role, if desired, it is possible to produce masonry as before - with red solid brick.

Then only the pipe is erected - to the distance remaining to the ceiling.

Projection of the finished stove with stove
29-32 rows - the construction of the pipe to the ceiling. The size of the masonry is 2x1.5 bricks. We isolate the overlap with non-combustible materials - asbestos, steel sheet

The presented order is suitable for those who do not need a large bed. Otherwise, it will be necessary to increase the length of the combustion chamber or to build an extension with smoke channels inside.

Recommendations from experienced stove-makers

If you have the order and a stack of drawings on hand, this does not mean that all the secrets of professional masonry are open to you. There are many little things that need to be considered when building a Russian stove.

To make it easier to work, and the results of work paid off, pay attention to simple but effective rules:

Do not forget about the quality of the basic materials - bricks and mortar, on which both the heating efficiency and the service life of the structure as a whole depend.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The order of the stove with a large stove bench and tiles:

The order of work during the construction of the furnace with flooding:

Outdoor barbecue with stove:

There are a lot of options for building a stove with a hob - a stove. However, without practice, we do not recommend proceeding to the construction of any chosen model on your own. Be sure to study the subject information and enlist the support of a qualified craftsman, whose work results you are familiar with firsthand.

Please write comments in the form below the text of the article. Tell us how you built a stove with a stove for cooking in your country house or at your favorite cottage. Ask questions on the topic, post photographs of the process of construction or operation of a brick unit.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Semen

    I heard about the low efficiency of such a Russian stove. Does this correspond to reality or is it not the stove’s scheme, but the stove’s hands that are to blame? I would like to see a comparison with the "Dutch" and "Swedish".

    • Zhenya

      The low efficiency of the Russian traditional stove is a long-standing tale. There are a great many types of masonry of such furnaces, respectively, and the efficiency varies greatly depending on the design and skill of the stove.

      If we take the average value of efficiency, then in the Russian stove it is about 20-25%. The Dutch has the same indicator. The Swedish efficiency is, of course, higher - about 35-40%.

  2. Masha

    Efficiency is an abstract concept in general) And when considering different types of furnaces, it is worth considering not only the temperature regime, but also wear during operation, the peculiarity of the choice of fuel and its amount, the heated area, the location of the device and so on. And why do you compare completely different types of stoves - heating and heating-cooking?

    In the comments above, the efficiency of the Russian stove is 20-25%. If, okay, talking about efficiency, such indicators are given by a fireplace with an open firebox, and a Russian stove is characterized by indicators of not less than 60% (in the simplest version). A normal master, with experience, a simple Russian stove-maker, having come to your home, will not talk about any efficiency at all. He will say - you need a heating stove. With your quadrature of the room and the location of the device, this model is suitable for you. She will warm up your room to so many degrees and will spend so much firewood / coal per day.

    Or a heating-cooking, or stove-fireplace ... Provided that “I will be building it with the materials I purchased”.


