Decorative screens on the heating battery: an overview of the different types of grilles + selection tips

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Julia Oschepkova
Last update: May 2024

When designing residential premises, special attention is paid to design. Property owners strive to get away from the stereotypes that have been developed over the years and use every opportunity to create an exclusive interior.

A stylish decorative screen on a heating battery will radically transform its appearance and hide all visible imperfections.

In this material we will talk about the varieties of decorative grilles for batteries, as well as give some tips on choosing this element of decor.

The purpose of the screen for the battery

This versatile decorative element can be used for various purposes. The market offers consumers a variety of models of gratings made of metal, glass, wood,MDF, plastic and other materials.

The grille on the radiator performs the following functions:

  1. Protection. The design of the screen of any model allows guaranteed to protect the heating devices from the ingress of dirt and dust.
  2. Decorative. Using this element, you can cover up old batteries that work great, but have an unattractive appearance.
  3. Safety. Lattices andboxes reliably protect children from burns in contact with the coolant.

Stylish lattice for the heating battery is in demand in the design of residential and office premises. It allows you to achieve a compromise between the aesthetic and practical aspects of the organization of heating.

Screen for battery
The best way to refine cast iron batteries is to install a radiator grill, the purchase of which does not require significant financial investment

Battery screens - this is a reliable design that will bring some zest or help emphasize the sophistication of the created interior.

Regardless of the model you choose, you will certainly appreciate the benefits of using a radiator grill:

  1. It allows you to save on heating, providing an even distribution of warm air flows throughout the living room.
  2. Reliably protects children and other family members from accidental contact with a hot heating battery, eliminating the possibility of getting burned.
  3. It serves as a stylish decorative decoration of the interior, acting as an accent element or supports the overall design concept.
  4. A large assortment of screens for heating radiators of various sizes, shapes and designs allows you to choose the best option for any room.
  5. If you need to update the interior, the homeowner can quickly replace the old grille with a new one.

It is worth noting that the installation of a stylish decorative screen absolutely does not affect the technical characteristics and properties of heating devices.

Due to the slots that are available in most designs, convection of hot air increases and heat is evenly distributed over the area of ​​the room.

Screen as a stylish design element.
Screens for radiators are in high demand, as they allow you to hide the heater and improve the interior. The main condition is to choose an environmentally friendly, durable and easy to care material

Available Screens

Consumers are offered a wide selection of decorative gratings for batteries, which vary in size, shape, design, material of manufacture and other characteristics.

Choosing the best option, it is necessary to be guided by the task assigned to the equipment, the features of the room and the personal preferences of the owner.

There are 3 main types of radiator screens:

  1. Hinged structures. Models of this kind are used to hide old cast iron batteriesresembling an accordion. These simple decorative designs can have 1 or more sections, with or without a top cover. They are attached with hooks or superimposed on the ribs of the heating equipment.
  2. Flat designs. They are also called facade and are used for radiators located in niches. Products have the form of a rectangular frame, inside which is a crate. Mount them with an overlap on a wall niche so that the radiator does not protrude beyond its borders.
  3. Protective boxes. This is the best option for hiding heating appliances located along the wall of the room. Screens of this kind are the most difficult to manufacture and install. The protective box completely covers the old radiators and looks great in any interior. The disadvantage of this product is that part of the heat remains inside it, and only 40-50% gets into the room.

Radiator screens can be mobile and stationary. The installation method is selected depending on how the batteries are installed in the room. The main thing is that the design can be easily removed.

Air circulation openings
Even a simple screen on the heating battery improves the distribution of hot flows. To increase convection of hot air in the design of most models there is a perforation

Screen Materials

Decorative protective structures for batteries are made from different materials. This affects the characteristics and price of the equipment.

The choice of the optimal model depends on the features of the interior, the budget and the taste of the owner of the room. The main condition is that the radiator screen should cover as much as possible unattractive externally heating equipment and have a perforation sufficient for high-quality heat transfer.

Stylish screen on the battery
An important parameter in the selection of material is the temperature regime of the heating system. A well-chosen radiator screen will retain an attractive appearance, color and configuration for a long time

Option # 1 - metal grilles

Among consumers, screens for radiators made of aluminum mesh or thin sheet steel are in high demand.

If the design involves the presence of large openings, the grill perfectly transmits heat without delaying the flow of hot air in a closed space.

Despite the fact that the metal has a high thermal conductivity, due to a decrease in the surface, a decrease in the thermal power indicator is observed.

Metal products differ in size, shape, color and design pattern. Consumers can choose openwork lattices or screens in the form of a continuous canvas. Some models are equipped with a sidewall.

The life of metal products depends on the type and quality of the paint. The best option is powder enamel. It protects the metal from the formation of corrosion and lasts long on its surface.

Metal grill
Forged metal screen is a multifunctional product that will decorate any interior. Since starting material is visible under openwork forging, it is better to cover the heating device with a thin perforated metal sheet

Metal radiator screens have features and advantages:

  • A wide range of models. Today you can buy products of various designs, ranging from expensive forged designs with decorative elements, to standard mounted screens with perforation.
  • The color of the grill must be selected for the heater in the apartment or for the interior of the room.
  • The metal has a high thermal conductivity, so it increases the area of ​​thermal energy transfer by 2-3 times.
  • The metal surface is easy to care for, it can be easily removed from it using a damp sponge.
  • The metal does not have the property of deforming and changing the external attractiveness with temperature or humidity.
  • In the presence of perforation, the metal heats up and becomes an additional source of heat in the room.

Metal grilles are easy to install and can be easily and quickly removed for cleaning or replacement. And subject to proper care, this material has a long service life.

Metal screen
Metal screens are the most affordable building envelopes. Metal lattices are often made with their own hands. For the manufacture of a decorative element, it is better to use stainless steel or galvanized steel, which are not afraid of corrosion.

Option # 2 - wood grilles

Unique products are made from wood that are suitable for rooms decorated in any style. Decorative elements from expensive breeds belong to the premium class. Even inexpensive wood species are used to create original compositions.

It is important that the radiator grill has perforation, since the product without holes will give part of the heat to its neighbors.

Decorative radiator screens made of oak, beech and other valuable species are often found in classic interiors. They are usually tinted, stained and coated with high-quality enamel.

The main advantages of wooden products:

  • differ in strength and increased wear resistance, which ensures a long period of their operation;
  • externally attractive natural wood lattices will decorate the room for any purpose;
  • natural wood is universal, it harmoniously combines with various finishing materials;
  • the tree is plastic in the skillful hands of a master who can create from it a work of art with unique carved fragments.

Wood is sensitive to high humidity, temperature changes. Therefore, in order to produce a quality product with a long service life, manufacturers must carefully select the raw materials.

The material must be durable, according to the technology it must be properly dried and treated with a protective composition.

Wooden screen
To close the old cast-iron batteries, it is better to use wooden lattices made of natural oak or beech wood. They are characterized by increased strength, aesthetics and durability.

Wooden grilles for radiators can be painted or not, tinted and enameled. So that they do not interfere with the normal passage of heat fluxes, they are often mounted not on the floor of the room, but raised over it a small distance.

To improve air circulation, holes are usually made on the upper part of the duct.

Wooden screen in the nursery
Wooden grilles are often placed in child care facilities, as they allow you to close the heating system as much as possible. The inexpensive screens from a rack cloth perfectly carry out protective functions and pass the warm air currents coming from heating devices

Option # 3 - plastic radiator covers

In the manufacture of products, it is important to use a material with a heat-resistant composition that can withstand temperatures of 70 ° C. The best option is durable PVC, which when heated does not have the property to deform and emit harmful substances.

Flexible material allows manufacturers to produce models of original colors and shapes.

The advantages of a plastic screen are as follows:

  • the product has a small weight, which facilitates its transportation;
  • the material is not afraid of moisture, the grill can be used in rooms for various purposes;
  • plastic is not subject to corrosion, resistant to temperature extremes;
  • ease of installation and dismantling of equipment;
  • easy care - the plastic surface is easy to clean without abrasive cleaners;
  • screens made of plastic are not expensive.

The main disadvantage of plastic is its low thermal conductivity. With significant heating, the material begins to release harmful toxic substances, so plastic grilles are not used in institutions. Most often they are installed in office and non-residential premises.

Cheap material is characterized by low mechanical strength, so screens for radiators are made of thicker plastic, which leads to significant heat loss.

Plastic screens
Inexpensive plastic grilles are available in a wide range of colors and sizes. This allows consumers to choose the winning option for any premises.

Option # 4 - glass screens

In the design of modern residential premises, glass radiator screens are in special demand. They mainly perform an aesthetic function - they have a stylish design, therefore they are able to transform and decorate any room.

Many consumers choose glass models, as they are distinguished by high technical characteristics, aesthetic appearance andenvironmental friendliness.

Manufacturers offer glass radiator screens of various types:

  • transparent
  • matte, with aesthetic sandblasting;
  • decorated with images printed with UV printing;
  • tempered or plain glass;
  • combined with other material or completely glass.

In order to give strength to the edges of the product, manufacturers use technology bevelingand polishing. Such processing ensures safe operation and attractive appearance of the product.

A special substance is applied to the glass, which has protective properties and allows you to clean the screen using ordinary detergents.

Glass screen
The glass screen for the radiator is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the interior. The decorative product will stylishly decorate a residential or office space

From an ordinary radiator, you can make an exclusive panel. Using the technology of applying UV printing on the screen, which is a functional design element, you can apply a picture with a panorama of the city, flowers, animals or birds.

Product decoration options: painting, tinting, deep etching, photo printing, satin finish.

Glass screens have many advantages:

  • high rate of heat transfer;
  • allow to give old-style batteries a modern look;
  • a large selection of stylish decorative products;
  • if necessary, you can easily perform dismantling;
  • tempered glass has a thickness of 8 mm, due to this it is almost impossible to break.

Radiator screens made of acrylic glass are popular. It has a thickness of up to 2.5 cm, but weighs much less than usual.

Thin acrylic glass comes in a variety of colors and can deform under the influence of high temperatures. Molding technology allows you to give it the desired shape and create an exclusive product.

Acrylic glass screen
Glass radiator screens do not reduce convection and provide free thermal radiation, since cold air enters from below and warm air rises from above.

Option # 5 - a box ofHDF andMDF

Decorative grilles made ofHDF andMDF plates belong to budget models. They imitate natural wood, due to which they are inexpensive and attractive. Products are not afraid of moisture and sudden changes in temperature.

Box ofHDF andMDF They differ in shades and shapes, which allows you to choose the best model for any interior. Slabs ofMDFHDFcan serve as the basis for natural wood products in order to reduce their cost.

HDF radiator grill
HDF constructions are thinner than wooden, so they make attractive openwork lattices. Due to the presence of perforation, the products have excellent thermal conductivity.

Radiator screens fromMDF andHDF have advantages:

  • Simple processing. The surface of decorative elements does not need additional coloring.
  • Good assortment. A wide variety of models in different shades and colors allows you to choose the option for any room.
  • Easy care. For cleaning products made of this material, you can use the usual means for polished surfaces.
  • Affordable price tag. Radiator screens fromMDF andHDF differ in relatively low budget cost.

For the manufacture of decorative screens, natural components are used, and natural lignin acts as a binder, so the products are safe for health.

HDF pressed on special equipment under high pressure, the result is a thin material with a dense and uniform structure.

What to look at when choosing a screen?

When choosing a grate for a battery, one must take into account that it not only closes the heating device and successfully performs a decorative function. In addition, it significantly reduces the heat transfer of the heating device installed in the room.

Depending on the properties of the model, heat transfer can decrease by 5, 10 or 50%. Therefore, when choosing a screen, it is important to consider the heat transfer parameters. And during installation - to provide free access to radiator valves.

This will allow you to adjust the temperature of the heating equipment at the beginning and at the end of the season, as well as drain the water if air gets into the system when the heating system starts.

The fastening of decorative grilles should provide quick, free access to batteries and communications. Since it is necessary to regularly carry out maintenance of the latter, clean it from contamination. Sometimes emergency situations can occur.

Open end screen
So that in case of an accident the screen can be dismantled in one motion, it must be with an open end. Closed boxes should be easy to remove or open

A radiator of any kind radiates the maximum amount of heat to the surface of the upper element. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a grille with a small upper bar. This will minimize the loss of thermal energy.

The cover plate closes the heating element from 4 sides, making air circulation difficult. Therefore, products of this type are not considered the best option for the quality of heat transfer.

When choosing a material for the manufacture of gratings, special attention should be paid toenvironmental friendliness and safety - deCorporate screens are subject to constant temperature effects.

Therefore, it is better not to take suspiciously cheap and low-quality plastic - it can emit harmful fumes.

Mostgreen material is wood. From it you can make a unique decorative radiator screen with your own hands.

We also recommend reading the article where we talked about other ways to decorate heating radiators. More details - go to the link.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

From the following video you can learn how to decorate the radiator yourself:

Protective and decorative screens are in great demand among consumers. They are used to hide an unaesthetic heater and improve the interior.

When choosing a grill for a heating battery, it is necessary to take into account the indicatorsenvironmental friendlinesssafety and thermal conductivity. To improve air circulation, it is recommended to leave a gap of 2-3 cm from the floor when installing it.

And what decorative grilles for radiators did you choose? Please share photos, tell us if you are satisfied with your choice? Write your comments in the block under the article.

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Visitors Comments
  1. A good and very useful thing - it looks beautiful and stylish, allows you to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the interior and at the same time does not reduce the amount of heat from the battery. We bought in a simple plumbing store, chose metal screens. The screen, designed for four sections, completely covers the battery, it fits well in size. They are not heavy in weight; they can be easily removed to, for example, wash the batteries. Useful thing.

  2. Nobody will convince me that all these designer refinements do not interfere with the direct function of radiators - heating the room. It’s even strange that they advise you to leave a gap from the floor. So what? Warm air rises, and does not fall into the gap below. And if the coolant is not so hot, degrees 50-55, for example, then because of these screens you can walk at home in felt boots and sheepskin coats.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      A normally made screen that does not interfere with the movement of warm streams does not particularly affect the heating of the room. The difference, if any, is a couple of degrees.


