Do-it-yourself heat gas gun: step-by-step assembly instructions
The profile market presents a variety of options for heat guns. They differ in brands, fuel, which is used for the operation of the unit, dimensions, design and price. However, the cost of branded heat guns often repels buyers.
If you have metal processing skills, you can build a budget unit yourself. After all, a do-it-yourself heat gas gun is assembled from inexpensive materials. Such a unit is able to heat a small garage or provide the proper microclimate in the greenhouse.
Doubt your own strength? We will help you in the implementation of your plan. The article describes in detail the design features, operating principles and nuances of operating different gas guns. And also provides step-by-step instructions for the manufacture and launch of the device.
The content of the article:
Scope and principle of operation
The principle of operation of such a unit can be compared with the operation of the fan, however, the heat gun does not release cold, but warm air into the room.
The air operating inside the housing is heated from the heater or burners operating on various types of fuel.

Heat guns of various modifications find a wide range of applications.
They are successfully used:
- in industry for heating large industrial and warehouse facilities;
- in agriculture to maintain a comfortable air temperature in greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
- in construction for quick drying of plastered, painted or otherwise finished rooms;
- at home for heating and drying utility rooms and garages;
- for heating residential buildings in emergency situations (for example, accidents on heating circuits).
There are other ways to use such devices, for example, gas units are widely used in the installation of suspended ceilings.
Varieties of heat guns
There are several types of classification of heaters.
Most often they are distinguished:
- on the device of the heating element - the heating method;
- by type of fuel, which is used as a heat source.
In addition, devices can also be divided according to the purpose of use into industrial and domestic.
Classification by heating method
Although all heat guns are used to increase the temperature in the room, depending on the design of the model, the process can be carried out in different ways.
Devices with direct (direct) heating
In such devices, a powerful fan draws air from the environment. Due to direct contact with the heating element, the air mass acquires a high temperature, after which it is "ejected" into the room through a special hole.

Such units are relatively low cost and have a solid efficiency, but they lack environmental friendliness. All the resulting combustion products enter the atmosphere, which can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for people in the room.
To prevent this from happening, the rooms where such devices are used must be regularly ventilated or, much better, organize forced ventilation in them.
Indirect heated heat guns
Such devices have a more complex structure, in which a heat exchanger is provided, where heat is separated from harmful combustion products. The latter are sent to a special pipe connected to the chimney, through which exhausts are removed from the premises to the street.

Although such devices are more expensive, and their efficiency is slightly lower than that of devices with an open burner, they are still in great demand due to environmental friendliness and safety in use.
The specific model of the heat gun should be selected taking into account the intended use. Options with direct heating are suitable for heating vast uninhabited spaces (basements, warehouses).
If the device is supposed to be used in rooms where people are located, for example, production shops, it is better to dwell on models with indirect heating.
Fuel division
Given the fuel on which the devices operate, the following varieties of heat guns can be distinguished:
- Electric. Such units are environmentally friendly, they do not burn oxygen and do not emit harmful substances into the air, so that they can be safely used for heating living rooms. One minus is the rather high price of electricity.
- Multi-fuel – diesel guns or units under development. Such devices operate on used motor and hydraulic oils that cannot be cleaned or used for other purposes. These devices are very economical, but it is not recommended to install them in crowded rooms, as well as in spaces where it is not easy to establish ventilation.
- Water. The main structural elements of such devices are a heater, a fan and a container of water. Space heating is carried out using a powerful steam stream.Such units are often used in agriculture, for example, to maintain a comfortable air temperature in greenhouses or greenhouses; they can also be used in living quarters.
- Infrared. Complex devices in which heat is emitted using infrared radiation. Such designs are great for heating open spaces: they can be installed on the restaurant's terraces, festive venues, recreation areas.
- Gas. These models, which we will discuss in more detail below, have gained distribution due to the optimal combination of quality and price.
Often you can find the division of heat guns into industrial and domestic models. The former are distinguished by high power, dimensions and high price, while the latter are small in size, lower heat emission and affordable cost.

When choosing a model, it is important to consider the cost of the device itself, the price of fuel, as well as environmental safety.
Features of gas heat guns
Gas guns are often used not only in industry, but also in everyday life, for example, for heating country houses or garages. Such devices are inferior to electric in mobility, but are more economical. In addition, such devices have a fairly high power, the rate of which can reach 140 kW.
Heaters can run on natural or liquefied gas, but they also need access to electrical networks, since the operation of a fan, thermostat, and other components is impossible without electricity.
For the operation of gas heat guns, various modifications of natural gas can be used:
- blue fuel passing through highways;
- butane or propane in specialized cylinders.
High power models can be connected to the gas pipeline with a special hose, which ensures their continuous operation. It should be noted that such aggregates are usually stationary, since their movement is somewhat difficult.
Compact mobile devices operate on bottled fuel. In some cases, the gun is connected by a hose to a large cylinder, which is stationary. In others, a small gas reservoir is an element of the construction of the unit.

In many modern models of gas heat guns, additional functions are provided, for example, protecting the case from overheating, automatic shutdown of the device, and flame control.
For more information about the device and various modifications of gas guns, see this article.
Do-it-yourself gas heat gun manufacturing
First of all, we emphasize that only masters with extensive experience and proper qualifications can undertake independent production of gas heat guns.

If you are confident in your abilities, then you can start work with the selection of the necessary devices and materials.
List of tools and materials
For self-production of gas heat guns you will need:
- a metal pipe through which fuel will be supplied to the system;
- Bulgarian;
- steel sheet;
- drill with drills for working on metal;
- strips of metal (thickness 2 mm);
- 8 mm steel tube for heat exchanger;
- armature for the stand on which the gun will be placed;
- fan with a minimum power of 12 volts.
You may also need other accessories, such as a pipe welding machine.
Step-by-step instructions for manufacturing the device
First of all, you should do the hull. It can be made from a regular pipe or a casing can be made from a sheet of steel of medium thickness. The metal must be cut, giving it the necessary parameters, and then rolled into a pipe. The edges are fastened with a joint lock method or with ordinary bolts.
Then you need to grind the pipe with the grinder, designed for gas supply to the system. This is necessary in order to further lengthen this element by welding to it the same part with the same diameter.
Next, you need to slightly expand the hole through which the gas will flow, bringing it to 5 mm.
To increase heat transfer, it is also advisable to extend the housing with a metal disc with a diameter of 8 cm, which is fixed under the burner. It should be drilled eight holes with a diameter of 1 cm, which ensures easy access of air.
After this, you should start manufacturing a clamp with which the heat exchanger will be fixed.

Next, you can begin to manufacture a heat exchanger. To do this, you should take an iron pipe with a diameter of 8 cm, which has not too thick walls. We weld the butt to the wall, where you also need to drill a hole.
An extension cord from the burner is passed through this part, while the clamp located at the end is additionally bolted.

You should also start assembling all the parts of the burner, and install a switch for the fan in the heat exchanger housing.
In the case of the heat energy exchanger, it is necessary to make a hole with the help of a grinder, to which the cut-off part of the 80-mm tube is attached. It will serve to exit the heated air.

After that, you can proceed to installing the fan at the second end of the heat exchanger. Through this part, the heated air will be transferred to the cold space. You must also consider the energy source for the fan. As a rule, it is connected to the mains, but it is possible to use a battery.
The final step in the manufacture of a homemade gun is the drilling of holes necessary for convenient ignition of gas.
It is also important to consider the design on which the gas gun body will be installed. You can take a ready-made suitable stand or use the iron reinforcement from which the frame is made.
For precise regulation of the air flow on the heat gun, it is desirable to put a limiter. A gate can be used located between the fan or mounting flanges.
How is a trial run
After assembling the structure, it should be connected to a pre-prepared gas cylinder using a tube.

In order to check the assembled structure, it should be tested:
- a lit lighter is brought to the ignition hole;
- a valve opens to allow gas access;
- immediately after the appearance of fire, the lighter hides;
- the fan turns on on the device.
With proper assembly, a uniform burning of the gas burner and immediate heat emission will be observed. A similar algorithm of actions should be applied during subsequent switching on of the device.
Popular models of factory gas heat guns
If there is no way to independently make a gas heater, you can study the modern market of thermal appliances and choose the best option.
The most popular companies engaged in the production of gas heaters include such companies as:
- Ballu;
- Fubag;
- Neoclima;
- Master;
- Resanta;
- Interskol.
According to a survey among users of specialized forums, the following models were included in the top: MASTER BLP 17M, Neoclima IPG 15, Interskol TPG-15.

MASTER BLP 17M. The unit has an adjustable power of 10-16 kW, which makes it possible to maintain a comfortable temperature in a room with a volume of up to 655 m3.
Power is supplied by connecting to a gas cylinder through a gearbox and connecting to a household electrical outlet. The mechanical ignition causes some inconvenience.
Neoclima IPG 15. A device with an output of 18 kW can heat a room measuring 400 m3while the fuel consumption is 1.4 kg / h. The model also includes a hose and a gas reducer.

Interskol TPG-15. 300 m unit3 per hour, the power of which can be changed within 3-15 kW, while the fuel consumption will vary from 0.73 to 1.3 kg / h. A similar device can operate on both propane and butane.
Safety Precautions During Operation
Thermal devices, including gas ones, belong to fire hazardous equipment requiring strict observance of safety measures.
First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents relating to the regulations for working with gas equipment, namely GOST R ISO 11439-2010 for working with gas cylinders and GOST 17356-89 (burners for gaseous fuels).
Requirements for the use of devices:
- Do not leave gas heat guns unattended, especially for DIY appliances. Factory models often have an emergency shutdown function, for example, when heating the outer shell.
- In a room heated by such devices, it is undesirable to keep flammable substances. In extreme cases, they should be stored as far as possible from the device.
- During operation of devices with open heating, it is necessary to ensure proper ventilation of the room. When working with a device with indirect heating, be sure to check the serviceability of the chimney and make sure that harmful exhausts come out.
- When using a gas heat gun, it is forbidden to use aerosol cans.
- It is not recommended to use such devices if the air contains the finest wood chips or other easily flammable fibers. Such a device is also not suitable for heating a room in the air of which vapor of gasoline, acetone or other combustible substances is sprayed.
- The functioning device must be on a flat surface, which ensures its stable position.
- It is not permitted to connect any hoses to the inlet or outlet: this can weaken the air flow, which will lead to the concentration of carbon monoxide and / or other harmful substances.
- A gas gun cannot be used in rooms with a high vapor content, for example, in a swimming pool, bath, sauna.It is not recommended to use it also in the open air, especially in the conditions of rain and snow.
- Do not cover with the gas device turned on or cover the opening of the device.
Before connecting to the mains, make sure that the socket is grounded, also during operation it is impossible to close the hole of the gun and cover the device itself.
It is desirable to cover the ends of the gas gun with a metal mesh. This will dissipate a powerful stream of hot air, the temperature of which can exceed + 250 ° WITH.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The posted video demonstrates the process of creating a gas thermal device with your own hands.
Gas heat gun - a powerful device that can heat even a large room in the shortest possible time. Such units can be purchased in specialized stores or do it yourself.
In the latter case, one should understand the complexity and responsibility of this task, since handling gas appliances requires careful work and strict adherence to safety rules.
Have experience building a heat gun? Or have questions about the topic? Please add comments, participate in discussions to the article and attach photos of your homemade products. The communication unit is located below.
But this is interesting! There will be something to keep yourself busy on vacation. It’s good that you didn’t forget to mention safety precautions and included a video for clarity. For very advanced users, you can add how to install a temperature sensor that will turn off the gun when overheating, and add a couple of suggestions about the area of the room that it can warm up. And so super! I keep it to myself.
A heat gun of in-line industrial production was used during construction in the winter. They turned it on to dry the plaster on the walls, and indeed, to make the concrete harden faster. They connected to propane, literally in about 30 minutes the wall was drying up. I think that using such equipment in a home-made version is a little dangerous, especially if you are not a master, but if your hands are straight, then, of course, you can try, everything is described in detail here.
Egor, and the plaster did not crack from such a rapid drying? It seems to be believed that the time to harden the solution is undesirable to reduce. At least the floor screed under such conditions will crack for sure.
Of course, it cracked, otherwise it could not be. A heat gun is used to maintain a favorable temperature, at which drying is faster, but it is strictly contraindicated to direct its air flow to the plaster.