What batteries are needed for the gas water heater: how to choose and replace the batteries in the power supply
A gas water heater is the “heart” of the water heating system of a private house or apartment. Maintenance of this type of equipment requires certain knowledge and skills, right? You do not know what batteries are needed for the gas water heater and how to replace them correctly?
We will help to deal with these issues - in the article we will consider the types of batteries used for the column, and detailed replacement instructions. We will also analyze for what reasons they become worthless, and how to choose the right ones. The publication is equipped with visual photos and videos, which will solve a number of operational problems associated with the use, selection and replacement of power supplies.
The content of the article:
Features of speakers batteries and nuances of choice
The work of modern speaker models is tied to electricity. Nutrition thanksproduced by spark, provides ignition of the flame necessary for heating water, and also guarantees the functioning of the display, which displays the current temperature and other information.
It is noteworthy that the ignition in the very first gas water heaters was carried out manually by a rather dangerous method - using matches. Subsequent modifications of water heaters were equipped with a more ergonomic in operation piezoelectric element, batteries or hydro generator. There are also models of columns with ignition from the network.
Now columns with ignition from batteries are most demanded. Analog models with a hydrogenerator that replaces batteries are much less in demand. The rating of the best geysers, popular among buyers, we gave in this article.

Significant disadvantages of columns with a hydrogenerator:
- the cost of such equipment exceeds the price of battery powered speakers;
- the mechanism and blades of the generator are extremely sensitive and often suffer from poor water quality, therefore, require regular cleaning;
- the pressure in the water supply may not be sufficient to generate a strong spark.
Battery-powered ignition is quite simple. So in ignition column the process is as follows: a small amount of gas is supplied to the igniter, and then with the help of an electric pulse generated by the batteries, it is ignited. The ionization sensor detects the presence of a flame and only after that there is a gas supply to the main burner, where a smooth ignition from the igniter is carried out.
At direct fired speakers gas is immediately supplied to the burner, which is ignited by an electrical pulse generated by the batteries.

The need to replace the batteries in the geyser can be indicated by the popular “symptom” of incorrect equipment operation: the water heater starts idle several times in a row, making sounds characteristic of the ignition. Some models are equipped with an indicator that indicates battery wear.
What batteries are used in the speakers?
For a full-fledged operation of the gas column, power supplies with a total voltage of 3 volts are needed. Therefore, batteries for a water heater stand out against the background of more familiar finger andmini-finger modifications. These are thicker "barrels" class Dissuing voltage of 1.5 V each.
In fact, there are two types of batteries on the market: D-LR20 and D-r20. They differ in price and “stuffing” from each other: inside the battery there may be salt or alkali.
Salt batteries D-R20 confidently losing ground, which is more a plus than a minus. Cheaper power supplies are known for their extremely fast discharge speed. Therefore, even a low attractive price does not make the purchase of the D-R20 advisable.
Alkaline alkaline D-LR20 batteries are more expensive, but do not require such frequent replacement, working properly for up to six months. At best, the salt source will last a couple of weeks.
In order to save money on planned battery replacement, you should buy rechargeable batteries. Do not dispose of used batteries and household waste batteries, as power sources require special disposal.

Nickel metal is best suited for geysers.hydride battery versions -Nimh D / HR20. However, before installing, it is worth making sure that the voltage in each battery is 1.5 V.
Subject to operating standards, such batteries will last 5-6 years, gradually losing their capacity in volume. But it is worth remembering that a battery charger will have to be bought separately.
Subtleties of the choice of power sources
The most win-win option is not to make a mistake in choosing a product - go to the store with old batteries and buy batteries with similar parameters.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the following nuances:
- compliance with the expiration date;
- packaging integrity;
- lack of scuffs and mechanical damage on the case;
- the correct form of the power source.
The abundance of fakes on the market and the storage of products in inappropriate conditions without observing the correct temperature conditions significantly affect the life of batteries and accumulators.
Power supplies purchased at a nearby transition are unlikely to be certified and reliable products. Therefore, purchase batteries in officialoffline- and online stores. After all, the use of any damaged battery is fraught with fires and damage to equipment.
Why do batteries lose their charge quickly?
If high-quality and expensive batteries or rechargeable batteries quickly lose their charge, it's time to diagnose the geyser. There are a number of common reasons why batteries suddenly go to garbage instead of working on time. The following factors contribute to rapid wear.
Reason # 1 - excessive humidity in the room
Moisture and evaporation gradually settle on the details of a gas water heater. Oxidation processes are triggered, which leads to contact corrosion.
The main sign of such damage is strong battery heating in progress.

To prevent such a situation (oxidation of contacts), it is necessary to carefully consider the ventilation system in the room, regularly air the room.
Reason # 2 - incorrect operation of the ionization sensor
This sensor is responsible for the flame generated in the burner. If the sensor is physically shifted to the side, it “does not see” the flame and gives a signal, and the electromagnetic valve stops the gas supply. Batteries are required to give energy for ignition over and over again. Therefore, it is worth checking the converter and correcting its position.
More information about the flame sensor, its features and varieties, as well as other important sensors of gas equipment, we gave in next publication.

Reason # 3 - ignition electrode offset
When the system starts and gas enters, a spark should be generated in a split second.
However, the firing electrode may also deviate from a predetermined location in the structure. If the ignition takes a relatively long time, it is worth moving the electrode closer to the burner.

Reason # 4 - faulty control unit
An electronic module that is powered by batteries can also cause problems with quickly discharging batteries. Due to minor malfunctions, the unit often spends more energy on its work.

Part of the diagnostic measures can be carried out independently, cutting off the gas and water supply.
But it is important to remember that the geyser is a serious and quite dangerous equipment. therefore repair and routine inspection technicians are better to entrust to the professional master. If there is a guarantee, it is not worth opening the case at all, as this may deprive the water heater of free maintenance.
Instructions for replacing old batteries
If you do not know how to change the batteries in the gas column correctly so as not to damage anything, we recommend that you carefully read our instructions - hereinafter we will describe in detail the process of replacing the batteries so that none of the users have difficulties with this task.
The batteries are located in an easily accessible place, often in the lower part of the case, and can be removed without difficulty.
Actuallyspecial compartment for batteries can have two types of configuration:
- retractable;
- on latches.
Retractable boxes open by clicking on their wall.
To compartments closing with fixatorsBatteries are often installed vertically. The batteries are held by a special latch, so that when opening the box does not fall out of the box.

Replacing worn-out batteries in a geyser takes place in several successive stages:
- It is necessary to turn off the gas and water supply to the column.
- Carefully open the battery compartment by pressing on its wall or by unscrewing the locking latches.
- Remove old batteries.
- Install new batteries, observing polarity.
- Replace the box (or close the lid). Correct installation is characterized by a distinctive click.
- To renew water- andgas supply.
It remains to conduct a trial run to make sure that the equipment works correctly.
Using a power supply instead of batteries
In order to significantly save money on replacing batteries and not spend money on buying expensive batteries, the gas column can be upgraded on its own. After installing the adapter for a household gas column, instead of batteries, the ignition will carry current from the network.
But this procedure has two drawbacks:
- in case of power outages, there will be no hot water;
- like "tuning»May deprive of the right to a free warranty service of a water heater.
If the owner does not have experience in connecting the power supply for a household gas column or other equipment, it is better to entrust this procedure to a professional.

For self-remaking the column, you need an adapter that matches the parameters of the water heater. Since the batteries give a total voltage of 3 V, you need a unit with the same output voltage. The operating voltage in the network is 220 V, the adapter should have a similar input.
The marking of a suitable device will contain the following notation - 220V / 3V / 500 mA. In addition, you need to buy connectors like "mom-dad."
To execute nReconnecting, a number of steps need to be taken:
- Get access to the speaker power box and disconnect the wiring from it. For your own convenience, the connectors can be photographed or marked in any way, indicating their polarity.
- Cut off the plug from the purchased power supply, separate its wires and carefully solder with the purchased connectors, observing the polarity. To determine the polarity, you can use multimeter: positive readings in voltage measurement indicate the polarity of the wires.
- Connect prepared wires to the column.
- Connect the adapter to the network and carry out a test run of the instantaneous water heater.
If the connection is made correctly, the geyser will work properly, maintaining the required water temperature. After a test run, you can hide the wires in the case.
To avoid malfunctions due to current fluctuations in the network, it is appropriate to add to the design stabilizer. The device will save the column from voltage surges.
Can I turn on the speaker without batteries?
I would like to answer this scrupulous question negatively, but, alas, in some models it is quite realistic to carry out the ignition on my own. The way to the banal is simple and incredibly dangerous.
So, if the model of the installed water heater does not have a special protection system, then you can unscrew the hot water mixer and bring the fireplace match to the burner in the column. The flame from the match will ignite the gas, the column will begin its work.

It is worth remembering that such handling of a column may result in an explosion. Jokes with blue fuel are often fatal. Therefore, it is much safer to go to the nearest trusted store for batteries.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Recommendations for replacing batteries in a gas water heater in the following video:
Detailed instructions for self-connecting the power supply to the column are given in the following video:
The operation of any gas equipment carries certain risks. Therefore, it’s important not only to abide by the rules safe operation, but also to be careful even when conducting elementary work like replacing batteries in a gas column.
Remember that any manipulations can only be carried out with a blocked supply of water and gas. And it is better to entrust serious work to repair or modify equipment to a competent master.
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How long is the D / HR20 battery charged? At first glance, it’s more profitable to buy a battery and just charge it, but if you often have to do it, it’s better to leave the batteries.