Replacing the cartridge in the mixer: a briefing on replacing an old part with a new one
When equipping kitchen sinks and showers, single lever mixers are most common. They are easy to install and convenient to use. The main functional mechanism of such models is a cartridge, whose resource is limited.
You can put a new cartridge instead of a worn one yourself. We will tell you what steps include replacing the cartridge in the mixer, what nuances should be considered when repairing crane equipment. Our recommendations and step-by-step instructions will help to fix the device perfectly.
The content of the article:
Types of cartridges for mixers
The main purpose of the cartridge is to mix hot and cold streams of water, as well as regulate the intensity of their supply, ensuring uninterrupted operation of plumbing equipment.
When equipping single-lever mixers, two types of devices are used: ball and disk. In terms of operation, they are approximately equal. But still, the bulk of the mixers for domestic use is equipped with mechanisms for disk performance.

This is due to the fact that in the legal plane with the production of ceramic disk mechanisms, the situation is much simpler. Not all manufacturers are licensed to manufacture ball type devices. In order not to pay for the right to issue, it is easier for companies to stamp disk devices that are in demand on the market.
Steel ball devices
The design of the ball joystick is a locking element in the form of a hollow steel ball equipped with three interconnected holes: two inlets and one outlet.

The temperature and pressure of the flow are set depending on the position of the holes of the inlet pipes and the cavities of the ball. The larger the alignment area, the stronger the flow.
When turning or tilting the lever, the walls of the ball overlap one or both holes, allowing flows from the nozzles with hot or cold water to enter and mix inside the cavities of the shut-off element.
The main disadvantage ball devices - vulnerability to deposits that form and accumulate inside them during operation. They worsen the smoothness of the pressure of the mechanism, causing the joystick to be disabled.

Based on the diameter, height and landing part, these types of devices on the market are presented in a large assortment. Therefore, when changing the cartridge on the mixer, it is important to select and install a completely identical spare part.
In order to protect yourself from mistakes in the selection, leading to unplanned waste, buying a new "core", it is advisable to take the old used one with you for the sample.
Ceramic disc “cores”
Disk cartridges are equipped with two smooth and tightly adjacent to each other plates made of cermet. The lower plate is securely fixed in the "core", and the movable upper is connected to the control rod, due to which it freely rotates around its axis.

In the mixing cavity there is a metal mesh, the main purpose of which is to suppress noise. In some models, the role of a silencer is performed by curly protrusions.
The stem serves as the basis for fixing the handle of a single lever device. It is attached to the upper ceramic disc, if necessary, can be removed.
The adjustment of the water pressure in the cylindrical "cores" is carried out by moving the upper plate. It is equipped with protrusions and troughs that cover the holes of the lower disk. The more openings are closed, the weaker the pressure.

To increase the tightness of the structure, most models have rubber gaskets at the bottom of the mechanism. To extend the life of ceramic elements, a metal mesh is provided. It acts as a coarse filter.
Similar device cartridges for showers. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the design and features of their repair.
Popular cartridge sizes
When buying a replacement element, it is important to pay attention not only to its shape, but also to the location of the holes for the stem. The cartridge sizes are standardized for each mixer model.

Most manufacturers single lever mixers used in the assembly of cartridges with sizes of 28 mm, 32 mm and 35 mm. In products of the Kaiser and Grohe brands, one can often find functional mechanisms in sizes of 40 mm and 46 mm.
Among the most frequently purchased items include products with a diameter of 40 mm. They are marked with d40. In addition to the standard sizes, many original models often have 18 mm, 20 mm and 22 mm components.

When purchasing a cartridge, check whether product return is provided and whether there is a guarantee for it. Please note that if the device does not fit, it can be returned or replaced at the store no later than two weeks from the date of purchase.
Common Causes of Breakdowns
Problems arising during the operation of devices of both types are usually associated with the wear of moving elements. The reasons for this can be poor-quality materials used in the manufacture, mechanical damage to equipment and impact of water hammercreating excessive loads on the elements of the "core".

In the conditions of worn-out and outdated water supply systems, the average cartridge is able to last no more than 4-6 years.
The fact that it needs to be replaced is indicated by such signs:
- the lever stroke has become less smooth (with jamming or jerking);
- it is difficult to regulate the pressure of the water flow;
- water flows are not mixed, regardless of the position of the handle of the tap;
- water, even when the tap is in the closed position, continues to run in a trickle.
The reverse situation can also indicate a failure of the mechanism, when, with a static position of the lever, the water flows spontaneously change the temperature.

The cost of the cartridge for the mixer is a negligible amount compared to the price of the plumbing equipment itself. Periodic replacement of this element is a cost-effective measure, which can be implemented on their own, without the involvement of plumbing workers.
Disc cartridge replacement technology
Almost all cartridge-type single-lever cranes are similar in structure. As a rule, they represent a single structure, placed in a metal or plastic case. The device replacement technology described below is suitable for each of them.
At repair of cartridge mixers it is better to replace the “core" in its entirety, rather than disassembling it into its component parts, since it is quite problematic to find the sale of individual elements for practically disposable devices.
The following photo gallery will briefly introduce the replacement procedure:
How to change the cartridge itself in the mixer of a kitchen faucet or shower, we will analyze in stages. The whole process, even for a beginner, takes 30 minutes on the strength.
Selection of the necessary tools
In addition to acquiring a new cartridge, tools should be prepared in advance so as not to be distracted by their searches in the process.
To carry out repairs, you will need:
- gas and adjustable wrench;
- slotted screwdriver;
- pliers;
- narrow pliers.
When disassembling some types of mixers, a hexagon may be required. To remove old calcareous deposits, a special cleaning fluid such as WD-40 is useful.

To remove contaminants from the mixer seat, prepare a clean rag or piece of cotton cloth in advance.
Device Disassembly Sequence
Before replacing the disk cartridge in the mixer, to prevent flooding, close the inlet valves with hot and cold water. To make sure that there is no water in the system, turn the mixer lever.
Disassembly of the device is performed in the following sequence:
- Using a slotted screwdriver on the front of the tap, remove the plug on which the hot and cold water marker is located.
- Using a hexagon or a thin screwdriver, unscrew the locking screw located under the plug. It connects the handle to the control rod.
- Dismantle the pivot arm from the rod. Usually this stage is not difficult, but sometimes you have to make little effort.
- The chrome-plated decorative ring, which acts as a protective cover, is removed.
- Using a wrench or flat-nose pliers with a narrow working part, a clamping brass nut holding the ceramic cartridge is unscrewed.
- Remove the faulty cartridge by pulling it slightly toward you, or gently swaying from side to side.
If the nut holding the ceramic cartridge has “fused” with the device, treat it with WD-40 fluid. After wetting the rusted nut with a "wrench", in a few minutes you can easily unscrew it and remove it from the socket.

Some experts recommend using the method of heating the device when disassembling a “boiling” mixer. To do this, the threads are heated with a spray can, giving an open source of fire, or with a gas burner.
But it is worth considering that this method can damage the eccentric, and therefore is a danger to equipment.
The subtleties of installing a cartridge
The removed cartridge is carefully inspected for cracks and other malfunctions. If any are found, they are sent to the store, not forgetting to bring with them the failed element.
Having bought a new cartridge instead of the removed defective part, proceed with its installation. Before assembling a new unit, it is necessary to carefully clean the seat from the rust and dirt that has accumulated in it in advance with prepared fabric cuts. If this stage is neglected, then deposits accumulated at the bottom will not allow hermetically installing a new device.
When mounting the cartridge on the seat, it is important to ensure that the protrusions of the device and the recesses in the mixer body are fully aligned. If this condition is not met, it is likely that the equipment will leak when the mixer is turned on.

After the defective element is replaced with a new one, the structure is assembled in the reverse order:
- First, bait, and then tighten the fixing nut with pliers.
- Mount the protective cover in its original place.
- Install the handle and screw it.
- Tighten the locking screw.
- Place the decorative plug in its original place.
After the assembly is completed, it remains only to check the operability of the mixer. To do this, it is necessary to resume the water supply and turn on the mixer, gradually withdrawing the handle and observing whether a leak occurs. If one is found, you will have to re-block the water and fix all the flaws.
There are situations when the replacement of the "core" does not give the desired result. The crane continues to dig. In this case, the cause may be hidden in the gasket. Its main purpose is to seal the joint between the mechanism and the bottom of the mixer.

The only way out of this situation is to disassemble the device and replace the gasket.
How to replace the ball mechanism?
Most of the steps for changing a ball cartridge in a mixer are similar to those described when repairing disk devices.
The main stages of replacing the ball mechanism:
- On the lever of the crane remove, prying a screwdriver, a decorative plastic lining.
- The locking screw located under the cover, depending on the configuration of the head, is unscrewed with a hexagon or Phillips screwdriver.
- Remove the mixer lever.
- The pad located under the lever, fixed on the crane body by means of a threaded connection, is unscrewed with an adjustable wrench.
- Using pliers having a narrow working part, a ball valve is removed from the stem.
- Inspect the rubber seat of the cartridge and, if defects are found, replace it with a new one.
- The ball is removed and inspected for surface defects. There should not be any influx. The cavities in the ball are cleaned with a rag from accumulated debris.
- Replace rubber gaskets and assemble the structure in reverse order.
In the future, to protect plumbing equipment from premature failure, it is worth installing on the input of cold and hot water coarse filters.
Although many modern mixers often already have a filtration system built in, installing an additional barrier to large elements present in the water will never hurt.
If the implementation of simple repair operations did not lead to the desired results, you will have to go to the store for a new device. With steps installing a new mixer familiarize us with the article.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Some useful DIY faucet repair tips.
Video # 1. How to disassemble the mixer and eliminate the leak:
Video # 2. An example of replacing a cartridge on a Chinese mixer and familiarity with common breakdowns:
Changing cartridges in faucets installed in kitchen sinks and showers is practically no different.But if your mixer has a more complex design and is equipped with sensors and temperature controllers, the work of replacing the functional elements should be entrusted to professionals.
Do you want to share the nuances of replacing a cartridge known only to you, or talk about the repair of a single lever mixer made by yourself? Please write in the block below. Here you can ask questions and post a photo on the topic of the article.
I changed the cartridge myself in the kitchen faucets, there were no problems. But in the bathroom I have a touch-sensitive device, there is already a problem. I realized that I could not cope myself, invited the master. I watched the replacement, I think if again there is a need for repair, I can handle it on my own. The master advised putting coarse filters, the probability of breakdowns will be reduced.
In a city apartment, a coarse filter is only needed if the water is really bad. Before submission to city networks, it is already filtered on a water utility.
Filters are in the bathroom and kitchen. Replacement did not cause any difficulties. In the bathroom I changed the filter myself, given that I have no experience in this work. Instructions for people like me are very useful. In the kitchen I had to change the whole mixer. With a tool, replacing the mixer took literally ten minutes. I think the plumbers can handle it quickly.
How to replace a cartridge in two Kludy crane mixers?