Bathroom sink height: standards and best wiring diagrams
A sink in the bathroom or in the kitchen is a household appliance that is closely related to the daily life of people living in an apartment, house, or cottage. It would seem that there is nothing easier than installing a sink and using it comfortably.
Note, as practice shows, even the height of the sink in the bathroom has an impact on the degree of convenience for the user, not to mention the other subtleties of installation.
We will tell you how the optimal height of the sink is determined taking into account the design features of the devices and ease of use. Here you will learn how to pick up and install a siphon to a suspended sink. Based on our advice, plumbing work will be carried out perfectly.
The content of the article:
Sink mounting height standard
If we turn to the standards for installing plumbing fixtures, in particular, bathroom sinks, they directly correlate with the physiological parameters of a person. Specific physiological parameters, in turn, are determined by the age (and gender) of people.
There is no single clearly established figure that determines the height of the installation of sinks for the premises of the bath or kitchen.
However, there are recommended basic distance values: floor - the upper horizon of the sink, with an emphasis on three age categories:
- older age, average growth (800 mm);
- young age, average growth (700 mm);
- children's age, average height (600 mm).
As a rule, these installation parameters are followed by construction organizations involved in social facilities. Kindergartens, clinics, schools, etc. - at such facilities, installation is carried out strictly according to the standard.

Owners of personal households (apartments, houses, summer cottages) often look through their fingers at the standard installation height of sinks in a bath. Here, installation is usually based on personal preferences and ideas about comfort. And yet, it is recommended to take the distance as the golden middle of the height: floor - the edge of the sink, in the range of 750-850 mm.
About installation schemes for household sinks
Modern industrial production has launched the production of sanitary sinks of various configurations. At the same time, the variety of devices for bathtubs and kitchens affects not only the design component. The layout of sinks in bathrooms and kitchens may also vary.
So, familiar simple sink installation diagram involves the installation of two brackets on the wall. Then the device is simply “laid” on the brackets, the water inlet / outlet lines are connected and the end is connected.
However, even the simplest installation requires adhering to the established installation rules:
- Calculation of height: floor - the top edge of the bowl.
- Leveling the construction level on the horizon.
- Calculation of the optimal distance between the brackets.
- Easy-to-service communications supply.
Designs of earthenware (porcelain) plumbing fixtures are heavy and quite large. These factors should be considered during the installation process. Therefore, installation schemes for sinks in rooms with a bathroom are usually built taking into account all the expected loads.

The diagrams indicate the methods of fastening and the parameters of the mounting hardware. For example, the same support brackets for a simple sink need to be fastened with screws (dowels, bolts, screws) of the appropriate size and load capacity.
Installation of sinks on a pedestal
Simplified suspension structures give property owners more freedom to manipulate installation heights. Regarding the models of sinks that are placed on a pedestal, such a benefit is no longer noted. Height tulip shell installations here tied to the height of the pedestal.
The so-called “tulip” limits height movements, but hides communications under the sink, while also serving as a support. The last two factors explain the popularity of such plumbing among the people.
Circuit solution for installation:
- choice of location;
- horizontal and vertical alignment;
- drawing a marking on points of fastening.
The recommended basic height setting for this type of sink is 850 mm from the floor to the top edge of the bowl. The distance from the floor surface to the points of attachment to the wall is 780 mm. Between the mounting points horizontally, the optimal distance is 280 mm.
I will familiarize you with the rules for installing plumbing with a pedestal in detail featured article.
The indicated values are relevant for medium-sized plumbing fixtures. Installing larger models will require adjustment.In any case, the documentation for the new device contains installation criteria for all sink sizes.

Usually, fasteners and mounting hardware are included with the device. If not, they can be bought separately. A standard mounting hardware kit contains a pair of gaskets and as many screws with dowels.
It should be noted the availability of models of sinks in the bathtub with pedestals of a decorative nature. This design eliminates the function of the pedestal as a supporting component. He just closes siphon sink and points of connection to communications.
Installation of plumbing with a decorative pedestal is as follows:
- A sink is attached to the marked surface of the wall.
- The mixer tap is installed.
- With flexible hoses, the device connects to the cold water / hot water lines.
- Mounted siphon system.
- A pedestal is installed according to previously marked landmarks.
Fixing the sink to the wall does not seem complicated. But here it is important not to pull the hardware. Earthenware or porcelain is a fragile material. Standard installation scheme for sinks in the bathroom provides for fixing with two screws.
There are special holes on the back of the device for this. The softness of the suspension (cushioning towards the wall) is ensured by silicone gaskets.
Moydodyr-style circuitry
Sophisticated wiring diagrams with marking and fitting do not threaten the floor moydodyr. This is one of those options for plumbing for the bathroom, which is actually done on a turnkey basis. That is why floor systems "moidodyr" won consumer sympathy.
Installation basics here come down to assembly furniture stand followed by the imposition of a sink on the countertop. The installation height of the sink, in this case, depends on the height parameter of the cabinet. But, what is noteworthy - furniture, as a rule, has supporting legs equipped with a height adjustment mechanism.

Meanwhile, there are also constructions of moidodyr of suspended type. Moreover, there are two types of such products - for installation in the area of the corner of the room with a bathtub and for installation on a flat wall. Such a project will have to be installed according to the scheme of a full-fledged installation - with marking, drilling, the creation of fasteners.
True, with any installation of moidodyr, the standard sizes remain relevant:
- distance from the floor to the outlet point of the sewage system (510 - 590 mm);
- distance from the floor line to the points of the HVS and GVS conclusions (560 - 650 mm);
- the distance between the points of the conclusions of the cold water and hot water supply (80 - 150 mm).
As can be seen from the specified standard parameters, there is sufficient headroom for manipulation of the installation. Nevertheless, each sink of a particular moidodyr model is often distinguished by individual circuit designs. Projects contain several components, and the sink is just one of them. Moreover, there are models of sinks with a place for a mixer tap or without it.

The installation and connection of the mixer tap is carried out in the traditional way:
- to put on a trailer with a gasket;
- Insert the mixer tap into the hole in the sink
- put a second gasket on the trailer from below;
- screw and tighten the lock nut;
- connect flexible hoses to the hot water / hot water lines.
According to the standard scheme, a siphon output with a sewage line is also connected. Typically, a corrugated tube with a diameter of 40-50 mm is used for these purposes.
Rational installation of water lily sinks
The installation scheme with the rational use of the space under the sink is seen as interesting. Obviously, this space can be used with advantage to place any household equipment related to the bathroom.
For example, place a compact washing machine there. It is only necessary to choose plumbing of a suitable configuration.

If the placement is intended under the sink of the washing machine, it is recommended to choose models where the horizontal scheme of the drain pipe is used.
But the recommendations here are justified by the fact that a horizontally located drain pipe allows you to push the machine closer to the wall. That is, the use of free space turns out to be the maximum possible.
Judging by the operation, the horizontal drain scheme is not entirely successful. This arrangement is fraught with frequent congestion.
Both in terms of design and in terms of comfortable operation, the wiring diagram for installing water lily sinks requires a clear combination of two objects in overall dimensions. That is, the width and length from the back wall to the end of the sink and the washing machine should be almost level.
An even more convenient installation option is a project where the length of the water lily sink extends 50-60 mm beyond the front panel line of the washing unit.

Installation of a plumbing fixture is necessarily carried out on special mounting brackets. There is always a small gap between the top of the machine and the bottom of the sink, allowing you to freely move the machine if necessary.
The optimal size is considered to be the height for the washing unit, equal to 650-700 mm. With these parameters, it will not be difficult to install a sink within the boundaries of standards of height 800-850 mm.
Siphons for water lilies are slightly different in size (they are smaller), but the installation scheme is no different from the usual version.
Countertop sink as a single project
To accommodate a washing machine in tandem with a sink, schemes for an integrated solution have recently been proposed. The design of two different elements makes up a single whole.

The choice of such designs is limited to two options:
- countertop as a unit with a bowl;
- countertop with mortise bowl.
This design is installed in the same way as it is done with devices of another type. For example, if there is a countertop with a mortise sink, the board is first installed, then the bowl of the sink is superimposed.
The tabletop is laid on mounting metal corners. The location of these elements is pre-marked with the future location of the upper part of the countertop at around 850 mm from the floor.

The supply of communications is performed based on the power supply of the washing machine and the sink, as well as taking into account the load on the sewage system from two devices at the same time. The entry / exit points of communications must correspond to the parameters indicated in the technical documentation for the machine and plumbing.
Standards for mounting dimensions are usually taken as follows:
- height from the floor to the top edge of the bowl (850 mm);
- height from floor to bottom of siphon (700 mm);
- height from a floor to points of HVS / GVS and sewerage (600 mm);
- distance between points of cold water / hot water (at least 150 mm)
It is recommended to mount countertops based on natural or artificial stone. Wood and especially plasterboard, even with strong protection against moisture, will not last long in a bathroom.
About how to install countertop sink, as well as how to choose it correctly, is described in detail in the next article.
Siphon wiring diagrams
Regardless of the design of bathtub sinks and how to install them, siphons are traditionally used:
- single turn;
- two-turn;
- bottle.
The use of a one-two-turn siphon is typical for “water lilies”, when it is necessary to free up as much space as possible under the sink to accommodate a washing machine or other household items.
The name "one-two-turn" is obtained due to the presence in the circuit of one or two pipe bends. Due to such bends, a hydraulic shutter is created inside the line.

Another option - “bottle”, is the most common. It differs from the first in the absence of bends, the functions of which are performed by a special “bottle” with a drain pipe outlet from the top of the structure. This scheme is more convenient than the first when performing maintenance - cleaning the line in case of congestion. At the bottom of the “bottle” there is a technical cap that can be easily turned off.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
A few tips for installing the sink will help you set it at the right height.
Installation work on installing sinks inside bathrooms, made taking into account existing standards and schemes, is the key to convenience and comfort.
Existing parameters, values for height, width, length, etc. calculated based on operating practices. It is possible to depart to some extent from these parameters and values, but ignoring them completely is not recommended.
Tell us about your guidelines for selecting the height of the sink in the bathroom. Share useful information, opinions about the information we provided, photos on the topic of the article. Please write comments in the block below.
Well, I would definitely not advise putting the washing machine under the sink, unlike the version with a countertop. The sink is smaller than the washing machine in width, the machine will bulge out - which is very inconvenient. This option is suitable only in case of extreme shortage of space. If you put the sink on a support, then this is only a tulip design. And you won’t fight against the support legs, and there’s no sink sink, and it’s more convenient to clean the sink.
Gena, there are 30 cm washing machines, so it’s not a fact that she will bulge. There are few places in many apartments, so you have to compromise.
For people with short stature, the standard size of the sink in height is a real torment. Tall people are in better conditions than children, because water does not drain down the elbows to the floor. Somehow, everyone adjusts to a standard height. But it’s better to focus on small ones, and make the sink lower. Well, if her bowl rests on a table or bedside table, which can be adjusted to the height of the legs.
I think that in their home people are unlikely to install sinks by standards. Each family has its own preferences and desires. My husband has a height of 1.92 m. Therefore, with this growth, of course, I want the sink to be taller. And the kids still do not really get to her, so there are chairs for them. They use them very well. And of course, it’s still better if there is a cabinet under the sink, and the washing machine doesn’t fit there.