Monoblock toilet: device, pros and cons, how to choose
The development of all types of plumbing, except for ergonomics and reliability, is necessarily based on maximum tightness and ease of installation. As a result of inexhaustible attempts to reduce the number of connections, a monoblock toilet appeared, the bowl of which is in the same housing as the flush cistern.
Before deciding to buy monolithic plumbing, you need to find out about its advantages and disadvantages, agree? We will help you make an informed choice.
The article details the arguments for and against monoblocks, provides practical recommendations for choosing the optimal model and identifies the best manufacturers of such plumbing. Step-by-step instruction with a description of all the installation steps will help to install and connect a new toilet bowl without the help of a plumber.
The content of the article:
The specifics of a monolithic toilet
Monoblock toilets in the assortment of plumbing occupy a separate niche. Outwardly, they are very much like their compact brothers, with whom they directly and constructively have many common features. By analogy, the tank is not hidden; a floor installation is used.
Unlike compact toilets, in a monoblock version, the water collection and discharge devices are located in an integral housing.
As a result of innovations, installation is simplified, which to a large extent affects its quality indicators. In addition, the nodes that inevitably create the threat of perpetual leaks have been eliminated.
According to signs of consumer demand, monoblocks are still significantly inferior to compacts. It is possible that the reason lies in the relatively recent appearance of this type of product on the market.
And manufacturers are not too willing to take up the production of monolithic plumbing due to a number of difficulties in the manufacture and transportation.
This is probably why monoliths are more expensive than compact counterparts, but much more interesting in terms of design. There are suspicions that they are purposefully released for adherents of creative plumbing, who do not spare money for the purchase of an expensive exclusive.
Although in the product line you can find quite inexpensive offers.
The benefits of combining a tank and bowl
The original design is only one of the trump cards of monoblock sanitary ware.
To the list of compelling arguments in favor of its acquisition, it is necessary to add some more convincing facts, these are:
- Priority equipment. For the operation of monoblocks, it is not necessary to install a separate tank; details for its connection to the toilet and seals for connections will not be required.
- Ergonomic priorities. Monoblocks as products not related to the category of cheap products are thoroughly and comprehensively thought out for ease of use.
- The facilitated leaving. In the manufacture of materials used are resistant to the formation of sediment and the accumulation of pollution. What also prevents the glazed plumbing shell and the form that excludes deposits.
- Wear resistance. Monolithic plumbing is made from sanitary ware with increased strength, external removable parts are made of duroplast, which retains its original color throughout the entire operational period.
- Economic advantages. Monoblock models are thoroughly thought out on the aspects of economical water consumption, a full flush is carried out by its extremely minimal volume.
Most monoblock models are equipped with seats with devices for smooth movement of the lid - micro-lifts. For its soft lowering to the rim, the user does not need to make an effort. If desired, you can choose another toilet seat.
Shocks and claps on the bowl are excluded, which should also be included in the piggy bank of facts that extend the life of plumbing.
An indisputable advantage is the complete setup of systems in the factory. Monoblock sanitary ware comes on sale only after numerous meticulous performance tests.
The design which passed the scrupulous control almost never causes complaints.
Weighted deficiency assessment
The main disadvantage of monoblock toilet bowls is the price that makes you think about choosing another model. However, the cost plug between them and the compacts is not so great.
Of course, the molding and drying of non-standard products requires an increase in investments from the manufacturer, but these nuances are hardly interesting to the buyer.
On the other hand, monoblocks work flawlessly for 20 years or more, without forcing the owners to resort to the help of plumbers to eliminate breakdowns. Rarely need to replace the seals at the points of connection to communications, equipped with reliable drain valves. True gaskets still have to be periodically changed.

Typical toilets may have problems with the drain system. Despite sincere, besides documented assurances of manufacturers in its faultless operation for 10 years, no one is protected from such failures.
To repair tank fittingscombined with a bowl is unlikely to succeed. The drainage unit will most likely have to be completely replaced. According to experienced craftsmen in the plumbing industry, it is best to purchase a replacement kit right away when buying a toilet. Not the fact that such a device can easily be picked up, after a decade.
Monoblock production leaders
The leading position in the ranking of manufacturers of monoblocks is quite justified by the Italian company Laguraty. In the line of this brand there are models of concise and luxurious design, made in a non-trivial and classic style.
It is this company that offers original options with tanks in the form of a soccer ball or flower vase. Bathroom equipment by designer Giovanni Laguarti is made in Italy and China.
The parent company strictly monitors the quality of products supplied to the market by Chinese structures, as It is generally responsible for the serial production of products with the specified brand logo.
Naturally, a product released by Italian enterprises will cost significantly more than an analogue of Chinese manufacture. Note that the second option is not inferior in quality to the first, so it makes no sense to overpay for a purely Italian product.
Laguraty monoblocks use proven technology. Casting and firing processes patented by the company guarantee a long operational life of about 25 years. The production uses exclusively natural starting materials that do not pose a threat to the environment.
Plumbing faience is covered with heavy-duty glaze, which prevents pollution and wear. The package includes a sturdy plastic seat with a micro-lift, gently lowering the lid onto the bowl.
The Laguraty assortment has modifications with horizontal and vertical discharge, which allows you to choose plumbing for any scheme of laying sewer communications.
Against a splash around the circumference of the bowl, a half-shelf is arranged, the design of a circular drain excludes the appearance and spread of bacteria on the sanitary faience.
The company is no less active in the production and supply of monoblocks to the market Royalking Sanitary Ware SSWWwhose manufacturing facilities are localized in Germany.
Unlike the Italian brand described above, the German company does not specialize in the production of monoblock sanitary ware, but devotes enough space to it in the assortment.
Solid cast monoblock structures of the SSWW brand are coated on both sides with a mud-resistant glazed nano shell, which prevents surface contamination, sedimentation of rust and deposition of limescale.
Firing of sanitary ware blanks is carried out according to our own technology. Monoblock tanks are equipped with unique Geberit fittings and seats with microlifts.
Water for flushing comes from the holes located around the circumference of the bowl. There are two modes of water flow for flushing, providing the opportunity to save water consumption.
An interesting and practical novelty is offered to customers by the Spanish manufacturer Roca. A new word in his designs is a monoblock toilet combined with a washbasin.
In addition to the stylish design and spectacular shape of the model ROCA W + W 893020001 thoroughly thought out the aspect of saving water. Created by a similar principle, the model is in the Laguraty monoblock line, its serial number is 8074.In the tank of monolithic construction there are two compartments, one of which is intended for collecting water drained from the sink.
The second compartment of the tank is directly connected to the water supply, so that there are no difficulties with flushing in case of insufficient volume in the first section of the tank.
The magnificent design of the monoblock system is solidly complemented by high quality characteristics, the stability of plumbing and the strength of the material.
By analogy with other representatives of the segment, the toilet is equipped with an ergonomic seat with a micro-lift. The combination of three separate objects in a monoblock provides an opportunity to significantly increase the free space in the bathroom.
The Swedish company completes the market with very decent monoblock sanitary ware Gustavsberg, guaranteeing perfect service of products for a quarter of a century, though not pleasing at an affordable price.
Italian brand models are in demand OlympiaTurkish plumbing from VitrA. Both manufacturers guarantee the use of monoblocks without problems for at least 10 years.
The warranty period of 5 years for bowls and 3 years for valves is promised by the company Arcus (China), producing a wide range of monoblock toilets. The product range includes numerous shades of white, color, black models and monoblocks with elegant painting.
Products of this brand are attracted by the affordable cost and diligent desire of the company to maintain high quality standards of world class.
Available for sale smart toiletsmade on a monoblock basis. Multifunctional smart plumbing is equipped with systems for bidet, drying, automatic movement of the lid. Management and configuration is done using the remote control.
Monoblock installation features
The buyer of a monoblock toilet needs to check the availability of technical documentation before paying, with the translation of the briefing in their native language and the package of the trade offer.
The standard set includes the monoblock itself, fittings for collecting water into the tank and flushing, fasteners for fixing to the floor and a seat with a lid.

Monoblock sanitary ware, characterized by impressive weight, is not recommended for installation on freshly poured concrete floor. The base must be strong, reliable, repaired and leveled; in the case of concrete, it must be sufficiently hardened for installation.
According to tradition, installation work should be preceded by fitting, marking of holes for fastening.
To do this, we first install the monoblock in the place chosen for it, determine the option to connect the outlet pipe to the sewer system, mark the attachment points in the floor.
Upon completion of the preparatory measures, we proceed in accordance with the following algorithm:
- The formation of holes. For drilling, an 8 mm drill is required, you need to drill it to a depth of 5 cm. After drilling, we clean the holes from dust, insert dowels into them.
- Installation of drain valves. We unscrew the nut with the seal from the valve that controls the filling of water. Immerse the valve in the tank and fix it with a nut. In the overflow cylinder, technically connected with the descent valve, we derive a long section of the pipe.
- Fastening the drain button. We put the push button in the corresponding recess in the lid of the tank. We make sure that the buttons for normal and economical drain are located in the place indicated by the manufacturer.
- Connection to the sewerage. We install the monoblock into place, we connect the exhaust pipe to the outlet of the sewer corrugated pipe.
- Temporary fixation. After leveling the toilet, if necessary, screw the screws into the dowels installed in the floor without effort.
- Water supply connection. Before connecting to the water supply, we check the reliability of fastening the nut of the supply valve. We connect a hose.
- Finish mount. After connecting to the communications, we tighten the screws with force and close the attachment points with decorative caps. We fill the joint line of the toilet with the floor with sealant.
Having fixed the toilet, we install the seat, adjust the water supply by changing the height of the valve or turning the adjusting screw. A large discharge volume is set using the control ring, a small volume is set by moving the weighing pallet.

Tips for potential buyers
Future owners of monoblock sanitary ware should carefully prepare for the upcoming purchase.
Close attention should be paid to:
- Type of issue. Monoblocks let out with horizontal or vertical release. We need to find out ahead of time which system is ideal for connecting to the sewer outlet.
- Estimated user weight. It is necessary to take into account the weight of the “heaviest” family member and see in the technical documentation what maximum permissible mass the structure can be loaded. By the way, it does not hurt to estimate the dimensions of the seat.
- The technical complexity of the model. If the presence of a micro-lift, two modes of water flow for draining and funds for performing the functions of a bidet is not of interest, there is no need to overpay for unnecessary opportunities.
Be sure to check before buying whether the data sheet of the purchased monoblock model matches all documentary applications, including warranty, receipt and installation manual.
An attentive buyer will definitely inspect the fittings and the plumbing body, check the action of the seat roof with a micro-lift. In order for a non-standard toilet bowl to successfully fit into the interior picture, it is advisable to purchase a sink made in the same style.
If the final decision on the purchase was not made, we recommend that you read the articles on the choice of toilet:
- How to choose a hanging toilet: which is better and why + manufacturers overview
- Corner toilet with a tank: pros and cons, scheme and features of installing a toilet in the corner
- Types of toilets by technical specifications and design
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Overview of the model of the Italian manufacturer:
The video is a monoblock made in China:
The monolithic toilet has probably not yet become a familiar attribute of domestic bathrooms, but for our realities this is a very useful innovation. Many more people live in apartments with small hygienic rooms. Monoblocks are a true find for them.
Have something to supplement, or have questions about choosing and installing monolithic toilets? You can leave comments and participate in publication discussions. The contact form is located in the lower block.
My wife frayed all my nerves, I wanted a monoblock toilet, and that's it. Beautiful, I do not argue, but for the price it is quite expensive. As a result, they found an acceptable price option, I decided to install it myself. I spent almost the whole day, I had never done this before, I looked at how to fix it correctly according to the instructions. During the installation process, only the prospect then pleased about 15 years, not to think about gaskets and leaks.
We are also thinking of installing a candy bar at home. Only one moment confuses. Everyone writes in chorus that there will be no problems typical of classic “toilet seats-compacts” - no leaks, no worn out gaskets, etc. But I do not think that monoblocks are eternal. And I would really like to know if ordinary plumbers, regular ones in the Criminal Code, cope with their repair? Or will you have to look for a specialist or a company whose services will cost a pretty penny? I myself do not understand these things and are unlikely to understand in the future.
Sergey, it’s practically no different from the usual compact, so you don’t need super qualifications from the plumber.
We have been using it for 18 years. We bought a used one, changed only a siphon, ours came up. Excellent toilet, sorry for a locksmith, when changing pipes in the house, stood on the seat. It burst, of course, it is impossible to replace: it is not earthenware, but some kind of dense plastic. I don’t know how to call, but it’s very convenient, I’ll only buy the same during repair.