Seat toilet seat: types, selection rules and installation features

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Grigory Skok
Last update: July 2024

When choosing a toilet seat, few people pay due attention to this. Many are guided exclusively by the size and color of the toilet seat, agree?

However, if you spend a little more time choosing, find out about the news and features of different seats, you can purchase the most comfortable model that meets the needs of users.

We offer to understand the variety of offers of sanitary shops. The article provides a detailed overview of the various toilet seats, as well as the selection criteria for this indispensable attribute of the bathroom. In addition, a step-by-step instruction is proposed that will help replace the old toilet seat with a new one.

Types of toilet seats

This market niche is developing quite actively. In the catalogs of online stores and on shelves of real retail outlets, a wide variety of models are presented.

Some toilet seats have an attractive and very original design. Others conquer customers with their versatility.

All the variety offered by manufacturers can be divided into the following categories:

  • disposable items;
  • constructions made of hard plastic;
  • soft toilet seats;
  • models with a built-in bidet and a micro-lift;
  • heated seats;
  • electronic covers;
  • children and double chairs.

To determine which variety is suitable for a particular bathroom, it is useful to learn about the distinctive features of each type. Knowing the pros and cons, you can quickly determine the optimal product.

Features of disposable devices

Disposable seats are mainly used in public buildings. Their main advantage is safety.

They help prevent infection with unpleasant diseases that can be easily picked up in a public toilet.

Disposable toilet seats
You can purchase disposable products for the toilet in any specialized store. Their choice will not cause absolutely no problems. After all, they are always made in the same size.

The only drawback is the lack of fasteners on disposable products. This makes their use less convenient. In addition, they differ in the minimum possible life.

As for the material, paper or a special polymer is mainly used for the manufacture of linings. Such toilet seats will not cause installation problems. After all, to prepare it for use, it will take only a few seconds.

Hard plastic seats

If you want to buy the most simple product that will last for years, the plastic design will be the best choice. Its strength and durability completely depend on the thickness of the material.

If you spend money once and buy a model made of high quality plastic, you can forget about it for a good 3-5 years.

Speaking about the appearance, one cannot distinguish any unique features or forms. In most cases, hard plastic toilet chairs have a classic shape. The absence of unnecessary and often interfering parts significantly increases usability.

Plastic toilet seat
A stool, made of hard plastic, is an inexpensive but practical solution. Yes, he will not ennoble the toilet, but its service life is much longer than that of its more expensive counterparts. Especially if owners are careful in handling

The disadvantage of plastic structures is their fastening. Often these elements are made of the same material as all other parts of the product. As a result, strength is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase seats with metal fasteners.

Should I buy a soft chair?

Such a design combines all kinds of disadvantages and boasts only two real advantages - affordable price and ease of use.

A soft toilet seat is made of cheap polyethylene. The material quickly enough tears and wears out. Therefore, we are not talking about a long service life.

If you are very lucky, then such a model will last 1 year. But as a rule, such products need to be replaced after the first three to five months of operation.

Padded toilet seat
A soft seat will be the best choice when you need a versatile, comfortable, but the cheapest product. But if you need to buy a durable and comfortable toilet seat, then it is better to make a choice in favor of another type

Fixture with integrated bidet

In the twenty-first century, many things have appeared that make the life of a modern person more comfortable. The list of such devices can include toilet seat with bidet function. This is realized through an integrated fountain that helps maintain intimate hygiene.

Many models are equipped with a water heating function. Yes, this will allow you to enjoy going to the toilet, but keep in mind that such additions will significantly increase the cost of construction.

Bidet toilet lid
Using a toilet seat with a bidet can significantly save money and space in the bathroom. This solution is especially relevant for small apartments. This is explained by the fact that there is no need to install a stationary bidet

Microlift Stool

Such an unusual design will be useful for those people who often forget to lower the lid. Thanks to the lift, this is done automatically. Contrary to convenience, such a model is quite expensive. But at the same time, it serves for a rather long time (on average 3-5 years).

Most often, the user cannot manually control the process of lowering the lid. For many, this may seem like a serious flaw.Therefore, manufacturers paid attention to this. Many modern models provide the ability to disable the microlift function.

Microlift toilet lid
Do not try to force the structure. If you overdo it, you can break the microlift. At the same time, it is quite difficult to fix it and most often you have to buy a new toilet seat

As for additional functions, this design is often supplemented by a heating system. Therefore, using this toilet seat is a pleasure.

The list of benefits of models of this type should include quality. In the manufacturing process, high-strength and reliable plastic is used. To break it, you have to apply just remarkable force. In the event of a breakdown cover repair yourself.

Comfortable heated seat

In most cases, expensive covers are provided with this functionality to provide the person with maximum comfort.

Sometimes the heating system can be integrated in the production of conventional structures made of hard plastic. This has a beneficial effect on usability and performance. But due to modernization, their cost increases several times.

Advantages and disadvantages of electronic covers

An automatic toilet seat appeared only a few years ago. But from the moment of his invention, he began to be in great demand.

Such an intelligent design can recognize when a person approaches it, which leads to the opening of the lid. When a person leaves the bathroom, the toilet closes automatically.

Electronic toilet lid
Electronic seating is a great addition to the smart home system. Also, such a product will be appreciated by lovers of modern technology and unearthly comfort

Such products are often complemented by the following elements:

  • seat heating system;
  • bidet;
  • built-in hair dryer;
  • air deodorization function, etc.

When deciding whether to buy electronic toilet lid or choose something simpler, you need to consider its cost.

After all, the price most often happens to be two, or even three times higher than that of structures equipped with a micro-lift.

Accessories for small users

If there are small children in the family, then the question arises before the parents related to the choice of a toilet seat. After all, you need to buy a universal product that will be comfortable for use by both adults and children.

In this case, it is better to stay on a dual model. This design is equipped with two seats of various sizes. They overlap each other, which makes the product comfortable for the child.

Moreover, the design can be made of several different materials. For example, for the production of an adult, MDF is used, while a baby is made of plastic.

Also on the market you can find bright products with a small size. But they should not be installed in a house or apartment. They will be the best choice only for kindergartens or similar institutions.

Children's toilet cover
Using a special lining for the toilet, you can make the child use the toilet. But do not confuse them with special products designed for the disabled. Since these are two completely different designs

Key selection criteria

The wide variety of toilet seats offered on the market creates problems for the unprepared buyer. After all, how can one make a choice if each manufacturer speaks only about the advantages of his product, and its product line numbers hundreds of models?

In order not to make a mistake, you need to pay attention to the material, size, design and level of rigidity. Each of these parameters affects durability and convenience. In addition, if you choose the right seat, you can refine the interior of the bathroom, make it more classic or, conversely, modern, in the Art Nouveau style.

Which material is stronger?

In the production process of such structures, many materials are used.But the vast majority of manufacturers prefer plastic, duroplast, wood, plywood sheets or even fabric.

Plastic. Polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride are materials that harmoniously combine durability and low cost. Moreover, they are convenient and easy to wash.

But plastic products are easily scratched and cracked. In addition, their appearance is usually gray and unsightly, which is suitable only for buyers who want to save money, but not for aesthetes who want to turn the bathroom into a real work of art.

Duroplast ranks second among the most popular materials for the production of toilet seats. In many of its characteristics, it is similar to ceramics.

Duroplast toilet seat
Duroplast does not absorb odors and moisture. However, such a product is not affected by weak acids or ultraviolet radiation

In the manufacture of duroplast products, a special component is added to their composition, which prevents the growth and reproduction of bacteria. As a result, this makes using the toilet more hygienic and safer.

Plywood considered the worst material that can be used to make toilet seats. Despite its low cost, it has, corresponding to the price, cheap appearance. Touching such a product is not particularly pleasant, which has led to low popularity.

Wood. These covers are luxurious and attractive. Yes, these models are quite rare, but because of this they are valued even more.

By their quality characteristics, they are in no way inferior to their counterparts made of plastic.

Wooden toilet seat
Wooden toilet seats are an interior item that will make the design of the toilet aesthetic and very unusual. A toilet bowl with such a decor is distinguished by natural attractiveness and excellent performance.

The only drawback of a wooden or chipboard structure is its heavy weight. If you buy a model that is not equipped with a micro-lift, then if you fall, such a lid can damage the toilet.

The cloth. Textiles mainly acts as a decorative material. It is soft, pleasant to the touch and has an attractive appearance. Therefore, such a decor will harmoniously fit into any interior design. But the fabric is extremely short-lived and its service life rarely reaches 1 year.

How to choose the right size

Contrary to the fact that there are certain toilet manufacturing standards, many manufacturers do not adhere to these standards. Therefore, often ceramic products have completely unique dimensions, the selection of seats for which turns into a real test.

In order to correctly determine the size, the best solution is to circle the outline of the toilet on the cardboard. Do not forget about the places of fasteners - they also need to be noted on the layout. When choosing a toilet seat, you should stick to the template and give preference to models whose circumference does not exceed the size of the toilet bowl by more than 1 cm.

Choosing the size of the toilet lid
If you choose the wrong size of the toilet seat, then this will lead to its rapid wear. In this case, the use of the toilet will become much less comfortable

Appearance and coloring

If the bathroom or toilet is made in any particular style, then special attention should be paid to the design of the toilet seat. After all, a model correctly selected by color and appearance will allow achieving interior completeness.

For families with small children, a cover with drawings is an excellent choice. It can be cars, ducks or something like that, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the product should be bright and memorable.

For the average toilet, the repair of which does not differ in particular chic, the monophonic design will be the ideal choice. Also looks good model with a pattern of "under the tree."

Black toilet lid
Among all possible colors, white is considered the most universal. Also a black toilet lid fits perfectly into any bathroom and toilet

Pay particular attention to checking the outside of the product. Its structure should be smooth and even. At the same time, it should not contain cracks, chips, plastic flows or splintering.

Is stiffness important?

First of all, this characteristic affects the durability, practicality and strength of the structure. Semi-rigid models are in demand today. Their main feature is ease of use. But they serve for a relatively short time, as they bend and, as a result, crack.

Semi-rigid seats consist of two layers. The first is a solid foundation that ensures the strength of the entire structure, and the second is a rubberized gasket that makes contact with the product as pleasant as possible.

Manufacturers at a Glance

Today, not only domestic, but also foreign manufacturers offer their products. At the same time, products can be found on the market both from world-famous companies and from Chinese suppliers.

The list of reliable Russian companies that produce toilet and bathroom accessories can include:

  • Keramin;
  • Santek;
  • Sanita Luxe.

The latest brand includes the largest assortment. Company Sanita luxe offers products made in the classical form, at a price of 25 to 90 dollars. The catalog also includes models equipped with a micro-lift.

Toilet Seats Sanita Luxe
The most popular is the Sanita Luxe Classic seat cover. It is made in white and made of thermoplastic. Its counterpart, a model with a microlift, costs only $ 3 more.

If you need to order a truly high-quality and multifunctional model, then products from foreign brands will be the best solution.

Companies such as:

  • Roca;
  • Vitra
  • Jika;
  • Laufen;
  • Cersanit;
  • Geberit
  • IDO;
  • Jacob Delafon.

A distinctive feature of the Spanish company Roca is decent quality and relatively low cost. The manufacturer's range is diverse and includes models costing from 50 to 900 dollars.

The most expensive seats of this brand are devices equipped with electronic control and made of high-quality thermo-curtain.

If when choosing a cover for the toilet preference is given to safe and inexpensive models, then brand products will be an ideal solution Jika.

The assortment of this company is full of models costing up to $ 100. Therefore, any average buyer will be able to choose the best option for themselves.

Fans of luxury appliances and furniture should pay attention to the company chairs Laufen. This company sets itself the task of producing luxury accessories and plumbing.

Products will surprise the buyer with their technicality and simply perfect appearance. Moreover, the catalog contains just a huge amount wall hung toilets and lids for them.

Geberit toilet seats
For wealthy people who love high-tech furniture, the Geberit cover is the best choice. Most products of this brand are equipped with heating, a bidet, all kinds of sensors and even remote control. But at the same time they cost about 2500 dollars

How to install a toilet seat?

Absolutely any person will cope with the replacement of the old seat with a new one and at the same time there will be no need to call the plumbing. After all, all modern toilets have an elementary design, which simplifies the installation of the cover as much as possible, without the need for any tools.

To install a new toilet seat, you must:

  1. Remove old seat. To do this, unscrew the nuts that are strung on long bolts. If this was not possible, then you can use a wrench or pliers.
  2. Clear hold. It will be useful to completely wash the toilet and check the reliability of the fastening of the drain mechanism, as well as the tank. This will avoid the appearance of smudges.
  3. Unpack the new kit. and insert the bolts into the holes in the cover.Often, special grooves are used for fastening bolts. They allow you to adjust the location of the structure.
  4. Insert bolts into toilet holes and tighten the nuts. Handle fasteners carefully, especially if they are made of plastic. After all, if you strongly press on them, then they can burst.

In the case of purchasing a product equipped with a micro-lift, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the instruction manual that comes with the kit before starting the installation. This approach will avoid errors.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Rules for buying a toilet seat:

The subtleties of choosing a lid for a toilet by size:

A stool is the element that makes using the toilet as comfortable as possible. Therefore, his choice should be given a little attention. Indeed, this approach will allow you to purchase a convenient, reliable and aesthetic product that harmoniously complements the interior of the toilet and bathroom.

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Visitors Comments
  1. I never thought that choosing a toilet seat can be so important. I myself buy ordinary plastic seats. They serve for a very long time, not 3-5 years, as it is written, but up to 10, and break only in one way - if they slam too hard or drop something heavy, then the plastic may crack.
    I use disposable seats when traveling, to use public toilets. A soft bought only when the child was small.

  2. I used to think that all toilet seats are universal. But when we made repairs in the toilet and started choosing a new toilet, I realized that there are many varieties of toilet seats. We chose medium in price and good in quality, the plastic in it is strong, not fragile. By the way, when my mother went to the hospital, she needed one-time lining for the toilet and she was faced with the fact that they are hard to buy, they rarely go on sale.


