How to choose a steel bath: what to look at when choosing + manufacturers overview

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Elena Nikolaeva
Last update: March 2024

The modern plumbing market offers three main types of bathtubs: acrylic, cast-iron and steel. Steel bathtubs occupy an intermediate place with classic cast-iron products and bold design decisions of acrylic plumbing.

How to choose a steel bath and the products of which manufacturers should be trusted, we will consider in the article.

What is steel plumbing made of?

Quality steel bathtubs are in great demand. They are chosen by those who do not want to install heavy-weight cast-iron plumbing at home, but at the same time experience distrust of the now popular acrylic.

In the manufacture of bathtubs, manufacturers use two types of steel:

  1. Stainless. Stainless steel bathtubs are not very popular due to the high cost of a special alloy. Food grade steel is absolutely safe for human health and resistant to corrosion.
  2. Structural. Models made of ordinary steel are popular and affordable. The presence of an enamel coating on the case makes the product easier to maintain and care.

Bowls made of stainless steel, over time, can lose their presentable appearance. So that dried drops and stains are not visible on the metal surface, after each washing of the bowl they have to be rubbed to a shine.

Modern design with steel fixtures
Steel baths can be safely installed in houses of old construction, where often the loads on the floors are limited

Models covered with enamel, it does not threaten. But they are vulnerable to corrosion.

The quality of products depends on the thickness of the steel sheet used for their production.Thanks to the use of modern technology based on the stamping method using special forms, the sheet thickness does not change due to the presence of bends.

Spoiled enamel coating
Over time, the enamel that covers the steel bowl is able to thin out and become covered with a scattering of the finest cracks, which leads to rust

Advantages and disadvantages of products

The secret of the popularity of steel plumbing lies in a number of indisputable advantages that it possesses:

  • Affordable price. The cost of steel products is relatively low, so that even economical owners can afford their purchase and installation.
  • Light weight construction. Due to its light weight, which in most cases does not exceed 50 kg, transportation and installation of the bath does not take much time and effort.
  • Strength and durability. These qualities are associated with the characteristics of the steel itself. Strong and lightweight material has significantly lower porosity than the same cast iron. With careful use, metal plumbing can last more than 30 years.

Steel baths are not afraid of high temperatures, as well as their differences. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal, the bowl quickly heats up and cools down just as quickly. So you can only soak in a bathtub filled with warm water, not for long. Water in steel baths cools much faster than in cast iron and especially acrylic ones.

Durable enamel surface
Due to the low porosity of steel, the enamel coating of the bowls is less durable than that applied to the cast-iron tank, which is recognized as a significant drawback of steel plumbing

An important point: one of the prerequisites for installing a jacuzzi with a steel bowl is the presence of grounding.

Steel baths are not without drawbacks. Bowls with thin walls under the pressure of water and the severity of the person inside them can become deformed over time. As a result, cracks and chips are formed on the enamel. They require restoration or replacement of the product completely.

The enamel of bowls made of steel has a smooth surface. She is very vulnerable to abrasive detergents and aggressive compounds.

Subtleties of coating care
When caring for such a coating, you should avoid the use of alcohol-based products, formaldehydes and acids, including citric, sulfamic and formic

Some users who have already installed steel bathtubs, note that as the cups fill with water, the bowls make too much noise. This is due to the fact that a metal surface acts as an excellent resonator when a directed water jet hits it.

But this defect is easily eliminated by applying rubber gaskets. Successfully helps to solve the problem and applying a layer of mounting foam to the walls of the bowl body and closing the structure with a decorative panel.

Variety of plumbing assortment

The ductile properties of steel allow manufacturers to create bathtubs in a wide variety of shapes.

Bowl Shape Options

Due to the wide variety of forms of steel plumbing, you can always choose a compromise option that will fit perfectly in tight spaces. The shape of the body of the bath can be any.

In addition to rectangular bathtubs of standard sizes, the so-called seated models with dimensions from 120/75/80 cm.

Steel plumbing: two in one
By purchasing steel plumbing, you get strength comparable to cast iron products and the modern design inherent in acrylic bathtubs

For more demanding consumers, manufacturers produce:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • corner models.

When choosing the shape of the body, you should focus on the style of the interior of the bathroom. A bathtub with a rectangular body having rounded ribs is chosen for small bathrooms. They fit perfectly into the interior, designed in the style of minimalism.

Bathtubs with an exclusive round bowl shape are chosen for arranging rooms with a sufficient area. They are often equipped with hydromassage nozzles. Therefore, they are more perceived as an element of luxury than a plumbing accessory. Depending on the size of the bowl, they are single, double or even multi-seat.

Round shaped bathtub
In the presence of arched openings, domed or spherical elements and the interior, you can safely choose a bath with a round bowl

Oval-shaped bowls fit well into the classic style, which is characterized by laconic design, soft forms and the absence of angles. For spacious bathrooms, models of large dimensions are often chosen that can accommodate two people at once. Read more about how to choose a bath for two. Further.

Corner models are a win-win option for small bathrooms. When buying corner models, it is worth considering that they are: left and right, symmetric and asymmetric.

Asymmetric corner model
The market offers both angular bathtubs of flowing classical shapes and asymmetric models that stand out for their uniqueness

When choosing such models, it should be borne in mind that the lag in the step is about 200 mm. So, in a bowl with a length of 1.7 meters, the length of the lying place leaves only 1.5 meters.

White and color plumbing

Properly selected shape of the bowl in combination with the color of enamel dictates the overall style of the bathroom.

For coating steel baths can be used enamel any shades. To obtain the desired shades, manufacturers add dyes to the enamel composition, which do not fade in sunlight and do not lose color saturation under temperature influences.

The main advantage of color plumbing is its non-standard.

If we consider the psychological side of the issue, then the water element prevailing in the bathroom has an invigorating effect on a person, fueling him with the energy so necessary for a full life.

The union of the elements
When water comes into contact with a color palette, then on a subconscious level it has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person

Each color affects in different ways:

  • Green - the color of the natural world. It helps to get rid of anxiety and excitement, providing a calming effect and promoting relaxation during the adoption of water procedures.
  • Yellow - the color of the sun. This color also calms and relaxes, but at the same time gives energy and optimism. The only thing is that it has a bad effect on restraint, and therefore it should not be used for insomnia.
  • Red - the color of the mother’s womb. Helps to get a sense of security. It stimulates the cardiovascular system and improves metabolism.After bathing in the red bath you feel a surge of strength and increased tone.
  • Blue - the color of the water element. He gives calm and serenity, filling with determination and confidence. The blue shade derived from it helps to cope with high pressure and get rid of fatigue.

A bright bath is able to compensate for the lack of expressive shades in the familiar interior, giving it some zest.

Pink bathtub for vibrant natures
Pink bathtubs choose active natures who are not afraid of radical changes; color itself gives strength and self-confidence

If you have doubts about the choice of color, stop at the classic white version. White plumbing is universal. It is harmoniously able to fit into any interior. It doesn’t matter what style the bathroom is equipped with and what color is chosen as the background.

Competent selection criteria

Since it is impossible to determine the suitability of steel plumbing with one glance, we recommend that you focus on the criteria below when choosing a bathtub.

Optimum construction dimensions

Before choosing a steel bath, you should determine the dimensions of the structure so that it fits freely into the bathroom. If we talk about the standard number of rectangular bowls, then the width of the products is traditionally 700 mm, and the length varies between 1.4-2 meters with a step of 0.1 meter.

Optimum dimensions of plumbing
Standard rules for choosing plumbing suggest that the body of the bath should occupy no more than 30% of the total space of the bathroom

For bathrooms with an area of ​​4-5 squares, bowls with a rectangular body are most often chosen. If the bathroom space is limited, stop at the option of installing corner models or short baths.

On sale you can find models with a bowl length of two meters. But for people of average build it is not very convenient to use such bathtubs. Many note that they experience discomfort while in a filled cup if they don’t feel its “banks”.

Product wall thickness

The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing is the wall thickness of steel plumbing. High-quality products are available with wall thickness in the range of 2.5-4 mm. For people with average weight, a bowl with a wall thickness in the range of 2.5-3 mm is suitable, if the weight is above average, bathtubs with a thickness of 3.5 mm and above.

A variety of plumbing choices
Choose products with a wall thickness of at least 3.5 millimeters - this is an indicator of the strength of the structure and its ability to retain heat

Measure the thickness of the metal with a caliper in the walls of the store is unlikely to be possible. In this situation, you can do so. Since steel is almost four times lighter than cast iron, its approximate weight can be determined.

To do this, try lifting the model with one hand and slightly moving it. If it took a minimum of effort to complete a task, this is a reason to think about it. After all, a full-sized bowl can weigh 20-25 kg only if the unscrupulous manufacturer has saved on the thickness of the metal.

Vulnerability of thin-walled bowls
If the wall thickness is less than 1.5 mm, and the enamel layer does not exceed 0.6 mm, it is likely that during operation under the weight of a person, the structure simply deforms

Determine the thickness of the walls and the integrity of the design will help test the "sound". With a light tap on the body, the metal surface should make a uniform sound without rattling.

Keep in mind that wall thickness determines the ability of a metal to retain heat. The difference in the thickness of the metal used to make the bowl within one and a half centimeters reduces the temperature of the water during one hour of bathing by 3-5 ° C.

The quality of the front surface

One of the key parameters of steel plumbing is the quality of the working coating.

When examining the enameled surface of the product, pay attention to two parameters:

  • flat stamping;
  • the presence of defects.

The bowl should have smooth bends, devoid of any irregularities. The presence of sagging and sagging, cracks and chips indicates a violation of the manufacturing technology of the product, which may adversely affect its service life.

Yellow bath
Enamel coating can be any color; the main thing is that the paint is evenly applied and has a glossy smooth surface

On the shelves, it is not rare to find models with a self-cleaning function. When choosing such products, special attention should be paid to the quality of enamel. After all, even a small coating defect can lead to "zero" self-cleaning properties.

When visually inspecting the product, also pay attention to the geometry of the structure. She must be perfect. The use of modern technology allows us to achieve this without problems.

Additional structural elements

Modern bathtubs often have integrated underwater massage systems.

Depending on the type of exposure, they are of three types:

  • Hydromassage - a system consisting of a pump, hoses and nozzles, which delivers water jets under pressure.
  • Air massage - differs from hydromassage in that the main element of the effect on the bodies is air bubbles mixed with a water stream.
  • Turbomassage - combination of two systems through exposure to air and water jets.

The compressor power and the number of nozzles depend on the size of the bowl.

Location of hydromassage nozzles
Nozzles are mainly placed along the walls and bottom so as to affect the back, legs and buttocks; if you want more - choose a model with an increased number of nozzles

As additional functions, radio, ionization, water heating, and backlighting can be offered.

The package may also include:

  • drain-overflow systems;
  • head restraints;
  • adjustable legs;
  • noise absorbing stands;
  • recesses for bath accessories.

Handrails for bathtubs are made of metal or polyurethane. They can be made in different colors: white, blue, gold, chrome.

Stainless steel handrails
Handrails made of polished stainless steel will not lose their presentability after ten years of service in a humid environment

Adjustable legs of the structure are often equipped with rubber gaskets, which, absorbing noise and a splash of water, perform the function of an antiresonator.

Overview of leading European manufacturers

The main suppliers of steel bathtubs in the global plumbing market are European manufacturers. The cost of their products depends on the thickness of the stamping sheet, the complexity of the form and design.

German company Kaldewei

The company produces plumbing in accordance with the latest innovative methods. A distinctive feature of the products of this manufacturer is the combination of steel with enamel lining, which in the process of firing in furnaces acquires a strong chemical bond.

Kaldewei Products
The impeccable quality of the brand is confirmed by a thirty-year warranty that the manufacturer provides customers with the entire line of products

German baths are almost impossible to scratch. They do not lose the brightness of light under the sun, and do not deteriorate when accidentally hit a cigarette or burning a candle flame.

Most Kaldewei models are anti-mud. Perl-Effektdue to which moisture itself rolls off the enamel, taking with it a limescale and mud accumulations. For the safe use of plumbing, anti-slip enamel lining is provided. "Antislip".

Italian company Guzzini

The company, founded about half a century ago, today produces a huge amount of ergonomic and functional plumbing.

Guzzini Model
The manufacturer's assortment includes standard products and comfort class models, thanks to which you can get maximum relaxation while enjoying the water element

Safety, comfort and beauty are the main characteristics of the products of the Italian brand.

During the activity, the company does not cease to improve technologies in order to introduce innovations into mass production. The special pride of its developers is the creation of systems "Hydrosilence" and "Hydrosonic"as well as hydromassage nozzles Hydrolinewhich after installation do not protrude above the surface of the bowl.

Even the simplest models from this manufacturer include more than thirty color options.

Spanish holding Roca

The company, founded in 1917 by the Rock brothers, managed to expand so much over a hundred years that today it has representative offices in 135 countries.

The range of steel baths presented to her on the market is quite wide: starting from "Contesa"having the usual standard dimensions, and completing the "Princess", equipped with wavy protrusions at the bottom and having a concave shape of the walls. The most popular models "Akira", Haiti, "Malibu", Continental.

Roca Production Model
The manufacturer produces each model in several sizes, so you get the opportunity to dabble comfortably in a filled container

In the process of manufacturing their products to cover the external and internal surfaces of plumbing, the manufacturer uses pigmented enamel. Durable coating withstands shock and corrosion.

If we consider less well-known brands, then in the plumbing market they are also well established: the Slovak company "Estap", producing up to 80 models of steel baths, a Portuguese company "BLB"French manufacturer "Jacob Delafon".

Popular domestic manufacturers

Among domestic manufacturers, such brands have proven themselves well:

  • VIZ OJSC (Verkh-Isetsk Metallurgical Plant) - manufactures products under the trademarks Donna Vanna and Antika;
  • Novokuznetsk plant "Universal" - since 2005 it has been working on new German equipment, it produces only adjustable models;
  • Kirovsky Zavod - has an updated German production line. The know-how of the developers is the creation of enamel with the addition of silver ions.

The products of these plants on the strength of products and a variety of plumbing assortment can argue with a line of products from leading European manufacturers.

Affordable steel plumbing
Thick walls, a strong top coating, an increased foot mounting area - all this makes domestic plumbing as convenient and reliable as possible

Due to the affordable pricing policy of domestic companies, even the most luxurious bathtub will not be ruinous for the buyer’s wallet. Steel bathtubs with full accessories from these manufacturers cost around 4-15 thousand rubles.

The choice of model depends on your preferences, the main thing is to trust only large and well-known manufacturing companies. Leading companies value their reputation, and therefore the risk of acquiring a defective or defective product is minimal.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for choosing a model of a steel bathing bowl:

Video selection of steel bathtubs in the interior of the bathrooms:

A simple way to soundproof steel plumbing:

In general, steel baths are no worse cast iron analogues and are quite capable of competing with acrylic models.Adhering to the above recommendations, you can easily choose plumbing that will last more than a dozen years.

If you have questions when reading the information or you can give valuable advice to our readers on choosing steel bathtubs, please leave your comments in the block below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Victor Genrikhovich

    Still, a steel bath is not the best choice. But steel is better than acrylic, although worse than cast iron. All steel bathtubs ring like drums, even an enamel layer does not save, enamel generally easily breaks off, as something is necessarily dropped into the bathtub. And then this place begins to rust with enamel chips. Through, of course, rust soon, but a rusty divorce is guaranteed.

    • Novel

      Compared to acrylic, a steel bath only wins in strength and durability. If we take a combination of factors, then, in my opinion, steel is inferior to acrylic and cast iron.

  2. Honestly, they bought a steel bath from lack of money, and would prefer an acrylic one. There are no special problems with it, except that in the beginning it was wildly noisy, when water poured, it rattled like a drum. Her husband processed the foam on the sides, this is not visible behind the panels. You have to wash it very carefully, ordinary products from stores are not suitable, it’s also a hassle. But it looks nice, if you don’t know, and you won’t think that it’s not acrylic.


