How to choose a good acrylic bath: which is better and why, manufacturers rating
The functionality of acrylic bathtubs is growing every year. Improving technology, manufacturers are releasing new bath configurations that successfully combine high performance with an affordable price. But among the variety of assortment it is sometimes not easy to make a choice.
Let's look at what types of models are presented on the modern market, and discuss how to choose a good acrylic bathtub of decent quality. Why do we cite in our article the main criteria that are important when choosing a suitable acrylic bathtub.
The content of the article:
Features of the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs
Acrylic bathtubs are composite products having a monolithic or layered structure. The material for their manufacture is polymer - cast or extruded sanitary acrylic.
The first is made by pouring a polymer melt into the space between two panels that are inert to acrylic, the second is obtained by forcing it through a slit nozzle of the extruder.
Injection options are stronger than extruded ones, but it is extremely difficult to recognize them, and the criteria for differences are often unknown even to plumbing sellers. Learn about the production specifics of the release of a bath is possible only from the technical documentation.
The presence of antibacterial additives gives the material the ability to protect human skin from germs.
Acrylic bowls from sheet blanks are created by vacuum molding, as a result of which they are given the shape laid down by the project. To strengthen the walls and bottom of the product, they are coated on the back with a reinforcing layer of extrusion acrylic or reinforcing material.

In its quality use:
- polyurethane - durable non-toxic polymer, poorly conductive heat;
- fiberglasswhose long threads enhance spatial rigidity in all directions;
- polyester resin - less durable base having an unpleasant chemical odor, which intensifies at high temperatures.
Despite the fact that fiberglass emits harmful substances during reinforcement, many manufacturers still use it. Toxic volatile components still erode before the products fall into the hands of the consumer.
The places of forming technological holes are treated with a similar polymer composition to strengthen the edges under the nozzles and other equipment elements.

Excess plastic is removed from the frozen workpiece and the necessary holes are drilled for the installation of technical equipment. The finished structure is installed on the power frame and carefully polished.
Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic plumbing
The main thing that distinguishes acrylic bowls against the background of plumbing made of the same steel or cast iron are unique forms that are unusual for other bathtubs.
Using the properties of the polymer to respond to high temperatures and maintain flexibility during cooling, manufacturers create different configurations of bowls.

Among the indisputable advantages of acrylic baths, it is worth highlighting:
- High strength. Modern technologies make it possible to create acrylic bathtubs, which are almost as strong as steel and cast iron plumbing in terms of strength.
- Low thermal conductivity. Polymer material retains heat well. The temperature of the water drawn into the bath remains almost unchanged for half an hour.
- Lightweight design. Bowls made of lightweight material weigh no more than 20-30 kg, so they do not cause difficulties in transportation and installation.
- Maintainability. Chips, cracks and scratches on the acrylic surface can easily be repaired with a polish.
The minimum porosity of acrylic has a positive effect on the operational parameters of the product and simplifies caring for him.

Acrylic plumbing is not without flaws. It reacts sensitively to powdered products and alcohol-containing preparations. Therefore, it is possible to clean the acrylic surface only with the use of products that do not contain abrasive particles and aggressive chemicals.
Poor quality products with thin walls under the influence of a person’s weight can bend. And if a heavy object falls on them from the height of a heavy object, a crack or even a hole is likely to form.

In addition, the melting point of acrylic is only 160 ° C. Therefore, under the influence of hot temperature, the thin walls of a low-quality acrylic bathtub can be deformed.
To prevent the occurrence of the situation, first pour a little cool water into the bowl, and only after that open the tap with a hot stream.
In more detail, the pros and cons of an acrylic bath we examined in this article.
Plumbing Product Features
To determine which acrylic bathtub is better, consider: high-quality plumbing fixtures are made of pure acrylic, and cheaper analogs are made of a two-component sheet.
One, two, and three layer bowls
The difference in hardness and performance. Products made from injection sheet of polymethylmethacrylate, a material with the chemical nomenclature PMMA, can last more than 25 years.
Their bowls are repairable, scratches can be polished banally. The extrusion version will last 5-7 years less. You can only restore their damaged surface. liquid acrylic.
Cheaper analogues with a more porous structure made of acrylonetrile butadiene styrene (ABS) will be used only within 6-8 years. This is provided that plumbing does not fall into the zone of direct exposure to UV rays. They are not subject to repair.

In the assortment of acrylic products there are bathtubs made by the method of coextrusion, i.e. co-extrusion through an extruder nozzle. The inner layer of this sandwich variant is made of a thin layer of PMMA.
The outer layer, which is 10 times thicker than the inner counterpart, made of ABS, plays the role of a supporting reinforcing structure.
The presence of three layers in multilayer products indicates a low quality product, since none of the bearing layers in fact can adequately cope with the responsibilities.
When choosing three-layer products, be prepared for the fact that soon they will become covered with cracks and will lose color. But in such a situation, you can use this method of restoring the bath, such as installation of acrylic liner.
A variety of shapes and colors
Acrylic bathtubs are made of polymer, which is able to take a different shape.
On sale they can meet models of such forms:
- round and oval;
- rectangular;
- angular execution;
- asymmetric with meandering contours.
Rectangular bowls are chosen for standard small-sized bathrooms. Such models have a lightweight frame and only one side panel.
Thanks to a wide range of sizes, you can choose plumbing that can be easily integrated into a room of any size, while making the joint adjoining the wall as inconspicuous as possible.
Corner bathtubs are great for medium-sized rooms. They are produced in two variations: left-handed and right-handed.

Oval and round bowls require a lot of space, because they are not installed against the wall in the center of the room. But such models are able to create a truly luxurious atmosphere of a spacious bathroom.
Shades of color can also be completely different. To do this, manufacturers add colors of any rainbow color to a transparent material.

The choice of color palette is determined by the taste preferences of the buyer.
If we consider the psychology of color, then each of them can have a certain effect:
- Red bowls give the owner a sense of security. According to psychology, this color is subconsciously associated in many with the womb.
- Green colors associated with nature. They are ideal for those who suffer from insomnia.
- Yellow bath level negative emotions and cheer up.
- Blue colorassociated with the water element, helps to remove the negative, moving away from the conflicts that occurred during the day.
Bathtubs black color, although they combine style and respectability, they are not suitable for all psychotypes of people.

When choosing a bathtub of a certain color, consider that some colors absorb the form, for example: white or yellow. Others, on the contrary, are absorbed into it, for example: black and blue.
Model Expert Advice
Like any product, acrylic plumbing must be chosen correctly, paying attention to details that seem insignificant at first glance. Adhering to the proposed list of criteria, you can simplify your task of choosing plumbing.
Criterion # 1 - design dimensions
When deciding how to choose a bathtub with an acrylic bowl, first of all, decide what dimensions the design should have in order to fit easily into the space of the bathroom.

Note that the maximum length of the product is not equal to the length of the inner bowl. So, acquiring a bath 1.6 meters long, it should be understood that the length of its bowl will not exceed one and a half meters.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the details standard bath sizesso that when buying, do not make a mistake with the dimensions.
Criterion # 2 - wall thickness and number of layers
When inspecting a model in a store, check the thickness of the material. Keep in mind that in the side cut, the acrylic thickness is maximum, and on the walls it is much less.
To identify thin spots on the walls of the bowl, illuminate the product with a flashlight. Ideally, the walls should not transmit light. The presence of a translucent layer indicates a fake polymer.
The thickness of the walls is easy to check by ear. You just need to knock on the wall: in a quality bathtub, the sound will be deaf.

Pay attention to the cut of the curved edge of the side. It should not be single or triple. Ideally, a slice should show only two layers: the first is acrylic, the second is reinforcement.
The main thing when choosing - do not forget that there is a direct dependence of the cost of a plumbing fixture on the thickness of its walls. Expensive quality models have wall thicknesses in the range of 6-8 mm. The wall thickness of low-grade products and budget models does not exceed 2-5 mm.
Quite recently, an interesting variety of polymer plumbing appeared - a quartz bath. Its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, we examined in detail in our other article.
Criterion # 3 - surface appearance
The presence of barbs and roughnesses on the surface can only be determined empirically. Run your hand along the bottom and walls of the appliance. If any are found, the quality of the plumbing is poor.
For quality products, the surface should be perfectly smooth and have a characteristic sheen.

To feel the reliability of the structure, press in several places on the surface of the bath.
Criterion # 4 - the quality of the frame structure
The frame is a metal frame under the bottom, the main purpose of which is to withstand the weight of a person and the pressure of water. It can be made in the form of a welded or collapsible structure.

In high-quality rectangular models, the frame is often not provided and is installed only for bowls that have a non-standard shape. The metal structure gives rigidity to the walls of the bowl and makes it possible to fix the equipment for connecting systems.
The presence of a frame in an inexpensive model of an acrylic bath may indicate a low quality product. Without an extensive frame mounted around the perimeter of the structure, a filled bath can simply deform.
We recommend that you read the manual on making a bath frame do it yourself.
Criterion # 5 - additional instrument options
Plumbing fixtures made of acrylic are often equipped with additional options. They make the process of making water procedures more enjoyable.

The most common features:
- Hydromassage. The effect that occurs when air is mixed with water jets supplied through nozzles.It is used as a relaxing and healing procedure. We recommend that you look at the material on the choice of a spa bath.
- Air massage. The effect in which directed air streams mixed with water jets form air bubbles on the surface. This type of procedure is very popular among children.
- Chromotherapy. A function in which water jets are painted in a specific shade by directional light. Together with hydromassage it enhances the beneficial effect on the body.
Nozzles can be located in the bottom of the bowl, supplying air up and creating a smoothing effect, or they can be built in on the sides. The direction of the jet is easily changed by turning the nozzles.

If desired, the bath can be equipped with a radio and game consoles. To control systems using a hydraulic switch or remote control.
But such options can often be found in spacious bathrooms with round and angular bowl shapes. In standard rectangular models, they are less often installed for the reason that in a cramped space it is extremely inconvenient to install and maintain additional equipment in the future.
Almost all modern models are equipped with stands and headrests that increase the level of comfort while swimming.
Rating of leading manufacturers
Not all acrylic bathtubs get high consumer ratings. And most often these are low-quality products of Chinese manufacturers. Unfair manufacturers disguise poor product quality as all kinds of “bells and whistles”.

It is believed that the best acrylic bathtubs are available in Europe. This is confirmed by numerous user reviews, successfully using plumbing.
Among the manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market of sanitary equipment, the four leaders are:
- Vagnerplast - The Czech manufacturer acts as a guide for others in the implementation of high-quality sanitary ware, using only European cast acrylic in its production. Warranty on manufactured products gives a period of 10 years.
- Pool spa - A Polish company produces products that comply with the Dutch KIVA standard, the German DIN standard and have an ISO 9002 safety certificate. The product range includes both simple models of the Primo or Agualino series and exquisite options from the Relax series or "Laguna".
- Jacob delafon - A French manufacturer producing certified products, the warranty period of which is 7 years. The key to its success is a comprehensive approach, as evidenced by leading sales in foreign markets.
- Riho - The Dutch company uses sophisticated technological equipment in the production, which allows to differentiate the heating of the acrylic sheet to obtain the same bowl wall thickness. The company specializes in producing compact and convenient asymmetric bowl shapes.
The average price of plumbing fixtures of these manufacturers is from 8-15 thousand rubles. If the bath kit will include additional equipment, the cost, respectively, increases to 20 thousand and above.

In recent years, there has been growth dynamics in the production and sale of high-quality Russian-made products. The price of domestic products is one level lower, and the quality is practically not inferior to European.
A good example of this is the Russian companies Radomir, Aquatec and Bas. All of them produce a wide range of sanitary ware both affordable and more elite price category.
Adhering to the conditions listed above, be sure that the acrylic bathtub that you liked and studied will prove to be the best. You do not have to return to the selection of a new model in the next twenty years.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
What to look for when choosing a model:
How to protect yourself from low-quality plumbing:
When buying plumbing, do not chase the cheapness. By choosing products from trusted manufacturers, you will protect yourself from disappointment in the low quality of goods.
Do you use an acrylic bathtub? Tell us what brand products you purchased. Are you satisfied with the price-quality ratio and how difficult is it for you to care for the acrylic surface of plumbing?
Or are you still considering whether to buy an acrylic bathtub? Do you still have unresolved questions after reading the material? Ask our expert for advice - we will try to help you.
The variety of acrylic bathtubs is literally amazing. Their shape, size and appearance. I know firsthand what acrylic bathtubs are, since I myself have one. At the same time, I know both the pros and cons of this plumbing.
I like to lie down in the bath, turn on the hydromassage mode, aromatherapy - all this really restores and relaxes after a busy day. And this is a significant plus towards equipment with additional features.
The downside for me was that the bath is very easy to scratch. In this regard, she is extremely sensitive. It must be handled with extreme care during cleaning.
A couple of years ago they made repairs and replaced the bath. Replaced just with acrylic: neither my husband nor I could resist, was struck by the variety of shapes. According to a long-standing dream, they took one to fit comfortably in it together. And honestly, it would be better if they left the old cast-iron! Horror is deformed, I’m not talking about cleaning - I’m used to scrubbing the bathtub in whiteness, and now I kicked it to scratches. It looks worse now than the old cast iron. The beautiful form, of course, initially looks wonderful, but if you do not handle it gently, then your beautiful bath will turn into a nightmare. So if you are used to using the bathroom as you please - cast iron is better.