Siphon for a shower cabin with a low pallet: types, selection rules, assembly and installation
Drainage of contaminated water is an important point when using a bathtub, sink, bidet and other devices. Therefore, a siphon for a shower cabin with a low pan plays an important role in the design of sanitary products - in many respects it depends on the drain fittings whether the user will receive the expected level of convenience and comfort.
And this is true for pallets of any technological complexity and cost.
In this material we will talk about how the siphon is arranged for a shower cabin, we will understand their varieties and provide basic rules for choosing a device.
The content of the article:
What is the siphon for?
Every modern drain is a key element of the entire water drainage system. The reliability, efficiency and correct connection of this part of the structure depends on the functioning of a stand-alone pallet, shower stall.
Any siphon is designed to solve the following problems:
- drain contaminated water into a sewer pipe, moreover, without fail;
- exclude the ingestion of fetid odor inside the living room.
To successfully solve the problem specified in the first paragraph, plums are made of various shapes and sizes. Connection angles, drain diameter also differ. All this allows you to find the right solution for any buyer.

To prevent sewage odors from entering the bathroom, two methods are used, including the use of a water seal and a membrane.
Any water lock is a water plug formed by the bends of the siphon so that the drain pipe is always blocked by a certain amount of liquid, even when the shower is not used for a long time.
This is a reliable and decades-proven method that can satisfy all customers.

Membrane - is a soft silicone tube that stretches when draining fluid and takes its original position in the absence of water. This modern method is characterized by efficiency, reliability.
Types of drains for low pallets
Although visually the siphon is a simple plastic product, but in most cases, potential buyers are faced with the problem of its choice. Since there are a large number of sizes, shapes.
With all the variety, products of all certain varieties are produced, including pipe, corrugated, bottle. Separately, it is worth highlighting dry siphons.
In addition, not all of these types are the best solution for low pallets, since their height is a significant and important limitation. This fact further simplifies the selection process for a person who does not know the intricacies of this issue.
The difficulty of fitting a pipe siphon
Modern pipe drains are compact, so choosing the right option is easy even for the lowest pallets.
In addition to this important advantage, the products are distinguished by a rigid, durable construction. A smooth inner surface eliminates the need for frequent cleaning, which is a significant plus.

Any model has a water lock that eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors in the living room. The presence of such an element in the design leads to the fact that the shape of the product is S or U-shaped.
A variety of shapes facilitates the installation of the siphon. But the rigid structure still requires an accurate fit and alignment of the elements during installation, which is a relative disadvantage.
Corrugation - convenient, cheap, short-lived
The so-called corrugated siphons are named for the material of manufacture, which is an elastic plastic hose. The same determined the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of these products.
The corrugation is flexible, so it is easy, convenient and quick to install. The material of manufacture is notable for its low cost; as a result, this type is the most affordable among all other varieties.
But the disadvantages of such siphons are no less impressive - for flexibility, the corrugated hose is made as thin as possible, which negatively affects its durability.
The main problem is due to the fact that the product for the formation of a water seal is given an S or U-shape. After that, significant stress arises in the places of bending, which a thin-walled material cannot withstand for a long time, and therefore fails.
The workmanship does not give any guarantees of reliability - to a greater extent, everything depends on the tension in the places of bending and loads during use.
Corrugated siphons have another important drawback, which is due to the design feature of the hose. So, in its internal folds dirt is constantly and in large quantities deposited, coming together with the discharged water.

As a result, such products quickly become clogged, so they often have to be cleaned. Moreover, it is not worth doing this with the usual metal brushes, since there is a high probability that damage will be caused to the thin-walled hose. After which it will definitely have to be changed.
Despite these negative aspects, the affordable price makes corrugated siphons the most popular type. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that this is just a budget option and should be discarded if possible.
Dry version of the drain device
The so-called dry siphons are a relatively new type of drain equipment. The main feature is to equip a silicone membrane, the principle of which is described above.
This made it possible to abandon water sealthat brought tangible benefits. And most importantly, it allowed to significantly reduce the size of the product. Now it has become possible to install it even under the lowest pallets, which in the eyes of users is an undeniable plus. This innovation simplifies installation and saves space.
It is important that dry siphons are less contaminated than all other species. The reason lies in the presence of fewer bends and parts, which prevents dirt from forming massive plugs.

In addition, this type of siphon is characterized by reliability, durability. This is also true for the silicone membrane itself, which is insensitive to various temperatures, their difference.
This means that she easily tolerates the neighborhood with underfloor heating, which are the main enemies of hydraulic locks, as they simply dry out all the moisture inside the siphons to prevent sewage odors from entering the room. That is, high temperatures and dryness do not affect the performance and durability of such products.
An important advantage of dry siphons is the ability to maintain performance even in significant frosts. Therefore, they are a great option for inconsistently heated baths, houses, since there is no need to carry out conservation by removing water, as is the case with hydraulic locks, and this greatly increases comfort.
But this species also has its own fly in the ointment - this is a considerable cost. Repair will also cost, although breakdowns are far from frequent.
Features of bottle models
This type of siphon got its name for its resemblance to the shape of the bottle, the dimensions are also almost similar. As a result, most owners of low pallets will not be able to install these products, since the space under their showers is limited. And it is additionally needed also for disassembling the siphon before cleaning.
But there are all kinds of situations, therefore, if there is enough space under the pallet, then it is worth remembering that all products related to this type are distinguished by durability, simplicity of design, and are easily cleaned of dirt.

To perform the cleaning procedure, simply unscrew the bottom of the bottle itself and then rinse it. What will take only a few minutes, and the procedure is performed without using any special tool. A little more time will be required to install the removed item.
Such siphons work by the principle of a hydrolock. It is formed by the entrance and exit located on top of the structure and the unscrewing lower part.
All bottle models of discharge are easier to install than tubular, and this is also an advantage, and significant.
But, as mentioned above, this siphon is an excellent option for a shower cabin with a high tray.
We also recommend reading our other material, where we conducted a detailed review of the different types of shower trays. Read more - read Further.

Product Management Nuances
Often during the operation of the pallet there is a need to control the water level, that is, it will need to be made larger or smaller.
This can happen during washing a child, washing, heating up the structure, to provide greater comfort and other things. In such situations, it is necessary to block the drain hole of the siphon in order to stop the drainage of liquid.
Cheap way to adjust
To perform the described procedure, drain valves are equipped with various devices and mechanisms.
There are 3 main control options:
- using cork;
- Automatic
- click-clack option.
Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, which makes using a pallet more comfortable or vice versa. It also has a significant effect on the cost of the siphon.
Such a fixture, like a cork, is familiar to everyone, since it has found a residence permit in the designs of bathrooms and showers from archaic times. To use it to close or open the drain hole. a person has to perform a series of not always convenient manipulations.
The indicated option is the most affordable, as the cost of traffic jams is low. In case of loss or failure of it, the owner of the pallet will also not suffer significant financial losses.

She has only one drawback, but today it is significant - the need to come into contact with water, which is especially unpleasant when it is contaminated.
If the above minus was not impressive, then you can safely buy a siphon equipped with a cork. Moreover, it will help to save money, because it refers to budget fittings. Other options will significantly increase the cost of buying drain equipment.
Automatic control option
This method makes the drain control procedure more comfortable. An automatic siphon is a common product belonging to one of the above types. In addition, it is equipped with a lever connected to the flap, at the command of blocking the drain hole.
For comfort, the control is installed in the area of the mixer. That is, a person does not need to make contact with contaminated water, bend over or perform any other uncomfortable manipulations. Which is the main advantage of any automatic siphon, while its cost becomes much higher.
What is the click-clack button?
This is the most advanced way to control the discharge of contaminated water. Click-clack is a valve mounted on a drain hole and changing position when pressed with a foot.
That is, during the first manipulation, the withdrawal of fluid stops, with repeated surgery, it opens.

The valve is installed so that it is always convenient for them to control, and for people with various physical abilities.
The tangible advantages are the absence of additional installation work, as this mechanical plug is part of the siphon. Unlike the automatic siphon lever, which must be mounted separately.
In addition, the click-clack valve is reliable, attractive design. A clear minus is not the most affordable cost of siphons equipped with this device, which does not contribute to their mass distribution.
At the same time, the potential buyer should pay attention to the peculiarity of the low pan - it is less designed to regulate the water level than deep. Therefore, the advantages provided by the rather expensive automatic siphon and click-clack in this case are partially leveled.
This indicates that the owner of a low pallet should think carefully about whether he needs to overpay for expensive options with reduced efficiency.Or simply limit yourself to using a cheap and familiar cork on a chain so that a valuable device is not lost at certain points.

Rules for choosing a device
Despite the large number of siphons on the market, making the right choice is not so difficult, even for a person far from this topic. You need to know just a few important rules.
When choosing, do the following:
- Check specifications, including bandwidth. Since the siphon should be quite productive, that is, to ensure the discharge of the right amount of contaminated water.
- Learn design features. For example, to clarify whether it is possible to precisely fit the siphon during installation, to fit into the drain hole of the sump.
- Ensure ease of cleaning. This must be done if there is no desire to regularly deal with the removal of dirt or to complete the dismantling of the siphon, or even with the pallet.
- Check the quality of workmanship, assembly, no signs of damage.
Any siphon is attached to a low pallet in the presence of a special hole. They come in diameters of 52 and 62 mm. The required size must be clarified in advance, which can be done using a pallet passport or conventional measurement.
Do not install a 52 mm product in a larger hole. Since even the use of gaskets, sealant, including the popular silicone, will not lead to a positive result.
The reason is that during operation the joint will be subjected to significant stresses, temperature extremes, which the seal is not required to withstand. For this, there are fasteners.
All of the above indicates that the drain pipe and the drain hole should ideally fit each other - only this will ensure the durability of use.
In addition, a drain pipe of a smaller diameter than necessary may not provide the required performance. As a result, it is necessary to constantly control the water pressure, which is inconvenient.
The required siphon flow capacity is provided by 52 and 62 mm drain pipes. But you should know that they can only cope with a water level not exceeding 12 cm. If the depth can be greater, then products equipped with a 90 mm drain pipe should be used.
Low pallets have no overflow, which is able to save from trouble in the form of spilled water on the floor, or even flooding of neighbors, their homes.
Therefore, the siphon must perform its functions uninterruptedly, which can be facilitated by the self-cleaning function, eliminating the clogging of the internal volume of the product with subsequent overflow of water.

Self-cleaning occurs due to special forms, bends of the siphon design, which do not allow dirt to accumulate inside. The disadvantage is that the additional costs of manufacturers affect the cost of the product, but it’s worth the money to spend on such an option.
If there is no opportunity to purchase a self-cleaning siphon, then the drain pipe must be protected with a special mesh. It works as a coarse filter, therefore it helps to trap most large particles of dirt. That allows you to effectively protect the drain valve from clogging.
But anything happens, so in any of the cases it should be possible to easily clean the internal channels of the siphon.So, you should consider how in the process of using the pan access to drain valves will be provided.
To facilitate the procedure, it is better to buy a siphon with a control hole - it is much easier to unscrew one screw than to dismantle the entire product.
Assembly and installation of a siphon
If desired, drain valves of any kind can be installed independently. You need to do this after installation of the pallet itself to the frame. If this is done, structural parts may be accidentally damaged.

To perform the installation, you must follow these recommendations:
- Unpack, disassemble the purchased siphon.
- Apply sealant around the drain of the pan. This is a simple operation, since there is a recess that makes the operation convenient and avoids errors.
- The seal included in the valve set is superimposed on the sealant.
- Next, the siphon, or rather, its inlet pipe is installed in the drain hole of the pan. Since the product is plastic, you should carefully handle its thread during screwing.
- The outlet should be directed towards the sewer pipe.
- Build the siphon. For what, the lid is first installed, then its connection is baited and tightened.
From above, the gasket is again treated with sealant, which will not cause difficulties either, since it has a recess that just needs to be filled. At the end of the installation, drain valves are connected to the sewer.
A similar installation procedure is similar for all modern models of such equipment. When connecting the siphon, you can use various adapters, a corrugated hose, which facilitates the procedure.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
This video will allow you to study the design of siphons, and at the same time learn how to disassemble them:
The following video describes how to replace drain valves:
The last video will provide information on what a siphon with a click-clack button is:
Despite the variety of siphons on the market, choosing the right product is relatively simple. All that is needed is a small amount of knowledge and attentiveness when buying.
Also, do not save too much, since any siphon has a shorter service life than the pallet itself, and the durability of inexpensive products can be even lower. Which will result in additional costs and inconveniences.
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