Overview of the Rodnichok water pump: device, characteristics, operating rules
Select a reliable, inexpensive, maintainable pump for domestic use? The best option would be a modification that can cope with various tasks in the infield, right?
Have you looked at the Rodnichok water pump, but doubt that it will be able to supply water from wells and watering wells, supply water to the house or pump out flooded rooms?
We will help you deal with this vibrator - in the article its device, technical characteristics, significant advantages and disadvantages, and operating features are discussed in detail. That will allow you to use the equipment for its intended purpose, and this is the key to long work without problems and breakdowns.
Also in this article we paid special attention to the correct connection and commissioning, providing the material with visual photographs and a video with an overview of this pump.
The content of the article:
Model range and manufacturers
Initially, Rodnichok was developed for industrial purposes. But given that powerful pumps of this type need a lot of electricity, the developers decided to focus on the private consumer.
As a result, we created a compact model of a vibrating submersible type, which to this day is successfully used in everyday life.
Today, the official manufacturer of the classic Rodnichok pump is UZBI - Ural plant of household products producing two modifications of the pump:
- Rodnichok BV-0.12-63-U - option with an upper water intake;
- “Rodnichok ”BV-0,12-63-U - option with lower water intake.
Both models can be equipped with a power cord 10m, 16m, 20m or 25m.
The Moscow factory also produces Rodnichok pumps CJSC “Zubr-OVK”, producing a model called “Rodnichok ZNVP-300,” which differs little from the classic electric pumps manufactured by UZBI.

Given that the “fontanel” is not as famous and popularly beloved pump as the same "Kid", it is extremely rare to meet his fakes.
The affordable price of the electric pump is explained by the simplicity of its design and the use of only Russian parts for its production.
Analysis of technical characteristics
Rodnichok vibration pumping devices are designed for pumping clean and slightly contaminated water. The permissible size of solid inclusions in the pumped liquid must not exceed 2 mm.
No. 1 - unit performance
The pump is perfect for water supply of 2-storey houses, as the maximum head delivered by the equipment is 55-60 m. The Rodnichok is powered by a conventional 220 V household power supply.

It is allowed to use a pump for pumping soapy water, which is also in a chlorinated state from artificial reservoirs.
The unit can pump water from flooded private river vessels and cellars. Allowed to use in draining containers.
It is forbidden to pump all types of liquids except water, especially aggressive, explosive, toxic, contaminated with oil products and similar species. If you need a pump for pumping contaminated liquid, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with following material.
The performance of the Rodnichok pump is approximately 432 l / h, which allows uninterrupted water supply to several water consumer outlets at once.
The performance of the electric pump directly depends on the height of the water supply.The maximum immersion depth specified by the manufacturer is 5 m, however, thanks to the robust housing, the pump can be successfully used at a depth of 10 m and even more.

Rodnichok is intended for use at ambient temperatures from +3 ° C to + 40 ° C. The mass of the unit is only 4 kg, making it mobile and easy to install.
The overall dimensions of the pump do not exceed 250 x 110 x 300 mm, which makes it possible to operate it in narrow wells and boreholes with a diameter of more than 12 cm.
Before buying a Rodnichok vibration pump, you need to ask if a nylon cable is included in the kit to lower the unit into a well or a well.
If such a cable is not included, then it must be purchased separately. It is strictly forbidden to lower the electric pump using the power cord!

No. 2 - device and principle of operation
The design of the “fontanel” is simple, no different from other submersible vibrating electric pumps. The main working elements due to which water is pumped are a vibrator and an electromagnet.
The vibrator is an anchor with an elastic spring shock absorber. The anchor is fixed on the shaft, and its movement is limited by a special sleeve.
At a certain distance from the armature and the rubber shock absorber, a diaphragm is located, which guides the rod, being its support during the operation of the pump. The diaphragm is made of rubber and hermetically seals the electrical part of the pump.
The electromagnet consists of a core with a winding in the shape of the letter “P”. The latter is composed of two coils.
It removes excess heat from the coils and fixes these parts in the required position relative to each other and the pump casing.
When the Rodnichok pump is connected to the power supply network, the core starts to reciprocate. It makes them at a speed of about 100 vibrations per second, while attracting an anchor located on the shaft.
A rubber shock absorber repels the anchor, transmitting vibration to the piston, which is located on the rod with the anchor.
During retraction, a hydraulic chamber is formed, the volume of which is limited on one side by a piston, and on the other by a valve on the housing.
Getting inside the pump through the suction port (water intake), water is in the hydraulic chamber and when the piston moves, it is pushed out with force through the pressure port.
To prevent water entering the pump from flowing out of it, there is a valve on the casing that prevents it from leaking back. The pump casing is cooled by the pumped water.

No. 3 - water withdrawal option
Rodnichok pumps are available in two variations: with upper and lower water intake. In the first case, the suction pipe is at the top of the housing, in the second - from the bottom. Each model has its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of a pumping device with an upper fence:
- continuous cooling of the pump housing, which means a longer period of operation;
- there is no suction of bottom sediments, which means that the optimum quality of the supplied water is ensured;
- the pump does not suck in sludge; therefore, it needs to be cleaned less frequently.
The disadvantages of the modifications with the upper fence include the inability to pump water to the end, but only to the location of the inlet pipe. This is inconvenient if the unit is used for pumping water from flooded visits, pools, boats.
On the contrary, the Rodnichok electric pump with a lower water intake is capable of pumping liquid to a minimum level.
Some experts argue that units with a lower intake are able to create a larger head due to the fact that the water is held for a little longer inside the pump, where it is given more acceleration.
The negative side of the pump with the lower fence can be considered the probability of capture of bottom sediments, which means that such a pump will quickly become clogged, which will lead to its failure.
Choosing the Rodnichok electric pump, it is necessary to decide in advance under what conditions he will work. If a pump is purchased to supply water from a water intake, well or well, then equipment with an upper fence should be preferred.
If an electric pump is necessary for pumping flood water from flooded rooms, draining tanks, eliminating the consequences of public accidents, then a model with a lower fence is the best choice.
If you are at a loss to make a choice, we recommend that you read our article with selection tips pumps for wells.

Connection and commissioning
Installation of the Rodnichok pump is carried out in a well or well with a minimum diameter of 12 cm. The immersion depth is 5 m, but if necessary it can reach 20 m.
Note that the deeper the pump is located, the lower its productivity and pressure.
Stage # 1 - Connecting Equipment
The connection sequence for the Rodnichok pump is as follows:
- Before installation, inspect the equipment for mechanical damage, also inspect the power cord and cable.
- A rubber ring is tightly put on the body of the electric pump, which protects the unit from impacts on the walls during operation.
- Using a cable inserted into special openings on the housing, the pump is lowered into the water so that it is suspended at a distance of at least 30 cm from the bottom.
- Installation of the hose should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, namely the height of the water supply (distance from the pump to the final water consumer) should not exceed 60 m.
- The hose is securely fastened with clamps and a fitting so that its bends do not occur. Keep the hose away from heaters and sharp objects. In most cases, a hose with a diameter of 15 mm or ½ inch is suitable for pumps of this brand.
- The Rodnichok pump is started when the plug located on the power cord is turned on into the 220V power outlet.
After immersing and turning on the power, the Rodnichok pump starts working immediately, so it is necessary to check the water level before switching on. Dry-running submersible electric pump is not allowed!
When using the Rodnichok pump for pumping out pools, tanks and premises, as well as when working in low-producing wells and wells, it is necessary to practically control the water level in order to shut off the water pump in a timely manner.
Disconnect by disconnecting the plug from the outlet. Step-by-step instruction on installing the pump in the well, read Further.

Stage # 2 - Proper Use of the Pump
The vibration electric pump "Rodnichok" is very simple to operate, it is enough to follow the basic rules, and the unit will last for more than a dozen years.
When using Rodnichok for a water supply or water pumping system, first of all, make sure that the mains voltage corresponds to the rated voltage of the product 220V plus / minus 5V.
The power supply cable must be positioned so as to completely eliminate the possibility of damage and short circuit. The plugs must be located in dry places, well protected from moisture.
After finishing work, for example, when the accumulator tank is full, disconnect the pump from the mains. The pump is switched on only after it is completely immersed in water and installed in an upright position.
If during operation you heard extraneous sounds (impacts, friction) or an atypical sound of a running motor, you must immediately disconnect the Rodnichok from the network.
And also make it rise to the surface to identify and eliminate the reasons for which there were extraneous sounds.
When using the Rodnichok vibration pump to pump out flooded rooms or pools, do not leave it after work in the open.
The pump must be stored in a dry place where it will not be affected by negative temperatures, high humidity and other climatic factors.

Safety precautions when connecting and operating the Rodnichok pump are no different from safety rules when working with other household submersible pumps.
Recall the basic rules:
- heating equipment - it is forbidden to use the electric pump in the immediate vicinity of heating boilers, generators, flammable liquids and gas cylinders.
- Directed exposure to sunlight - Do not expose the pump to direct sunlight, prolonged exposure to aggressive environments.
- Increased head - do not use the pump to create a pressure greater than specified in the instructions, for example by pinching the hose or using a hose of a smaller diameter.
- Work without breaks - prevent continuous operation of the pump for more than 12 hours.
The most common malfunctions of the Rodnichok pump are due to its clogging during the pumping of contaminated liquid or due to a malfunction in the power cord.
In the first case, it is necessary to disassemble the unit and clean it, and in the second case, replace or repair the power cable.
Stage # 3 - equipment maintenance
Rodnichok submersible pumping units are very easy to operate and do not require expensive and time-consuming maintenance.
Equipment does not need regular lubrication. Do not use lubricants!
Maintenance of the pump is reduced to periodic lifting to the surface, visual inspection of the housing and cleaning of its sludge and deposits.
After using the electric pump to pump out slightly contaminated, chlorinated or sea water, it is necessary to clean the pump by pumping clean water for 1-1.5 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages of pumps
They say and write a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of submersible vibration pumps “Rodnichok”.
The reviews of its owners are directly opposite: some note the high quality and ease of use, others find this equipment obsolete, and its use is uncomfortable and troublesome. We note only some of the advantages and disadvantages of these pumps.
- low price;
- the possibility of pumping slightly contaminated water;
- simple design, robust housing;
- the ability to select the required length of the power cable;
- the ability to choose equipment with an upper or lower water intake;
- economical energy consumption;
- simplicity of connection and operation;
- high performance and pressure.
“Rodnichok” functions perfectly at depth, withstands impressive hydrodynamic pressure. For normal operation, there should be no more than 5 m between the top point of the housing and the water mirror.
- requires control during pumping out of pools and flooded premises;
- low degree of protection against voltage drops;
- inability to use at temperatures below +5 and above +40 ° C;
- cannot be used in wells and wells with unstable walls, as due to vibration, they are destroyed.
Of course, today you can find on sale more modern and high-performance pumps equipped with electronic protection systems, but Rodnichok is an almost perfect combination of price and quality, time-tested.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with rated submersible pumps, which is presented in our other material.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video review of the Rodnichok pump manufactured by Zubr OVK CJSC:
The Rodnichok pump is an economical and high-performance equipment in its class that is widely used for various purposes: water supply and pumping.
The main advantages of the pump are low cost, the ability to pump water with particles up to 2 mm and a robust housing that allows you to use the unit at a depth two times higher than specified by the manufacturer. The simple design and unpretentiousness in service do this pump popular among summer residents and owners of private households.
If you have experience using the Rodnichok submersible pump and you can share valuable advice, please leave your comments in the block below. Here you can ask your questions on the topic of the article.
I bought such a pump for watering a personal plot from a container with water. He has been working for 3 years, never even had to disassemble.The design is really very simple and reliable, it works very quietly. I have enough performance with my head, I put a splitter on 4 hoses, the pressure on all is even too strong. A friend uses this in a shallow well, copes normally.
I have been using this pump for several years. Due to improper operation, one of these units burned out for me. Yes, indeed, these pumps are very sensitive to voltage surges. I installed a voltage regulator, and now everything works fine. And two more important points in operation. The first is to monitor the water level. If you miss, then literally after 3 minutes of running the pump without water, it overheats and burns. Secondly, do not completely block the water supply hose. And the rest is an excellent and budget pump that does its job well.
Hello! Plot far from home! Watering the garden! Is it possible to start and operate from a portable gas power plant 1 kW? The power of the vibration pump “Rodnichok” is 230 watts.
The capacity of a portable gasoline power station of 1 kW should be enough to ensure the normal operation of the Rodnichok pump, whose power is 230 watts. Here the question begs another: is there enough power from the Rodnichok vibration pump itself to provide normal water supply?
You write that you plan to water the garden, but it is far from home. Here I would like a little specificity: how far is it, are there any differences in elevation? If you have already calculated all this and the only question is whether the portable power station will pull, then you can not worry about it.