Overview of the water pump "Vometomet": device, types, decoding of markings and specifics of operation
A well pump, by definition, cannot be cheap. When working in a filter well, it is regularly exposed to particles of sand and silt, and water from artesian structures must be delivered to a sufficiently high height.
In search of a reliable device at an affordable price, owners of private plots most often choose a water pump Vodomet production company "Dzhileks". In this material, we will consider in detail the device and the principle of operation of the equipment, talk about the features of its selection and use.
The content of the article:
Device and principle of operation
Pumps "Vometomet" have a fairly wide range of applications. With their help, you can pump water from wells of various depths, as well as from wells and open reservoirs.
They perfectly cope with the autonomous water supply of a private house, they are used to irrigate the plot, garden, etc. In this case, the diameter of the well should be 100 mm or more.
For the case used high quality stainless steel. The top point of the pump is sealed so that during its operation sand and other contaminants do not fall into the housing from above.
The pump motor is enclosed in a sealed cup filled with oil. This design eliminates the negative impact of external factors and protects the engine from damage.

The device is oil-filled, asynchronous, the rotor of the engine is short-circuited, mounted on rolling bearings. The motor is partially protected from overheating by a thermal protector built into the stator winding. In addition, an additional cooling factor is water passing through a special annular gap left between the housing and the motor stator.
To balance the external and internal pressure of the engine, a special membrane is used. This relieves the engine seal.As a result, the technical characteristics make it possible to use the Vodomet pump at a depth of up to 30 meters. The upper and lower covers are designed so that all components of the device are in the correct position relative to the central axis.
An important feature of the pump design is the presence of so-called “floating” impellers, which have the ability to run in. The efficiency of traditional pumping equipment largely depends on the size of the gap that is formed between its moving and static parts.
The larger such a gap, the more internal fluid spillage occurs inside the device, and the lower its efficiency. During the operation of the pump, the movable elements are gradually erased, which increases the clearance, and the efficiency becomes even lower. The design of the "floating" impellers of the Vodomet pump gives them the ability to move axially.

The action of the working pressure presses the edge of the wheel to the rear surface of the diffuser, which leads to the contact of these friction surfaces. As a result, at the very beginning of the operation of the device, a special plastic collar mounted on the impeller is quickly erased. The bead takes a form that provides, relatively speaking, zero clearance between this pair of friction surfaces.
After this grinding lapping process is completed, two more surfaces come into contact: a ceramic ring and an antifriction washer. But when interacting in water, these two elements are not erased. As a result, the clearance between the stationary and rubbing parts inside the pump becomes minimal, and the efficiency of the device increases significantly.
The lapping process of the shoulder may take several hours. During this initial period, the pump will operate with some overload. That is why at the beginning of the operation of the device, a more intense energy consumption can be observed compared to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.
For the same reason, the pump performance at first may be slightly lower than expected. This is a natural occurrence. As soon as the grinding process is completed and the increased load is removed from the impellers of the pump, all the characteristics will return to normal. All elements of the pump in contact with water are made of safe materials suitable for contact with food.

On the top cover of the pump is located its outlet pipe and two eyes, to which a cable should be attached, as well as an electric cable.
The location of the cable outlet on the top cover is very convenient, since the width of the pump does not increase this way. As a result, the device is suitable for more casing pipes, even for fairly narrow structures.

A capacitor is already included in the pump design, so there is no need to use a condenser box when installing it. As a result, a three-wire cable, rather than a four-wire cable, is used to install the pump, which is much easier to install. And about how to install the equipment yourself in the well, read in this material.
Decoding of marking of various models
The marking of the pump in the form of letter indices reflects the design features of individual models:
- “BK” - the cable length of this model is 1 m.
- "AND" (automatic) - the presence of a float switch that prevents the situation of “dry running”.
- PROF - pumps for wells without an automatic shutdown system.
- “M” (trunk) - equipped with a fitting that allows you to use the pump on the surface as an element of the water supply system.
- "HOUSE" - It is additionally equipped with components for organizing automated water supply for a private house.
- “H” - the presence of an electronic automatic pump control system.
Devices marked with the “A” index can be installed in wells or other structures where there is sufficient free space for the installation of a float switch.
Lack of float valve in models marked "PROF" does not impair the performance of the pump. Even if the device turns on up to 20 times in an hour (i.e. every five minutes), the engine will not overheat.

The kit with the index “HOUSE” is included accumulator, a set of valves, as well as an automatic control panel.
The model with the “H” index is most reliably protected from emergency situations. It ensures that the device turns off at the first sign of “dry running”, smooth engine start-up when it is turned on and makes it possible to maintain a certain level of water pressure in the system.
The top cover of the Water Jet submersible pump is equipped with an antifriction sleeve. This element is the shaft support on which the pump part of the device is mounted. Here, on the top cover, there are suction windows. Their size, which is only 1.5 square meters. mm, prevents the penetration of large particles of sand, silt and other inclusions into the device.
Reasons for the popularity of "Waterjets"
Pumps "Vodomet" are the products of the company Dzhileks. These pumps are manufactured in Russia and enjoy well-deserved popularity both in the Russian Federation and abroad.
Here are a few reasons why many choose them:
- higher level of efficiency in comparison with analogues of other manufacturers;
- high quality workmanship;
- simplicity in setup and operation;
- a wide selection of models designed to work in various conditions;
- resistance to adverse working conditions;
- long term of operation;
- acceptable price.
Some of the components for pumps are supplied from abroad. But all the main technological units were developed by Russian engineers and are produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The final assembly and testing of finished products is also performed here. As a result, the Gileks company achieves two important goals: it produces high-quality pumping equipment and offers the buyer a relatively reasonable price.

Customer reviews are mostly positive. Not only the pumping part is highly appreciated, but also the operation of automatic systems that protect the device from breakdowns. As you know, experts recommend using centrifugal pumping equipment in wells.
Unlike vibration pumps, whose operation destructively affects well walls, centrifugal models extend the life of such structures. Another feature of the pump in question, as well as other products of the Gileks company, is its adaptability to work precisely in Russian realities.
The designers took into account not only the necessary technical characteristics, but also the conditions under which the equipment will have to work, and the features of its operation with possible interruptions in the supply of electricity, and other similar factors. The diameter of the body of the submersible pump of the brand "Vodomet" is 98 mm, and the length varies depending on the power of the model.
Such dimensions make it possible to use the pump in most wells, since most often a four-inch casing is used in their construction. Design features allow you to use the "water cannon" in a partially submerged position. Such a situation may occur if water is pumped out from some shallow source or reservoir.
Pumps "Vometomet" can work even in conditions of increased complexity, for example, pump water that is heavily contaminated with sand. There is even positive experience in pumping contaminated wells or pumping new structures using such units. However, one should not think that such conditions do not affect the condition of the pump.

According to the manufacturer, the pump is designed for pollution in the amount of 2 kg per cubic meter. But practice has shown that this is too optimistic a recommendation. Of course, when pumping water with sand, the wear rate of this type of pump increases several times.
The device will very soon require repair or completely fail. Therefore, it is recommended either to choose a cheaper or more wear-resistant equipment for pumping the well, or to purchase another pump designed specifically for pumping clean water from the well. Our site also has submersible pump rating for the well. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.
How to choose a suitable model?
To choose the right pump, you should pay attention to the digital marking of various models. After the name of the pump, there are usually two numbers characterizing its operation. The first indicator indicates the maximum possible water flow in one minute, which can be obtained at the outlet if there is no resistance to water flow.

The second indicator describes the maximum pressure that the pump can provide in the system if all the points of water intake are blocked (the so-called “dead end” pump operation situation). So, a pump with a marking 60/52 delivers up to 60 liters of water per minute and can give a head of 52 m (which corresponds to 5.2 atmospheres) if all the taps in the system are closed and other consumers are turned off.
Of course, this is data for an ideal situation that almost never arises.The pump can be selected using the parameters for the maximum operating mode, but the indicators for the so-called “operating point” should be taken into account. To calculate it, you need to divide the marginal indicator into two, i.e. take 50% of the maximum.
The following information will help you navigate when choosing a pump according to its maximum performance:
- For wells and wells with low or medium flow rates, i.e. with a nominal flow rate of about 2-3 cubic meters. m / h, it is recommended to take a pump with a maximum flow rate of 60 l / min, usually this is enough to service 3-4 consumption points.
- If the flow rate of the structure exceeds average values (corresponds to the nominal water flow rate within 3-4 cubic meters / h), it is worth paying attention to “Vodomet” with a maximum flow rate of 115 l / min.
- With high flow rates (nominal flow rate of 4-6 cubic meters / h), it is recommended to purchase a unit that provides trouble-free consumption of 150 liters of water per minute.
The maximum pump head is selected depending on the information on the static water level in the well or well. (It is calculated as the distance from the mirror of water in a calm state to the bottom of the water intake.)
Here are helpful guidelines for specific numbers:
- pumps with a pressure of 30-32 m are recommended for structures with a dynamic level of up to 5 m;
- models providing a pressure of 45-52 m will allow you to raise water from a depth of not more than 25 m;
- pumps with pressure indicators within 60-75 m are designed for structures with a statistical level of 25-45 m;
- devices with a pressure of 92-115 m are used for extremely deep wells, the statistical level of such structures can be 45-60 m.
Thus, knowing the characteristics of your structure, you can immediately navigate the features of the Vodomet pump model for your system.
Features of the operation of the device
Typically, the water cannon pump is not equipped with a check valve. But this element is extremely important for the effective operation of the device. The non-return valve is mounted on the pump outlet so that after the pump is turned off, water does not flow out of the water system back into the well or well.
A non-return valve is especially necessary in automated autonomous water supply systems in order to maintain normal pressure in them. The non-return valve installed near the water pump Vometomet performs an additional function - it protects the water supply system from water hammer.
At installing a check valve the following point should be taken into account: if the distance between the surface of the water and the non-return valve exceeds seven meters, voids can still form in the water supply. In this case, each time the pump is turned on, a water hammer will be observed.

It is also not necessary to install a non-return valve directly at the outlet of the pump, even if the shallow depth of immersion allows this to be done taking into account the previous recommendation. Such a close arrangement of the valve can cause the formation of an air plug not in the water supply system, but in the pump itself.
As a result, the flow of water into the device will stop, which will cause a dangerous “dry run” situation. If the immersion depth of the pump is less than one meter, it is recommended that a non-return valve be installed between one and seven meters from the pump. Refusing to install a check valve only makes sense when the pump is periodically removed to the surface.
For example, if the unit is used only for watering or filling storage tanks, and not for a full-fledged autonomous water supply, installation of a non-return valve is optional.However, the work of such a system should be treated with increased attention.
The hose filled with water has an impressive weight. When disconnecting pump equipment that is not equipped with a check valve, it will work on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. If at this time it will lie on the ground, then there is a high probability of clogging of the pump.

If such a dangerous situation arises, you should immediately turn off the pump in manual mode. Such cases often lead to blockage of the pump by foreign particles, premature equipment repair or its final failure.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
An interesting overview of the Vodomet 55 / 50A pump can be seen in the following video:
Here you can see a realistic overview of the unpacking of the powerful Vodomet 115/75 well pump:
Gileks Vodomet pumps are a reliable and relatively inexpensive option for a well or well. It is only important to choose the right model and ensure the appropriate operating conditions.
Looking for a well pump? Or is there any experience with using Jilex Water-Jet pumps and can you give valuable advice, or share the nuances of this equipment? Please leave your comments, ask questions in the block under the article.
Gileks is currently a leader in the production of submersible pumps and successfully resists the onslaught of Chinese products - this is a fact. There you can even order a pump in a single version and they will do it for you, it will cost a lot, but they will.
A distinctive feature of the pumps is a high resource and work in any conditions. But they are very afraid of power surges, so take or connect to an already existing stabilizer, and your pump will last a long time.
Used Gileks Vodomet for pumping water in the well. It was necessary to pump for a long time - before it became possible to use water for drinking, almost two years passed. Before that, they only watered the garden and used it for technical needs. All this time the pump worked bases of any complaints. So, I completely agree with the reasons for the popularity listed in the material - a reliable, efficient pump at a reasonable price.