Home Acrylic Bath Care: Useful Tips
Exquisite shapes of a bathing bowl made of acrylic will delight the eye with the originality of a design idea. To prolong their life will help proper operation, taking into account the characteristics of the material from which plumbing is made.
And to make the glossy surface look new even after 5 years of use, you will need to carefully care for the acrylic bathtub using “soft” products.
We will share with you the secrets of servicing capricious acrylic. The article provides effective folk methods for maintaining the whiteness of the bathtub, and also lists the main rules for the operation of plumbing, compliance with which will allow for a long time to maintain the attractiveness of the font.
The content of the article:
Features of acrylic products
Plumbing intricate configuration allows you to create a unique interior in large and small bathrooms. It makes it possible to emphasize the individuality of the owners, adds coziness and brings a special atmosphere to one of its presence.
What is a bath?
The acrylic bathtub, in addition to the original shape, has its own positive and negative sidesto be considered during its operation and maintenance.
So, you should immediately make sure with which product you have to live side by side - with a design made of injection-molded acrylic 5 mm thick or more or with a 1 or 3-layer plastic variation coated with a 2-3 mm layer of acrylic.

If we are talking about the first option, then doubts about the impeccable quality of the product will not arise. This is confirmed by the manufacturer, providing a guarantee for acrylic in 10-25 years.
In the second case, you have to make friends with a thin coating, which is enough for 3-5 years, and maybe for all 10. It depends on the features of use and the promises of the company that made the bath.
We will not consider the option with a parody of an acrylic product with a top layer of 0.5 mm - a bad fake cannot be called an acrylic bathtub. The coating will be erased after 6-8 months of use.
In addition to the thickness of the acrylic layer, the complexity of care is influenced by size and functionality - the larger the bowl and the more pleasures it can offer, the more difficult it is to wash.
As for additional features, there are a lot of acrylics on sale bathtubs with hydromassage equipment, backlight, sound effects and other interesting devices.
It turns out that the original shape of the bowl, non-standard size, many nozzles will affect the complexity of the procedures for caring for it. And the more additional equipment, the more time will be required to wash and disinfect the product.
Useful tips for choosing an acrylic bathtub and a rating of leading manufacturers of sanitary ware are given in this article.
What is the acrylic surface afraid of?
It is important to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations after buying a bath. The fact is that many companies give a guarantee for acrylic coating and all kinds of equipment only subject to certain rules.
So, sometimes the instructions indicate that the warranty becomes valid only after the installation of the product by the responsible employee of the company in which it was purchased. It turns out that with self-installation, you can lose the 10-year warranty.

Another feature that you should definitely pay attention to before starting to use the bath is the manufacturer's recommendations for its use. It is this section that needs to be carefully studied so as not to lose the product and warranty on the elimination of the problem at the seller’s expense in the future.
The polymer bathing tank is significantly different from its steel and cast iron counterparts - it requires a more careful attitude. Especially if the acrylic layer is very thin.
Acrylic thicket is afraid of fire, hot water, aggressive chemicals, spiky and sharp things and other troubles. To extend its lifespan, you need to carefully monitor your actions in relation to the acrylic bath.
In addition, manufacturers are categorically against bathing animals in the bowl - it should be used only for personal hygiene. Therefore, scratches from claws that spoil the appearance of the product are not a warranty case.
The way out of the situation is to have a special litter for the pet’s water procedures. As it can be a soft thick towel or silicone mat. Before bathing it should be laid on the bottom of the bath. True, such a device will not protect against scratches on the sides.

Home Care
So that the bath does not lose its perfect glossy shine, it should be regularly washed and cleaned with special means. Some options offered by the market are quite expensive. Therefore, thrifty housewives prefer to use homemade products to wash the bowl from various kinds of contaminants.
Washing folk remedies
In order to save money, when buying special tools for plumbing care at home, they use various tricks and even products. If you decide to borrow this method of getting rid of dirt in your bathroom, you should pay attention to the features and characteristics of acrylic.

Categorically you can not use the following options to remove stains, stone, rust and other contaminants of the polymer bath:
- boiling water or steam;
- washing powder;
- metal scraper;
- chlorine, formaldehydes;
- alcohol, oxalic acid;
- various solvents.
All this will help get rid of not only dirt, but also the acrylic layer. From boiling water, even a 6 mm bath coating is deformed. Moreover, you need to carefully monitor the temperature of hot water - it should not exceed 60-70 ° C.
Among the home methods and means for cleaning plumbing there are completely safe for acrylic surfaces. These include weak solutions of citric acid, a solution with soda, toothpaste, acetic acid.
According to the reviews of many housewives who have tried folk methods of combating dirt on the surface of an acrylic bath, they do not always live up to expectations.
According to the owners of injection molded acrylic products, the use of sponges with a harsh surface does not leave marks on the surface of such products. But for washing cheaper models with a 2 mm layer of acrylic, this is not worth the risk.
Bath cleaning technology
To maintain the external shine of the acrylic coating, it is sufficient to regularly care for the product. After completing the water procedures, you should wipe the surface of the bath with a sponge with soapy water, Fairy, or another dishwashing detergent.
After 2-5 minutes, rinse everything with water and wipe dry. But there is not always such an opportunity - in the morning after taking a shower you need to run to work, but there is no time left to take care of the bath.

In practice, all procedures are performed, as a rule, once a weekend. And it can be quite difficult to cope with a weekly raid - you have to make every effort to wash everything, especially when there are a lot of salts and other impurities in the water.
In order for the bath to sparkle with purity, the following procedures should be periodically performed:
- wash with soapy water every night, rinse and wipe dry the surface;
- use special care products for polymers once a week;
- rub the surface with acrylic polish once every 2 weeks;
- for a jacuzzi - to disinfect and wash hydromassage equipment Once a month or two;
- remove stains immediately after their formation;
- Wipe off scratches as they occur using the repair kit.
For cleaning hydromassage equipment, it is better to use special disinfectants. It is dangerous to use a chlorine solution - the acrylic coating of a particular bath can react poorly. As a result, you have to buy a new bath.
You do not need to specifically disinfect the bathing tank without any additional devices - it is enough to regularly use a cleaning emulsion / cream or gel designed for acrylic.
The acrylic bath quality service technology consists of a series of sequential processes.
To wipe a bathtub from acrylic is rather convenient with a cotton cloth. It perfectly absorbs small droplets remaining on the surface and does not leave streaks.
Useful Care Tips
If you adhere to the rules of operation of an acrylic bath, then problems with the coating, as well as minor scratches, will not arise. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to follow the recommendations.
Firstly, pets - it’s not always possible to equip your pets with a separate washroom. So you have to put up with them in the same bathroom, using an acrylic bathtub as a container for bathing animals and for taking water procedures by all family members.
Therefore, purchase a repair kit or bulk acrylicso that at the right moment he is at hand.

Secondly, you need to be extremely careful when cleaning the faucets - choose a tool that will be safe for the bath. After all, random drops of aggressive liquid can well spoil the impeccable gloss of acrylic.
Thirdly, it is imperative to use protective gloves - any, even the most harmless, product can harm the delicate skin of the hands.
Fourth, when buying a new acrylic cleaning product, it is advisable to test its effect on a small piece of the bathtub to make sure that it does not damage the acrylic layer of the bathtub.
Fifthly- if you need to draw water into a basin or bucket of metal or plastic, it is better to put it on the floor and, using a shower head, fill it.
At sixth, if colored spray splashes onto the bowl’s acrylic surface, for example, when washing off hair dye, baby gouache or other colorful substances, immediately remove them using your arsenal of bath detergents. A stubborn stain will be much more difficult to remove than a fresh one.
Useful tips will help you avoid many problems and keep your bath attractive.
At selection of special tools you need to pay attention that this is a substance in the form of a cream, gel, oil, suspension or liquid. Moreover, solid inclusions, aggressive acids and solvents in the composition of the right care products for acrylic should not be.
Another important tip - you need to choose the type of product that matches the nature of the pollution. So, a gel to combat limescale with stains from rusty water is unlikely to cope.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Useful video care tips:
The video will tell you how to properly care for acrylic bathrooms:
Testing folk remedies for plaque and rust spots in the video:
Having learned more about the features of your favorite acrylic bathtub, you can safely choose the most suitable option for caring for its surface.
It is important to choose "soft" and effective means that can overpower the removal of all kinds of contaminants. Moreover, timely maintenance and cleaning will help to keep the product attractive for the next 10 years.
Tell us what tools and methods you use to care for your acrylic bathtub. Share useful information with readers or ask your questions. The comment box is located below.
An acrylic bathtub has been installed at home for seven years. Its surface does not look as perfect and attractive as before. I was looking for a way to return plumbing to life, or at least a method of proper care. I bought special products: now the bathtub looks much better, but it’s still far from the previous state. I’ll try to restore its original qualities, maybe it will work out, if not, then I’ll have to buy a new one.
Well, it's you, of course, in vain. Do not rush to change, try to call professional masters who restore baths. Almost certainly they will be able to return your bathtub to its original appearance. In general, acrylic products, unlike steel or cast iron, can be restored in the vast majority of cases, this is one of their advantages. Note that prevention greatly prolongs the life of the bathroom, do not neglect it.
It’s definitely not worth rushing to replace the acrylic bath. The surface of this equipment requires constant care. From chemistry I only occasionally use Domestos, and I try to use folk remedies in this way. Citric acid will help to cope with rusty stains, and vinegar diluted in warm water will return the bathtub to its marketable appearance. It’s not necessary to call the masters home.