How to install an acrylic insert in the bath: insert installation instructions

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Antonina Turyeva
Last update: March 2024

The need to replace an old bathtub can be found at the most unexpected moment. Not always in the family budget provides a reserve amount for this type of repair. As an alternative, an acrylic insert in the bath can be used, the cost of which is much cheaper. And you can do the work yourself. The main thing is to understand the essence of the process and deal with all the nuances.

We suggest figuring out how to install the liner in an old bath, thereby avoiding a complete replacement of the plumbing. We will tell you what to look for when choosing a tab from acrylic, and also give step-by-step instructions for installing it.

Which is better: liner or replacement?

A covered bath does not fit well into the abode of cleanliness - the bathroom. This plumbing capacity, by definition, should not only be clean, but also safe for all residents of the housing.

What kind of security can we talk about if all kinds of microbes can live and multiply among the peeling pieces of the bathroom coating.

Even thorough cleaning is not able to cope with them. One of two options will help here:

  • installation of a new bath;
  • cardinal update of the old.

The first option is preferable. But it provides for enormous financial expenses. Also for installation of a new bath it will take a lot of effort and time for a full repair, because the replacement of old plumbing will entail the replacement of many interior details, including tiles on the floor and walls, pipes and more.

Acrylic liner looks beautiful
The new bathtub not only looks beautiful in the interior - it is not scary to bathe a child in it. After all, harmful microorganisms can live in old chips

The second option will cost less. The final cost will depend on the chosen upgrade option. There are 3 most popular methods:

  • bulk acrylic;
  • enamel coating;
  • insert insert.

The first 2 methods consist in applying a special liquid composition to the prepared surface of the old bath. Here, in order to achieve a good result, you will need a good specialist and quality materials. Also, you can do everything yourself. The main difficulty is to get a smooth surface without sagging.

On our site there is an article with a rating of the best compositions for bath restorationWe recommend that you familiarize yourself.

The third option is to install a finished mold made at the factory. This work can be done on its own, carefully observing the installation rules. Without good materials and some effort can not do. But the result is worth it - an absolutely clean and shiny bath.

Quality coating make factories
High-quality coating can be made only at the factory, having high quality equipment. Indeed, if you violate the temperature regime, you get an inhomogeneous layer at the liner, which will lead to its rapid breakdown

The appearance of the updated bath and the tactile sensations of bathing in it will not disappoint. If everything is done correctly, then it will be possible to use it for a very, very long time.

It is worthwhile to give preference to updating instead of buying a new bath in such cases:

  • there is no financial opportunity to buy and install a new one;
  • if, having moved to a rented apartment, you don’t want to use the bath after someone;
  • when you need to get the maximum result in a very short time;
  • I do not want to make repairs;
  • tired of the peeling bath.

Acrylic liners installed in a new bath can last at least 10 years if the installation was carried out in accordance with all the rules and the products themselves are of high quality.

Tab Technology

The acrylic tab, used to restore the appearance of the old bathtub, visually resembles a cover worn on top. It allows you to return to the plumbing capacity lost operational qualities in a matter of hours.

This restoration option has been used for several decades by Americans, Europeans, and for already 2 decades by our fellow citizens. This is an affordable and convenient way to get the desired result without unnecessary dirt.

Technology bath in the bath
This technology involves putting a thin liner on a powerful frame from an old bathtub that has lost its visual appeal

The most important thing in an acrylic liner is its quality. Therefore, choosing this product home, you need to pay attention to manufacturers with a good reputation. Otherwise, even a conscientious installation will not save the situation - the insert may burst after a month of operation.

Inserts from the following materials are presented on the market of sanitary products:

  • medical acrylic;
  • two-layer plastic - ABS / acrylic;
  • ordinary plastic;
  • technical acrylic.

Conventional plastic and technical acrylic are used by unscrupulous manufacturers. They present their blanks as quality products at an affordable price. But such savings will come out sideways in a second month.

Plumbing medical acrylic (PMMA) has been superseded by a two-layer layer over the past couple of years. The fact is that the material ABS / acrylic has the best performance. So, it is more shock resistant compared to brittle acrylic.

The manufacturing process for inserts is complex and requires skill of the master and the availability of expensive equipment. In artisanal conditions, the production of quality products is impossible.

Making an acrylic liner
The plant has all the necessary equipment from foreign manufacturers. The material is also used foreign, corresponding to hygienic requirements.

For the manufacture of inserts take a solid sheet of cast acrylic with a thickness of 0.6 cm and, under the influence of vacuum and high temperature, give it the desired shape on the machine. For molding using special forms of aluminum or synthetic composite.

Two-layer plastic is essentially a monolithic material that can be molded in the same way as pure acrylic. It is important that the thickness of the acrylic layer is from 0.5 cm and above. Indeed, in products with a 2 mm layer, the operational surface is quickly damaged.

The vast majority of foreign manufacturers and all domestic ones use ABS / PMMA material. The upper hygienic layer has dirt-repellent and antimicrobial properties, and the lower one ensures the reliability of the product.

The shape of the old bath is important. Not all models can buy an acrylic liner. In large plants, there are up to 20 different matrices for the production of inserts for the most common cast iron and steel products. If during the measurement process it was found that the bath is non-standard, you will have to choose an alternative update option.

Defined Insert Models
Factories produce only a certain number of models of liners. After all, the cost of the form itself is quite high, so making an order for each client is unprofitable

Do not trust private manufacturers who promise to make an insert for a specific model. It will be very expensive and no one can vouch for the quality of the product.

Also, in the case of a non-standard model, you can not buy a slightly smaller liner. According to the “bath in bath” restoration technology, it should be like a second skin worn over an old product.

Features of the choice of acrylic inserts

Before installing a new liner in a peeling bath, you need to choose a quality option. After all, the market is replete with attractive offers, and no one is safe from the desire to save. But the savings should be justified - it is better to complete the installation work yourself than to buy a cheap fake.

To buy a good insert, you should adhere to the basic rules. Firstly, a quality product must have accompanying quality documents, a manufacturer’s warranty of at least 3 years, the factory logo and recommendations for operation and maintenance.

Acrylic Inserts
If the seller does not show documents confirming the quality or the warranty period is one year or less, then it is better to bypass such an insert. Even when a low price entices a purchase

Secondly, factory liners are coated on top with a protective film. It must be removed only before use, when all gluing work is completed and everything is dry.

Thirdly, the sanitary ware should not be visible. It is necessary to check whether the selected option meets this requirement by looking through the insert in the sun, a lit lamp or by illuminating the flashlight from the back.

Fourth, the acrylic surface of a quality insert is smooth and smooth. Scratches and chips on the purchased item are not allowed.If the product was brought by a courier, then you should sign documents and release it only after a thorough examination of the delivered goods.

Poor acrylic liner
If the product is flimsy, translucent or, even worse, bending at hand, then the purchase should be abandoned. It has nothing to do with an acrylic liner.

Fifth, the thickness of a high-quality acrylic coating is from 5 mm. This should be supported by supporting documents.

Sixth, you need to buy only from trusted companies. It does not make sense to honest manufacturers with a good reputation to deceive their customer. So, in the Russian market ISKomp LLC, Plastall, SevenLux, Multiplast and Grand Plast have proven themselves well. They use Austrian raw materials and German equipment.

Seventh, the size of the purchased liner should clearly correspond to the size of the updated bath. To do this, before buying, you should measure the height, width and depth of your container. It is not permissible to take a smaller or non-conforming insert, even if the seller claims otherwise. His arguments that all the voids fill the foam well talk about unprofessionalism.

Take measurements from the bath
To properly measure your bath, you need to measure its internal and external lengths at the top, the width at the head and legs, as well as the depth

Insert Installation Instructions

Buying a good acrylic insert is just the first step towards renewing the bath. No less responsible should approach its installation. You can do this yourself or invite a specialist.

Stage 1 - bath measurements

If you have significant doubts about your abilities, then it is better to invite a qualified employee of a reliable company. Collaborate with craftsmen who promise to do everything for a nominal fee, not worth it. They can not only badly paste the insert, but also spoil it.

If you violate the installation technology, the pleasure of an updated bath in a couple of months will be replaced by disappointment. An unpleasant odor, black mold, cracks may appear, the bottom will begin to fail. Sometimes the consequences of a poor-quality installation can be eliminated by inviting a repair specialist, more often there is a situation when you have to change the liner.

Having decided to do the restoration of the bath yourself, you need to measure it. If the measurements obtained allow you to buy a factory tab, then you can safely order the desired color. At this stage, it does not matter how to buy - in person at the store or via the Internet. The main thing is the reputation of the manufacturer.

Companies offer several colors
Companies offer several types of colors, including actively sought after shades - blue, pink, black

If the measurements indicate a non-standard shape, then the correct choice will be the alternative option to restore the appearance of the sanitary ware.

Having selected and ordered the right model of the liner, you immediately need to buy supplies for gluing it. Often sellers offer the optimal foam, glue, sealant, which are well suited for working with the purchased product.

Stage number 2 - cleaning plumbing

Having carefully examined your bathroom, you have to determine what tools will be needed during operation. Everything will depend on how the old bathtub is installed. If her sides are recessed into the walls, then they need to be freed. The time it takes depends on the wall decoration.

When expensive and new tiles are on the walls, it will be right to choose another option for restoration.

Old bath
The case when there is a full repair with the replacement of tiles, the most successful. This will allow you to perform all the work of pasting the insert, and then make a joint with the wall

If the perimeter of the tank is finished with a corner, then it will be removed. An old tile that fits close to the edge of the bathtub can be carefully cut with a diamond disc a couple of centimeters up the entire perimeter.

Removing the old side
The old side is carefully knocked down so as not to damage the tile. It is necessary to free the edges of the old bath from all that is superfluous, otherwise the snug fit of the liner will not work

Then the old siphon and drain and overflow grilles. If all this tightly fused with the old cast-iron bath, then you will have to use a grinder to remove them. With many inserts, a new siphon with drain and overflow grill is included.

The surface of the old bath is better to clean from the remnants of the peeled off gloss using sandpaper. Then rinse and dry.

Stage 4 - Fitting the liner

Having finished with the preparation of the surface, you can begin to fit the liner. Ideal when it fits all and nothing needs to be cut off. When installing acrylic liners in an old bath, it is assumed that the technical edge will perform the function of protecting against water entering under them.

The main problem is the lack of space to accommodate the entire insert. Here you have to cut off the excess. To do this, try on a new clothes-cover for the bath and, noting the edges, remove unnecessary. To accurately perform this action, you can use an electric jigsaw.

Placements are marked at this point. discharge and overflow. A new tab is made without these holes. They have to cut yourself. In order not to be mistaken with their location, the edges of the drain and overflow of the bath can be marked with graphite pencil, toothpaste or other coloring composition.

Using a special crown of the desired diameter, it remains to cut holes in the liner.

Removing excess from the liner
All sections should be smooth and even. If this is not the case, then you have to fix it by sanding the scratchy edges

Stage No. 4 - insert insert

Now it's time to stick the acrylic liner inside the old bathtub. They use two-component foam, waterproof silicone or special glue.

Some installers suggest taking regular mounting foam and adding ethylene glycol to it. This is erroneous advice - such actions can lead to disastrous consequences. A foam bottle can simply break.

For gluing the insert you will need a high-quality two-component mixture or a special adhesive. The meaning of the action is to carefully glue the cover on the surface of the old bath. If you leave dry places, then condensate will begin to accumulate in them and the bubble will swell.

The selected composition for work is applied to the entire surface. Sealant is applied around the drain and overflow openings to prevent water from entering between the two products.

Fitting and applying adhesive
It is advisable to study the instructions for the adhesive composition / foam well, because they all have different drying times at different temperatures. You may not have time to insert the tab correctly before hardening

Then the insert is carefully inserted into the bath. Tightly pressed along the sides and bottom. For fixing, the drain and overflow grilles are immediately fixed in place. On the sides you can install clamps for a snug fit. Additionally, you can use silicone seal rings when installing grilles.

Stage number 5 - final work

When everything is glued, you can begin to restore beauty along the edges of the bath. To hide the bare part of the wall, paste a ceramic border around the perimeter. Then a sealant is applied to the joints to protect against moisture.

During all these operations, the protective film is not removed from the insert. In order for the adhesive composition to dry, it is necessary to fill the bathtub with clean water, not reaching a few centimeters to the overflow hole. Leave it like that for the night.

You can’t get a lot of water
You can not get a lot of water. If it gets into the overflow hole before the sealant dries, this will lead to redoing all the work again

In the morning, drain the water - everything will completely dry out and stick.

Secrets of longevity acrylic tabs

It is the quality of the insert itself that ensures 70% longer service life, and 20% more accurate installation. The remaining 10% are conditions for the care and use of the product. Thus, the last step on the path of longevity of the installed liner is proper operation and maintenance.

When a good liner was purchased, but it was installed by a krivorukovy master, then water begins to accumulate under the coating. Over time, it stagnates - mold and disgusting aroma appear in the bathroom. But this situation can be dealt with as a result of competent repair work, and the insert itself will last a long time.

You can use the updated bathroom in an acrylic case as before. You can’t just pour boiling water into it, throw knives and bricks.

Candles can burn a hole
Burning candles should not be left unattended on the sides of the bathtub - they may fall and burn a hole in the acrylic layer

If there is a repair in the bathroom, it is better to cover the surface of the container with a film and a soft cloth. Indeed, tiles knocked down from walls can severely damage the acrylic layer. Do not drop the dismounted sink or toilet bowl - the liner may crack. Further restoration will be impossible - only removing and pasting a new one.

Regarding caring for acrylic liner, then he is afraid of abrasive liquid and powder products. Also, it does not tolerate long-term stagnation of dirt.

After using the renewed bath, it must be treated with a soft soapy sponge and rinsed with water. To wash the liner, you can use products available for acrylic bathtubs.

In the case of deep scratches and small cracks and other types of damage, the acrylic liner can be restored. To do this, purchase a special repair kit, reducing agent and polishing paste. So that the tone of the applied product does not differ from the native coating, you should buy it from the same manufacturer.

Why choose acrylic?

When deciding for yourself whether an old bathtub needs an acrylic liner, you need to pay attention to its significant advantages. Perhaps acquaintances or relatives have already taken advantage of it and have positive experience. It is good to cooperate with a company that officially represents the manufacturer and has good reviews from real people.

The acrylic insert has an aesthetic appearance. It is endowed with dirt-repellent properties. In the polymer itself there are no pores in which bacteria can multiply, therefore the product is safe for bathing children and people with delicate or sensitive skin.

Also, allergy sufferers can safely take a bath - the acrylic insert has a natural snow-white color. Dyes are not used in the manufacturing process.

The liner looks beautiful
The updated bathtub is strong and stable, because the old, tested over the years capacity, acts as a frame, and the new insert has a safe and beautiful surface

PMMA material deposited on top of the ABS layer is resistant to minor scratches. If all the same damage has appeared, they can be repaired using a special set for the repair of acrylic.

Another advantage is the ease of care. A soft sponge and soapy solution are enough to clean the surface of the acrylic insert.

But all this applies only to high-quality products that have the relevant documents of the manufacturer.

Sometimes you may encounter the sad experience of installing an acrylic insert. Here, most often, the owner’s excessive saving is to blame. Choosing a cheap Chinese shell instead of a quality liner and hiring a curved arm to install it, they get a beautiful cheap bath for 1 week / month. After a short time, the pseudo acrylic liner will burst without repair.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Step-by-step process of pasting the insert into the bath:

Video clip about the benefits of using acrylic liners:

A detailed overview of the production technology of high-quality acrylic tabs:

Having familiarized yourself with the intricacies of choosing and installing acrylic liners, you can safely proceed to the practical application of knowledge. Carefully following the recommendations and instructions, after 2-5 hours you can get a wonderful result. Having saved, at the same time, a significant part of the cash. A personally updated bath will delight all households for more than one year.

Trying to install an acrylic liner yourself, but have any questions about a replacement? Or have you had to repeatedly engage in similar work and can give practical advice to our readers? Please write comments on the article in the block below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Tatyana

    We have a cast-iron bathtub in our bathroom, when it is time to change it, we took the path of the least financial costs and decided to put an acrylic liner inside. The masters were called, as they would hardly have mastered the installation on their own. Indescribable impression - as if bought a new plumbing! Probably worth six years already, if not more. Budget and quite worthy alternative to a new bath.

  2. Arkady

    The acrylic insert in the bathtub is really a great way to restore plumbing. For the price it doesn’t hit too much, it is installed quite easily, it looks great. I myself had an old cast-iron bath: the view, of course, was “not very”, but there was no desire to throw it away, it keeps the heat perfectly.I instructed the plumbers to set and select the tab. They made it so that you don’t understand whether it is an insert or a whole bowl. It has been serving for more than 3 years, there are no complaints about quality.


