Is it possible to close a gas pipe with siding: the rules and subtleties of masking a gas pipeline
Are you going to sheathe a siding house, but have you discovered that the gas pipe is too close to the wall? Natural gas is a dangerous substance, it is not in vain that all work associated with it is strictly regulated. You must admit that you do not need any problems with the gas service or the threat of an explosion after finishing.
Every year, dozens of people die from explosions and ignition of domestic gas, and hundreds more lose their homes. In most cases, the cause of the tragedy is precisely the improper conversion. If everything is done according to the instructions, a fresh facade will be not only beautiful, but also safe.
Representatives of the gas service do not care about the beauty of the facade of your house, their requirements are justified only by security. We will talk about compromise options, how to close the gas pipe with siding, in which the result will meet all standards and look aesthetically pleasing. At the same time, we’ll figure out what norms exist and what requirements of gas workers are justified.
The content of the article:
When will the pipe interfere with the siding?
Before you figure out how to solve a problem, it is worthwhile to find out whether it concerns your situation specifically. A gas pipeline can cause problems when cladding a house with siding only when it runs along the wall of a building.
In addition, if you sheathe a house without insulation, with a crate of minimum height or without it at all, you may find that there is enough clearance between the wall and the pipe, and you won’t need to do anything with it.

The pipe will become a hindrance if it is already located at a distance of no more than 6 - 7 cm from the wall, and also if at the moment there are already violations in its location. Another reason for replacing the pipe, and at the same time its displacement, may be its deterioration - for example, rusty spots that threaten a gas leak.
Legislative requirements for a gas pipeline
There are a number of regulatory acts that gas workers can refer to in this matter. Among them: building codes 42-101-2003, 2.04.08-87, 31-02, 2.07.01-89, and, Safety rules in the gas industry, Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels, Rules for the use of gas in the national economy other.
According to these documents, gas pipelines are external and internal, those located inside buildings. The former are divided into aboveground (on supports or walls), above ground (in embankments) and underground. In addition, gas pipelines vary in pressure, depending on the purpose and diameter.

All work on all types of gas equipment, from laying the pipeline to connecting the stove in the house, must be performed by qualified specialists, certified and authorized to carry out such work.
Only specialists know and will be able to comply with all standards, requirements for all Construction Norms and Regulations, as well as the rules of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and electricity supply services.

In order to sort out whether you have correctly installed the gas pipe now, whether the correct location will remain after siding, and where you can transfer it, if necessary, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following requirements of the listed legal acts:
- gas is supplied to residential buildings in an open way - so that at any time it is possible to assess the condition of the pipe, its prevention, maintenance and repair;
- the gas pipe can be fixed on the supporting poles or attached to the wall of the building. Perhaps, to solve the problem of decoration and extensions once and for all, it is worth taking it out on poles away from the building. The distance between such supports for each specific case is indicated in SNiP 2.04.12-86;
- the pipe laid on the outer wall should be located at least 2.2 m above the ground;
- a minimum of 0.2 m must remain from the gas pipeline to the roof;
- it is forbidden to lay pipes closer than 0.5 m from windows and doors, as well as to install detachable connections under windows and balconies;
- the gas shut-off valve should be located no closer than 50 cm from the windows and doors horizontally;
- from the wall surface to the pipe, the gap should be at least 6 cm;
- the pipe is fixed to the wall on hook brackets or clamps with a rubber electrical insulating gasket;
- it is forbidden to fix the pipe to the fasteners by welding;
- it is forbidden to lay gas pipes on the wall medium and high pressure - it is better to bring them underground, with access to the surface immediately before entering the house;
- in a section where there are no footpaths and car roads, the gas pipeline can be located at a height of 35 cm from the ground. However, in practice, it is rarely lowered below 2 m, because the pipe should also go high along the wall, and the common distribution pipe is held on supports about 2 m high.
Pipes need to be painted only with yellow paint, resistant to temperature changes and moisture - for example, oil or alkyd enamel. Under the paint should be applied 2 layers of primer, and the paint itself is also applied in 2 layers.

Thus, according to the regulations, the answer to the question “is it possible to close the gas pipe with siding?” will be negative.
Options for solving the problem
If the gas pipe, fixed on the outside of the house, after finishing will pass at a distance of less than 5 cm from the surface of the siding or even be under it, there are several options for solving the problem.
It depends on the specific location of the gas pipeline, as well as on how much money, effort and time you are willing to spend on solving this issue. Consider the main options, their implementation methods, advantages and disadvantages.
Option number 1 - move the pipe on the brackets
This is perhaps the easiest way out, but it is not available in any situation. This method implies that a long pipe has some flexibility, which means that it can simply be moved away from the wall by extending the mounting brackets.
The ideal situation for this option is siding with even walls, without lathing and insulation. In this case, an offset of only a few centimeters is required - only by the thickness of the most convex part of the siding.
In the best case, the displacement is possible by 5, maximum 10 cm, so if a layer of insulation is planned under the siding, this is unlikely to be enough. In addition, if the pipe is rigidly fixed, for example, on a support, or welded to main pipe close to the corner of the house, this method may not work. There may also be difficulties in home entry point, because violence and strong bending are unacceptable.

This option is almost free, you only need to buy new long brackets, and they are inexpensive. It is also possible that you will have to pay a fee to the masters performing the casing for their installation and fixation of the pipe.
This method also does not require time expenditures: if it is possible to move the pipe in this way in principle, then this will be done quickly, in the process of preparing the surface for cladding.
Before you start decorating the walls, solve the issue with the pipe. To increase safety, turn off the tap at the beginning of the pipe, if any. Try to remove it from the brackets - it can be rigidly fixed on them with layers of paint.
Instead of brackets, the pipe can be fixed with hooks on which the pipe rests, or with clamps clasping it - in the second case, they should be untwisted. It is better to take new fasteners in the form of clamps so that the pipe does not spring to the wall, in its natural position. Securely fix the brackets in the wall, and then the pipe in the clamps.
Option No. 2 - pipe transfer by gas workers
In terms of safety and reliability, this option is most preferred. This method is perhaps the most costly in terms of both time and money and nerves. But the result will be 100% legal and safe, the pipe will not interfere with the finish, and in the future there will be no problems with safety and its maintenance.
This solution to the problem is always possible, the only "contraindication" may be the urgency of the work, because to solve this issue in a day or two will not work. In addition, you will need all the documentation for the house and the plot, from ownership to gasification plan - Naturally, she should be fine too.

The advantages of this method are: reliability, legality, safety, will not interfere with quality insulation. Among the disadvantages it is worth noting the high cost and duration of the process.
The exact amount of costs depends on the region and the company serving the pipeline on the site. In addition to the work of gas workers and materials, you will have to pay for the preparation and execution of a project approved by the gas service. In addition to the official prices of Gorgaz, you can always negotiate directly with their own qualified master, and this, for sure, will come out cheaper.
Provided that you have all the necessary documents for the house in order, paperwork will take from 2 days to a week. After that, you agree on the date of the visit of the gasman, which depends on the employment of specialists. A certified specialist from the city gas service may be free the next day, and only after a month.

However, we recommend that you wait for it, rather than contacting third-party specialists, who often do not have permission to perform such work.
In order to speed up the process, we recommend that you proceed in the following sequence:
- Collect a package of documents: proof of ownership of the land and the house; the current gasification plan, according to which the pipes are currently installed; perhaps - a site plan with marks about all types of communications. Consider how you would like to position a new pipe.
- With these documents, contact Gorgaz or your local gas supplier and write a letter of request with your address. Usually, employees provide a standard form for this occasion.
- Expect the gas service employee at the address provided to evaluate the situation live and confirm the possibility of the proposed transfer or offer your own option. The same employee or other specialist will make an estimate, calculating all the necessary materials and actions of gas workers. The cost of work and the complexity of the procedure will increase at times if it is necessary to draw up a new technical plan for the placement of gas equipment - for example, when due to a change in the gas injection point, it is planned to move the gas boiler, column, stove or other devices.
- Pay the receipt according to the estimate, after which the date of the work will be assigned.
- When the workers arrive, check that they have access to the gas pipeline. It must be confirmed no more than 1 year ago. Then you just have to watch the work of professionals. If necessary, they will shut off the gas supply in the main pipe, cut off the old cuttings with a grinder and weld its place. Then, a hole will be made in the pipe in a new place, a new cut will be welded to it, a crane will be installed if necessary, the pipe will be fixed to the wall or to the supports. At the entrance to the house, according to the work plan, the new pipe is either welded to the old trim, or lead inside, to the counter. Finally, the tightness of all welds and joints is checked. Do not let go of the masters until you re-read the act they compiled, in which all the work performed on the gas pipeline should be listed.
- With the act received, again contact the gas service to make perfect changes to the technical documentation of the house and the plot.
The new pipe must be treated with 2 layers of primer for metal, and on top of it, apply 2 layers of moisture-resistant paint, always yellow. Painting in other colors and masking is not allowed.
Option number 3 - an open channel in the siding
If you fool around with gas workers and carry the pipe there is neither time, nor money, nor desire, you can bypass it when sheathing, building a channel from the siding. However, this solution also has drawbacks: the work is rather time-consuming, the exterior of the facade can suffer, and due to the lack of insulation, a cold bridge will remain under the pipe, through which the wall can freeze.

It is advisable to use this option if the pipe was correctly laid initially - no closer than 5 cm from the wall, and the master working with siding is ready to take on such a task.
Among the additional costs there will be angular and j-shaped siding profiles - their length is 2 times longer than that of a pipe along the wall, additional profiles or bars for the crate, as well as the services of the master performing the work. The construction of such a canal is quite troublesome, so it will cost a little more than the sheathing of a flat wall.
Depending on the skill of the master and the length of the site where the channel will be, as well as on the type of siding itself, it can take several hours to a couple of days.
If it is time to paint the gas pipe, it is better to do this before the sheathing begins. It is necessary to provide for the arrangement of the channel at the very beginning of work, when arranging the crate for siding or under insulationif any.
During this period, it is necessary to lay 2 horizontal beams or profiles along the pipe: one close to the wall, and the second flush with the main grille for siding. The distance to the pipe is calculated as the thickness of the siding plus 6 cm, and it is advisable to add a couple more centimeters of stock.

If the main siding is too embossed - for example, it imitates a log of a log house - for a channel it is better to purchase an even plastic to match the color of the facade. When siding on the sides of the channel and installing corner profiles, care must be taken not to damage the pipe with the tool. At the end of the work, there should be at least 6 cm from all sides of the pipe to the sheathing material.
The issue of aesthetics is one of the key when looking for a solution with a gas pipe and cladding at home, so that such a structure looks more aesthetic and does not spoil the exterior of the facade, there are several recommendations:
- siding is better to choose a color that will be combined with the yellow color of the pipe;
- make a groove for the entire length of the wall, and if the pipe covers the house - around the entire perimeter of the building;
- You can organize the illumination of the channel, turning it into an artistic idea. If the house is one-story and the pipe runs along the top of the wall, the gutter under the ledge will look spectacular, which will additionally create blackout and emphasize the backlight;
- sometimes they propose to turn such a channel into a box, closing it outside with a removable siding strip with ventilation. But gas workers themselves cannot unequivocally answer whether it is possible to close gas pipes with siding in this way - there seems to be access for maintenance along the entire length, but at the same time it is closed. Therefore, even after receiving the approval of one employee of the gas service, you can run into a fine when checked by another employee.
How exactly mask gas pipe beautiful and safe - the choice is yours!

We remind you that it is forbidden to paint the pipe in any color other than yellow, as well as mask it with any finishing materials.
Sew up a pipe - what does this threaten?
Some owners prefer to neglect all the rules and regulations and do what is most convenient: sew up the gas pipe with siding. We will discuss the possibilities and threats of this option below.
As a rule, those homeowners do this in which gas is brought into the house from the rear, invisible from the street, and controllers from the gas service come extremely rarely. However, do not forget about the dangers of such a decision, because the rules are not written in order to write fines, but to ensure the safety of your life and health.
Initially, additional investments are not required - the pipe will simply be under the casing. However, if the controllers see this, you will be disconnected from the gas supply until the situation is corrected, and you will have to pay not only for the equipment of the gutter in the casing or pipe transfer, but also a fine and reconnection.
Sewing a pipe tightly will take as long as it is generally required for siding this wall. If later it is necessary to redo everything according to the standards, then time will be added to the installation time to disassemble the casing of the upper half of the wall.

If such a situation arises as directed by the controller, your house will be cut off from gas supply for the entire time of the conversion. In the case of pipe transfer, it can be a month or more.
If you still decide on this option, take care, if not about following the rules, then at least about your own safety. To do this, do not lay the pipe tightly with a heater, leave at least a small cavity along its entire length.
In the siding at the pipe level, make several ventilation holes, and in one of the gaps between them, install gas analyzer - a sensor that can warn you in advance of a leak.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
This is how a pipe looks far enough away from the wall on the clamps:
The following video will discuss how to build a channel for gas pipes:
The decision whether to hide the gas pipe under the siding remains only for you, but the responsibility for such a decision, its consequences, lies with you. Once again, weigh the pros and cons of each option specifically for your situation to choose the best path.
Have you already encountered such a problem? If so, how did you solve it? Perhaps you know other ways out of this situation? Share your experience in the comments below - we are interested in your opinion.