Where to complain about the gas service: rules for compiling and filing a complaint against GORGaz

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Olga Kiseleva
Last update: August 2024

Agree that it is far from always that public utilities do their job well. Many people are fond of and prefer not to notice the claims of citizens. Unfortunately, GorGaz also sins with this.

But there is a rule for all services and organizations in the field of housing and communal services. You just need to know where to complain about the gas service in case of inaction and how to properly file a complaint. We will tell you what to do in case of disagreement with the supplier of blue fuel, tell you how to make it fulfill the duties properly.

What is a complaint in administrative law?

A complaint is an appeal of one or several citizens submitted to an administrative body with a demand for the protection or restoration of rights and legitimate interests. It is one of the types of appeals to official departments. Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to file a complaint against an organization, including and GorGaz.

Claims on paper may be personal, individual, or collective. According to the form of submission, they are divided into oral and written.

Constitution of the Russian Federation
The right of individuals to lodge various complaints and claims is inalienable and is regulated by article No. 33 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

It is best to file written complaints, as official departments and organizations serving citizens are required to respond to such a message.

What GorGaz services can I complain about?

The gas service is a large technical organization that is not state property and is not accountable to the state. Despite the features of the work, it has the status of an economic entity, remaining a monopolist in its industry.

This should be considered when filing a complaint. Those. as a result of filing a claim, it will be possible to resolve the conflict, but it will not be possible to change the service provider. However, note that termination of a gas contract it is possible, but then you have to switch to a different type of fuel.

Sobyanin and gas services
GorGaz is a large structure that has no competitors, and therefore at any time can change its terms of service to less profitable

The activities of GorGaz are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 239 and Resolution No. 410. The structure and staff of the gas service are established by the head of the company.

Today GorGaz performs several tasks at once:

  1. Commissioning gas supply systems for apartment buildings and private houses.
  2. Repairs intra-house gas equipment if it becomes worthless.
  3. He takes part in the reconstruction of gasified facilities.
  4. Engaged in fuel transportation.
  5. Conducts an examination of gas pipelines and related equipment.
  6. Performs technical supervision and maintenance according to contract concluded with the owner etc.

When making a claim, it should indicate the service that the complainant is dissatisfied with. Concretization will help to quickly resolve the issue. It is precisely because the gas industry plays several roles that consumers feel inconvenient in formulating complaints and receiving decent assistance from the state in case of problems.

Making a claim in case of debt

Government Decision No. 549 (paragraph 45) regulates the right of gas workers stop gas supplyif the owner of the premises has not paid for this utility for 2 months (or more).

At the same time, Article No. 117 of the Rules for the provision of public utilities allows restricting the supply of gas, but not completely shutting it down. The debtor must be warned about gas shutdown twice: 40 and 20 days before the planned filling of the crane.

Gas Officer
If the problem situation has reached a gas outage, it is better to agree on the spot and try to pay off the debt as soon as possible

If the gas has been completely shut off due to one or two non-payments, homeowners have the right to file a claim with GorGaz. The complaint is made in a free form. When preparing the document, it must be indicated that the provisions of Government Decisions No. 354 and No. 549 have been violated. You should also familiarize yourself with the clauses of the contract for the provision of gas supply services.

This document must indicate the conditions for a possible gas shutdown and the notification rules. For example, gas cannot be turned off for debts, if after that the housing becomes unsuitable for living. If the terms of the contract were violated, this should be reflected in the claim.

The cessation and restoration of gas supply are recorded by special acts. These acts are drawn up in two copies, one of which must remain with the consumer of the service. When submitting a complaint to GorGaz, this act also needs to be attached to the application and indicate its details in the document.

Also, immediately after turning off the gas, you need to call the police. She will not be able to solve the problem, because this situation is within the scope of administrative law.

However, law enforcement officials will draw up a protocol that will record the fact of sealing the gas pipeline and the biography of the residents of the apartment (house) after the gas supply is cut off. Information about the protocol should also be in the statement.

Police officer
Law enforcement officers can be called at any time of the day or night to report a gas outage.

When compiling the protocol, it is necessary to ask the police to understand the problem and answer in writing on this issue. If, when filing a complaint, the applicant already receives an official response from law enforcement agencies, it must also be attached to the rest of the documents.

Emergency and Repair Complaints

No need to complain about the gas service, if the reason for the disconnection of gas in the riser is gas meter installation in any apartment. This is done in order to ensure safety.Also, the gas is turned off due to various technical malfunctions so that it does not leak.

The technical reasons for gas shutdown include:

  • insufficient pressure;
  • equipment malfunction;
  • damage to the gas pipeline during construction and repair work;
  • breakdowns at the gas distribution station;
  • Emergency, etc.

In case of emergency, the gas is turned off without warning. This is done even in winter to prevent an emergency. After eliminating the malfunction, the gas supply must be restored within 2 days. If the deadlines were violated, the applicant has the right to file a corresponding complaint.

New gas pipeline
After eliminating the accident on the gas pipeline, the pipes are checked for defects and, in the absence of malfunctions, gas is supplied through them

When planning a gas pipeline repair, residents should be warned about this in 20 days. Due to repairs, it is allowed to turn off gas for 4 hours per month in total. Utility bills in this case will not change.

If the gas was turned off suddenly, then you first need to call 04 and find out the reason for the shutdown in the emergency gas service. If they don’t know anything there, you should contact the Management Company, as there is always the possibility that a person simply did not notice the announcement of the upcoming repair.

You also need to call the gas supplier at the phone number indicated on the receipt, as this organization may know the cause of the line failure. If such blackouts occur quite often, you must send a complaint to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

Where to complain about the gas service?

If you have problems with the gas service, you should initially try to resolve the issue at the local level. To get started, you can contact the immediate head of the department (manager) or director of the company. Their contacts can be found on the official website of the organization.

Company director
The director is the most important person in the company who can and must resolve any issues related to claims of consumers of services

It is best to write a complaint to the director with the reasons for his appeal. This is especially true if a person is dissatisfied with the work of any specific employees of the organization.

Most often this happens due to the boorish behavior of the employee, which is expressed in:

  • obscene and rude utterances during work;
  • constant use of swear words;
  • defiant behavior;
  • wearing inappropriate clothing, etc.

Ignoring a complaint or unsubscribing without specifying reasons on the part of the head of the company is recognized as a gross violation of law No. 59 on citizens' appeals. In the future, this may become the subject of independent appeal to the prosecutor. A competent leader will quickly respond to a complaint and will be able to solve the problem in a short time.

Written response to a complaint
The response to the complaint should be immediate, as any claim to the organization’s work negatively affects its reputation

If this does not happen, you will have to contact the higher authorities. Lawyers recommend sending complaints to several organizations at once: the prosecutor’s office, the court, the ministry, etc. This will provide a quick solution to the issue.

Appeal to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

One of the organizations in which they can solve the problem with GorGaz is the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. A special department has been created here, responsible for accepting complaints from the population and overseeing their further consideration.

At the same time, you can file a claim with the agency in several ways:

  1. For a personal appeal, making an appointment on a reception day. Schedule of personal reception of citizens can be downloaded on the corresponding page of the official website of the Ministry.
  2. In a telephone conversation (numbers of the Ministry of Energy group on working with citizens: +74956318746 and +74956318747).
  3. By mail to the address: 107996, GSP-6, Moscow, ul. Shchepkina, 42.
  4. On the website of the Ministry of Energy through a special form of sending appeals.

When submitting a complaint on the official website of the Ministry, you need to log in through the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA).

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 10 294-ФЗ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control”, verification by the control and supervisory authority will be carried out only if authorized applicants apply.

Online complaint
Anonymous complaints about gas services are not considered, as they may contain false information and unverified information from obscure sources

It does not matter from which device the complaint was filed. The website of the Ministry of Energy is well displayed on any gadgets: tablets, smartphones, computers, etc. You can also file a complaint while in any region of Russia or even abroad. The IP number does not affect the term for consideration of the claim.

Other complaint organizations

Other organizations may also complain about the inaction of GorGaz employees. They are not specialized, but they protect the rights of citizens. These institutions can initiate independent inspections of the gas service, as a result of which those responsible (in case of serious violations) can be brought to administrative responsibility.

These organizations include:

  • The prosecutor's office;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Court;
  • Fuel and Energy Committee (FEC);
  • State Housing Inspectorate (a request is sent here to bring the gas service to administrative responsibility under Article 7.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Regional Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (through this organization it is best to deal with monopolistic companies, using the provisions of Federal Law No. 135);
  • Central Office of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Control;
  • Rostekhnadzor (this organization carries out professional state control and supervision in the gas sector);
  • Department of municipal control, if there was a violation of urban planning legislation.

In most cases, if problems arise with employees or the management of GorGaz, you should contact the prosecutor's office.

It is she who oversees the work of officials and compliance with the law on their part. The prosecutor's office will help protect the applicants' interests if they exceed their powers in the gas service and violate the legitimate interests of citizens.

You can also contact the prosecutor's office if the applicants have suspicions that the gas service has economic violations or problems within the legal framework.

The key rules for submitting written complaints to the prosecutor’s office are established in the normative legal act “Instruction on the Procedure for Considering Appeals and the Admission of Citizens to the Prosecutor’s Bodies of the Russian Federation” No. 45. When compiling an appeal, it is better to proceed from the provisions of this document.

Rospotrebnadzor is an official organization that is engaged in protecting consumer rights. It helps to resolve issues that have arisen in cooperation with both state and commercial structures. If a citizen believes that GorGaz has violated contractual obligations, he should contact here.

Documents from the gas service
Before filing a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to re-read the contract with the service organization and, when drawing up the claim, build on the provisions of this document

It is worth going to court if other structures could not help. Also, the judicial authorities can resolve the dispute related to material and financial losses. The trial will be held in accordance with the norms of the Code of Civil Procedure.

Housing Lawyer
You can write a competent statement of claim for a lawsuit on your own or you can bring in a professional lawyer from the law office

When applying to the court, it is better to hire a lawyer in advance so that he represents the interests of the applicant. A competent lawyer will help to correctly compile all the documents and objectively present all the facts to the judge.

Also, with the help of a lawyer, compensation can be obtained not only for material, but also moral damage. Initially, the court considers the application with the claim within 5 days (based on Article No. 133 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

Filing a complaint about the work of GorGaz

The complaint against GorGaz is made in Russian, regardless of the native language of the applicant. Existing laws and regulations do not regulate the exact sample claims. The document should contain the main causes of the conflict and the individual circumstances of the situation, however it can be written in free form.

Complaint against gas workers
This is one of the options for filing a complaint about the gas service, indicating the reasons for the claim and the grounds for the requirement to provide quality services

But at the same time, the complaint should be drawn up according to the general rules of business correspondence. In its design, you can not use obscene language, it is impartial to express oneself and to make emotional statements. Also in the claim errors, corrections and blots are unacceptable.

The complaint should be written in simple language and contain only important information on the topic:

  • full name of the body to which the claim is drawn up;
  • details and contact details of the applicant (including the mailing address to which you can send an answer);
  • the essence of the problem indicating the time period for receiving low-quality services;
  • details (legal address, contacts, etc.) of the company to which the complaint is written;
  • information from the subscription service agreement concluded between GorGaz and the applicant;
  • applicant's claims (pecuniary and moral compensation);
  • the period of time during which the applicant awaits a response, etc.

At the end of the document should put a date and sign. The complaint should be written in clear handwriting or printed on a computer. The information specified in the document must be reliable. Indication of false information may result in administrative liability.

If the applicant has the opportunity to provide documentary evidence, it is necessary to put references to these papers in the text of the complaint to the gas service or attach copies of them to the claim.

Original with duplicate
The document must be executed in duplicate, since one copy is given for consideration, and the second remains with the applicant

When submitting paper, you need to ask that the applicant’s copy be noted that the claim has been submitted for consideration. Also, instead, a person may be issued a receipt in receipt of documents.

The receipt shall indicate the date of filing the application and the name of the responsible person who accepted the documents. It is from this date that the deadline for the official response of the applicant begins.

The time during which state organizations are required to respond to a civil appeal is described in Federal Law No. 59. Based on this regulatory act, a response to a complaint must be expected within 10-30 days from the date of its submission. To expedite the procedure, you can file a claim collectively. Collective complaints are always dealt with first.

Package of additional documents for submission

A number of other documents must be attached to the complaint. They will serve as additional evidence of the applicant's words and the basis of his rights.

These securities include:

  • certificate of ownership of the apartment or an extract from the USRN (a sales contract or gift certificate is not necessary);
  • maintenance contract;
  • Act on the latest gas equipment maintenance;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts (if there is really no debt);
  • the results of the examination of the housing department of the administration;
  • copies of claims that were filed earlier, and answers to them.

The claimant must also attach his passport to the claim. Those. when filing a complaint, it is necessary to prove the illegality of the actions of gas workers.

If there are communal debts, you should write an additional separate application for debt restructuring and pay it by installments, if you can’t pay off the debt in one payment.

Use of gas stove
If there is no gas supply agreement, it is still considered concluded if the subscriber actually used gas

The possibility of the actual conclusion of the contract is regulated by part 1 of article No. 540 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It says that the subscription service agreement is considered concluded from the moment of the first real connection of the object to the network in the prescribed manner. Moreover, it is considered signed for an indefinite period, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.

If the applicant lodges a complaint regarding a gas outage, he can also provide documents confirming the material costs that had to be incurred due to sealing the gas pipeline.

These may be purchase receipts. electric heater or frozen replacement receipts gas pipes (For example, they froze very much during a gas outage, and cracked after heating). Such expenses are more typical for private homes.

About who to call or write a complaint, if there is no heating, learn from the next article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Detailed information on where and how to file a complaint about the work of the gas service can be found in the video below:

In the event of claims on the work of GorGaz, the organization should file a complaint with government departments. The choice of an official body depends on the nature of the claim.

Tell us about how you filed a complaint about the GORGAZ branch serving you. Share your own experience in resolving the issue and useful information that visitors to the site can use. Please write comments in the block form below, ask questions.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Yulia

    The column broke. They called for three weeks. They only feed them with promises, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, then they are generally redirected to the emergency service (which is not required!) To repair the column! Disgusting work!

    The dispatcher is rude, speaks in a raised voice and hangs up. Why am I paying 1,500 rubles a year? Answer me?! I pay for the service! And where is the service? NOT A FUCK people DO NOT WORK!

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. If your application has not been registered, there will be no sense from the complaint. I advise you to go to Gorgaz and write a complaint to the head in 2 copies. And let them approve the application. And then to the prosecutor’s office or Rospotrebnadzor.

  2. Gulya

    I am a mother of many children. I am registered and live in the village, but I have a room in Kuznetsk with a shared kitchen. And receipts come with payment for 5 people, but should be for 1 person, because no one is registered there. Already the documents were all that were needed, but no sense ...

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. As I understand it, a room in your communal apartment or common-ownership in an ordinary apartment with a division of shares? The fact that you have many children (and no doubt use the established privilege for such families in the place of registration !?) does not play any special significance here.As for the appearance in the receipt, in principle, of non-resident owners, then from January 1, 2017, amendments to PP No. 354 entered into force: “56 (2). In the absence of citizens permanently and temporarily residing in a residential building, the volume of utilities is calculated taking into account the number of owners of such a building“.

      You should find out what 5 people are on your receipt.

      1. Perhaps you do not have a separation of accounts in the apartment and, accordingly, all tenants fit into the receipt. Then you should use Art. 249 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: “Each participant in shared ownership is obliged, in proportion to his share, to participate in the payment of taxes, fees and other payments for common property, as well as in the costs of its maintenance and maintenance“And split the bills. In general, this option would explain everything.

      2. You are considered all family members. And this is an unlawful act. “All documents related” - what documents did you refer? What do you say in response, how motivate the number of people in the receipt? Not enough you have thrown us information for thought. If the room has one owner, there is a separation of accounts, then you should go to the prosecutor's office with a statement about the illegality of the calculations.

      3. If you do not have residents and registered residents in your communal apartment, accruals should go only by the number of OWNERS! If the apartment is shared with children, as is often the case (and should be) when buying with MK, the accruals are quite understandable.

      Here, in any case, you need to find out - look at the receipts of your neighbors, see if your charges are divided or not, what kind of people are on the receipt, and so on. We can only guess now without additional information.

      • Elena

        from January 1, 2017, amendments to the PP No. 354 came into force: “56 (2). In the absence of citizens permanently and temporarily living in the dwelling, the amount of utilities is calculated taking into account the number of owners of such a premises ... ”

        And please tell me: if the contract with GorGaz was concluded in 2019, are they entitled to charge all owners since 2017 ???

        The fact is that since 2017 there have been no debts. A receipt came for the old owner. Payment was per person. And in 2019, she concluded an agreement with GorGaz, after which we counted 5490 rubles for 4 owners. I'm at a dead end. Help, I don’t know what to do: pay or sue?

  3. Nadezhda Nikolayevna

    Please explain to me about the gas agreement. The contract says that it is given for 3 years. And how many years have we been paying 1300r in GorGaz every year?

    I asked why the gas workers so? They muddle, twist, it is profitable for them to withdraw from us every year for an agreement - for maintenance and repair of gas in-house gas supply.

    Please answer why the agreement says the action is for 3 years, but take for each year? Thank you, we will wait.

  4. rose flower

    It seems to me that the gas is very diluted with air. Please tell me if there are any norms, advise who can check the real composition of the fuel?


