How to cut a pipe with gas: the procedure, rules and stages of work

Vasily Borutsky
Checked by a specialist: Vasily Borutsky
Author: Aksall
Last update: August 2024

Before cutting a pipe with gas, it is important to familiarize yourself with the standards and rules for working with gas equipment. Have you noticed how few users do just that? Most decide to look into SNiPs, already holding a grinder in their hands. Some completely ignore the norms established by law. Meanwhile, each stage of this event is regulated, has a certain sequence of implementation.

Incorrect shortening of the gas pipeline is fraught with serious consequences, the most formidable of which is the leak of explosives. For work, you need an accurate professional tool, experience and safety knowledge. Not possessing such a set, it is not worth taking responsibility for unauthorized modification of the pipe. It’s better to entrust this to the master. But how to check the correctness of its work?

In this article we have given all the rules regarding the cutting of gas pipes in houses and apartments, compiled an algorithm of actions, a list of tools and materials. After reading it, you will save time searching for information, you will be able to correctly plan your actions, prepare all the necessary documents in time and monitor the work of a specialist.

Reasons for trimming a gas pipe

The most common motive is to carry out repairs, during which a decision is made to change the position of the stove or install new equipment. All this can move the owners to shorten the gas pipe.

In addition, the representative of the gas company, legally requiring the removal of the meter into the zone of visibility, can act as the initiator.

Piece of gas pipe
In old houses, you can observe the following picture: the removal from the gas pipe interferes with the convenient location of the curtains or kitchen unit modules. This also often causes pruning.

It may require a shortening due to the mismatch of outdated communications with modern rules. The standards are regularly updated, and it is extremely rare for homeowners to track changes made on their own.

Requirements of the law to the customer and contractor

Since a faulty gas pipeline is a source of danger to human life, lawmakers have identified the customer - the initiator of the cut or gas pipe transfer and performer. The law makes special demands on the latter. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to them.

Who should apply?

Until 2005, the municipal gas services were responsible for the state of gas pipes and equipment connected to them in Russia. Later, the law shifted it to homeowners: management companies began to monitor intra-house networks in apartment buildings, and owners or tenants began to monitor intra-apartment networks.

In private households, this has also become the responsibility of the owners. Therefore, before shortening the gas pipe in the kitchen, it is necessary to determine the owner.

Individual equipment boundaries
The figure shows the differentiation of responsibility between the Criminal Code and the residents. At the same time, payments for the maintenance of intra-house equipment were made in monthly receipts. But for the manipulations with the apartment networks, including for trimming pipes, tenants pay separately

Confirmation of this rule can be found in Decree No. 410 dated 05/14/2013edited by the government of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2017.

According to the general provisions of this decree, the owner of a square meter or a tenant may become a customer when trimming a pipe in an apartment or private household. In this case, the rental must be formalized.

Who has the right to do the work?

The contractor is also clearly defined in the government document. This is a specialized organization that performs maintenance and repair of gas equipment under an agreement with the owners or the management company. In addition, the supplier company can take pipe cutting.

The law makes the following requirements for the contractor:

  • the presence in the staff of certified employees with specialized education;
  • availability of production instructions for gas hazardous work;
  • mandatory use of instrumentation.

All tools and appliances used by gas service masters must undergo regular calibration according to the schedule approved by the organization.

As can be seen from the above list, the requirements for the contractor are quite high. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to shorten gas pipes yourself or with the help of unauthorized persons.

Preparatory phase - obtaining permission

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether, from a technical point of view, it is possible to shorten the gas pipe and how to do it. To do this, you need to apply to a specialized organization.

The application is written in free form, indicating the exact address and passport details of the owner.

Certificate of ownership
Since only the owner of the premises can be an applicant under the law, a gas service officer may request that documents of title be presented on the first visit

After receiving a signal from the owner of the premises, the gas service sends its representative to the place. The master will listen to the wishes of the applicant, inspect the gas pipeline and equipment connected to it, and issue a verdict. In the event that the customer's wishes prove to be contrary to safety standards, he will offer other options.

After finding the optimal solution, the specialist will draw up a diagram in which the state of the pipe will be reflected after trimming. Based on this scheme, the gas company will issue a permit and set an estimate. It will take into account the cost of upcoming work and supplies.

Norms for installing a gas pipeline

Even before the arrival of the master, the owner can familiarize himself with the requirements for the installation of in-house gas pipelines. This will save time, make it possible to quickly determine the option that is suitable for all parameters. Criteria for choosing the location of gas equipment, as well as installation rules are spelled out in SNiP 2.04.08-87.

Gas pipe layout requirements

After shortening the pipe, free access to it must be maintained. All devices, including gas flow meter.

Particular attention in SNiP is given to the location of the valves with which the trunk is shut off. They are forbidden to disguise, to cover with deaf kitchen cabinets, stationary decorative screens.

Pipe in the closet
When trying to hide a pipe in a cabinet, many users block the quick access to it with food and kitchen utensils. Doing this is prohibited, since the presence of foreign objects will make it difficult to find a source of danger in case of a possible leak

All distances specified in legislative acts must be observed. So, the gas pipe should be located at least 200 cm from the floor.

An important point is the inviolability of the horizontal segment of the cutoff from the common riser, on which the gas valve is located. It must not be removed or shortened. The only exception is apartments located on the top floors of apartment buildings.

They gas services are allowed to carry the crane to a height of 75 cm from the floor. This does not violate safety requirements and allows you to place a pipe with a tap under the countertop of the kitchen unit. For more information on how to properly mask a gas pipe in the kitchen, read Further.

The choice of material and method of doing the work

Restore the connection of the pieces of gas pipe is allowed only by welding. Pluggable elements are permissible exclusively in the places of installation of pressure regulators, shut-off valves and connecting gas stoves. This is another argument in favor of attracting professional gas workers.

Another, no less convincing argument is the need to turn off the fuel supply throughout the riser of an apartment building. This can only be done by official representatives of the gas service and in agreement with the public utilities.

Open window
Before starting work, the master must ensure good ventilation. It is important that the air comes directly from the street. If there is not enough traction from the window openings in the kitchen, you can open the windows in other rooms

The law imposes strict requirements on the choice of material. Flexible hoses are only allowed to connect the gas main and kitchen equipment. Their length cannot exceed 300 cm.

As flexible eyeliners rubber fabric sleeves, metal braided rubber sleeves, as well as bellows sleeves, can protrude. All other sections of the gas pipeline must be made of metal. This should also be taken into account when shortening the pipe.

The main stages of work

Since it is possible to cut the gas pipe in the apartment only when the entire riser is turned off, it is necessary to coordinate not only the date, but also the exact time of the work with the communal service.

Housing and communal services employees will notify residents in advance, and at the end they will personally warn of the resumption of gas supply. The master, who arrives at the appointed time, will once again check the owner's documents, turn off the gas, provide effective ventilation and begin work.

Gas service worker
First of all, gas workers purge the gas pipeline to free it from explosive fuel. The residual fraction of gas should not exceed 1% of the total volume of the air mixture

Further work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. According to the scheme approved by the specialized service, the master will cut off the excess pipe segment.
  2. Install a stub into the hole formed.
  3. If necessary, it will weld by attaching rotary elements.
  4. Install shutoff valves, sealing the junction of the FUM tape with a thickness of 0.1 to 0.25 mm.
  5. Check the integrity of the gas pipeline.
  6. Draw up an act of completion, which must be signed by the homeowner.

The integrity of the compounds is checked by applying a soap solution. When bubbles appear, the wizard must re-sort the connection that is in doubt and check again.

Soap solution
It is not recommended to check the quality of work performed with a match or a lighter. And this is not only a matter of safety: a low concentration of gas immediately after connection will not give the expected effect. Therefore, the best way is a soap solution.

After confirming the integrity, the representative of the gas service must issue an act on the provision of the service and give recommendations on the processing of pipes with a paint composition.

Since the main task of painting is to protect the metal from moisture and rust, gas workers usually recommend vapor-tight compounds. The hue can be chosen by the owner in accordance with the main palette of the interior.

Choosing a Cropping Tool

For cutting gas pipes, hacksaws and pipe cutters are often used. Less commonly, a grinder is used. Quite often, gas service workers use electric or gas welding. According to experts, each tool has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's consider them more closely:

  • hacksaw. It makes it possible to make a neat cut without soot and other traces of processing. A significant drawback is the complexity, duration of work;
  • pipe cutter. Its use ensures the perpendicularity of the cut, obtaining a flat end and the absence of metal sawdust. Minus - the volume of the tool, often exceeding the distance between the wall and the pipe;
  • Bulgarian. The advantage is high cutting speed. The disadvantage is the formation of sparks, due to which additional protection of surfaces in the area of ​​work is required;
  • gas welding and electric welding. With proper preparation, including thorough cleaning of metal from paint, dirt and rust, the tool provides a high-quality cut. But it is worth remembering that the method is fire hazardous.

An experienced specialist at the first inspection will determine the appropriateness of using this or that equipment. The choice of tool depends on the skills of the master, the availability of equipment, the location of the pipes relative to the wall, as well as the material of the walls and floors.

Pipe cutter
Even the most compact pipe cutter can be useless if the pipe is laid almost close to the wall. The only solution in this case is to try to bend it a short distance or use another tool

In wooden houses, special protection of walls and ceilings is required when using a grinder or gas welding. Flying sparks and high metal temperatures can cause a fire.

Therefore, before work, it is necessary to close all wooden surfaces with metal sheets.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The initiator of the shortening of the pipe can be the owner of the room, and the performer is a specialized organization that has a staff of certified specialists with a specialized education.

Trimming should be carried out taking into account the restrictions prescribed in SNiP 2.04.08-87, after turning off the fuel supply throughout the riser. Independent manipulations with the gas duct are prohibited.

Please note that in the video the master uses both grinder and electric welding. The company focuses on checking the quality of work and issuing supporting documentation:

If you have ever cut gas pipes in an apartment or participated in this process, we invite you to share your observations. Below is a form on the margins of which you can leave comments, ask questions to specialized specialists or other visitors to the site.

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