Bulk acrylic for the bath: seven popular compositions for restoration + what to look for when buying
It is easy to apply, inexpensive, well masks surface defects - it is not for nothing that bulk acrylic for a bath is popular. It is possible to carry out restoration work independently and without the use of special tools. After hardening, the mixture is characterized by high strength, durability.
We will talk about how to find the best polymer blend. We will show you which of the market offers will be the most suitable. We will understand the assortment and see what parameters you need to pay attention to when choosing this material.
The content of the article:
TOP 7 best offers of bulk acrylic
Bulk or liquid acrylic is a group of substances that are intended for the restoration of bathtubs according to a specific technique. The way to restore the attractive appearance of the tank is to mechanically clean the surface, degreasing, drying and applying (filling) the composition.
The set of bulk acrylic includes the base and hardener. The standard shade is white or colorless. If necessary, the mixture can be tinted. The main advantage of the technique in its cost. Independent restoration costs 15-20% of the price of new plumbing.
If the estimate includes the services of a master in painting the bath, the amount will be about a third of the cost of purchase and delivery of the bath. The rating contains acrylic from different manufacturers. They differ in price, composition, features of use. We will examine in more detail with the popular brands of acrylic.

Place # 1 - FINNACRYL-24
It is applied for cast iron plumbing restorationmetal bathtubs. The coating is glossy and smooth. The viability of the material after mixing the components is 60 minutes. If the composition is not used within the specified time, it will be unsuitable.

- manufacturer - LLC "Restvanna", St. Petersburg;
- consumption - 1.7 m (4 kg), 1.5 m (3.4 kg), 1.2 m (2.7 kg);
- White colour;
- solidification time - 24 hours;
- shelf life - 12 months.
At a temperature of 25 degrees, acrylic hardens in a day. If the temperature ranges from 17 to 25 degrees, the formation of a durable film will take 30-36 hours.
Before use, the mixture is recommended to be placed in the bathroom so that the ingredients are heated to an acceptable temperature. After connecting the components, the working composition must be thoroughly mixed with a drill mixer for about 10 minutes and left to brew for another 5 minutes.
The base and hardener should turn into a homogeneous substance so that no film remains on the walls and bottom of the bucket. When using a poorly mixed mixture, yellow spots will appear on the surface.
FINNACRYL-24 gives a thin, strong film, spreads evenly, does not form bubbles and sag. Provided that the surface is well pre-cleaned and the technology is followed, the material shows the best results in durability and aesthetics of the coating.
Users are somewhat confused by the positioning of the company itself. Previously, the official website and packaging indicated that the production is located in Finland. But by 2017, the origin was changed to Russian. As practice has shown, the quality of the product did not suffer from this.
In the manufacturer’s lineup there is 24T liquid acrylic, which differs from the main composition in increased fluidity. There are also sets with a pour time of 16 and 8 hours.
Place # 2 - Stacryl ECOLOR
The mixture appeared on the market among the first products of this category (2005) and is still popular. According to most masters, it is Stakril that has the highest strength characteristics.
Bicomponent enamel is made from raw materials from German firms Basf and Dow. The coating after hardening is characterized by uniformity, glossy gloss and smoothness.

- manufacturer - LLC Ekolor, St. Petersburg;
- consumption - 1.2 m (2.7 kg), 1.5 m (3.4 kg), 1.7 m (4 kg);
- White colour;
- solidification time - 24 hours;
- shelf life - 12 months.
The composition remains fluid for 60-70 minutes. It is impossible to dilute the mixture with a solvent in order to increase this time - it immediately liquefies, quickly drains to the bottom of the bath, the coating is very thin. Complete polymerization of acrylic is achieved after 2-4 days. The layer thickness varies between 1-6 mm.
The material surpasses analogues in the final strength and smoothness, it is practically not afraid of abrasives, scratches, detergents. The bath can be used 1-2 days after restoration.
This acrylic is tinted with brand toners of blue, pink, light green, violet, beige, turquoise. Shades are selected from a light palette to a dark one.
A significant minus - Stakril requires skill in applying. The slightest mistake in the preparation of the composition or in the application process - bubbles, sagging will form, clots will form. The second drawback is that buyers report a strong odor.
In the lineup of the manufacturer there is another kind of product - Stakril Profi. This mixture takes 16 hours to consolidate.
Place # 3 - Ekovanna Suite
The composition is made without solvent. It is cheaper than the previous two analogues and it has less consumption.
The manufacturer uses the products of the multinational company HUNTSMAN, German firms Evonik and Byk Chemie as a raw material base. The recipe was developed taking into account the surveys of control groups of restorers.

- manufacturer - NPK EcoVanna LLC, Moscow;
- consumption - 1.2 m (2.45 kg), 1.5 m (3.01 kg), 1.7 m (3.57 kg);
- White colour;
- solidification time - 24 hours;
- shelf life - 12 months.
The material is designed for independent unprofessional use, so when mixing the substance is obtained as homogeneous as possible, without lumps, which facilitates application. There is no pungent odor.
It is applied easily, bubbles, sagging is not formed. The composition is characterized by good adhesion, preservation of fluidity and prolonged solidification. A significant advantage is excellent fluidity. Even a thin layer of the mixture is able to mask irregularities, heterogeneity of the color of the surface.
"Ecovanna Lux" is fully polymerized per day. Film used for enamel bath, differs in the minimum thickness, but durability.
In the manufacturer’s lineup there is “Antimicrobial” acrylic with silver ions, which prevents the development of bacteria in a humid environment. Enamel actively prevents the reproduction of fungi and microbes, and in terms of characteristics and price it does not differ from the main composition.
Another representative of the line is Shungit. Natural shungite is added to this acrylic, therefore the material is black and has bactericidal properties. All other parameters coincide with the standard composition.
Place # 4 - SipoFlex-24
This bulk acrylic is made from raw materials from leading European and American brands - Basf, Du Pont, Dow. The material is characterized by excellent quality and adhesion to cast iron, metal surfaces.
It is easy to work with the material: it is quite flexible, spreads well when applied. WITH bath restoration even an unprofessional master will cope.

- manufacturer - Sipo, Moscow;
- Consumption - 1.2 m (2.53 kg), 1.5 m (3 kg), 1.7 m (3.63 kg);
- White colour;
- solidification time - 24 hours;
- shelf life - 12 months.
Acrylic does not have a sharp odor; allergic reactions to the drug components have not been identified. It is toxic only in liquid form, like other substances. After hardening, the film is not harmful to health. The technology for preparing and using the composition is similar to the previous ones. Its working life is 70 minutes.
In the process of applying the mixture, air bubbles, smudges do not form. Freezing, SipoFlex turns into a bright white, smooth and glossy surface. In addition to the main composition in the product line there is acrylic with a pour time of 16 hours.
Place # 5 - PlastAll Classic
The correct pronunciation of the name is “plastol” (not “plastal”). Acrylic is produced without the addition of harmful solvents (acetone, butyl acetate, nonylphenols, mutagens, etc.). This is the only composition in the ranking that shows good adhesion not only with cast iron and metal, but also with ceramics, plastic, wood, concrete.

- manufacturer - Plastol Coatings Group LLC, Tolyatti together with PABREC, Slovenia;
- consumption - up to 1, 2 m (2.5 kg), 1.2-1.5 m (2.8 kg), 1.5-1.7 m (3.4 kg), from 1.7 m ( 3.9 kg);
- White colour;
- solidification time - 36 hours;
- shelf life - 60 months.
The mixture recipe includes raw materials from Germany, Holland and the USA. The product is certified according to the European standard DIN EN 71-3, which indicates its complete safety for children in a solid state.
The complete set of goods up to 1.2 m (2.5 kg) is specially designed for the restoration of shower trays. The potlife of the diluted substance is 90 minutes. When applying the mixture, bubbles and sags almost do not appear. Temperature resistance - up to 120 degrees.
Material for cast iron recovery and steel plumbing fully polymerizes in 36 hours.The coating is durable and durable. There is practically no smell. In addition to the classic composition in the assortment of the company there are 4 more mixtures. They differ from each other in viscosity, fluidity, and solidification period.
"Premium" dries in 24 hours, but you need to apply it in an hour. "Titan" leaves a thin film, but aligns harder than the "Classic". "Super" dries in 16 hours, but is applied within half an hour. "Light beige" has a milky, creamy hue.
Specialists of the manufacturing company organized a network of professional restorers PlastAllProfi. The site allows you to choose a master who passed the examination tests and received a certificate for the right to work with the material.
Place # 6 - JarLisoat 616
This bulk acrylic was developed in 2010. The composition used components from the American company DuPont, German manufacturers Dow and BykChemie. The material gives a coating thickness of up to 6 mm. Can be used for tank restorationin which drinking water is stored. This fact is confirmed by relevant documents.

- manufacturer - Yaroslavl paint and varnish products plant;
- consumption - 1.2 m (2.9 kg), 1.5 m (3.4 kg), 1.7 m (4 kg);
- White colour;
- solidification time - 36-48 hours;
- shelf life - 12 months.
The product is delivered in a metal euro container, which eliminates the risk of counterfeiting and damage during transportation. The design of the bucket protects the contents from premature opening of goods by unauthorized persons.
The composition can be tinted with the signature tone of blue, emerald, black, yellow, red, blue-violet, burgundy, red-brown. Smell in the process bath updates insignificant, weathering in a couple of hours.
The pot life of the mixture is 40-45 minutes. If the room temperature is more than 24 degrees, the working time with the composition is reduced to 20 minutes. Acrylic differs from competitors in its long solidification period. Coating for many years keeps snow-white, does not turn yellow.
You can use the bathroom after two days. But it is recommended to change the mixer, lay the tiles and work, mechanically dangerous for the coating, in a week.
Place # 7 - Acacryl
The composition does not contain solvents, when filling air bubbles do not form. The mixture is moderately thick, applied in a thick layer, but after draining it remains on the walls about 2-3 mm of substance, at the bottom - 5-6 mm.
After drying, the film remains plastic for some time and you can easily cut off the drops on the sides of the bath, they do not break off. The coating is glossy, smooth.

- manufacturer - Yaroslavl paint and varnish products plant;
- consumption - 1.2 m (2.7 kg), 1.5 m (2.7 kg), 1.7 m (4 kg);
- White colour;
- solidification time - 16 hours;
- shelf life - 12 months.
The bicomponent material mixes well until uniform. The mixture does not have a pronounced chemical smell. Plasticity and fluidity make Ecacryl convenient to use. The viability of the substance lasts about an hour.
But restorers note the lowest strength of this acrylic among the "colleagues". The coating can be damaged even if the shampoo bottle falls.
Features of the choice of material
When choosing enamels for bath restoration Pay attention to the expiration date of the goods when buying. Acrylic compounds lose their characteristics during long-term storage. The result is a loss of adhesion and the rapid destruction of the restoration layer. Dates are indicated only on a basis, for the hardener this indicator is not important.
Key factors for buyers:
- White color. Almost all formulations give a white coating.If you need color, the choice of shade and tinting is better to entrust to specialists, it is difficult to find the right tone yourself.
- Odor. You can’t do anything without it; mixtures differ only in the intensity of volatile chemical compounds. Allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children are advised to leave the apartment or house while the bath is being renovated.
- Ease of application. A professional will cope with any material of complexity. A home master should purchase a less capricious acrylic.
The color of the coating also depends on the color of the hardener. If it is initially bright orange, red or brown in color, yellow will appear after polymerization.

If you plan refresh the bath yourself, take a look at the easy-to-apply formulations - “Ecowanna”, “Plastol”. For professional use, you can stay at "Stakril" or FINNACRYL. They are more difficult to work with, but provide more reliable coverage.
Another important indicator is the drying speed. The smaller it is, the more the mixture contains plasticizers and hardener, which increases the fragility of the coating.
Keep in mind that the bath will completely dry in only 3-4 days. It is advisable to wait and provide the containers with high-quality drying indoors. If dust or debris adheres to the surface, the appearance will deteriorate.
Remember, to restore the attractive appearance of the bath, one restoration is not enough. Careful maintenance and surface care are important.
Liquid coating technology has a practical alternative - an acrylic liner. Comparison of both options given hereWe recommend that you read some very useful information.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The process of restoration of the bath with liquid acrylic with smoothing the mixture with a brush:
Dismantling the acrylic liner and filling the new polymer layer:
What does the bath look like after 11 months of use. Why the surface may turn yellow and why mechanical damage is dangerous:
The quality of bulk acrylic, presented on the Russian market, is approximately the same. Differences in the ratio of chemical components affect the application features more than the strength and appearance.
Negative reviews regarding this or that composition largely depend not on the characteristics of the material, but on the work of the master. Unscrupulous performers may well use good acrylic, but the result will be devoid of the expected aesthetics and durability.
And what option did you choose to repair your own bath? Tell us what was the decisive argument in favor of the composition you acquired. Please write comments in the block below, post a photo and ask questions about the topic of the article.
After I tried to restore the bath myself, I realized that it is not so easy as it seems at first glance. Exactly pouring acrylic is very difficult, you need a full hand, anyway, there are still streaks in some places. But you can understand, I did it the first time. Of course, it turned out cheaper than hiring craftsmen, but I had to tinker. Even in the process of work, I thought maybe I could quit everything and buy a new bath.But it was a pity the money spent on the material, it is also not a penny. I took "Stakril", it has a rather specific smell. My advice: work in a respirator, I breathed in, and then it was bad. I sent my pets to my grandmother for a couple of days so that everything would dry out well.
Using acrylic can significantly extend the life of the bath. Visually, it is generally updated to the state of freshly purchased. As for the choice of a specific acrylic manufacturer, then, according to the master, who did the restoration to us, they practically do not differ from each other. He himself used acrylic from Ekolor, it turned out pretty well. Although a little time has passed - a little less than a year, so it's too early to judge.