How to make a chair from polypropylene pipes with your own hands: step-by-step instructions for manufacturing

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Julia Oschepkova
Last update: May 2024

As a rule, after replacing or constructing a water supply system, often plastic pipes and fittings remain. Of course, such material is already unsuitable for reassembling communication networks, but it can be used for the manufacture of various decorative crafts and practical things.

If you wish and have free time, you can make a chair out of polypropylene pipes with your own hands - the assembly technology is very simple and can be done by any home master. Do you want to assemble original furniture, but do not know where to start? We will help you in the implementation of your plan.

The article describes in detail three manufacturing techniques of various crafts. Following the instructions given, you can personally assemble a highchair, kitchen stool and portable chair for the fisherman.

Variety of plastic products

In furniture made from improvised materials, there is something attractive. Thus, plastic pipes make it possible to produce structures of perfect geometric shapes. They will add zest to the interior of the room. In addition, the owner of such furniture will have a great chance to show off to friends who have personally created a masterpiece.

Plastic tube chairs offer the following benefits:

  • ease;
  • compactness;
  • strength;
  • ease of manufacture.

And the most important thing is that they can be built with your own hands in a relatively short time. This will require a minimum set of tools and materials, and a little patience.

It is necessary to start manufacturing a chair from polypropylene with the choice of the product design and its design embodiment. In this case, you need to build on the function that the furniture will perform.

Armchair made of pipes
If there are a lot of pipe scraps, then from them you can build a chic creative chair or bar stool. It is not necessary to have a soldering iron for fastening parts, this can be done using special glue

Having decided on this, proceed to the selection of product parameters: the size of the future design, its type (collapsible or solid), the method of connecting parts.It is necessary to draw an approximate outline of the future product in order to understand how much and what material will be needed to work.

The design of PVC chairs is limited only by human imagination. In order to get ideas, you can look through magazines with interior designs or furniture catalogs. It is not necessary to look only at plastic products; ideas can be gleaned by looking at furniture from any material.

Stools made of plastic pipes can be placed in the kitchen, cottage veranda, garage, and just in the yard - everywhere they will look stylish and original.

For trips to barbecue or fishing, you can build folding chairs that are convenient to store and transport when folded, while they do not take up much storage space.

Comfortable and bright chairs can be made for children by covering the frame of polypropylene pipes with brightly colored fabric.

Chair construction process

The creation of an original chair from plastic pipes is quite within the power of any home craftsman or craftswoman. For work, you will need a minimal set of tools, which will probably be found in every house and, of course, the remains of polypropylene pipes.

Step 1- design of the future chair

At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the chair and its design. If you decide to make a bright highchair for a child, you should definitely take into account the growth of a small owner.

If you plan to use the stool in the kitchen or cottage, so as not to miscalculate the size, be sure to measure the height of the existing furniture.

Those who for the first time decided to try themselves in this creative and creative work, perhaps, should start with the manufacture of the simplest design - a stool. It does not require a lot of skills and materials, and having coped with this task, you can begin to manufacture more complex structures.

Table and chairs made of PVC pipes
A stool made of plastic pipes will be an excellent addition to a table or school desk made of the same material. Such a set of furniture will look stylish and original.

For those who are already a little familiar with the technology of working with plastic pipes, you can try to make a folding chair. When collecting such a homemade product, you need to take into account the weight of the owner, so that the design does not break during use.

In addition, folding chairs are used on various uneven surfaces (loose ground, sandy shore, slopes), so the design must be stable.

Having decided on the option of homemade, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2 - preparing tools and materials

Depending on what type of chair it was decided to assemble, the set of tools and materials may vary slightly.

But, basically, for work it will be required:

  • PVC pipes with a diameter of 25 to 32 mm - are needed to create the frame of the structure;
  • connecting fittings - for interconnecting plastic parts;
  • soldering iron for plastic pipes - if it is not, you can use a lighter;
  • piece of thick plywood or dense tissue - depending on what type of chair was chosen;
  • screws or screws - to secure the seat (in the case of creating a stool);
  • tape measure and pencil - to perform the necessary measurements;
  • pipe scissors - This tool can replace a hacksaw for metal or a regular knife.

In addition to this set of tools and materials, you may need threads for stitching fabric (it is better to take reinforced ones, since increased loads are placed on the chair). Fabric is also better to choose a dense.

Glue for pipes
Parts for chairs made of plastic pipes do not need to be connected with a soldering iron. For this purpose, you can use a special glue

If in the case of creating children's chairs you can use ordinary calico, then for folding stools for adults it is better to choose a more durable fabric - such as raincoat fabric or tarpaulin.

Step 3 - product assembly

Having prepared all the necessary materials, made a drawing and all the necessary measurements, you can proceed to cutting pipes and assembling the structure.

To make it more clear, we will consider the process of hand-made manufacturing of chairs made of polypropylene on the example of the three most common designs.

Option number 1 - kitchen stool

It is not difficult to build a kitchen stool even for those who have never held a pipe soldering iron in their hands.

For the construction of this homemade product you will need the following set of materials:

  • polypropylene pipes diameter from 25 mm - the length will depend on the height of the product;
  • connecting fittings: crosspiece - 2 pieces, tees - 8 pieces, plugs - 8 pieces; the latter are best taken without thread;
  • piece of plywood or a board suitable in size for a chair seat;
  • screws to secure the seat;
  • varnish or paint suitable shade.

Having prepared all the necessary materials and armed with a set of tools, you can begin to manufacture a kitchen stool.


  1. The base of the chair is a cross. To make it, you need to connect a cross, 4 pipe sections and 4 tees. The length of the pipe must be taken with a margin, given the distance for soldering parts. In size, the cross must be slightly smaller than the size of the seat
  2. At the next stage, you need to make the frame of the stool. To do this, with the help of polypropylene pipes of the required length, we connect both crosses together. The presence of plugs allows you to adjust the height of the product, if there were errors in the calculations
  3. The stool seat can be made from a piece of plywood or board, after grinding them. Having determined the size, with the help of a jigsaw, the seat of the desired shape is sawn out, and then polished around the perimeter. For fastening to the frame, 4 holes are drilled for self-tapping screws, so that they coincide with the frame
  4. At the last stage, we fasten the seat to the frame using self-tapping screws and check the stability of the chair. If desired, the product can be varnished or painted in a suitable color for the interior

As a rule, the standard size of the chair seat is 35 * 35 or 30 * 30 cm. For sawing, it is better to use a jigsaw, but if it is not in the household, an ordinary hacksaw will do.

The edges of the seat must be sanded with a grinder or ordinary coarse sandpaper. This is done with special care so that there are no uneven cuts that can be injured or driven into a splinter.

The parts are connected using a special soldering iron for pipes. If it is not, you can try to connect the parts, heating them with a lighter. And it’s better to buy a soldering iron, especially since such a thing is not very expensive.

The presence of caps for the legs makes it easy to adjust the height of the stool. So, if the product is too low, the plugs can be soldered, thereby increasing the height.If the height is selected correctly, the plugs are slightly trimmed in length.

Option No. 2 - a children's chair with a back

Such a homemade product will surely appeal to a little prankster. Moreover, there are a lot of ideas for highchairs. In this material we will figure out how to make a chair with a seat made of stretched fabric.

To make a highchair, you will need to prepare such materials and tools:

  • PP pipe 3 m long, with a diameter of at least 13 mm;
  • pipe corners suitable diameter in the amount of 8 pieces;
  • PVC tees - enough 6 pieces;
  • scissors for cutting pipes or a hacksaw;
  • glue for polypropylene pipes or a soldering iron;
  • piece of cloth bright colors of the required size.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start cutting pipes. So, for a child seat, you need to cut 2 pieces of pipe of 15 cm, 7 of 25 cm, 4 of 10 cm and 4 more pieces of 10 cm.

Chair structural elements
The letters A in the figure indicate the backrest and seat frame, B - the legs of the structure, C - racks for the armrests and D - the basis of the future backrest

Next, you can proceed to the assembly of the structure. Looking at the picture above, we connect the corresponding pipe segments with tees and corners. First, we assemble the back, and then the seat, after which we check the design for stability.

Do not immediately solder or glue the parts - if a mistake was made, it will not work to fix it. If stability is OK, you can attach a piece of fabric for seating.

To do this, you need to sew a rectangle of a suitable size, leaving holes for the transverse bars. We disassemble the homemade product and pull the fabric on the corresponding crossbars. Now it is possible to interconnect structural parts by soldering or with glue.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in assembling a child seat made of PVC parts. In addition, an armchair for adults can be built on the same principle, but, given the weight of an adult, you need to take pipes of larger diameter.

Option number 3 - folding fishing chair

If you can’t imagine your life without fishing, or someone from relatives or friends likes to fish, then this homemade product will be very useful.

Folding fishing chair
It is not difficult to make an easy folding chair made of polypropylene pipes even for a novice master. Such a product will definitely come in handy on the farm, especially since there is very little storage space needed.

For the construction of a folding fishing chair you will need: PVC pipes, a small piece of dense fabric, reinforced thread, fittings of the appropriate size, a drill or a screwdriver, glue for plastic.

The independent construction of a folding stool for fishing will cost several times less than its purchase in a specialized store. Materials are required at least, and they are not very expensive.

Another nice point is that you can build such a homemade product in just a couple of hours. And you can involve households in the process - then things will go faster.

We have prepared a series of articles on the creation of various crafts from plastic pipes. Interesting photo ideas will inspire you to make decorative and practical things, and the proposed instructions will help to realize the most daring idea.

We advise you to familiarize yourself with:

  1. DIY crafts from propylene pipes: do-it-yourself homemade options
  2. Screen made of plastic pipes: types of partitions + step-by-step manufacturing instructions
  3. PVC pipe hanger: popular options + step-by-step instruction

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can learn how to build a chair with a back from PVC pipes on your own from the following video:

The process of constructing a folding highchair for fishing:

How to build a folding stool from polypropylene pipes with your own hands:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of creating PP-pipe chairs. All necessary materials and tools can be purchased at an affordable price. In addition, handmade furniture will become not only a matter of pride before friends and relatives, but also a wonderful addition to the interior.

Have experience making a chair or other piece of furniture from polypropylene pipes? Please tell readers about your build method. Comment on the publication, participate in discussions and add photos of your homemade products. The feedback block is located below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Indeed, a good thing can come out of improvised materials.I just have a lot of pipes left after replacing the water supply. I wanted to throw it away, but my hand didn’t rise, I paid the money. A good chair in the household is always useful. I got 2 pieces, made folding ones, like fishing ones, sewed the fabric for extra strength, left it in the garage. Mighty went out, still not buying.

  2. Timur T.

    Very informative selection of photos and descriptions. In general, I collect materials where ideas of creating furniture from seemingly not intended consumables are shown. I make neighbors in my country house to order inexpensive tables, chairs, benches when they need them. Already everyone in the district knows that if you need something budgetary and fast - it's for me)))

    Plastic tube chairs should be a very practical thing. You can wash it, you are not afraid of the water, take it apart - collect it ... A very cool idea, I will definitely apply it.


